Category: Strangulation phone sex

I’m A Worthless Snuff Sex Cunt

You needed the worthless cunt in the lingerie store so bad you just stalked the bitch. You could do nothing but think of snuff sex scenarios for that cunts body to get destroyed. She was so fake, like me. I am that girl. You flirted with and I just went complete bitch on you.

You really hated that this useless bimbo acted like such a stuck up cunt to you. You do not like being talked down to by a bimbo. I turned and laughed with my girlfriends on your patheticness. That really fueled your anger. You decided to hang around and wait for me to leave the building.

This fucking prick, that is You, followed me home. You waited for darkness outside and in my apartment. You picked the lock of my door and let yourself in. By this time you were so worked up. You barged into my bedroom and hoped that I would wake up. I did. And you ripped my panties off and told me how you knew I was such a slutty cunt that would sleep naked.

I could not scream with that big hand over my mouth. You forced that fat throbbing cock in my cunt and pounded me. You violated and destroyed this cunt to no ends. I was a mess of blood and cum when you left. You also made sure to understand that you were a police officer and would be sure to make my life hell if I ever tried to report it. You kept a watch on me. Circling my building while on shift. Following me in your cruiser when I was out of my apartment. I get no peace from this Peace officer.

Snuff sex

If You Really Hate Your Wife…

Goth Teen Phone Sex
If you really hate your wife so much, then why not bring her over for dinner? I’ve been sipping a bottle since this morning, and the blunts are rolled thicker than my ass in this house. You call up and tell me you want to dismember her, to dissect her, to dissolve her in acid, to devour her.

And then it hit me like the sack of bricks I might use to completely annihilate your cunty nagging wife later; we could do her in! She’s young, much younger than you. She married for money and you married for pussy but only one of you has been putting out, and you don’t like it when your balls are heavier than your wallet.

Well, we made a plan and he lured his bitchy ass wife over to my place. This stupid whore actually came thinking it was for a “threesome with a hottie with a killer bod!” I am hot as fuck and I do have a killer body, literally. She was about to find out. She came dressed like a slutty whore. I snuck up on her once he led her inside and covered her head with a thick plastic bags, like the good book store ones.

I whispered cruelly in her ear. “Bitch, nobody is going to hear you scream.” She started to struggle, so my babe slipped a little needle into her arm and she shut the fuck up real quick. Limp as a noodle, I was sadistically rubbing my cunt over her. Our special cocktail was taking effect. We were in for hours of evil, torturous fun.
Sadistic Phone Sex

The Only Good Whore Is a Mangled Whore

The only good whore is a mangled whore that gets use for ass rape porn. This is the truth for me. My life if fueled with being beaten and violated by whatever sadistic men desire to do with me. It’s the only way I feel alive or useful. I had a guy trying to breed me through my asshole. He wanted to rip on through with his big nigger dick and stuff a load in my cervix. He wanted me bred black. It’s the only use for a fake whore like me. You know that I just moaned and screamed. I put up no fight. He slipped on a steel cap over his dick head that was like a spike. He managed to mangle up my ass and cunt. Punching his 12 inches of black fuck meat into my ass making me scream holy holy as he ripped on through. I was going into shock and I thought he was done when he pulled out. He pulled off his whore cunt puncher cap and slammed right back into my ass. Bareback pounding my ass and into my cunt with blood spewing everywhere. He pumped a mad thick load in me. That fucking shit burned like a damned witches cunt over a bonfire.

Ass rape porn

Master’s Toy

Snuff porn

I dressed up like a naughty school girl for my master, but not just for him to fuck and play with. For him to beat and let his monster out on. He loves to see skin cut open and blood come out. I was ready for anything he had coming my way and with that he smacked my face as I fell on the ground, he kicked me. As I looked up and saw the smile in his face, I could see the hard cock in his pants. It excited me to know he was turned on just made my pussy wet. He took his belt off and beat me with it I could feel the welts starting to build up on my skin. My pussy was throbbing at this point and when he pushed me on the ground and spread my legs, I was more than excited. He ripped my panties and shoved his cock deep in me he put his belt around my neck and pulled it as he fucked me hard. I could barely breath but when he came and was filling my pussy up, I couldn’t help but let out a moan and have my pussy orgasm for my master.  

