I finally am awake, and yet I still feel so tired from my previous beating the other night. I try sitting up in bed. I feel so sore and every part of my body aches. As I look around me I begin to realize why it is so hard for me to sit up- other then me being sore. I look at my hands and feet, they are tied with black straps to each corner of the bed. I try to wiggle out of them, but nothing seems to budge. Then walks in the man to blame for the torturous behavior I was going to have to endure. He went to each coroner of the bed and made each strap tighter, pulling my body and stretching it out. I couldn’t run and I couldn’t hide, I was going to pay for my behavior. He took tassels and whips to my rib cage, my tits, my legs, and my tummy. He made my skin bleed, dripping red down my body and ripped me open with each hit. I had mark after mark, slash after slash. Pop! Pop! It burned, I laid there cringing at the sharp stinging pain. My skin was gashing open and spilling out more blood, exposing my pink fluffy fresh flesh. Everything started to go blurry, my eyes fell heavy, and my head felt clouded as if I was going to fall into a deep sleep when all of the sudden he stopped and walked out of the room. He was off going to get more things to teach me my lesson. I was there for days. Now I sit on the floor of my bathroom, wondering when the next time he will come for me.
Category: Strangulation phone sex
The waiting game
Teen Rape Porn Beats Up My Poor Pussy
Master told me I was going to be getting a break from all of the ass rape porn. I was so excited that my swollen, bloody ass was going to be getting a little bit of a relief. He even led me up on a leash so I could use the toilet and take a shower. It was like every time I thought that he no longer cared about me he proved a little glimpse of humanity still remained inside of his cold heart. He did only let me use cold water and also said that I was only allowed to use disinfectant soap but I was appreciative none the less. He took me out into his room and made me change into my uniform; I just figured it was time for another field trip. When I came into the living room 4 masked men stood there. I froze up and stared at them. Master told them to remember my anus was off limits because they did not purchase that package. I flashed my eyes to him in horror.
The men started to approach me. My feet, having a mind of their own turned and ran down the hall way. The men roared with excitement chasing me down into the room where I once slept. I screamed trying to pull free of them. They ripped apart my clothing and tore into me with their cocks. My throat was their fuck hole of shame. I could hardly breathe between the rods and the choke hold I was put in. I kept trying to relax and just take it but my body had other plans, clawing and kicking at them. They punished every part of my body. My ass was getting a break but the now beat up pussy I had was not. Two cocks went into what was once a tight pussy hole. I screamed trying to get free. I was choked until I passed out and woke up in a pile of blood and cum. I curled into the fetal position and cried of it to end.
Cassandra is a Snuff Sex Accomplice
It is no secret I am a pain slut; a submissive; a total fuck pig and whore. I do whatever I am told. So when this guy I met at a bondage club told me to meet him, I did. The address given to me turned out to be for the abandoned hospital on the outskirts of town. It is known for raves and underground parties. I walked in wearing a sexy little black dress and fuck me pumps. I could smell death and urine. The halls were dark, very creepy. It became quite obvious there was no party here. Well, not the kind of party I was dressed for at least. As I got out my phone to check the address and use my flashlight app, I heard his voice yelling to me.
I followed his voice like a good subby bitch to a room that didn’t look as bad. There was a bed, BDSM equipment, even film equipment hooked up to a generator. He likes to film himself punishing me. I wasn’t thrilled about the atmosphere, but my opinion doesn’t matter. “Get naked bitch, assume the position,” he said. He doesn’t face me when we fuck. That is romantic love according to him, and I’m not worthy of any of that. He started fucking my ass from behind. His cock is massive so it always hurts. I felt his hands travel up to my throat. His grip tightened like a vice against my jugular. I started choking. I could feel my wind pipe restricting. He was strangling me as he pounded my ass. I passed out.
I woke up chained. He was fucking another girl, strangling her like he did me. She was fighting though. I know better than to resist. He squeezed her throat so hard her eyes started to bleed and bulged out. Master stopped force fucking her, started using her tiny body as a punching bag. I was horrified at the image. I could hear her gurgling on her own blood, hear bones snapping, hear her screaming, hear her dying. Her body went lifeless. He tossed her onto a steel slab, fucked her dead body until he came all over her bloody corpse. I knew better than to show my fear or question what he was doing. I just witnessed snuff sex, which is what happens to bad fuck pigs. “Don’t worry Cassie. This is just a worthless street whore no one will miss,” he said looking at me as he dismembered her body.
