Category: Snuff porn

Torture Sex The Medieval Way

torture sex bloody funI have a special friend, John. He gets me. Understands my needs; my love for sexual torture. He invited me up to his cabin for the weekend for a romantic getaway. When I arrived, he had a surprise for me. A fuck nugget he picked up along the road. Just a stupid little cunt hitch hiker who would never be missed. She was tied up naked on the floor in front of the fireplace wrapped in a red bow. The perfect present. “Check out the basement, my love,” he cooed to me. What was in the basement was beyond my wettest dream.  An old fashioned torture chamber. I got wet looking at all the instruments at my disposal to sexually torture this twat.

I grabbed an old fashioned cattle prod to start the fun.  I was giddy like a school girl when I zapped her ass with it for the first time. She fell forward, pissed the floor and started crying. “This is soooooo fun,” I said with glee to John as I shoved it up her cunt this time. Watching her twitch and convulse really turned me on. I let John play with it too. Torturing a worthless whore is a relationship bonding experience. We shocked her so much, I could smell her burning flesh.  Nothing better than the smell of burnt cunt lips. Well maybe the smell of a once pink asshole!  I even used the prod on her tits. Pretty much seared her nipples clear off. I fed them to her for shits and giggles.

torture phone sex anal tortureWhile she laid in a pool of her own piss and vomit, I fucked John’s brains out. The sight of her curled up in fetal position, soaking in her own waste, crying, smelling like a pig roast, made me horny. But getting pumped full of cum, just made me want to hurt her more. Hurt her dead. I grabbed her by the hair, dragged her burnt carcass down the basement steps, and tossed her on the rack. John purchased all this medieval torture stuff to give me a sexual torture chamber. Now that is love. I tied her to the rack and started cranking it, slowly. Her screams made me orgasmic. Hearing and seeing the flesh pull, bones snap, blood spurt… was intoxicating. John bent me over the rack and fucked me from behind as her limbs snapped like twigs. Legs severed,  arms severed, head popped right off her body. We were getting doused in her blood as we fucked. Do you have any fucking clue how hot that is?

I went too fast with her. I get impulsive sometimes. I like to torture for days not hours, but I was just like a fat brat in a candy store, no impulse control. There’s still so much more for me to try out in my torture chamber. John assured me he would go snag me up another victim after dinner. Couples who slay together, stay together. If you are not as lucky to have an accomplice in your life as I am, let me be your sadistic bitch helper. Death and dismemberment is a dish best served for two.

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Hardcore Rape Porn Fantasies Now On DVD

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I keep saying I want to get into my own hardcore rape porn fantasies production company. Not your run of the mill snuff either, I am wanting some real extreme rape porn that would make you squirm. My collection of my own private stuff is still relatively small. I have started to add more of a variety to what I am doing as well. Everything from ass rape porn to murder fantasies are displayed proudly on my media shelf in my dark basement room. My favorite are the little tiny p rapes where I get to take advantage of all the little brothers and sisters off the ass wipes who make my life what it is today. I love going on adventures with my daddies to swoop up and grab our latest catch. I have lots of Daddies and that is okay because they are each special in their own way.

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They will each have their own sub categories in my snuff porn production company. One of my Daddies loves to make house calls to little skanks around my age. We watch them and figure out their schedule. We get to learn their parents schedule too. Than when we are nice and ready we wait for her parents to be gone and presto murdero bitch is getting a dick in her ass and my knife to her throat. It gives me such a rush knowing that her parents could be showing up any time and catch us too. She thinks they will as she begs like the pathetic little slut she is “Daddy, Daddy…” Stupid bitch, Daddy is here and tearing your add hole wide open while he fucks your ass with his cock and his glock. Ha Ha, My Daddy is so silly, I shall call this movie Glock on cock and it will sell well with all of my p friends. I can see the movie being such a big hit, and being a great producer, real hands on.

