Category: Snuff sex

Cassandra is a Snuff Sex Accomplice

It is no secret I am a pain slut; a submissive; a total fuck pig and whore. I do whatever I am told. So when this guy I met at a bondage club told me to meet him, I did. The address given to me turned out to be for the abandoned hospital on the outskirts of town. It is known for raves and  underground parties.  I walked in wearing a sexy little black dress and fuck me pumps. I could smell death and urine. The halls were dark, very creepy. It became quite obvious there was no party here. Well, not the kind of party I was dressed for at least.  As I got out my phone to check the address and use my flashlight app, I heard his voice yelling to me.

snuff sexI followed his voice like a good subby bitch to a room that didn’t look as bad. There was a bed, BDSM equipment, even film equipment hooked up to a generator. He likes to film himself punishing me. I wasn’t thrilled about the atmosphere, but my opinion doesn’t matter. “Get naked bitch, assume the position,” he said.  He doesn’t face me when we fuck.  That is romantic love according to him, and I’m not worthy of any of that. He started fucking my ass from behind. His cock is massive so it always hurts. I felt his hands travel up to my throat. His grip tightened like a vice against my jugular. I started choking. I could feel my wind pipe restricting. He was strangling me as he pounded my ass. I passed out.

I woke up chained. He was fucking another girl, strangling her like he did me. She was fighting though. I know better than to resist. He squeezed her throat so hard her eyes started to bleed and bulged out. Master stopped force fucking her, started using her tiny body as a punching bag. I was horrified at the image. I could hear her gurgling on her own blood, hear bones snapping, hear her screaming, hear her dying. Her body went lifeless. He tossed her onto a steel slab, fucked her dead body until he came all over her bloody corpse. I knew better than to show my fear or question what he was doing. I just witnessed snuff sex, which is what happens to bad fuck pigs.  “Don’t worry Cassie. This is just a worthless street whore no one will miss,” he said looking at me as he dismembered her body. sex with dead bodies

He used a chainsaw to cut off her legs at the knees. Blood spurted all over my face. I tried not to react, even though I was frightened. Next he sawed off her hands. I watched covered in a dead whore’s blood, as he used pliers to extract her teeth. He even cut out her tongue.  I knew what he was doing. Making sure she was unidentifiable. Clearly he has killed before. The darkest, most sadistic men always find me. He unchained me. Fucked me in a pool of the dead girl’s blood. Came on my bloody tits. Then got up, put his clothes on, kissed my bloody face and ordered me to help him carry her dead carcass to his van. He made me an accomplice to his kill. We tossed her along the highway. ” I knew you were special Cassie when I saw you. You are going to be the sexiest accomplice I’ve ever had,” he said to me as he pulled up to a street corner to get another whore.

sadistic phone sex

Playground Fun

Snuff sexWith the numbers thinning out around my town I’ve had to start skimming through the playgrounds around here. I got a boy in the play house by myself and fucked him with a sharp pipe I found broken off of the monkey bars. I lifted him into the air and put his entire cock in my mouth while railing his ass with the bar. He actually came which was hilarious and not something I thought would happen but he did, twice even. I was so wet and shoved his head into my pussy, making him taste this sweet cunt until I eventually took the bar out of his ass and bashed it over his stupid fucking head. He wasn’t gone at first and he was still hard so I finished myself off with his still erect cock while he was moaning and blurry from the hit and I just left him in there. I didn’t really care enough to finish him off after I came so much any way. 

Let it Burn


Snuff SexYesterday I cut the break lines of a school bus parked outside of the museum. Meh, maybe I’ll see something about it in the news. I’m so bored. In the mean time I’ve got a few brats to watch over and probably torture a bit more. We’ll start with teasing them with cookies and eventually lead up to something more bloody. New snot nosed brats are so easy to come by, and make me come so easy, eating out their little fresh pussies while dragging a blade across their flat tits. Sucking little bitch pussies and cunts is the only thing that really gets me off. I can’t even tell if they’re screaming from the pleasure or from the pain because frankly I can’t really tell if I’m fucking them too hard with my fingers or my knife when I really get into the fucking. It all becomes just one big single penetration into their tiny body when I’m fucking them and the mix is something like no other fucking can compare. And hearing on the news that bus crashed and burned made it even better!