He used a chainsaw to cut off her legs at the knees. Blood spurted all over my face. I tried not to react, even though I was frightened. Next he sawed off her hands. I watched covered in a dead whore’s blood, as he used pliers to extract her teeth. He even cut out her tongue. I knew what he was doing. Making sure she was unidentifiable. Clearly he has killed before. The darkest, most sadistic men always find me. He unchained me. Fucked me in a pool of the dead girl’s blood. Came on my bloody tits. Then got up, put his clothes on, kissed my bloody face and ordered me to help him carry her dead carcass to his van. He made me an accomplice to his kill. We tossed her along the highway. ” I knew you were special Cassie when I saw you. You are going to be the sexiest accomplice I’ve ever had,” he said to me as he pulled up to a street corner to get another whore.
I Am Worthless
I am nothing more than a bonafied snuff and pain slut. I want the pain, I want the hurt. I want to run my hands over my body only to wince why I fight back the tears from the abuse you cast upon me. I want you take me, hard. I want you to show no mercy. I want to walk around for days with the taste of you mingled with blood in my mouth. I want to feel the impact of your nails digging into my skin.
I beg to have your strong hands clamped around my smooth neck. I want to feel this world fade from my eyes, only to be revived to be fucked again and again. Yes, I will cry out, but my cunt will drip. I crave this, I love this, I live only to die by your hand. I want to be your cum guzzling, shit eating, piss drinking, bruise wearing slut. You can never go to far with me fore this is what I was born to do. To be a worthless object in your eyes.
Home Invasion
There is a new guy that moved into the apartment next door. Everyone says he is pretty badass! I guess he just got out of prison or something. He doesn’t look all that tough to me but he is pretty hot!
I have seen him hanging out by the pool so I decided to go down, ya know, just to give him a chance to notice me.
He was a pretty quiet guy. Not like shy or anything. Just the “I am a badass tough guy” kind of attitude, as if I wasn’t worth his time!
I left my door cracked for the next few days, hoping he would get the hint but apparently he was dumb or something! So that night I didn’t leave it open and started getting ready for bed. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when it sounded like someone had kicked the door in!
I started to climb in the shower to hide but he had already grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arm around my neck, choking me as he drug me to the floor!
He had a ski mask on so I couldn’t even be sure if it was the new guy!
I wasn’t putting up too much of a fight and I guess it kinda pissed him off because he back handed me across the face splitting my lip!
He grabbed me by the throat and told me to do what I was told and he might let me live!
He screamed at me to get my trashy ass up and take off my clothes. I did as I was told but it wasn’t fast enough because he grabbed my tank top and ripped it own the middle! He gave me a sharp punch in the gut dropping me to my knees! He said that is the proper place for whores, on the ground, on their knees!
He held my face into the bed, suffocating me as he tore my ass with his huge punishing fuck stick!
It hurt like hell as he just slammed it over and over! After a minute or two, I stopped screaming, which was his cue to start pounding a different fuck hole!
He grabbed my hair and pulled me up off the floor and pushed me down on the bed. My head was hanging off the edge as he straddle my face and forced his sticky cock in my mouth! My split lip stung as he tore it even more. I could taste blood on his fucking cock but I was not sure if it was from my lip or my bruised ass!
That’s when he wrapped his hands around my neck and started screaming it me, “Swallow it you filthy Bitch!”
His hands were squeezing so hard, I couldn’t breath and he was fucking my mouth so deep, even if I could breath, I would have been choking on his massive cock.
His balls were slamming against my forehead and I could tell he was about to dump his load. His hands were still around my throat and he tightened his grip as filled my fuck hole with salty cream!
He pulled his dripping cock out still strangling me to prevent me from swallowing! I thought he was going to kill me! He let go forcing me to gasp for air and choke on the load he had dropped in my mouth!
I laid on the bed coughing and gasping for air as his thick wad mixed with the blood and ripped from my swollen mouth!
As I wiped the tears from my eyes, I looked around to see him and he was gone. I never found out who it was but I hope he comes back soon!
Rape phone sex fantasies Langley’s Story
The Rape phone sex fantasies are awesome! Every time my daddy plummeted into my little cunt and made it seem real before coming to college I would say that. What an idea to get my fix. I would do anything to feel good for a few seconds. I was trying so hard not to think about all the things that could happen to me or the why it would happen. It was the matter of perspective that it did happen at all. I was so high most of the time in class I don’t know what was going on from one day to the next and they say little ones shouldn’t be afraid of the boogie man! I was afraid more then you think and when he came for me millions of miles away from home .I tried to fight and too scream but nothing came out of my mouth but a squeal.
