Category: Strangulation phone sex

Strangulation phone sex

strangulation phone sex

I was on my knees like a good fucking cum slut, sucking a cock. He was just some random guy at the gas station that turned into a fuck. Real classy, right? It was dark and I was just coming home from the clubs and he offered me some cash and cum. I get taken to the back of the store and I’m on the hard asphalt sucking away. I got pinned up against the wall on my knees, he was pounding his dick faster and hard into my mouth. He was face fucking me so hard that the back of my head was hitting the back of the wall and I felt my scalp get cold and full of blood that dripped down my collar bones onto my tits. I tried to get him to stop. I was getting a little dizzy and he kept pushing his cock deeper in my throat while his hands were tightly wrapped around my neck I was chocking trying to take his dick further in my mouth. I couldn’t breath and he took one last ram into my mouth, slamming my head back on the wall. I felt my body crumble underneath of me. I woke up hours later with a bloody head, sore jaw, and a note that says “be back soon” with some wire cutters. As I look down and asses why my body is so sore, my nipples are bleeding through my shirt from them being cut off. I need to get out of here. I try and stand up but as I look at my feet I have nothing but nubs for feet. I try and drag myself to a safe place but within a few second he arrives. “Aw that’s cute, you didn’t get to far now did you? It’s time to really play you little fuckpig.”

Strangulation Phone Sex

snuff sex

When I arrived home from some errands there was a line of guys waiting outside of my door for me. Inside seated in his chair was my husband. He told me to get ready because I was only minutes away from being skull fucked by all the men I had seen lined up outside. He made me drop to my knees and tied my ankles together making sure I could not get up and walk away. He told me if I did not make every single guy cum with my mouth within a 1 minute time frame that the next action would be my ass making them cum. And that he would see to it that they tore my asshole open just like he had weeks prior. My shit hole had just started to heal and the thought just terrified me. I stayed there on my knees with my mouth wide open while cock after cock gagged me and cut off my airway plenty of times nearly knocking me unconscious. My husband sat next to me with a stop watch keeping close track of time. When I was not performing up to my husbands expectations he would come over and wrap a thick piece of rope around my neck tying it tight. Practically strangulating me until I satisfied him. There were some many times I thought this was going to be my last breath. I woke up laying on the floor covered in cum from head to toe. My asshole was not bloody so I am taking it my mouth was sufficient this time around.

Snuff Sex with Blair

snuff sexWhen a girl is getting fucked, she rarely if ever thinks this is going to be snuff sex. I hooked up with two dudes the other night to score some drugs. Pussy and ass usually gets me whatever I want for a price. If you are trading your body for drugs, vanilla sex is not going to cut it. I know that. That is why my ass is so stretched out. That is why my pussy looks like a cavern. I have been fucked  by fists, multiple guys, huge cocks and a wide variety of items not designed to go into tiny fuck holes. I was high as a kite on some real good blow. I had a cock in each hole; just any day of the night for a druggy MILF like me. I don’t know if it was the drugs they were doing or just their sadistic nature, but things changed. A ball gag was slapped in my mouth, hands went around my throat, and a cock was up my puss when one of the dudes inserted a really big and very wide glass object up my ass. Whatever the fuck it was, it was wide. Way wider than my well used asshole. It was thicker than the bottom of a wine bottle and over 2 feet long. I couldn’t talk, just scream, whimper and cry. I tried to do another line, but I was not allowed. “You need to feel this whore,” one of them seethed.  I felt like a pig on a spit roast. The cold glass torture device pierced my ass. Blood squirted out of my butt. The pain was so bad, I blacked out. They thrashed me about like a puppet on a stick. The laughed as I puked. They pissed on my body as I bled down the glass fuck stick. I kept blacking out. The last thing I remember before waking up naked and bloody in a garbage dumpster with maggots and rats on my body, was being told I was a worthless stupid cunt as I was choked to unconsciousness. They left me for dead. Not the first time. Not the last time, but my 9 lives are running out.

