Category: Snuff sex

Beaten Bit by Bit

The handkerchief in my mouth had the worst chemical taste on it. It made my eyes water from whatever was on it. At least it kept my nose open so I could breathe. I woke up in some strange place and my mind is just now getting less fuzzy. I feel like I have been beaten all down my legs, but they are bent and tied behind me so I can’t see them. I see blood on the floor beside me and wonder if it is mine. I can hear something that sounds like a girl trying to scream coming from another room, but her screams are muffled, and I know she must have the same handkerchief I do, which terrifies me.

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I listen closer and hear loud thuds before each attempt at a scream, and some thumps so loud it feels like a body being thrown around. What in the fuck was happening? I couldn’t remember anything of how I got here. I was walking down the street and a car pulled up and that was all I could remember. Now I am tied up and gagged inside some weird dark place with hardly any furniture, and clearly some sort of maniac in the next room. The attempted screams soon turned into pathetic whine and whimpers and got quieter and quieter. It sounded like a dying animal, but I knew in my heart is was another girl.

The noises finally stopped and all I could hear were footsteps coming down the hall towards the room I was in. The door swung open and you stood there, covered in blood, and then smiled as if you were delighted. You said, “You’re finally awake!” like it was the most normal thing in the world to have me hog tied there. You stepped back into the hall for a second and came back with a baseball bat. It was also covered in blood. You came towards me and I couldn’t move, and I was even too scared to try to scream. You rolled me over and untied my legs. They were so stiff and sore, but the worst was yet to come. You swung the bat above your head and brought it down onto my feet as hard as you could.

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My bones shattered and I finally started trying to scream. You kept swinging, making your way up my legs, smashing my bones systematically from the bottom up. The pain felt like fire and every dull thud created more and more sharp pain and blood spray everywhere. As you crushed my torso and ribs, I could feel myself choking on my own blood. I began whimpering and whining, and now I know why the other girl did. The last thing left to smash was my face. The rest of me was a broken bloody mess. You stopped for a moment, to hear me whine, and then swung the bloody bat right at my slutty little face….

Screamer Sex

You spent all day getting my body ready. I got to come upstairs and shower and put makeup on. You had a tight black leather outfit for me to wear and that told me you were in the mood for some brutally violent abuse tonight. I put my makeup on slowly and did my hair perfectly, knowing the whole time that it would all be destroyed before the sun comes up tomorrow. I put on the heels laying on the floor, and still half naked, made my way back to the basement where you were waiting for me.

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You have control of me now, and you know I won’t try to run. My heart still races like a wild animal every time I see you. My brain screams at me to run, and I know the pain that awaits me. But you make me feel special, and that means everything to a pathetic slut like me. I get on my knees on the dirty floor, and you grab me by my hair. You pull so hard that my eyes water, but I dare not scream yet. I have to control my fear so that you torture me all night long. I want to stay alert and if I lose to much blood too soon then I will go out early. My screams make you slice deeper, so I have learned to control them for you.

You yank my head back and use your other hand to grab a small knife to slit the corners of my mouth. Blood drips down my chin as you slide your cock inside. I can taste your hard cock and my coppery blood and I try to suck but the slices in my mouth make it impossible. You fuck my face so hard that I feel like your cock is going to come through the back of my throat. Such cruelty, and I am so lucky to have you to do these things to me. I stare up at you but you won’t even look at me. I am not worthy, not even with all my makeup. You bring the blade down to my breasts and continue my mutilation until you get me screaming…

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Reality

Murder Phone Sex Fanatsies      Murder phone sex Fantasies can be so real! The calls I have like this not only send chills down my spine but take care of that sadistic need of torture that possesses me!
      It was all I could do to keep from gagging on the stuffed panties that were pushed into my mouth! The tape was mashed against my mouth making it impossible to breathe. 50,000 volts from the stun gum placed at my neck knocked me unconscious. You couldn’t control yourself as you picked me up and dragged me to a nearby table. I thought this was some cruel joke but I knew it wasn’t. I tried pulling at the ropes to release myself but it was no use. My blouse is ripped open and I see the cruel looking devices you are taking out of your bag. Ripping the tape off of my mouth you pull out the sogging panties. I told you I could use my tongue really well and now you want a sample. My moans are like rasping sounds in my throat. You said you would have great pleasure in me choking and place the plastic bag around my head..
     I feel your hardness through the plastic as you ram your cock deep down my throat. The bag puffs up and bounces around as I thrash around on the floor. My legs try to kick free from the bonds but I cant. You don’t try to thrust further inside of my mouth. You simply rely on the milking of my squeezing throat muscles and vibrations of me choking. My tongue begins to swell almost painful against your rigid cock. Suddenly the bag sucks up tight against my face my body rises and I began to violently spasm beneath you. I am still twitching as you shoot the last load of cum down my throat!
torture phone sex