Quickly ,my hands and feet were tied and then mauled in the head by what was that a hook or brick? No one could tell but I did feel the rip of my skirt and my panties being pulled down and then the insertion of a needle or what was that metal hooks inside my little cunt. My legs were forced open and I felt the pressure of lips and teeth on my clit. I felt him spit out blood on to my face and I had to resist the urge to kick him. I would do anything and fuck anyone I had to get the powder oh that powder would kill me but I didn’t care. His massive head sat at my fuzzy clit ripping it open with every thust. The blood that came from me did nothing to stop him from thrusting forward and pushing inside of me. I screamed but the words could not form in my throat.”You like that you are a filthy whore..” Taking a knife and cutting my skin off and then placing it in his mouth made me want to throw up. Blood seeped from me as his over-sized filling enveloped me. Turning me over, he put his hand near my ass and began to probe further with a needle. I was pass pain but I couldn’t say a word. Then I felt the piercing steel enter my flesh and him drinking my blood and then ….
Have you seen this girl? My parents were canvassing the neighborhood looking for my remains I am sure by now. I had the brightest future of any of my pupils and I threw it all away for the sugar cane that went up my nose. He was coming for me and I knew he would not stop until I was gone but it didn’t stop me from going and disappearing. My parents would never find me and him he would go back to his life my step daddy. My killer, who had held me down and did these terrible things. But who would believe it? The only evidence was this faded photograph and Rape fantasy phone sex tape that was destroyed by his accomplice. I was gone so will you call and retail my death things in after life can be sketchy and there is not a Damn thing I can do right now but maybe if you call you can!
Angie’s Snuff Porn Vids
So my mother and daughter duo proved to be more fun then I originally thought they would be. After several hours of having them watch each other be tortured I decided we were going to make a snuff porn for my snuff porn vids collection and guess who the stars of the show were about to be. Ahh yes fame was about to come for my new victims. Not the fame they wanted but fame none the less. They were already to weak to fight and watched wide eyed as I set up the video equipment for their debut into the wonderful world of porn. Sitting down to write a short script I untied them and we began filming. Bending that sweet young thing over I handed mama a steak knife and gave her the instructions to fuck her sweet girl’s ass and cunt. Watching her cry as her girls screamed in pain while being fucked was almost more then I could stand. But I regained control of my soaking wet cunt watching as the blood began to flow out of her and onto her mom’s hands. “Cut” I yelled, no pun intended. turning off the cameras I began to set up the next scene. The big wooden tub is water tight and can hold any fluid that may be released from a body during torture, whether it is piss or shit or blood or vomit, or if I am lucky a combination of all the above. Like a good director I had Mama get into the tub while that girl of hers stood beside it. She was beautiful covered in blood, her breathing so shallow I thought she would faint. Handing her the hammer and a piece of wire I turned the cameras back on. Directing her to beat her Mom she began. “Cut” I yelled once more. Walking over to her I pulled her head back with a painful yank that left a clump of hair in my hand. “Listen here bitch I want to hear the sound of bones breaking. If you don’t get this shit right you will regret it! Do you understand?” Turning the cameras on again and giving the command for action, she got it right. Watching the hammer fall over and over again and hearing the bones shatter had my cunt in over load. “Turn the hammer around and use the claw” I instructed. The tears streaming down her face she obeyed and I delighted as the flesh was torn from the now shattered bones of her mother’s body. She was no longer of any use to me so I demanded that her girl wrap the wire around her mama’s neck and began to tighten it. Wire has a way of cutting the flesh and severing the head in the most erotic and sadistic way. She stood there sobbing as she took the life of the woman that gave her life and the tub began to pool with blood. Finally it was my turn to have my way with this young thing. I walked in front of the camera and found my steel iron, placing it in the fire until it was red hot I began to cauterize ever wound on he body to stop the bleeding. I washed her trembling body clean before beginning her torture and ultimate death.
Home Invasion Phone Sex with Blair
I was sound asleep when my dog started barking. I got up to see what was going on, assuming my husband or my son just got drunk and couldn’t find their keys. I heard footsteps. I reached for the baseball bat I use for home protection, but before I got it, I felt hands around my neck, choking me. I was thrown to the ground by a strong shadowy figure. Then the lights came on. I saw three strangers standing over me with their cocks out. I pleaded for them to go. They just laughed. I heard muffled screams. I looked to the corner and saw my baby girl tied up. They were going to force her to watch as they violated her mommy. “As long as you do what you are told bitch, nothing will happen to that sweet little cunt over there,” one of the intruders said.
