Category: Snuff phone sex

Dinner is on you…

Snuff phone sex

You whine and whimper as I tell you that I am going to use my turkey carving set to slice you like a Thanksgiving turkey and then I am going to put you in the oven. I grab the carving fork and poke it right into your fat thigh as I use the carving knife to slice you. You are screaming to loud for me so I push a apple into your mouth making you shut up. So I can finish cutting you and then placing you into the big oven where the murder will take place, not without the help of the carving fork  and knife that will make you bleed out as you are cooking and smelling so delicious in my oven.

Killer Phone Sex Nigger Cunt

Killer phone sex

  Killer phone sex Nigger Cunt got me in so much fucking trouble! I have to thank that asshole for this.   This motherfucker was trying to put his whole hand in my ass. Attached to the end of his hand was some kind of fucking razor. I felt every drop of blood and shit mixed together as my ass was being pulled apart. I was fighting all of them but it wasn’t going to be very long before the end came. Sucking their fucking cocks now they had me shitting out bricks of heroin for them. It was in their nature to make me swallow balloons of heroin and then smuggle it here. I was paying for that  fucking asshole’s mistake every day of my life. I don’t think they ever had any intentions of ever letting me go back alive. Its not like I would want to. Who would want to go back to a crack addicted motherfucker ? It was his stupid motherfucking debt that had me with a razor crazed motherfucker pumped in my asshole! I guess that’s how things went when you tried to reason for your life. Every move you made was fucking stupid!

     Being tied  to a tree the night before and being forced to eat shit was the worst that these motherfuckers; I thought, would do to me. Barfing up instantly, I had been ordered to clean it up. They then gathered around me and called some asshole. I don’t know what the fuck they were doing but after I was taken for this killer phone sex game to see who was going to beat me first they had been calling whoever for the longest! But that was not the worse par the worse part was being tied upside down from my ankles with my legs firmly apart while these mother fuckers practiced arrow throwing and even that would have not have been  so bad if they hadn’t gotten the little one involved to come in and join this little game. He would bite into my flesh and pull my nipples so hard I am sure they were torn off!

        As I fought him off , I struggled to see what was going  on as a door was opened. My eyes grew big and I was scared as hell! “Hi Layla long time no see!.” Stroking his 12 inch cock I widened my eyes and the only thing I could say as a cock was stuffed in my mouth was “You!… I saw the hook at the end of his hand and then nothing else! I am sure what ever that bitch was sticking in my ass was leading to  my death but it was much too late to know.

Murder Phone sex Fantasies with a Cannibal

Murder phone sex Fantasies


      I felt the teeth in my back and my flesh being ripped off. I knew he was trying to eat me alive but there was nothing I could do to get away. There was nothing I could do but try to brace myself for the surrender of death. I don’t know if I was  going to make it or not at this point I didn’t know if I cared. I just wanted him to hurry up and get whatever he had planned to do to me over with. It didn’t matter what it was as long as it came quickly and took me out of this misery. Unzipping his pants and moving toward me for the umpteenth time made me know what to do. He wanted me to bite down on his cock with all the strength I had left.  I was trying to do that but the pins in my eyes were blinding my vision Blood pooled in my ears and I knew it was going to be all over soon. I tried fighting and yelling but all that came from my lips now was a squeal it was going to be the end.

     Pushing my head down further on his cock he was suffocating me and my eyes began to bulge. But this was not to be the end, further pushing me down he took my head in his hands and slapped me across the face spitting on me. Turning me around he rammed his cock in my ass and I felt his hands around my neck tighten and  I was clawing at him to breathe but it was much too late. I felt the tear of my flesh again and the release of my spirit to Hell. I had gotten what I deserved from this murder fantasy and you with all the sick twisted games have never been caught! Doesn’t that just make your cock hard all over again?

I Am Worthless

Suffocation phone sexI am nothing more than a bonafied snuff and pain slut.  I want the pain, I want the hurt.  I want to run my hands over my body only to wince why I fight back the tears from the abuse you cast upon me.  I want you take me, hard.  I want you to show no mercy.  I want to walk around for days with the taste of you mingled with blood in my mouth.  I want to feel the impact of your nails digging into my skin.

