Category: Strangulation phone sex

Home Invasion Phone Sex Nightmare

home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex was pure fantasy for me until recently. I was asleep soundly, during a summer storm. I sleep right through thunder and lightning. I didn’t even realize that the power was out until a hand was over my mouth. I thought it was one of my Master’s needing some perverse force fuck session, but I quickly realized I had no clue who this man was; I had never seen him before, but he seemed to know me. I am a submissive whore, but I didn’t know how to act with a total stranger. I tried to fight him as he restrained me to my bed. He punched me in the face then used my tits as punching bags.

He shoved my panties in my mouth, then helped himself to my goodie drawer. He showed a dildo up my ass while he punched my “worthless tits” repeatedly until they were black and blue. I was trying not to cry, but I was scared. I had no safe word with this guy. This was not some master and servant game, but an act of random violence. When he forced his cock into my pussy, he put his hands on my throat to choke me. I felt light headed. I started trembling. As he penetrated me bare back, I had fears of pregnancy and STDS. I begged for him not to cum in me, but he insisted he wanted to leave a present in my belly to remember him by.

rape phone sex fantasiesAs he talked about impregnating me, it was obvious this attack was not so random. He knew I was ovulating. He knew my monthly schedule. He knew I was not on any oral contraceptive. He left me tied to my bed while he force fucked me for hours.”I left 4 loads of baby batter in your whore cunt, bitch. I know you will have a permanent reminder of me in 9 months,” he said. I told myself if I ended up pregnant, I could terminate the pregnancy. “Oh bitch, don’t even think of aborting my seed. I will be watching you and if you even think of an abortion, I will gut you like a pig and rip the spawn right out of your whore belly,” he seethed as he carved a W in my belly for whore.

He punched me some more, which got him hard enough to dump another load of batter inside me. He left me tied to the bed. I laid there for almost 24 hours, covered in blood and piss until my friend came looking for me and rescued me. As she helped me into the bathroom to clean up, we saw the note written in my blood on the mirror, “Tell a soul and you die.”

Possessed Carnivore

accomplice phone sexIt was late Saturday when I met you in person. I found you on a Craigslist ad wanting someone to help you trap and devour victims. At first, I thought it was just a sexual game. You were one of those guys who wanted a threesome and some kinky sex with the wife. But I was wrong. You were serious. And my life was about to go straight to hell.
From the moment we met in person, I knew something was different…evil. You invited me over for a meal. One taste of the meat you served me and I changed. From a sweet model to this flesh eating carnivore. I was ready to serve you completely in my new quest for blood. You had done something to me, fed me the charred flesh of a human being, and I liked it. No, I craved it. It was the drive of the wild, the need for something deeper than sex. I was ready for the hunt.
You decided to start me off easy. I was ordered to bring you back the trashiest prostitute I could find. She had to be someone that no one would miss. In a city this large, she was easy prey. I simply offered money and an invite to a party, complete with drugs. She was a skinny brunette with big green eyes. I tried to imagine how they might feel rolling around in my mouth. Her perky tits poked out through a sheer blouse. I could barely control myself as we entered your house.
She looked confused. I smiled at you and you could not contain your hunger. You jumped on her without warning, punching her in the face. Her nose audibly snapped and blood flew. Before she could scream, you had smashed her in the eye. I heard her moan and my pussy twitched. Hunger filled me. I reached over to help you tear her clothes off, her bloody body in a heap on the floor. Her eyes opened and she whispered for help one final time.
I watched you rip the veins in her neck with your teeth. Her scream was cut short. As she begin to bleed out, you jumped upon her and drove your veiny cock deep into her whore pussy as she began her death twitch. Her heels drummed the floor. Her fingers grabbed at the air. Her hips bucked as if she were fucking  in her last moments. You growled as you reached orgasm, your massive demon cock spewing cum into her dead carcass. I fingered myself off watching you.
There’s been so many victims since then. Mostly young girls and a few fag boys, too. There’s never any evidence because we eat every bite of the victims. It’s really fun to have guests over to eat our “special” BBQ. We just tell them that it’s all in the tenderizing and the secret sauce recipe we use.
Someday, you’ll grow tired of me and I, too, will become your victim. But, until then, I will serve you and hunt for you. My ultimate end will be met when you film my demise in my farewell snuff video.
Let me share some of our wicked tales with you. I know your cock will be rock hard talking about the lives we have snuffed out. Or maybe you have one of your own in mind……



Snuff Porn an Opportunity of a Lifetime

As I am always looking for new ways of making money I answered an ad in a acting rag looking for a star female role in some kind of Snuff Film. I figured what the hell, I mean like come ON it can’t possibly be a real snuff porn, can it?