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I do it for you…

Domination phone sex

Some times I do bad things on purpose, so You will punish me, I guess I need more training…. I don’t know why I do it, defiance, punishment, pain, pleasure it all starts to merge together and not make sense to me, and I can be very good for a while, but I love to touch my tight pussy, I will beg to touch it, I know I deserve to be punished severely when I disobey You, and I am at peace with that. The pain makes me high. It puts me in a place that is more pleasurable than having sex. I disobey you for a reason. I am your dog, your slave, your bitch. I obey you most of the time.. but There is this wild animal in me that needs to deify you. I need to see you angry. Watching you bite your lip, squeeze your fits and hit me, make me so fucking wet. Seeing the anger in your eyes is intoxicating. At that moment I know I am your next torture product until you feel better. Spending hours with you, watching your evil smile as you cut into me. Makes me more than high. 

Torture phone sex


Club Hematolagnia: Vampires, Blood and Femdom

gothic phone sex vampire fetishWhen this guy asked me to go to this upscale new Goth club with him, I jumped at the chance. Club Hematolagnia is rumored to be highly exclusive with the finest red wine in the world. Plus, my date has the best coke in town. Pretty sure if I fucked him the bathroom, he would give me a few bumps to party with later. I felt out of place. Lots of women with pale complexions like mine, but I was the only redhead. I was also the only female  sub in the club. The club had what appeared to be sex bathrooms.  Huge rooms with a toilet, vanity and bathtubs big enough for two. Dave sent me into one. I saw the douches and enemas lined up on the back of the potties and assumed I was to clean myself out before fucking anyone in the club. The tub I guess was to wash myself up afterwards. Wrong and wrong.

As I was sitting on the toilet cleaning out my dirty fuck holes, a tall dominant woman with jet black hair entered. Perhaps Dave intended on sharing me with another woman. I was down for that. What occurred next, was nothing I could have even imagined. “You smell delicious,” the dark beauty said. She offered me a glass of wine, which made me queasy. The next thing I knew I was naked on the floor covered in blood. I panicked, but I did not appear hurt for once. The mysterious woman was in the tub with my date, Dave, but he did not look conscious. He was slumped over, his wrist hanging over the tub, blood dripping from a huge slash to his artery.

killer phone sex bloodlettingMorticia was masturbating in a tub of blood, my date’s blood, while sipping on wine. It wasn’t wine she was drinking, wasn’t wine I drank either, but blood. Fresh blood. This was no ordinary club, not even a typical sub bar. I was in fetish club, vampire fetish to be exact. She saw the look of horror on my face as I tried to escape. Nowhere to run. The bathroom door was guarded by a huge fellow with a big knife. I was next I thought. My need for coke would finally kill me. “Stop your crying pretty lady,” she said softly. This is a femdom club. We don’t kill pretty ladies, just stupid men.”

fantasy phone sex bloody sexI was not a dominate woman, however. I thought surely she will realize this and kill me.  I was instructed to join her in the blood bath. My date’s obviously drained carcass was removed by the armed guard and tossed on a gurney. I stepped into the tub with trepidation, but the warm sticky liquid that quickly engulfed my body made my pussy wet. I submerged myself in Dave’s blood. I toasted my dark beauty and drank a glass of his blood as an initiation into this exclusive Femdom  goth club. The terms of membership were explained very clearly to me. I must bring one male for feeding to the club per week. I must never reveal the location or specifics of the club. I must consume a glass of blood a day. And, I must serve my new master in whatever way she deems, no matter how dark her request may be. All violations of the rules, punishable by death by bloodletting.

This was a twist. Submissive to women, dominant to men. Can I do it? I better, my life depends on it. So which of you is going to offer yourself up willingly to be vampire bait? Surely, there are men who recognize their high potential. Feeding sexy femdom vampires is not a bad way to die for a submissive male. May not  be a bad way to die for a submissive female either.

