Killer phone sex for all the men in my life who like to play with fire. Deadly, body-melting fire! I love everything about the hot flames and the white-hot heat that fire gives us. And I just can’t get over how fire consumes everything and it’s path. Fire doesn’t discriminate fire just takes what it wants for fuel melting, burning, and leaving only ashes and bones in its wake. Fire is a living being, breathing, eating, and reproducing all in a matter of seconds. Cultures worship the flame, and rightfully so! The most majestic and delay of all the elements Fire is a perfect addition to snuff play for a killer like me. One of my favorite hobbies is to go walking through a forest that has caught on fire and seeing all the destruction that it has left.
Bodies of creatures taken by the flames show me how important the fire is for cleansing cleaning out all the rubbish. I’m sure that you understand the amount of destruction fire can bring. If you ever put in a house fire or had your car engine catch on fire and then you know that you are close to death. It takes just a second for fire to take its hold The true killer if there ever was one.
And when you set fire to a body things that happen are just so wonderful. Your flesh starts to melt and cook and crisp up. And all those nerve endings underneath the skin and even into the first layer of your muscle light up bigger than the flames could ever could. Searing intense never-ending pain. I once poured hot boiling water on me and I swear that I was going to die. Fire is the best accomplice because there are so many ways fire can kill! I remember how It left a nice little blister bubbles and took a while to heal. I was in pain the whole process nothing really helps not pain pills, not creams. Just think about those wards with all those little fire victims The skin grass that has immense pain. Fun fact most people who are set on fire or involved in a fire that is burning out of control, they welcome death by smoke inhalation first.
That’s why the made-up hell of the Christian God always talks about burning because they know it is the most extreme pain and that’s a horrible way to die, imagine never dying of being burned continuously. There would be no mind no rational thought only blazing hurt. So when people talk about the most painful way to die during my accomplice phone sex I always tell them fire. Whether I have to pour gasoline on your body or throw you into a crematorium dying by fire is always the most brutal. Burn for me, baby!