I showed up to this abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of a secluded Industrial park. All I could think to myself is go figure, how appropriate! I find the address and follow the instructions left out front. The place was a little creepy but then again they are shooting a Snuff sex scene here per the information I received. Finally I found the destination with about 30 other girls standing around for the casting to begin.

Having been introduced to the director I was told to disrobe and they handed me this barely there leather thong and some heels. I put them on and walked as I was told to do. I was then given a blindfold and my wrists were bound behind me. I was led to a cold flat surface and helped up on it and told to lay down.

There were scenes being shot already and once I heard the ruckus get closer to me I got nervous. I then felt hands on me and it felt like cold steel being dragged along my breasts. I felt a sudden sting and realized my breast was just sliced into. I wanted to scream but nothing would come out. My captors had me immobilized and silent. I felt like I was watching my own murder take place. Things started to get very cold for me and I felt a guy on top of me and slamming his cock deep inside my cunt. I wanted to get him off of me but I had no energy.

Before I could further comprehend what was happening I felt my life being snuffed out of me as something was bound tightly around my neck. I then awoke to realize I survived the ordeal and had been left there abandoned with an envelope at my side. Inside the envelope was a copy of the disk and 10 hundred dollar bills.

Snuff Porn

Ass Rape Porn to Snuff Porn Documentary: Cassandra Films it All

ass rape pornWe were on the couch fucking. Actually, he was fucking me like I was an ass rape porn star; nailing my ass hard with his foot long cock. I love rough anal, but 12 inches of thick meat up my ass is difficult to take. He was not happy with me. He tossed me off the couch and put on some snuff porn. He loves to watch the sick shit when fucking me. In his mind, I am nothing more than a fuck pig. The film he put in was about the kidnapping and torture of several women, a mother and her daughters it looked like. It was gruesome, but he was standing in front of the TV jacking off watching these chicks get force fucked before dying slow, painful deaths.snuff porn documentary

That’s when it dawned on him that I would be perfect for a snuff porn documentary. I didn’t like the sound of that. Within an hour, several of his friends were over. He grabbed me by the throat and fucked my ass until I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up naked, and strapped to a wood table, much like the mom in the snuff movie we watched. His cohorts began mutilating my breasts with sharp blades. I screamed, cried, prayed I was having a nightmare. Do men really get off ruining the female body? My nipples were cut then sliced off. My breasts were stabbed repeatedly until the saline bags popped. They actually cut my breasts off and removed the saline bags then started pissing into the stumps that use to be my perfect big boobs.

snuff moviesI was going into shock from the pain when they turned their focus to my worthless cunt and ass. They had this look of sick glee on their faces as they each held up some sharp instrument to impale me with. As my head turned, to avoid looking at them stabbing my fuck holes, I saw one guy filming it all with his cock hard as a rock. Pretty sure I was in shock as I was numb and cold. They were pulling my cervix out, even my uterus. Blood was pooling all around me. I felt once last jolt of excruciating pain as a knife impaled my belly, before I heard the final words,” snuff the bitch.” The knife across my throat I didn’t even feel. Thank God for small favors I guess.

taboo phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Reality

Murder Phone Sex Fanatsies      Murder phone sex Fantasies can be so real! The calls I have like this not only send chills down my spine but take care of that sadistic need of torture that possesses me!
      It was all I could do to keep from gagging on the stuffed panties that were pushed into my mouth! The tape was mashed against my mouth making it impossible to breathe. 50,000 volts from the stun gum placed at my neck knocked me unconscious. You couldn’t control yourself as you picked me up and dragged me to a nearby table. I thought this was some cruel joke but I knew it wasn’t. I tried pulling at the ropes to release myself but it was no use. My blouse is ripped open and I see the cruel looking devices you are taking out of your bag. Ripping the tape off of my mouth you pull out the sogging panties. I told you I could use my tongue really well and now you want a sample. My moans are like rasping sounds in my throat. You said you would have great pleasure in me choking and place the plastic bag around my head..
     I feel your hardness through the plastic as you ram your cock deep down my throat. The bag puffs up and bounces around as I thrash around on the floor. My legs try to kick free from the bonds but I cant. You don’t try to thrust further inside of my mouth. You simply rely on the milking of my squeezing throat muscles and vibrations of me choking. My tongue begins to swell almost painful against your rigid cock. Suddenly the bag sucks up tight against my face my body rises and I began to violently spasm beneath you. I am still twitching as you shoot the last load of cum down my throat!
torture phone sex