I love killing them slowly!

snuff phone sexSometimes it’s fun to take your time and kill a whore nice and slow, don’t you agree? Don’t get me wrong, I love a good quick death too but when you have time to really savor the moment, why not take it? Like last night, I had this whore all to myself, she was tied up and bleeding and I was about to stab her in the heart and kill her but then I was like why rush it? I had no place I really had to be, nothing important to do, so why not just have some fun right? So I decided to go old school, I grabbed a plastic shopping bag and pulled it over her face and held it tightly… oh she struggled and tried to get away but she couldn’t, I was way too strong. I held the bag over her head until she passed out, then took it off to see if she would wake up. It took a while, but she did wake up and tried to get away so I just jumped on her, wrapped my hands around her neck and strangled her until she was quite dead. It was so fun that I will definitely have to do that again, wanna join me?

Violent Phone Sex with Paulina

evil phone sex

He wanted his cock sucked and to me that was a walk in the park compared to these past couple of weeks. So I slid my mouth over his dick doing it just the way he liked hard and fast. Then out of no where I felt a pair of hands reach from behind me and wrap around my neck. I could not breathe but I knew that I better keep sucking him off. Then suddenly I blacked out. I could still hear noises and there was another guy there with my husband. He told this man to spread me out on the floor and while my husband held my legs up he told this guy to shove his dick in my asshole. I was laying there limp as a rag doll and was not much for me to do so I just took it. I could feel he came in my ass and it was oozing out slowly. Then my husband told him to get my legs so he could tear my asshole open the right way. He shoved his dick so hard and so far up my ass I could feel it tear open again. I knew at this point I was a bloody mess. All the cum that was dripping out was burning and stinging me so badly. I knew he had torn me open after I just started healing. When my husband was finally ready to bust his load he opened my mouth open and shoved his cock deep down my throat choking me with his massive load of cum. That is when I finally came too choking and puking up all his cum laying in a bloody mess from my stretched and torn asshole.

I wanted to take it slow

strangulation phone sexHave you ever strangled someone to death? It’s a slow process for sure, not something that could be rushed, it must be savored like fine wine. I like to take it really slow, you can bring someone to the brink of death again and again this way because if you stop choking them just when they pass out the will automatically start breathing again. The fear and confusion in their eyes when they wake up is so fucking hot, I can’t even describe it, it makes me feel like I’m God! I can go on like that all day long until their weak bodies can’t take any more and they finally die. It makes me so fucking hot I can hardly stand it! You should come and join me next time, we can take turns squeezing the life out of these whores and you can help me fill up all of their fuck holes too! Doesn’t that just sound like heaven?

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Mommy Blair

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies are a great way to get your anger out for that bitch that wrecked you. Every man has a woman or two that made his life hell or cock teased him to death. Mommy? Sister? Boss? Wife? Daughter? Girl next door? Ex girlfriend? Best friend’s mom or wife? School girl crush? I think I embody all the women that did a man wrong because guys sure do like abusing the fuck out of me.  I have been force fucked by daddy, my oldest son, my first husband, my boss, daddy’s friends, random strangers, my drug dealer…. Just the other day, my best friend’s husband stopped by to pick up something I had for his wife. He arrived an hour early, so I was not properly dressed for male company. He said I was asking for trouble wearing what I had on. I could wear a potato sack and some guy would think I was asking for trouble. I was not prepared for his actions. He put his hands around my throat. He actually lifted me off the ground like that. My legs thrashing about  beneath me as he choked me. He pinned me against the wall like a bug. I just had on a flimsy little nightgown as I had not yet dressed for company. He ripped my nightgown off, yanked my panties off and shoved his fingers up my cunt. Four fingers at once. He quickly added the fifth so he was fisting me while pinned by the throat against the wall. He always seemed so  mild mannered, even submissive. Not now. He made my pussy bleed with his fist. He tossed me on the ground, pulled out his dick and fucked my ass. He didn’t think that was enough pain so he put his own fist along with his dick in my ass. Forced fucked me that way for what seemed like forever. When he came in my ass, it was gaping open so much he pissed in it too. Smacked my face and threatened me if I told a soul. Of course I won’t tell anyone. No one ever believes a submissive whore like me. I’m always asking for ass rape porn.

