Category: Snuff sex

Taboo Phone Sex: Sewn to Own

taboo phone sexHe said I was too beautiful. I thought he meant it as a compliment. Then he used my face as a punching bag. So when he said my body was too perfect, I knew I was in trouble. He started carving me up. Cutting my flesh. My beauty pissed him off so he took it from me. “Ugly whores make the best slaves,” he said as broke my nose and sliced my clit. He hit me so hard I passed out. I woke up in a morgue like room. I was trembling with fear as I saw all the cutting instruments next to me. I could smell the death in the air.

torture sexI glanced over and he was stitching up a dead girl. “She use to be beautiful just like you. Now look at her,” he said. His cock was hard. She was all scarred up. “Scars make you ugly. Ugly makes you submissive,” he kept repeating as he started fucking the dead girl. After he came in her corpse, he moved closer to me with a big needle and thread. I peed on the cold table from fear and disgust. I thought he was going to kill me like he did the other girl and fuck my lifeless body. Apparently he just wanted to unpretty me so I would never leave him. He did not realize I was his already.

ass rape pornHe started sewing my cunt shut. “Now you won’t be tempted to be a slut,” he said with evil glee as he pierced my pussy mound with a big needle. I screamed, but he kept sewing until my pussy was closed for business. Swollen, bloody and sewn shut in the shape of a corset. Only he could untie my pussy for his pleasure. It was like a chastity belt, but painful and bloody. Now I was scarred, scared and submissive. His ugly fuck pig until he grows tired of me.  I was sewn to own.

Taboo Phone Sex: Whats Your Poison?

The taboo phone sex tape I was listening to the other night gave me such an awesome idea. I usually like to do things messy, and love gore. However, I had an idea of poisoning a certain someone, and was going to have a lot of fun with this! I want the most exquisite outcome, and that requires the right dosage.

Taboo phone sex

So this friend of mine is not really  friend as I heard some things this whore has been saying and doing behind my back. The adoration I have for a romantic outcome will certainly be effective here. I will make sure this whore becomes blissfully taken by my puppet (he’s an attractive one that is head over heels for me). I can get him to do just what I need him to and he will be convincing, after all he will be dosed with a little something special also.

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I have intimate knowledge of this whores favorite things and am aware of a certain deadly allergy she has. It just so happens that this thing that causes her reaction is available in an extract. To sweeten the punch I will add a little extra special proprietary blend I have been saving. I got this “special” poison from an Haitian Voodoo Priestess with another use planned for it. However things got messy before I could use it. I had a little party and fed my puppet some pastry with a cream filling that contained the poison allergen with the knowledge of how it will be dispensed.ass rape porn

As I am aware this whore loves giving blow jobs and I know she will blow Michael (puppet), and thus get just the fix anticipated. I am so giddy with excitement to see her foaming at the mouth and comatose. Once I have her corpse getting cool I will gather the male friends that have been dying to have intercourse with a dead girl. Oh the money and fame I will make off of this crack head whore who just didn’t know her place.

A Real Snuff Porn Documentary

taboo phone sex angieThe chamber is ready. The entire time I was setting it up my pussy dripped with anticipation. There is a large one way mirror on one wall. Microphones are set up for recording sound. A video tape is set up for recording image. I have three victims, two female and one male that have been kept while preparations were being made. He just left and I have the gas in my hands. My hands are shaking with anticipation. I believe I have enough for one solid week. I am retrieve the military rations that I bought and setting them up in the room. The three cots are set and everything looked good. He called the gas Scarecrow Fear Gas, named after something from a Batman movie. It is supposed to be a highly hallucinogenic gas that when taken in large quantities creates a paranoia and visions of fear and panic. I am very careful to set up the dispensing of the gas in a steady stream though the vents. As I lead my victims to the chamber I could feel the juices flowing down my inner thigh. I open the door and lock them in and begin the stream into the room. I leave and go to get a bite to eat, take a shower and masturbate. Alone with my thoughts as I allow the gas to take some effect. Staying away as long as I can, I return to the chamber. I can tell by their behavior that the gas is having some effect on them but not like I thought. Disappointed I retire to bed leaving them for the evening. The following morning I wake early eager and horny. I eat my breakfast and return to the chamber. Now we have something. They are all naked and hysterical. Each lost in his or her hallucination. The fear is evident in their eyes and the irrational behavior is turning me on. As I sit and watch I masturbate to the evil taking place before my eyes. As the day goes on and more of the gas is inhaled the behavior becomes more bizarre and satisfied every evil thought in my head. Finally I retire for the evening eager for day two. Returning to the chamber I find carnage. The female has ripped her finger nails off and is biting chunks of flesh our of her arms. One of the men has skinned his cock some how and it is a massive chunk of meat. The other male is in the corner clawing flesh from his face and laughing hysterically. I cum instantly without even touching myself, reveling in my glory. I leave them again as I have errands to run. When I return I find that the female is dead, the males are pulling her organs from her flesh torn body. What a shame I had hoped she would last longer. What happens next you will have to find out by watching the film of my torture.