I beg to have your strong hands clamped around my smooth neck.  I want to feel this world fade from my eyes, only to be revived to be fucked again and again.  Yes, I will cry out, but my cunt will drip.  I crave this, I love this, I live only to die by your hand.  I want to be your cum guzzling, shit eating, piss drinking, bruise wearing slut.  You can never go to far with me fore this is what I was born to do. To be a worthless object in your eyes.

Starvation Humiliation

I knew if I wanted to eat this week that I would be required to perform well for your friends at your party. You left me alone in the room that locks from the outside and all night long I could hear the music playing and the men laughing. I could even smell the alcohol and hear them as they went down the hallway to take a piss every so often. I knew they were getting more and more intoxicated. Then they would be coming for me.

They come to your parties for the entertainment after all – and they know what is waiting for them once midnight comes. They pay their way in at the door and know that a once-beautiful little pain whore will be satisfying their cocks before they leave. I can hear them laughing and joking about what a worthless slut I am and cracking up at all your stories of the things you have done to me. The more gruesome the story, the harder they laugh, and I know you love the attention.

snuff movies stephanie
I feed your friends, they feed your ego, and then I will finally get fed. My stomach grumbles as I wait for the stroke of midnight. I hear the clock start to chime and I know its time to make sure I am wet and ready for all the cocks that will be cumming for me tonight. The doorknob turns and I can see a little through the dim light in the room. Its a huge man and he is already undoing his pants. His cock falls out below his giant belly and I can smell his drunken sweat from across the room. He lays down on the bare mattress and calls me a whore.

I climb on top of him and he tells me to put his cock in my ass. I obey him because I  know I have to. He is disgusting, but I have to pretend to like it as he sinks his hard-on into my tight ass. The pain sears through me as he pounds my ass mercilessly. His cum shoots up inside me and starts dripping down my thighs. No sooner is he off the bed, than another man comes through the door. He is no better than the first, a gross pig of a man, but he will have a gorgeous little fuck doll tonight. He grabs me and has his way, and I hate myself for it, but I need to eat….

Torture sex

torture sex

I got recruited to do some hunting. I loved the hunt, the process. I needed to find one and just one I was told if I could find a good one I might even be able to help. I had found a few gals for this client in particular so I knew exactly what he was going to be looking for and the discretion he always required which was never a problem. I found one, she was super cute and I meant in the naive kind of way that girls had that have never left home and loved their daddies. On top of that was that she was really tiny and Asian, they had the best squeals. I knew the client would love her so I simply asked her to help me open my trunk with an arm full of groceries. All I had to do was hip check her 80 pounds ass into the trunk and with an eep she was in and it was shut. I blared my music loud to cover the screams and cries that were coming from her ad rove to the meet location. When I got there were five men in masks and suits. I pulled my cattle prod out from under my seat and held my keys in my other hand. I wanted to make sure I had the jump on her in case she tried pulling her little ass ninja skills bull shit. When I lifted the trunk she tried to jump out and was met with a quick zap of the prod. The guys behind me whisper with anticipation.
I pulled her from the trunk and carried her inside pausing to let my eyes adjust. I carried her over to the rack and tied her ankles and wrists in place. I was then met by my client who offered me extra money to meet the gentleman’s demands and participate in the action. I told him I would if they would put their seed in a cup for me to play with later. This was of course not a problem.