I Get a Lollipop for Abuse and Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesPhone sex is what I enjoy. I get to talk to men all day who enjoying fucking a woman hardcore. Guys do not call me for the GFE experience. They call me for their rape phone sex fantasies. They call me because they want to get rough with a bitch, maybe even snuff her. They call me because they know I am a pain slut with a death wish. They call me because I will do all the things their wives will never do.

Callers ask me every day how I got to be so demented. That is easy to explain. I have daddy issues. When I was just a little girl, Daddy violated my tiny holes morning, noon and night. He would tie me up, invite his friends over and gang bang me. Using me as a gangbang rape porn star was one of the nicer things Daddy did for me. He would sodomize me with beer bottles and fists. He would beat me. He would make me do sex shows with Rover to entertain his friends.  

Every time Daddy would hurt me, he gave me a lollipop for being a good little whore. He conditioned me to be a pain slut. I never miss Daddy, but I end up with men just like him all the time. Daddy use to tell me he had to be cruel to be kind so I would learn my place.  He was right. The worse you treat me, the better I treat you. That is fucked up, right? Last night one of my mean daddy masters stopped by on his way home from work to skull fuck me and smack me around. He strangled me while skull fucking me. And then he sodomized me for hours. He gave me a lollipop; told me I was a good girl and came back to abuse me this morning on his way to work. I will never learn.

Used And Left For Dead

I woke up out of my sleep with a slap to my face. A man had broken in my place had tied me up and bound my mouth. He told me if I listened and did as he wanted, he would spare my life. He smacked my face again and told me to nod if I understood. As I nodded, he took his cigarette he was smoking and burned my legs with it. I then knew he was serious and I had to do everything he asked for. He told me to bend over and spread my legs and I did as he asked. He stuck his face deep into me and I could feel him sniffing me and licking me.

Home invasion phone sex

It felt so good I started getting wet and juicy. I know he felt it so I was a bit nervous thinking he might think I like what he was doing and it would never end. My mind was racing that is shocked me when he shoved his cock deep in my pussy. As he fucked me, he screamed for me to take his demon seed. He then wrapped his hands around my neck as he pounded me and I could feel the air leaving my body. As I could barely keep my eyes open, I heard him say he was cumming and for me to die like a good slut. I woke up to more burns on my body and no one around I guess he thought I had died.

Georgia’s your favorite victim

Snuff Phone SexI was always told not to walk alone at night. At least not without a weapon. I guess going to that all night gym was a bad idea because as I made my way through the parking lot I felt myself being snatched up from behind. I was thrown into a dark small trunk and tried to scream. I remember smelling an intense cologne with a mix of the new car smell. I tried to kick and find a way out of the trunk but every thing I had learned in the movies wasn’t working! After what felt like hours I was pulled out and forced into a small building with some tall built man, the same one who grabbed me. He held me at gun point while I cried and pleaded as he told me to strip down naked. I did as he said letting my tits out of my sports bra and removing my work out shorts and panties. He quickly grabbed me by the throat and forced my body down onto the floor calling me the nastiest of names.

He reminded me that I was a slut that deserved what I was getting and I would be nothing else but his little house whore who he fucked and breed whenever he wanted. He was evil, choking me until my last breath and fucking my wet slutty pussy until I was left dripping in his juices. I won’t be any one else’s rape fantasy whore. I’ll stay here to be used up by him in the dark dank room and every time he returns I make sure my pussy is wet and ready for whatever he wants.