Bagged Pussy

taboo phone sex chelseaEver since I was a little girl, pain and torture have intrigued me. Watching my father beat my mother probably had something to do with it. He would beat her for hours, busting her nose, lips, biting her breasts, and making her scream. Afterward, they would have loud make-up sex. I’d hear her screaming for him to hit her, that she deserved it. They’d fuck so loud that our ratty old trailer would shake. Sometimes I masturbated to the sounds.
By the time I was in my late teens, I, too, had become a victim of violence. My boyfriend was a druggie who would force me to do drugs and then beat me unconscious. I associated brutality with love, for that was all I had known. Just a simple slap or arm twist would make my pussy leak through my panties.
One night, my BF brought this new man home. He told me that I was expected to cater to his whims and do as I was told. He said he was making money and I was a worthless slut who needed to work.
The man, only known as Master D, was a sadistic bastard. He got off on hearing a woman scream and beg. The things he did to me that night are beyond mention. He drugged, gagged, raped, and tortured me. He made me lick his shitty hole and pissed on my face.
My boyfriend stayed quietly in the corner, just out of sight, jerking off as I was demeaned and beaten. I could tell that he enjoyed the show. My pussy started throbbing a bit as he beat welts onto my back. Never before had I felt so alive and turned on. I screamed louder and that seemed to inflame him more.
Finally, Master D was ready to cum. He took a plastic bag, and despite my begging, placed it over my head. “You are a worthless cunt and you deserve to die.” he rasped. My breath was cut short as he tied the bag tightly around my throat. The world was spinning as he slammed his monster cock viciously into me, tearing my flesh. My pussy begin to pulse as my oxygen level dropped. My back arched, my legs kicked.
Without warning, I was wracked by a massive orgasm that made me suck the plastic tighter over my face. At the same time, I felt his beefy cock begin to pulsate deep within me. He roared like an evil beast, pulling his cock from my bloody hole and spewed his load all over the plastic bag. My world went black.
I awoke several hours later to find my boyfriend standing over me. He smiled wickedly, his erect cock in hand, as he gazed upon my broken body.
Now I knew my real worth and I was ready to be the worthless slut, just like my mama.

Snuff Movies Tonight

Keep the camera rolling, Sir, and film every move I make for your snuff porn. Before the blood spilling begins, I know it is my duty to get that cock of yours aroused and standing at attention. Let me wrap my tongue around that gorgeous throbbing mushroom head. I love seeing the camera in my face and I know it pleases you to see the scars on my tongue from the last time I dared talk back to you. I can feel them caressing your cock, and I know you can feel their ridges too.

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You are cruel to me in ways I could have never dreamed, and I have become the best little submissive bitch you have ever had. Our collection of snuff movies has become enough to fill boxes. I know you sell them all over the country when you travel and leave me alone to starve and heal. How many men have watched my blood spill while they watched your hard cock pound my bloody asshole?

Being your snuff star almost makes me feel like I am worth something. Don’t worry, I said “almost”. I know in my heart I am nothing but a piece of flesh filled with what you desire most – my bright red blood. It shows so well on the camera and I make enough to keep you coming back for only me. Your cock is hard now, Sir, and it is time for my blood to spill. I never close my eyes the way I used to. I have come to love the color as much as your viewers. I look right in your eyes as you sink the first blade inside me right below my breasts.

Clit in a Jar

I woke up this morning still chained to your bed. I thought the last time I closed my eyes was going to be last night. But somehow I am awake. My whole body aches and my pussy feels like its on fire. I know you cut me last night, and I know you intended to kill me. So why did you stop? Just as my thoughts start to clear, you walk in, with your favorite toy – that fishing knife. You ask me how I am feeling after my surgery. Surgery? What surgery?

You laugh at the confused look on my face and then walk over to the side table and pick up a glass jar and show it to me. My eyes have trouble focusing on whatever it is in the jar. Its bloody and looks like some sort of piece of flesh. Its round but the edges are clearly cut and there are strings of blood or something all around it. Even the outside of the jar is smudged with bloody hand prints. Then I remember…

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You took that blade to my pussy last night. You drugged me and told me to enjoy the pain, and that I deserve it. You inserted that knife into my tight cunt, slicing the sides as it went in. The blood began dripping onto the floor. I thought you were going to gut me right there on the bed. But you didn’t. You slowly slid the long thin blade out of my pussy and admired the blood on the shiny silver surface. You put it in my face and made me lick it clean – slicing my tongue in the process. Then back between my legs you went.