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Isn’t biology fun?!

bloody phone sexWhen I was in high school, biology was always one of my favorite subjects…actually it was the only class I liked. Was it the teacher you ask? Nope. My friends? Wrong again…(what friends?) It was the actual class itself on the days we had a lab nonetheless. I’m sure you know what labs were my favorite… That’s right you guessed it! The labs that I was able to dissect things were what I loved to do the most and now that I am out of school I’ve gotten to some dissecting of my own. The human body is so much more complicated and complex than one may think. But I love it…and you know what’s most fun? Doing my little dissecting without giving these fucks any drugs and while keeping them wide awake! Oh how that must hurt! Hahaha. I love causing others pain…nothing is more thrilling and nothing turns me on more! So in my free time I take it upon myself to experiment on every person I get a chance. My latest victim was a squirter. And I don’t mean the cum squirting kind…the blood going everywhere kind! She was super dramatic too. I mean, I was only cutting open her finger and she was screaming like it was the worst pain she’d ever been in! Oops…it probably was – hahaha. But it turned me on so much seeing her in pain, struggling against my tightly secured straps, tears running down her red face and even better the blood that she was squirting everywhere. I don’t mind when things get all messy and bloody. It’s not as if this whole experiment won’t get MUCH messier anyway! I have so much to look at, and cut, and dissect… She’ll stay alive the whole time, suffering probably till she bleeds out or until my knife hits a main artery. Isn’t biology fun?!

Missing his Touch

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Master has been into using me to make money these lonely days in the basement. He met a snuff porn producer and has decided to do some mild pussy trauma films. This means hours of torture to any and every part of my body till he says stop. This leaves me helpless and afraid. Master may love to hate me and at times it gets just awful but I know that he is not going to take my life. He enjoys the things he does to me and sees death as an easy way out. That being said these monsters he allows to have the pleasure of ravaging my body do not stop. They will choke me till I pass out and I will wake up to a flat iron clamping my nipples. Master always let me know that everything is okay after every film. He allows me to suckle from his life-force and feed me his sperm. If it was not for the power of his protein pack substance I would have been dead a while ago. Now I wish for it, no matter how sad Master would be to have to find another sex slave. My body used to be for Master’s pleasure and has now become a fuck factory for anything from gangbangs to knife in my pussy. There is nothing worse than feeling your pussy get ripped open by a knife that is filling it. At least Master cares for me enough to sew me back up. I love him so much. I hope he will fill my cunt with his beautiful rod again.

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Big Pot!

Bloody phone sex

I turned that girl from last week into cordon bleu. I know traditionally the recipe calls for chicken but she was such a little pussy that I thought the course was appropriate. I fucked myself with my favorite jagged dildo for dessert since I was still getting wet from chasing her down into the dirt. That’s the rest of her though so I’ve been prospecting my next hunt and even found a nice stew that calls for a lot of rump so I need a fat ass to fill this pot I’ve got waiting to be used. In the mean time I’ve been using my favorite carving knife on my tits so I can cum like ocean waves. Ricky’s dick alone just isn’t doing it for me any more. I need another fucked up and twisted guy to help me along the way. Everyone needs a partner in crime and I need one with a big fucking cock and a big fucking knife who’s willing to use it both to penetrate me with. 

Torture sex a snuff porn dvd and you

torture sexNow that I think back I suppose my malicious and cruel nature might be tied back to my younger days. Back when my piece of shit father used to hold my head as he fucked me raw and made me watch his vast snuff porn DVD collection. See Daddy was a mean fucker just like me. And once I got old enough I snuffed him right out just like I had seen in every single video he made me watch. And I never again was forced to do anything, but grew to love the pleasure of forcing other seemingly innocent whores into things they would never admit they did. And then of course, getting rid of their disgusting ass in the most violent ways you can imagine. So yeah, maybe my mean nature is linked to that fuck, but it doesn’t change the fact that doing all these things, giving people pain, and having 100% control of them turns me on like nothing else. Blood and tears is what gets me off, not that soft vanilla shit that you see in other little porn movies. I like to push and see what I can make them do, before I start cutting them slowly and surly, cutting off nipples and fingers… and best of all watching the life leave their terrified pathetic eyes. Oh is this too much for you? A little too graphic? Then you shouldn’t be wasting your time with me because this is exactly what I’m all about and if you aren’t willing to participate then you’re going to be tied up and bleeding right there with them. But if you are just like me, you can force them to do whatever you want! How amazing is that? And you can even help me think of more creative ways to snuff them out.