Bye bye Daddy

Taboo phone sex

My daddy was a horrible fat fuck. He never worked, he dank all day. He smoked crack all day. He was a worthless pile of shit. So one year for fathers day I decided to give him what he was. I for a week I shit in a bag. I wrapped it up even put a bow on it. The look on his fucking face was so worth it. He threw the box of my shit across the room and chased me down into the basement. My play room. I had the barbed wire all set up and ready for his legs. As he came running down those stairs his legs got caught up in it. Dragging him down ripping apart his legs, thighs and heels. When he fell he knocked himself out. He cracked his skull against the concrete so hard. It made my cunt wet sitting there, watching him bleed, laughing at his pain. I got him up on the wench and lifted his fat ass. That is where the fun started. I tortured his small worthless cock. I wanted to keep him alive as long as I could. I shoved a 2 inch wide catheter tube down his dick hole. For shits and giggles I poured bleach down his dick hole. Listening to him scream, beg for me to quit. I tied some razor wire around his neck, I laid under him and watched as he struggled and slit his own throat. Happy fucking fathers day you fat worthless fuck. I’ll lay in your blood and rub my cunt until i squirt all over you!!

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My Fur Baby is hungry!

Taboo phone sex

The young ones are easy to eat. Their bodies are easy to get rid of and its even easy to trick the young ones and get them into my car and house. I can get em with the promise of candy or by telling them my fur baby is stuck I need their help. They are suckers for animals. I have a big boy who loves their young flesh and insides. I enjoy having them for dinner. Their meat is soft and tender. It has great flavor. But I also enjoy the fun that happens before our meal. My fur baby’s name is Buddha. He is a big mean fur baby, about 150 pounds of muscle and anger that is focused on a young cunt. He hates to hear the ankle biters screams. It sets him off and makes him angry.

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That is where I have my fun. I like to take my razor blade and cut her young skin all over! Listening to her scream is part of the fun for me. Then I’ll piss, pour lemon juice or bleach all over her body. As she screams I let Buddha’s chain lose and he grabs her right on the belly. Riping her to shreds as she screams louder and louder. Buddha is such a good boy! He will get a yummy peanut butter treat and mommy will get the best lick of her life.

The Sweet Sound Of Terror

torture phone sex angieThe sweet sound of terror fills the air. The shrills of the screams send shivers of delight up and down my spine. I sit here in my antique winged back chair sipping Brandy, listening to the sounds of the fire crackle. The flames are dancing in the hearth in unison to the shrill sounds of pain. It is almost as if they are as happy as I am by the sound. My fingers find their way to my nipples and slowly encircle the hardening buds under the thin cloth of my gown. It has almost been thirty minutes now the flesh should be eaten almost to the bone. Smiling I get up to make my way to him. The cage i have devised is genius and I can move it from body part to body part, leaving it there for 30 min increments. Rats have the most beautiful, sharp teeth and will gnaw the flesh all the way to the bone if I leave them in one place long enough. Sometimes I sit and watch, sometimes I like to remove myself from sight and listen while my imagination fills with images. This is one such night. I simply want to enjoy the knowledge that he is in pain and is filled with fear not knowing when or if I will return to end this or to prolong it. Using rats as my little minions is perfection for me.

Soup is served

Taboo phone sex

Taboo phone sex is my favorite type of phone sex. I enjoy fucking and hurting people but that is me. I also enjoy a good dinner and most of the time the whores I enjoy hurting, I have them for dinner. That is right. I HAVE them for dinner. I wanted a good dinner and something that I could heat up and change it a little everyday. Then I thought a Mexican pot of stew would be amazing. I can add something different everyday. I enjoy cooking. Adding the spices, different Vegetables. But What I really love is the hunt. Searching for these girls and watching them and thinking about how good they would taste. I tease myself. I have a whore cooking right now. I put her in my hot tub and even turned the heat up. I love listening to her scream as her skin boils and her meat is getting cooked. I am excited for this soup!