Double the Pleasure

Killer phone sexIt’s a lot harder getting men under the knife, that’s why I have to hunt those pussy whipped little bitch boys out with their skanks. I found the perfect couple who fit that profile. Some scrawny chap somehow lucky enough to land this big titted slut. He was probably rich, but I got them into a side alley to make them fuck for one last time before I could really find out. It didn’t take much for the guy to start crying harder than his whore. The way he was humping that pussy with his dick was just pathetic! So I showed him how to do it with my favorite knife and he was screaming. So I shoved his face into her pussy and made him eat her out even with the wounds I had just given to her. I can’t believe I had to say it more than once. “Eat it! Eat that fucking pussy like you actually know what you’re doing for once in your life!”, I said, and then I just couldn’t take it any more. I finished rubbing my clit while watching their pathetic scene and gut him like he was in a chinese supermarket and just left them there.  

Knife play phone sex with Terry

Knife play phone sex

Want to know what my favorite weapon of choice is? I bet that you will never guess. Let me give you a him, It is long and sharp and makes all of my kills super personal. A Knife. I love the personal feeling I get when I get close enough to sling it across your throat. I love that I have to be close enough and will always feel the warm splatter of your sweet blood coating every inch of my face. The fine detail that I can execute with a knife can also brings me so much happiness. When I splice open a nut sac to remove a ball before shoving it into your face hole it makes my pretty pussy throb with joy. After you are nice and dead I will take the handle of my blade and rub it against my clitty. Sometimes I will lay under your water fall of blood and insert that knife into myself jacking me till I cum with perfection all over the floor.

Taking Care of the Trash…

Bloody phone sexI could tell the bitch was already bleeding out by the time I got her top off. Some stupid whore who’s head I took a brick to when she wasn’t even looking, walking down the side walk like she owned the whole goddamned city. I just couldn’t stand the way she walked, or talked on the phone to some other slut I’m going to track down and kill too. She did have great tits though, D cups at least, glistening and wet from the blood that was spilling out of her bimbo head. I wanted her naked. I wanted to see if her pussy juice still tasted sweet mixed with her blood. I had to work quickly, so I took a knife to her jeans which slit another wound down her thighs. I’m not particularly precise when it comes to these things. She was blacking out so after getting a little taste of that pussy I fucked her with the knife I used to get her pants off. She would have liked it too, if she was awake for it. This is the kind of penetration she deserved, but not the kind she and all those dicks she’s inhaled have had in mind. Then I left her in the ditch just off the road where hopefully the garbage man will come and take this piece of trash to the dumpster where she belongs.

Master’s Pain Slut Loves Bloody Phone sex

Bloody phone sex

Slice me wide open, do whatever you have to do. You know I can take it, I might even like it now too. Since you’ve know me I’ve become such a good little pain slut and I know you can see it too. The way my pussy gets dripping wet instantly whenever you pull out your knife makes it very obviously. Feeling my warm blood run down my body and seeing the puddle it creates on the floor while my arms are tied up over my head tightly gives me the biggest rush in the world. Nothing else compares.

Maybe you liked it better when I was scared? I won’t lie to you, I’m still scared. Scared of what you’ll do, how far you’ll take it. Scared of what I might do to please my Master. What will I sacrifice and how will I hurt just to satisfy you? Sometimes I can feel my fear on my flesh whenever I get the chills which causes goose bumps to appear, but you’re such a twisted fuck that seeing them pleases you even more. I can tell that’s the truth.

You do play some cruel and evil tricks on me. Like when you first captured me, you fooled me into thinking there was a chance to escape or that eventually you would let me leave. Honestly I should have known better, but I believed it. You’re way too smart to leave doors unlocked unless it’s on purpose. Now I don’t try anything even if a door is wide open because I know how much you love playing games. You love to watch me suffer and hear me cry out in agony. The torture excites me a little more each day, but I’m terrified of how much I enjoy it. I’ll never be the same even if you let me go some day or I escape, but I’m not sure I would even want to.