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Starvation Humiliation

I knew if I wanted to eat this week that I would be required to perform well for your friends at your party. You left me alone in the room that locks from the outside and all night long I could hear the music playing and the men laughing. I could even smell the alcohol and hear them as they went down the hallway to take a piss every so often. I knew they were getting more and more intoxicated. Then they would be coming for me.

They come to your parties for the entertainment after all – and they know what is waiting for them once midnight comes. They pay their way in at the door and know that a once-beautiful little pain whore will be satisfying their cocks before they leave. I can hear them laughing and joking about what a worthless slut I am and cracking up at all your stories of the things you have done to me. The more gruesome the story, the harder they laugh, and I know you love the attention.

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I feed your friends, they feed your ego, and then I will finally get fed. My stomach grumbles as I wait for the stroke of midnight. I hear the clock start to chime and I know its time to make sure I am wet and ready for all the cocks that will be cumming for me tonight. The doorknob turns and I can see a little through the dim light in the room. Its a huge man and he is already undoing his pants. His cock falls out below his giant belly and I can smell his drunken sweat from across the room. He lays down on the bare mattress and calls me a whore.

I climb on top of him and he tells me to put his cock in my ass. I obey him because I  know I have to. He is disgusting, but I have to pretend to like it as he sinks his hard-on into my tight ass. The pain sears through me as he pounds my ass mercilessly. His cum shoots up inside me and starts dripping down my thighs. No sooner is he off the bed, than another man comes through the door. He is no better than the first, a gross pig of a man, but he will have a gorgeous little fuck doll tonight. He grabs me and has his way, and I hate myself for it, but I need to eat….

Torture Sex leads to Castration phone sex

Torture sex is exactly what they will get along with their fucking little dicks castrated. That’s right these frat fucks think they can just trot the fuck in a place they DO NOT fucking belong and act like entitled little dicks. Well those little dicks won’t matter when I’m done with them. They think they’re some kind of special, well they are REAL special.

My entourage and I surround the meathead fucktards and took to showing them who’s in charge. A real bawdy mofo with the big mouth was my main focus. I kneed him in the nuts then I proceeded to kick him, dropping his ass. As the asshat was keeled over I took a bottle of 151 and poured in on him and took the lighter as though I was going to set him afire.

Torture Sex

Yeah, I really wanted to smell his gross assed flesh burn and stink the place up, NOT! As the fear in his eyes made me fucking laugh I motioned for my guys to pull his ass up. They knew exactly what I wanted one held him up by his arms at hiis back. The other tied his ankles to the kickbar at the foot of the bar then bound his wrists behind his back and hooked him up to the post. The fuckhead was bound and upright as I unzipped his pants yanked my knife out and swung it open. Kneeling down keeping my eyes fixated on this dumb bastard I took the knife slowly along his ballsack. Taking sweet pleasure in torturing him as the blade draws droplets of blood along the base of his balls.

Once I have him whimpering like a bitch I press the shiny sharp tip of my blade right into the center of his balls. I slice right into them as another guy pours Tequila right along the cut. Once I have the ballsack slit open I remove the balls and drop them in a rocks glass. Topping the cocktail off with some gin and vermouth I take the glass and force his frat budy to drink. Forcing him to open his mouth and swallow the balls of his beloved fucktard frat bro I laugh in his face and stab my knife in his gut. Catching the spurting blood as I remove the blade I kneel down rubbing it all over my breasts.

As I finish torturing each one of the fucks with my knives my entourage situate each of them for their final demoralizing. I grab my biggest strap-on as the three of my guys with the biggest cocks work them nice and hard. It is the ass rape porn sodomization of these fucks filmed and live streaming for everyone to see. I take my first choice and my guys do the same as we destroy these asswipes of society.

They don’t deserve to live now do they?