snuff phone sex

I went and hanged into my leather corset and boots and came back to little china lying on the table whimpering while all the men stood behind her. I jumped onto the table and crawled up towards her face like a cat on the prowl. She looked at me and begged me to help her. I slapped her across the face and I could hear the men get all riled up. I took a spider gag and placed it into her mouth. There were my favorite, that way the guys could fuck her face till she turned blue. She cried tears running down her face. I took my hand and wrapped them both firmly around her little throat and she gasped for breath. I encourage one of the gentlemen to please stuff her face so she wouldn’t scream to loud and climbed from the table.
I walked towards the end of the table to her rather hairy cunt. I spit my fingers and began to rub it. She was already getting wet. I took some clasp and pinned back her hairy lips so that you could see her little twat with its slit spread open. I could hear the gentlemen at the top grunting while she gagged and puked throwing up onto the floor. She cried for help, as I grabbed an electro want and began to give her little zaps on her clitty. She squealed like a little piggy and he body shook with every zap I gave her. One of the guys came to the back and stuck his dick into her ass hole. I put a riser under her hips to elevate it to him and tied her ankles to the table legs. One of the gentlemen took the rod from me and began to torment her nipples. I stood back as they sacrificed her every orifice to their sexual deviant desires. When they came they spit themselves into the cup like I wanted. I took care of her as they cleaned themselves up, slitting her throat and wrapping her in plastic for the disposal guy that my client used. I always insisted that I was more than capable but it was his preference to go this route which was not a problem. I Changed again and went back home to my basement room. I sat on my bed; my adrenaline was still pumping and began to pour the semen all over my body feeling its slickness against my skin. I played with my pussy remembering the screams of the bitch that was just sacrificed. I came and slept a devilish dream, who was going to be my next victim to slaughter.

rape phone sex fantasies

I love a good challenge

snuff sexI’ve always been good at puzzles, how could I not be? I am so creative and I like to see things fit together just the way they were supposed to… that’s why I’ll take up any challenge to cut a precious lil bitch’s body up and find a way to fit it into any container you have for me. I’ve disposed of many sluts this way and I greatly enjoy the task of trying to fit all those once sweet and breathing body parts into the most obvious or most bizarre containers possible. I like to have my fun experimenting with smaller containers causing me to have to cut her up into nice small pieces, almost like nice beef stew sized pieces. Maybe I’ll even keep a few for my dinner? Hmm, who could turn down free meat? And the fun I had with this delicious meat will make it taste THAT much better, every bite I will remember her struggle and screams and imagine all the blood I caused right until the life left those big doe eyes she had…so whatever I can’t cut up to those little bite size pieces can easily go right into the crock pot for a nice meal tomorrow! After I had done my teasing and torture, and of course had my way with that sweet pink pussy of hers, I made sure to tell her exactly how she was going to die, as I slowly cut her soft skin, she was the color red by the time I was done with her, I made her cry and beg until she couldn’t speak anymore – at last she finally bled out, and even her very own blood is what she tasted before she finally shutup for good. At this point it was so easy to completely saw through her body as she was no longer able to struggle but we all know it is no easy task to cut through bone so I did of course have to pull out my special set of tools. Now I’m going to use those tiny tupperware boxes that look like giant Legos and stuff them all full and bury them throughout the town – it will be quite the scavenger hunt for the police – if they ever grow a brain and even find the first one!

Snuff phone sex is to Die for!

Snuff phone sex

  Snuff phone sex ended my life, my story is innocent but the blood that spilled was real. I felt my teeth being kicked in and I knew it was going to be a long night. I was trying my best to fight off this mother fucker but it was nothing I could do. He took the wire cutters and the clamps and pushed them further into my tits.This mother fucker was bonding me his for life! I was trying to get away from these assholes and was using every bit of strength I had left to claw their eyes outs. They were beating me and I could hear the slaps and  punches that were being driven into my face but I didn’t care. If I was going to die I was going to at least try to take this nigga with me! Kicking me with a boot one of them yelled to the other to get Bertha. I didn’t know who Bertha was but when my face saw her I just choked back tears. Sometimes they say there are freaks of nature and Bertha must have been just that. It looked like her face had been mangled in a shredder and her nails looked like claws. But she was human, maybe it was this human that was God’s mistake! I looked at her battered skin and the needles that had been shoved in her clit and fought even harder to get away from what I knew was about to happen. When she smiled it was like something I had not seen from this world. Dried blood and feces clung to her teeth; if they were teeth, and her tits hung low and to the ground.