Strangulation Phone Sex Fantasies

strangulation phone sexDo you like strangulation phone sex fantasies? I made the mistake of telling this hook-up last night that I enjoyed erotic asphyxiation sometimes. I used to be part of a club for that. We would put our necks in nooses and masturbate together. It was accident proof because there were club members who watched and cut the restraints if we passed out or got close to that. Men and women were in this club. I like a little pain with my orgasms, but I do not want to die. I was sucking on this guy’s cock immediately after telling him my hot story. He put his hands on my neck and choked me. He had it confused. Erotic asphyxiation is where you are being strangled and masturbating, not strangling someone else while you get off. He told me he understood what it was, but he just wanted to strangle me. Suddenly, our encounter was more like a snuff porn than a hook up. He had both hands around my neck as he skull fucked me. He was saying concerning things like, “I could kill you right now and they would never find your remains.” I was on a Tinder hook-up. This was not some guy I met on the dark net or a fetish site. I thought he was just a normal horny man tired of being couped up inside. I thought he just wanted some pussy. He did want my pussy, but he wanted to strangle me too once I spilled my beans. His hands were big and strong. He was powerful and he had that look in his eyes. The look that tells me my life is inconsequential.  I could feel how little he felt for me because I was choking and gasping for air. I was fighting to breathe as his hands finally choked the last ounce of life out of me. No doubt he came on my dead body when I was still warm. You would too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Ass Rape Porn Star Gets Nailed

ass rape pornIt is no secret I am an ass rape porn star. My ass has made me a lot of money over the years. More than I expected. I am a high school dropout. I have a GED, but I am not qualified for much. The only way I can make money is off my body. I started off fetish modeling for BDSM magazines and that led to anal porn. Turns out if a woman is willing to let men ravage her ass, she can make a good living. My ass has seen better days, but I am still in demand. Some of my gigs are less savory than others. This weekend was one of them, but I was desperate for money. I have not had as many gigs this past year, and I need the money. Beggars cannot be choosers. When Joel called with a gig, I did not ask the questions I should have asked because I was desperate. I heard the money amount and agreed to the job. I arrived at the studio where he said to be. Unlike most porn sets, there were no cameras, no crew, no anyone but one guy and he looked mean. He introduced himself as Joel and took me to a dingy room with a dirty mattress on the floor. His Go Pro was set up on a stand to film us. I wanted to ask questions, but I should have done that before. Now, I was in trouble. Now, an ass porn could turn into a snuff porn. It nearly did too because he choked me as he fucked my ass. I was gasping for air and begging for mercy. I got no reprieve until he nutted. He filmed the entire anal torture. I have a big blue mark around my neck and a busted asshole. I did get paid though and beggars can’t be choosers.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies in a Dive Bar Bathroom

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? I know I do. Men always do. I look like the blonde bimbo of their dark and wet dreams. That is what this preppy looking man told me as he was duct taping my hands behind my back. I was in a bar having drinks. I was by myself. I was there looking to pick up a man. The guy I was talking too seemed nice. That was until I excused myself to the bathroom and he followed. He pushed his way into the one stall woman’s bathroom and locked the door. The music was loud so I knew no one would hear my screams if anyone would care. He came prepared. He duct taped my mouth and my hands. He even bound my ankles with the duct tape. He bent me over the dirty toilet. This was a dive bar. Girls had puked and pissed on the seat. The smell was awful. I was trying hard not to puke from the stench because I would choke on my vomit with the duct tape over my mouth. He pushed my face into the shit stained dive bar toilet.  While my face was in the crapper, he treated my ass like an ass rape porn star’s ass. He put his hands around my neck and choked me while he fucked me. He sodomized my asshole. Not for long. Even with drunk dick, however, he still shot a load in me. He was a predator preying on drunk women in the bar. He left me. He came and he went, leaving me bound by the duct tape on a dirty bar bathroom floor. Some drunk chicks found me and thought I had done that to myself. That laughed at the drunk whore and left me there too. I was not saved until the janitor came in the middle of the night after the bar had shut down. Too late to find the asshole who did that to me.