Snuff phone sex at a birthday party

snuff phone sexSo I had a little fun this weekend at my mothers house. It was my nieces birthday and you can’t even imagine the kind of sick and twisted fun that went down. The party consisted of multiple people all of who were complete strangers to me other then my mother, sister, my niece, and my brother in law. The party towards the afternoon got pretty wild when my niece finally decided to go take a nap.

My sister was intoxicated and making out with three hot busty babes. They were moaning as their bathing suits were flying off and they were getting handsy with one another. And then there was my brother in law, completely upset about what was going on and not appreciating what he was seeing.

The more he looked at my sister the more it made him upset. I was cleaning up the kitchen when he finally had enough. He came up behind me and grabbed me be my hair and pulled me into his bedroom. No one was inside so even if I screamed nobody could hear me and even if they did, everyone was way too drunk to care.

He ripped my clothes off and began to throw punches at my body. I tensed up with each bashing first he threw at my bones. He kept telling me I was a fucking whore just like my sister and my mother. He took my sisters dirty underwear and shoved them deep in my throat so that I couldn’t make a sound. They tasted so sour and I could feel how crusty they where on my tongue.

He was so mad he took his pocket knife and cut my tummy. He said I wasn’t good enough to reproduce and if I ever did, it would be another stupid fucking whore just like me. My blood fell to my sides and I gasped as he then shoved the knife followed by his fist into my pussy. He rammed it up into my uterus and kept fucking me with the knife until he was completely covered in my blood.

He turned me over and unbuttoned his pants. He took his knife and cut all the way through my pussy to my shit hole, making them one hole. He shoved his huge hard cock into my ass and began to fuck me in my blood. He grunted with each thrust into me. I felt so lifeless with the more blood I kept loosing. After he shot his load into my two holes that are now one.

He made me put my clothes back on, still bloody and walk out to where everyone was. Immediately when I saw everyone, I told them my niece was next and fell to the ground.

Taboo Phone Sex Taught By Snuff Porn Comics

Taboo Phone Sex

I have always dreamed of the day that I would be able to be as big of a bad ass as one of my favorite comic book heroes that I look up to. I guess hero is not that right word, well not the word at all. Villains of course are my cup of tea. My favorite, and who I base a lot of my taboo phone sex mayhem from is Harley Quinn. She is a mean nasty little cunt who laughs as she dismembers her enemies, or someone who just makes her mad at that second. I love how she smiles and giggles her way through torturing her victims in the snuff porn comics that I read.

snuff porn comics I giggle too, as I tear my hand up through one of my little brats that I am turning into my own little play puppet. She likes to fuck too, uses her sexuality to her advantage. I also am like that, my pretty colored hair and tattoos are starting to grab more and more attention. My clients flock to me for all of their play time fun. One day I shall make a xxx snuff porn of Harley Quinn, actually I think I am going to make that my next project. HA!ha!HA!ha! Now I just need to find my Mister J.

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Killer Phone Sex Unnatural Orgasms

Killer Phone Sex

    Killer Phone Sex calls make the best orgasms. There is just something about dying and fucking that really turns me on. Include a gang and things get even more interesting….

    I felt like I was at an audition to be their snuff toy. The gang would love to torture me. Using a hot iron grid iron the words Nigger whore were branded on my chest. Placing a ball gag in my mouth was to help me endure the pain. At first it started as a light sting then it increased into a lightening pain that started at my backside. I felt the wetness of my pussy and my body shook from an uncontrolled orgasm due to the pain. My ass cheek was decorated with what I was called now. I bit harder on the ball gag in my mouth.

     “I want to fuck you then gut off your tits while I cum in you.” He whispered in my ear. Unzipping his pants, he immediately pushed his cock in my mouth until it became rock hard. Pushing me over on to him I straddled him while he pinned my arms to my sides. Ramming his cock in my asshole the pain was truly unbearable. “You will beg me to gut you he said. He was squeezing my tits so hard and moving down to my belly. Picking up the gutting knife he continued fucking me in the ass. I don’t know if it was the branding that had me delirious or what but I wanted him to gut me! Getting gut up the ass seemed to be a huge turn on. I felt his hand grab my tit and the blades cold steel under my tit. I felt the cold steel cut into my tit severing it from my body. I felt the hot semen rush into my asshole while my body began to quiver. They were killing this hood rat bitch!

As I heard the dial tone I thought of that fantasy for a long time. I can’t get it out of my head nor can I wait to live it all over again.