What will you do for a Kentucky Klondike Bar ?

Accomplice phone sex

He worships me, he wants to be mine.

He will do anything for me and he has proven to be a good slave.

I have sent him out to do things for me and he has done them perfectly.

I love looking back at the photos I have taken of him fucking that little whore mouth of that ankle biting bitch.

That yappy fluff ball pissed me off.

Thanks to my evil slave and how he worships me.

He brought that fluff ball home to me.

He stuck his cock down that fucking fluff balls throat.

Making that worthless fucking living shit slowly choke on his cock.

Taboo phone sex

I hated that little fucking thing, it would shit in my yard.

I squatted over that slowly choking bitch and took a shit on its head as he choked her with his cock.

When my warm hot shit touched his cock he blew his load so fucking hard squeezing my shit in his hands and cock.

Now that I know my nasty fucking slave loves shit, I keep saving it for him.

After each shit I mold it together, making a big frozen cock made of shit.

Once I give him his order’s to get the neighbor’s offspring to me.

I can show him his Kentucky Klondike Bar made of his Mistress’s shit!

He will do what ever I fucking tell him!

Goth teen phone sex

Pinocchio and my Tell-a-Lie Day fucking.

fantasy phone sexI’d been on a drug trip for about 3 days, determined to blow every dime of my income tax refund. I was totally fucked up and on the verge of collapse. Men had come and gone, beating and abusing me. I loved it but my body was wrecked. Busted lip, concussion, and a chipped tooth. The blow to my head had rendered me unconscious. I had no idea it was Tell-a-Lie Day when I slipped into a comatose state.

I was dreaming that I was a cartoon, surrounded by figures from my younger years. One of them was Pinocchio. I had him between my legs and he was driving his wooden cock-nose into me. I had already cum twice but I wanted more. “Tell me a lie, Pinocchio. I need more cock.” He was a total fuck machine who couldn’t get enough of my ass and pussy.

He pulled out some coke and forced my face down into it.  I snorted deeply and my pussy started throbbing. He kicked me in the face and I laughed. This toy fucker was my dream man. I called him a pussy and he began to lie. With each lie, his cock got bigger and bigger until it was like a baseball bat. He violated me hard with it, ripping my pussy clear to my asshole. Still, I laughed as the drugs made me feel no pain. He put his wooden hands around my throat and began to throttle me. I convulsed and arched my back in the throes of death but he released me to gasp for air.  I felt him jab me one more time and he roared with an orgasm.

I awoke from my black hole to find my pussy bleeding and raw and cum oozing down my thighs. Was it a dream or was it for real?

taboo phone sex

You Lied To Me And Choked Me Out

domination phone sex

Foregoing the dungeon playroom, you pulled your cock out in the living room and told me to suck it. I was confused because nothing turns you on more than tying me up and beating me. You said you planned to take it easy tonight since you had been riding me so hard. You were gonna be my sweet Daddy for once. Uncertain about this change of events, I leaned over to take your cock into my mouth. Then I felt a heavy weight applied to my back. You had put a heavy crystal chess set on my back. You tell me I must balance it and not let the pieces fall. You grab my head and begin to force me down on your cock. Trying desperately to keep the pieces upright, I straighten my back hard as I am being forced down your cock. I felt a piece topple and knew I was in for it. Smack! came the blow on my ass cheek.

You straighten the piece and continue pushing my head down on your cock. You are so large you are gagging me, but I am careful to keep my back straight. I know that I must remain completely stiff if I wish to avoid punishment.  I hear another piece fall and SMACK you hit my other cheek. You tell me I am worthless, not even good enough to be a simple piece of furniture. Another piece falls and another SMACK! This one stings so badly, I jump involuntarily. The whole board crashes down. You snatch me up by my neck and begin choking me and tossing me around like a limp ragdoll. As blackness begins to set in, I say “I thought you were going to be my sweet Daddy tonight”. You reply, “Dear daughter, It is “Tell A Lie Day. I lied. You will never be treated as a sweet daughter because you are a worthless whore”.

suffocation phone sex