Category: Snuff phone sex

Crazy Curation

Snuff porn


I have a huge collection of old, homemade snuff porn that provides a perfect ambience for some sick and twisted fun.  The dim illumination and tinny sound of an old TV blaring out the screams and grunts of the hapless onscreen suckers are the ultimate way to evoke a real reaction out of a random innocent while barely lifting a finger.  It’s the perfect accompaniment to all of the depraved debauchery we have planned for our virtuous victims.

All of the meathooks and spiked ball gags in the world are no good if the dupe doesn’t really believe they’re in danger.  I like it when they truly think they are about to die, they get a look on their face that you just don’t see anywhere else.  Letting them see a snuff movie of some sympathetic simp being degraded and eviscerated by a vile villain takes their expression from fake scared to fully frantic in a palpitating heartbeat, which makes my pussy tingle and twitch with excited anticipation.  And all I had to do was simply hit the play button.

I have stacks and stacks of snuff on VHS, I’ll never run out of mangled meat and bloody bruises to project for a patsy.  Some I found on the black market, some were passed down to me, but regardless of how I came across any of it, it’s all perfect material for making our mark feel like they are in real, mortal danger.  And who knows, maybe they are.

Sometimes we get a bit excited and cut a little too deep or strangle a little too hard and literally fuck our foolish playtoy within an inch of their life.  Bleeding out and being banged to death is scary enough, but you add a soundtrack of screaming, pleading, crunching and groaning and a grayish blue overlay to light it all up and it takes it to a whole new horrifying level.  Sometimes it can even be the difference in if they piss themselves or not and nothing makes my pussy drip more than making some stupid, chaste chump uncontrollably urinate, it shows me that our torture sex has really made them lose all control.

I cherish my crazy curation and look forward to adding to it.  Maybe it’s even time to start making some movies of our own.  What do you say, you in?


A little suffocation phone sex

suffocation phone sexI just want to put a bag over her little head and watch as the lights go out in her eyes. A simple end to my suffocation phone sex, a fitting way to rid the world of that perfect fuck doll that you have been pounding for hours. How she is holding on for dear life is beyond me.

Several times in or p-daddy game of cat and mouse you let her go so she could try and run and escape us. We knew she wouldn’t be going anywhere, but she tried. When she figured out you were just going to drag her back and impale your devil cock right back in her cunny or ass she no longer tried to run. It was up to me to fix this for you. You liked when they had fight. So I took out the serrated blade and cut her nipples off while sitting on her face! When I let her up she did run then, leaving a wonderful trail of blood up the stairs.

She even managed to almost get out a window! But blood loss for a little sweet girl like that made her not quite as fast! Oh how we laughed as we dragged her back down to the dungeon of doom. Now, back in that basement with your cock almost raw from fucking her tight baby girl holes, I was suffocating her in the plastic bag waiting to see her die. You were hard again for my kill and pushed deep in my little girl cunt as you filled me with even more pleasure to end this torture sex right!

My Pussy Bit His Cock Off

Snuff Porn

Demoness Indigo invested themselves in a little sick fantasy lately where my cunny has sharp teeth deep inside, and any man I try to seduce will only have his cock gobbled off and swallowed up by my starving, monstrous cunt! It’s a hot role play I can really get the fuck into! My pussy chews that amputated cock off and spits it out like jelly! I can then take this to a whole other level of fucked up, just the way Frank Oo’Myer likes me to! He’s my little victim slut who loves when I make my pussy spit that bloody, ground up cock out and put it in a bowl for him to eat!

Frankie boy says it’s the strawberry topping he always wanted. While he’s sobbing from my literal cunt from chomping off his cock, I’m spoon feeding him ice cream that’s covered in the ground up remains of his once proud penis. I’m making him cannibalize himself because he’s worthless and he deserves to rot in hell like the piece of shit he is! I won’t stop at his cock, though! I’m going to shove his balls deep into my cunt so my little pussy teeth can chomp his sac into fucking oblivion!


Violent Phone Sex

Home Invasion Takes a Bloody Knife Turn

taboo phone sexI broke into the wrong house…I had the idea to steal some money from who I thought was a family friend but I had another thing coming when I busted the glass door thinking nobody was home. I already cut my hands on the glass before I felt myself being grabbed and the next thing was a sharp knife to my throat from a mysterious, naked man behind me. He whispered that I fucked up and was thrown to the floor. My head made a sick thudding noise and I heard a crunch from somewhere in my body. The knife was driven into my left tit and I thought everything was silent until I realized I could only hear my blood-curdling screams. My right tit was cut into next and then straight down my stomach. This naked man cut off my black sweat pants and took one good look at my pussy before driving his knife into my cunt next! He had to make it looser for his monster dick to play out his rape fantasy on my bloody cunt. My screams never stopped, and that’s how it ended.

Cum Servants

fantasy phone sexOnce upon a time in a far away palace was a slave kingdom of men who were indebted to a Dark Goth Queen. Jezebel ruled the land harshly as no one wanted to lose their cock. Those assigned to castle duty and servant roles already had lost testicles to her rule. She lived off the cum of men who were having balls cut off in a most delicious and fantastic castration ritual. Other men with nutsacks full and hard cocks lined the Castle walls impaled on cocks of statues. As Empress Jezabel walked the corridors she would flog a semi erect cock. A flaccid cock would be pulled down and prepared to have balls removed at The Empress’s first availability. Parties would surround such an event. Blood never bothered the Kingdom. They were used to savages feasting on the flesh of their daughters for 100’s of years. It was Jezebel who stopped the blood shed and fed the savages with girls from neighboring Kingdoms. Worship My Bloodshed!