Snuff Porn, The Demise of Innocence

Snuff Porn

When Master first took me, I was still in that delightfully excited pet phase. He was not into the snuff porn as much then, but that did not stop him from inviting the Devil’s Princess over for some Taboo Phone Sex Fun. I thought that she was another one of his cumsluts. I thought that he just tortured her a little bit like me. I met her at school, she looked innocent enough so to say. We chit chatted one day in the bathroom while we were at school. I was not till I got back home and Ivy was sitting on the couch that I knew her intentions were different.
My impression on Master’s company was so much different then. I thought everyone was as sweet as he was. That is how innocent I was, I though Master was sweet. He asked me to strip for Ivy, she had a weird look in her eyes but I was not sure why yet. I looked at him confused, he had never had me do anything like this. I started to protest and what hit with a quick fist across the face. I whimpered grabbing the side of my cheek. It stung my face but really my hear more. I slowly took off my clothes and sat in front of them, I spread my legs so that Ivy could see my hairy cunt.

taboo phone sex Ivy stared for a second, I was not quite sure what she was going to do. She questioned whether or not I knew what they called her. I was not sure who they was, although I know now it is all the ass holes of the snuff porn ring Master belonged to. I gave her attitude as I told her no, I did not give a fuck what they called her either. She grabbed my throat in a strong hold and pushed me back into the chair. I kicked and clawed at her hands as they gripped harder, keeping air from entering my lungs. Ivy leaned in close to my faces and shouted that she was the Devil’s Princess and I was to treat her with the respect she deserved.
She took a knife from her back pocket and held it to my throat as she started to undo her pants, pulling them down and reveling her pretty cunt. She forced me to put my mouth on it. I started to lick at her clit and it was then that she held my head against her hard. My mouth filled with the warm acidic liquid. I tried to back off as that bitch pissed in my mouth. I whimpered and tried to get loose. Ivy hit me with the back handle of the knife. She continued to torture me, she sliced my skin and forced he fist into my ass hole stretching me wide. When she was done I realize Master was recording the whole thing and curled into a ball while he and Ivy laughed at my pain. If I would had known then what I know now I would not have given them the satisfaction.

2 girl phone sex

Snuff Porn Vids Sorority Hanging

snuff porn

You know sometimes I come across a guy who is extra cruel in his torture tactics when creating snuff porn vids. He thinks all kinds of nasty thoughts while he is home with his wife. This guy is a professor at some collage. He is not really likes by the students, and is super pissed that none of them want to make any arrangements for grades with his cock either. We have come up with a solution after he contacted the queen of snuff porn. I was going to make my way into the sorority house that he loathed so much, one with all the little slutties that make fun of him and snicker when he teaches.
It was easy really. It did take a whole entire week of prep work to get ready for the festivities however. I had to become a summer pledge for the girls. These were some nasty ass bitches, loved giant cock in their cunts. Every time they laughed I could picture me stabbing each one of them in the side of the neck. When it was the night of the invasion he stormed in. We were all in our PJs, and I hopped up being handed a gun to shove in their little dumb faces.
We made them take of their panties and shoved them into their face hole. I shoved the barrel of my gun into one of the ring leader’s cunts. She cried as I violated he twat. It was already so stretched out, I did not see what the problem was. I made he dumb slut friend lick it clean again. He said he was ready to start making xxx snuff porn. I grabbed the ropes we had prepped already into nooses and wrapped one around each of their necks.
I watched as one by one the dumb bitches were strung up by their thin necks. I laughed as they kicked and tried to find the ground to stand on beneath their feet. They gagged and gasped for breath as one by one they all met their death. One dumb bitch shit her pants, emptying her bowls all over the floor. Another couple pissed themselves. The professor held his cock against their legs, switching from girl to girl. He stroked himself on them. He came all over their feet. We almost did not realize that one little twat waffle was left. I went up to her licking the side of her face before I slit her throat, blood spraying all over my face.

snuff porn vids

Mutilation Phone Sex Training

Mutilation Phone Sex


     Mutilation Phone Sex training begins with a call and turns into so much more! I saw the whip it curled around my legs ripping the flesh. Then an awful tongue wrenching scream escaped my lips.  The whip cracked again along the meaty part of my pussy. My body gave away and too my shame I peed in front of everyone. You stood pulling a trap door beneath my feet. You continued to whip my naked body. My pussy was red and swollen. You held in your hand a box like remote thing rose up from the floor shaped like a penis. It was shaped like a penis from hell! It was a foot long and ridged and had tiny sharp spikes in the side. Your hands gripped my hips and positioned the fake penis to rip in my body.

     I begged I screamed for you to stop but my screams were on deaf ears. It seemed like I was balanced on the tip of the dildo  for hours until it rushed up into my belly. It seemed in minutes it had reached my cervix. My thigh muscles twitched as the dildo went deep inside of me. My body jerked as the dildo went in and out of me fucking me at a high speed. Clear goo streaked with blood ran down my legs. I could see my stomach bulge and clench over and over realizing the thing was going to punch itself right through my body. You started whipping me again tearing at my tits. I begged for you to kill me and at last I heard my scream become a gurgle. I begged for you to kill me. Without any warning you pushed a button my body twisted and shook and a thin spike drilled out of my neck. It fired through my womb, ripping my insides out. Cum flew all over my body.  Using my body like a mop you cleaned the cum up! You had really taught me obedience hadn’t you?