The next thing I heard was “start sucking cock whore; show your little whore how it’s done.” I was afraid they would take my daughter’s virginity, her innocence, so I did whatever they wanted. I let them skull fuck me. Three large cocks crammed down my throat until I gagged, almost to the point of puking. They slapped my face for gagging, then shoved their dicks back in my mouth. I was being the best dirty whore I could to keep my baby safe. I thought all they wanted was to shoot their wads on my face, but they wanted to violate my holes while my daughter watched horrified.
They threw me on the ground, penetrated all my holes while my baby cried. One of the men , pulled his cock out of my ass, went over and shoved it in my daughter’s mouth. I was being a good whore like they wanted, but he forced my baby girl to suck her mother’s ass juice off his cock. I started screaming, begging for him to leave her alone. He ran back to me, punched me right in the face. Broke my nose. Blood was running out of my nose as the two continued to fuck me, while the third guy forced himself on my virgin girl.
I had to listen to her screams, her pleads for her mommy to help her. I was powerless. After hours of forcing themselves on us, they left. Made it clear that we were both dirty whores. My baby girl is so tiny. They ruined her fuck holes. No worse feeling than not being able to help your daughter. I guess some men get off on ruining innocence while a mommy watches helpless.
Taboo phone sex with Ivy
I’m just gonna come right out with it. I love torturing people, especially other women. I love getting them hot and bothered and then threatening to do t terrible things to them if they don’t satisfy me. I usually end up doing them, anyway. So I was cruising down the boulevard on the way home from getting my nose candy when I saw this bitch standing on the corner, fighting with her man. I pulled over and asked if I could help.
She was a prostitute and she’d gotten mugged, and she needed 50 bucks or this pimp was going to make her sleep outside. There was a storm rolling in, so I told him to Fuck off, and I took her into my car. She thanked Me endlessly, telling me she was so thankful, didn’t know how to repay me, all that good shit. I laughed “just keep me company.” She started to cry when we got to my place and as you can imagine, there’s nothing that gets me hotter than a woman crying. My pussy was sopping wet thinking of the terrible things I could do to this bitch. I took her into the house and offered her a line which she gladly snorted like the dirty whore she was.
I made a quick call and took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom where I started licking her pussy. She whimpered and cried and begged for more, and she gladly obliged when I stuck my fat dildo in her cunt. She came so hard for me, her eyes closed, and screamed when she opened her eyes. My brother was standing over her wearing a clown mask and holding a machete. “Choke on this dick” he growled. She did as she was told and he came down her throat, tears pouring Down her face. I’d been preparing my dldo as they played, lacing it with poison tipped razor blades. See, thing is, the pimp I gave the money to, he was my brother. You don’t Fuck with my brother.
Kidnapping Phone Sex: The Hunted
Kidnapping phone sex and the hunt of prey is a disturbing new game. These guys prey on women and girls in the most vulnerable states and I was not spared, completely. I was taking my sister to the club when she visited and we got seriously fucked up. Come to think of it we seemed to get fucked up quick and on very little. It would appear the hunk bartender that served and flirted with us set us up.
As we headed out towards our car we were knocked out from behind. The assailants grabbed and forced us into a van and it sped off. We start coming to and notice several other girls back there with us. All of us were dressed in club ware and wearing heels. The van stopped, and we were all still and silent, in shock I am sure. The doors swing open and there stood three huge men dressed in heavy leather butcher aprons with large knives in their hands.
With a toothless grin the head guy starts laughing as they stood aside another of the men telling us to get out. We start shuffling out of the van it was dark and the floor was wet and sticky. I slid and fell on the floor to see the floor was covered in blood. Panicking I hurry out and pray this has to be some twisted joke.
As we stood outside we see we are in a densely wooded area lit by the full moon. The guys smiled sheepishly as they told us only one will survive. That we would get a ten minute start before they come to hunt their prey. We were the prey. They continued on that they would torture, gut and kill those they catch.
Finally we were told that the final girl standing would be forced to watch as they fucked and dismembered the fallen girls. That the winner would get the final reward of being fucked by all three of them and would be left in the woods beaten, nearly suffocated and strangled until she passed out. They would leave the winner alone and desecrated for any animal or man that happened by. With that final word we were released for the chase.
The shrieks and screams of girls taken down rung in my ears as I ran, stumbled and crawled through the downed trees and foliage. I removed my heels and continued to run, at a glance I notice infrared lights, fuck they have heat seeking technology so I can’t hide. Shit they got my sister…. Am I going to make it?