You took my clit between two fingers, pinched and pulled it out. With one swift motion, you swiped the blade down and off it came. Blood sprayed everywhere and I was so dizzy I couldn’t even scream. My tiny little pussy destroyed forever. And for all the pain that I got from it, I couldn’t even have an orgasm because you took my button. And there it sat, in that dirty glass jar, forever and ever. A constant reminder of what a useless pain whore I really am.

Taboo phone sex with Makayla

Taboo phone sex

All I wanted to do it make him happy. He wanted to take me to a new level. A deeper darker level. All I remember is waking into his house and feeling the jolt of power hit my neck and now I am waking up tied up. Im in the bath tub and as I am looking around I see some of my hair in my lap. I start breathing heavy and freaking out because my hair is in my fucking lap!

Snuff porn

I try to sit up and I slip. I feel liquid splash and I look down at my feet. I see blood. I am in a pool of my own blood and hair. I start screaming and crying, I hear his soft voice saying “Hello” He opens the door and pops his head in and smiles his dark smile at me. He is here to take me closer to death. He is going to shave my head bald, He is going to bleed me out.

Snuff Porn: Casting of a Bimbo

Snuff porn casting called for a real bimbo to use abuse and ultimately snuff the fucking life out of. Fiona, she was deliciously suburban, wide eyed and willing. I fucking swear my pussy dripped as I imagined the filth pig that was going to go at this soon to be sleazy cunt. We picked this little suburban skank up at a bar after my buddy Harry the barkeep roofied the fuck out of her. 

Snuff Porn

I got a call from Harry telling me he found the perfect victim to use for the snuff production we were trying to make. Excited I jumped on my Indian and roared over to the bar and he had the skank loaded in his van already. Oh she is fucking precious, blonde with a tight little body and those doe eyes! I wanted to see what I had while we started recording right there in the van. I show up in my biker gear looking ruthless as fuck. 

Swinging out my switchblade I started running the blade between her legs pressing the blade against her flesh and shedding a trickle of red. Running the pointed tip over her panties pressing the blade into her clit she let out some form of sound. She was coming around now and it was time for some real fun. I slide on my brass knuckles and start punching the crap out of her pretty face as she wailed and howled in pain blood spurt everywhere. She was now bloody and ugly and I bring in the filth pig goober from the butcher shop dressed in his work gear all covered in blood already and hungry for human girl pussy. 

He is a grunt, he’s dumb, and well perfectly cave man like. He never gets the girl so he made the perfect main actor in our snuff scores. He started fucking the cheap sluts cunt and he was not a small man, besides his ogre stature and built his cock was fat. That fat cock pushed in the tight young cunt with so much force she bled immediately and that just fueled him. He became a fucking machine of destruction. This cunt will not survive all the blood loss.

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He Wanted Young Torture

taboo phone sex karmaLuring her in was the easy part. Watching him rip her apart and listening to her scream was the fun part. I enjoy holding the little ones down while uses them for the little sluts they were born to be. He tells them over and over how they are his little sluts. His whores. How they were born to be used by men. That their sole purpose in life is to bring men pleasure at the expense of their own pain. This pain is nothing compared to what they will experience in life. Having a little one grow inside you and then pushing it out is unbearable and that is what they will do. He wants to get them pregnant and keep them locked away while they get bigger with each passing month until the day comes that he finds out if they will be replaced by a new and smaller female. One that he can mold and use as he sees fit. If they protest to much he lets me pull their head way back and slice them ear to ear before he slams his hard cock in the gaping wound and shoots loads of cum deep sown their throats in the most satisfying way.

Burn Bitch!

Torture sexThat fucking little bitch down the road has GONE to damn far. She has always copied me.. followed me. Wants to be wild like me. But she is just a preppy little bitch that has no clue how dark I am. I have my favorite tattoo artiest and lover. Jean. I have been seeing Jean for damn year 3 years off and on. And when that fucking bitch caught on to it she started the same old shit! Angelina thinks she can just take over my life. Copy my hair. My tattoos. Even my furniture and my clothes! Everyone says I should be fucking flattered. That it is the truest form of flattery. And I could ignore most of it. She is but a nuisance. But then she went after Jean. Started telling all kinds of fucked up lies about me… Now Jean doesnt want to play with me. That Fucking bitch went to fucking far. So I did what any good bitch would do. I broke into her house and shoved my panties down her throat. I tied that bitch up and went to town. I let her know what I am REALLY like. I started peeling her skin off of her. I used my small scalpel. I peeled her like a fucking grape. Slowly. I fucking loved the fear in her eyes. She pissed on herself when I told her I was going to kill her. After I peeled her skin off… I poured salt all over her! I let her burn for a while. Then I set her on fire. Burn in hell bitch!