Snuff Porn Flicks by Angie

snuff porn flicks angieScene 1:

She is sitting on her bed in nothing but a pair of black t-backs watching porn and holding a vibrator in her hand. (A noise is heard in the background, glass shattering) She is frozen with fear. (the sound of footsteps approaching)

He enters the room in a pair of jeans, a black mask and black gloves (no shirt) holding a strip of wire) In one swift move he wraps the wire around her neck, lays on the bed and forces her down on top of him tightening the wire so he has control.

Scene 2:

She begins gasping trying to breath, her struggle arouses him and he grinds his cock into her panties. Now in total control he rolls over putting her under him. Wire in one hand he reaches down and unzips his pants. He grabs her hand and places it on his hard dick instructing her to jerk him off. She can barely breath and obeys his command.

Scene 3:

Ripping her panties off with his free hand he instructs her to guide his dick inside her. Fucking her hard he increases pressure on the wire cutting off her breath. Her body begins to convulse under his and he increases the speed of his thrusts before collapsing on her dead body and emptying his load inside her.

Scene 4:

Getting up he begins to caress her lifeless body while kissing her full on the lips. Running his hands up and down her and moaning with pleasure.

Scene 5:

He kneels on the floor next to the bed. Positioning himself between her legs he drags her lifeless body to the edge and begins eating her pussy. and jerking his cock.

Scene 6:

He unloads another load of cum all over her face and in her mouth that is gaping open as her eyes stare lifelessly into space.

Scene 7:

He positions the body with the vibrator in her hand and shoved in her pussy, her face staring at the porn on the TV and then slips out of the room.

The End Of My Snuff Porn Flick

Snuff Porn Flicks: A Venus Production

snuff porn knife playIf you research snuff porn on the Internet, all sources will tell you that snuff films are urban legend. According to the FBI and various other law enforcement officials, snuff porn flicks, however realistic, are just staged films catered to the sexual desires of the more twisted and perverse individual. Obviously, these so called law enforcement agencies have never been in possession of one of my little killer films. I don’t have time for staging, or for finding folks who can scream and cry so realistically. I make the real deal. Usually for my own viewing pleasure, but I do have a dozen or so little gems that I was contracted to make for an individual with what I politely call relationship issues.

Recently, I was approached by a guy familiar with my work. He wanted me to film a little snuff ass rape porn of him and a young girl, his step daughter actually. According to him, she is creating problems with his wife, and well, the little bitch needs to go; so why not have a little fun with the troublesome whore before making her disappear permanently. Personally, I don’t care what your reason is, if the money is good, I will be your accomplice to anything but killing puppies.  I put together a little montage of my work to show him there are a 101 ways to snuff a bitch.

snuff porn flicks killer sexHe decided on fucking her ass while choking the life out of her. A little anal torture and stangulation sex is a good way to get rid of any nuisance. Not as bloody as like my films, but it’s your kill, I am just the filmmaker.  He drugged his bitchy teen step daughter, brought her to my studio, and we had some fun with her. She screamed, cried, yelled, pleaded, begged as he force fucked her ass with everything but the kitchen sink. Promised to be a good girl. In my experience, they all promise that, but once you grant them a reprieve, the annoying shits are right back to their mischievous ways in no time. Best to just eradicate the problem permanently. I had to assist him with follow through; but when you contract for a Venus Production, you get that. I will finish what you started if you suddenly misplace your testicles; or just force your compliance.

He pounded his stepdaughter’s tight virgin ass hole while slamming her head down and choking the life out of her, but he got a little hesitant about killing her so I reminded him I had his face on film. I could edit that part out, or leave it in and send it to his wife. Funny, that little encouragement is all he needed to crush her windpipe. As she laid their struggling to breathe, blood filling up in her lungs, cum running out her ass, I caught her last moments on film. It’s artistic actually. I assured him his fee included proper disposal of the remains. I really show my film making skills and my sick bitch side during the disposal stage.  I dismembered her body. Took her pretty head off first, then sawed off her extremities . Gutted her, removed her organs and played in her entrails. Pretty smart on my part because now I had two types of popular snuff films to market.

taboo phone sex snuffI make all kinds of snuff movies. From the basic force fuck variety to the bloody kill kind. So if you have rape fantasies or torture on your mind, a Venus Production can film the perfect snuff movie for your situation. With me, you get the kill of your wet dreams.