Killer Phone Sex Electrocution

killer phone sexIt is no secret that I love killer phone sex. It is in my genes. My grandpa ran a prison. He was responsible for 253 executions in his prison over the 20 years he ran it. I have his electric chair. I use it mainly for castration, but every now and then, I hook up the currents so I can kill a loser. I fired the chair up last night for a special guest. My grandpa told me all about how to prepare a subject for the electric chair and how to operate it. There are many things the public does not know about death by electrocution. First, the death row inmate is bathed and completely shaved. That includes the hair on his head and body. I prepare my personal death row inmate for electrocution by shaving every ounce of hair off his body. That includes his nut sack, ass crack and pubes. Electrocuted bodies are messy. My grandpa said to put a butt plug in the inmate’s ass, so he does not shit all over the place. Once my loser was shaved and cleaned, I put him in the chair with the butt plug in. I then slipped a catheter in his pee hole to prevent him from pissing everywhere. I put a leather strap in his mouth, so he did not bite his tongue off with the first electrical current. I strapped his head, chest, wrist, and ankles to the chair, so that his body would not levitate off the chair. I did not have the standard volts to course through his veins, but that did not matter. This was a snuff porn, not a federal execution. I do not have to adhere to the rule of no cruel and unusual punishment. I live for cruel and unusual punishment. So, I made the electrocution last for a harrowing 20 minutes instead of the industry standard of 30 seconds. The smell of burning flesh and the look on a man’s face as his brain is frying, is foreplay for me. I can still smell burnt flesh in my house. Helps me relive my special late-night kill over and over.

Teen Violent phone sex vengeance

violent phone sex The young seductress at play has a violent phone sex story for you. This cheerleader slut at my school set me up. She had a couple of football players come after me and kidnap me to use my fuck holes. I know you, know I’m not even 5 feet tall and super light. It was nothing for them to pull up beside me walking home, and pull me in that jacked up truck. They brought me down to the creek and three of the biggest football starts from my highschool fucked me so much that I passed out from the pain. I woke up in the sand on the creek bank, full of cum and numb. I have to admit I enjoyed it a little too much, but that’s not the point. I knew who had sent them after me.
So I Went to the darkest mother fucker I knew. In his forties and needing a sweet teen whore to fuck up was on his bucket list. I offered him the cheerleader slut to make his rape phone sex fantasies come alive! I lured her into the park after dark by pretending to be one of the hot guys from school. She was so surprised to see me and as she turned to run my very good friend with the sadistic cock knocked her out. We dragged her into the bushes and let him force fuck her ass and pussy until he came. Then we dragged her into his trunk so we could rope up the cunt, bring more men over and snuff her out the way she should be! No body fucks with me. Now its time to castrate and kill those football jocks too!rape phone sex fantasies

Electric Torture with a Knifely Twist

taboo phone sexElectrocution was never something I saw in my future until you decided you wanted to use it on the young ones filthy cunt! Take that prod, jab, and stab her with it and I immediately got wet! I didn’t think I would have so much fun until I heard her desperate cries and screams. But then she started to ooze and bleed from all her holes! Her nose dripping, her ears running with blood! It all excited my snuff cuny and I needed more! I grabbed three more brats and strung them up, bare and naked so I could start by carving into their skin before I shoved the wounds with electricity! Their screams make my pussy juiced drip down my thighs and I’m ready to be fucked as they watch, slowly fading away!

Broken Hearted Bitch

Accomplice Phone Sex

One of my girlfriends fucked up recently and broke my poor little heart, so I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine.

I caught her trying to fuck the new boy I’d pinned my eyes own down at the campus. She knew damn well I wanted to snatch his sweet virginity (so I could sacrifice him, of course!) but when I caught her in the car, I was going to take a tooth for a tooth, if you know what I mean.

As I stood before her laughing, the blood pouring down my hands, down my wrists and up my arms, she screamed. I showed her the thing in my hand, her eyeball that I’d plucked from her pretty little head and turned into jelly by crushing it in my palm. “An eye for an eye, bitch.” I sniggered as she screamed.

I grabbed her car keys, the same one I’d caught her fucking my little boy toy in, and I stabbed them through her sternum and into her heart. I slowly used that dull key blade to painfully rip her chest open wide enough, and then used those keys to cut her heart from her chest. Her last breath, she stared at me. “Heart breaker, love taker, don’t you mess around with me.” I said as I bit into her still-beating heart!

Bloody Phone Sex

Sadistic Phone Sex Murderess Gray

I’m Gray, a sadistic phone sex murderess. I’m working in the dark edges of your mind, feeding you with those desires of taboo, filthy, and sadistic pleasures. Some of my favorite sadistic fantasies are of little brats getting defiled by big daddy cocks. I love the sound of their little voices screaming as they get ripped open by huge daddy dicks. And seeing their little holes get bloodied and stretched and ripped it’s exciting for me. I videotape all of it because I make great money off of the snuff crap. This is a very lucrative business for me. And I hate brats, I’m not a breeder I’m a hater. So you know kidnapping abducting not even just I’m invasions in a family or orphanage right up my alley. We can have so much fun in an orphanage. Can you even imagine all these all these brats with no parents I said you’re nothing but burdens on society. You know we are doing the world a great favor. The best part is I take care of all of the mess well sort of you know like I dispose of them to fuck meats. It’s great having a boyfriend that works at the crematorium. I really get off on those side screams bloody murder.

Sadistic phone sex