Kidnapping phone sex

Torture Sex Perfection

torture sex angieNothing gets my blood running hot as the fires of hell like torture sex. Being the sick and twisted bitch that I am with a heart as black as coal and ice water running through my veins, I have found a way to combine the desire for torture sex with the life of my all time idol. I have always admired Vlad the Impaler. The image of his pale face with his contrasting dark beard and his jet black eyes sends waves of desire coursing through my body straight to my cunt. I have often imagined his clammy touch and rancid breath on my flesh. He was and still is the king of torture and fear. My kind of man….I love that he impaled his victims. Combining his infamous torture methods with my dark sexual desires has been a journey of trial and error, however it is finally perfected!  Finally I have found just the spot to impale someone for maximum pain and the longest survival time. I have also created a wooden pole that is modified with two wedges that keep the body from sliding down with the pull of gravity. Now I can enjoy the hanging body, blood dripping down the pole and pooling at the base, naked and vulnerable and unable to escape the added sexual tortures that I inflict to the erotic sounds of screams as they slowly become horse and raspy cries followed by groans. Finally the mind shuts down and the dull stare precedes the loss of consciousness. Only then do I leave them to recover enough for me to start over again. I give them just enough water to sustain them and no food. I am trying to break my record of keeping one alive for 10 days of endless torture.

Isn’t torture sex fun?

torture sex“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” I demanded to my most current victim. They didn’t know how to answer I suppose, they were so fuckin scared of what I was going to do to them. This couple had no idea the amount of torture they were about to go through. No idea the amount of pain I was about to cause them. And you know why I chose them? No fuckin reason in particular. Just didn’t like his cocky attitude or the slutty bitch trying to get attention every chance she could. Well now they’re about to face their consequences on being the dumbest motherfuckers ever.  It was TOO easy to lure them here. I approached them and told them I had some cool shit for sale at my house, for super cheap and they didn’t even question me, they came right the fuck over. Didn’t even have to restrain them until Mr.Cocky-Pants thought he was gonna become Mr.Tough-Guy and escape. Ha! Like I said, who do you think you are? Once I have you here, you don’t leave alive. You leave in pieces. Or in my stomach, digesting as my next meal. I had some anger towards these fucks but first wanted him to witness the pain his precious girlfriend was about to receive. She was forced to fuck the biggest black cocks I could find, forced to suck their dicks and beg for their cum. I smiled as she took it all with little whining – what a good little slut. Her man was yelling the whole time so I shut him up real quick and cut off his tongue. After she was fucked useless she assumed she was done, but I assured her that she was still the center of attention just how she liked it. That’s when I forced her little boyfriend to watch me torture her in ways that made her painful screams embed into his very soul. Oh yes, isn’t torture sex fun?

Bloody Phone sex Client 22

Bloody phone sex

  Bloody Phone sex wasn’t just a fantasy with this psychopath it was a reality that I found out too late.    There would be no sign for me no casket no funeral. I would die at the hands of this asshole maybe because it was in the cards for me. Perhaps it was because this motherfucker wanted to kill me from the start and I didn’t see it coming. I had read his emails and thought he wanted a friend a fuck partner that could get through the  lonely nights on campus instead he said we were going to play a game. I would be the hunted in this warehouse and he would try to find me. At first it seemed kind of fun him chasing me around and hiding all over the place and my pussy felt like it needed release so I thought this could be really fun. As I was running hiding in corners I noticed the blood and the corpse hanging from the ceiling I thought maybe it was some kind of locker where they stored meat but I heard a mumble and thump from one of the lockers and decided to peer inside. A pair of glass eyes stared back at me wide eyed. My heart bounced and I was frantic with fear. What the fuck was going on and where was my friend.

       Turning around I felt the punch to my jaw socket and my knees gave out throwing me on the floor. Hitting my head against the cold concrete I felt the jolt of electricity almost too late.Falling down to the floor, my head fell back to look into the most sinister eyes that burned like flames. Could this have been what happened to that other person in the locker? It was too late I was getting my pants and shirt ripped off and there was a large meat cleaver in his hand. My eyes grew wild and then I felt him push my legs apart and the needle that hit my clit like a electric shock with a grin he smiled and then the meat cleaver entered my asshole  pulling my flesh from the limbs. I was over and done and I kicked myself I knew it had been a mistake to meet someone from my  sex line  chat room but I couldn’t help it I thought I was doing the right thing by reaching out but alas it was to be the last I had ever done.