     Slapping her on the ass the gang circled us and I cried, screamed but only choked dried sobs came out. Pushing her down I felt the stench of her breath as I knew what was about to happen. Spreading my legs apart I did my final kick to one of the gang members as Bertha spread my cheeks apart inserting one of the hypodermic needles from her pussy inside of me. As my eyes closed and I begin to relax, I felt the full of a sword open my flesh and the blood run to the ground. A light above hung and I tried with all my might to hold on but, it was much too late. Dark was around and then there was nothing.

Torture Phone Sex puts Langley on the Rack

torture phone sex


     The moisture between my legs began to grow and I felt him stick his over sized meat sausage in my hole. I don’t know if it was insanity that was driving him to push my little cunny to the limit but I was sure whatever it was I was going to pay for it with my life. I should have never teased him. I was on the table going to be electrocuted or suffer the most for my comments. It started with Chinese water torture and then escalated to me being hung by my ankles. I am sure he was going to crucify me but I couldn’t say what this freak show reject was going to do. He had nailed my feet to this board and I was now swinging left and right like a pendulum. I knew he had broken my legs and my ass was no longer there from the blow torch he had used earlier. But the worse would be yet to come and I knew that.  My parents would be so proud to see how their little brat had turned out. A slut with a coke habit who was getting what she deserved!

     I had done so many things up to this point but the painful part was I was not through suffering the consequences of my actions. Using a rusty knife he began to cut away at my skin first, starting with my tits and then leading to my cunny. Pushing it forcefully into my flesh I felt my body shake as the knife sliced through me pulling me apart. I was in the gates of an unburden hell and he was just about to show me how bloody and terrible things would become. Using the bottle, I felt it cut my face open and the bluntness of his cock as he pushed inside of my mouth. He was pushing my head so hard that my toes that were nailed to the board uplifted and I fell to the floor. Blood spilled over me as I toppled on top of my captor. Pulling the knife out of my flesh again he tasted my blood and spit it in my mouth. I closed my eyes but there was no escape there would never be any escape!

Killer Phone Sex Kills this Nigga Bitch

Killer phone sex

     That’s right bitch suck that cock! I was gagging and it was taking tremendous effort not to pass out as I had been sucking this nigga’s cock for hours, At the hand of these bitch ass nigga’s I was gagging on cock by the hour and the tears in my eyes or my screams of help did nothing to quiet  the fucking rage they had. I was trying to move but I couldn’t get up .Each time I tried I was smacked back down to the floor by one of them.  They would pull down their pants, piss or shit and I was ordered to eat it .How many of them were there? I couldn’t say how many there were I was just reeling with shit all over my back side. I couldn’t even say how long I had been in this hell hole. Each time I tried to open my eyes a cock was shoved in my ass hole and cunt. My tight little brown sugar  had probably been stretched to the limit. I was trying so hard not to let them see the fear in my eyes but I couldn’t help it.Looking at the hacksaw and countless daggers  I knew my life was going to be over. I knew I was not going to be able to see the light of day any longer. The clamps and wires on my nipples were so painful and the blood that rushed out of my tits had been placed in a glass. They used this glass to measure my fucking husband’s debt  I don’t know what was going to happen and I didn’t care to know.

     Forcing my legs apart I tried to fight as much as I could. The blood and screams would do know good as whatever was used as fuck toy went towards my cunt.  Pulling their cocks out they would scream for the nigga bitch to suck Big Lin’s cock. . Big Lin was a cannibal that loved eating flesh. This blood thirsty bastard was  was trained to eat my flesh by the sound of a whistle. Not only would he tear my flesh from the bone he was commanded by the gang to fuck me in the ass. I am sure it  would take  some coaching but he would do it.  Big Lin was a bit slow but this bloody thirsty asshole loved eating nigga cunt. He would turn around and piss  on me like the other gang members.. But today, when saw that cutting blade  I knew it was over.  Big Lin had been commanded to eat me alive! I would not be coming back from this nor would I ever.