I know you call me for all your snuff phone sex, but you know you can always call me for that underground snuff porn you’ve been meaning to make, right? Maybe you didn’t know, but now you have no excuse not to call me and get all that out. Let me tell you about a little adventure a regular and I had the other day! We went to the local school were we scoped out our latest victim. We definitely needed a little virgin! It wasn’t hard to spot her; she was all alone with blonde hair like me…her body still growing. How cute! Oh she has no idea what is coming her way, and thinking that as I watch her is making me so wet already. I easily approached her; I look incredibly young when I try…! We became buddies oh so quickly – silly girl, so very unsuspecting. I will get her into my car, she will think we are going to my house, but she will be very confused when I take her dumbass into the middle of nowhere! And he will be there waiting with all the tools we need… rope, knives, and of course that hard waiting cock. “Surprise!” I will laugh as I push her to the ground, my knife in one hand, and the ropes in the other. We’re hungry for blood and he will start raping her virgin pussy, and this little bitch, well she must have liked the pain because I just kept cutting her and she kept struggling and begging. She has no idea how much we like it… how much it turns us on to see her tears and blood mix. Once he was done destroying her not so virgin pussy it’s time to say bye bye to the little brat. And I always like to snuff a bitch out in nice and bloody way…
Category: Snuff phone sex
Snuff phone sex and underground snuff porn
Ripping Hearts Out Of Bleeding Chests
Have you ever squeezed a beating heart in your fist? You haven’t lived until you try it! I love cutting a fresh kill open and exploring their insides, but nothing compares to that. I just kept fantasizing and day dreaming about pulling someone’s heart of them while they were breathing. Anytime I think about something that long you better believe I’m going to try it.
My first attempt didn’t go well. There was this awful whore walking down some random street, I snatched her up because I could tell right away that no one would miss her. I tortured her for a couple days just for some entertainment, but eventually that got boring like it always does. When that happens it means either my victim dies or I release them severely mutilated. Unfortunately for her I already had something in mind. Everything was going well when I first cut into her chest, but then she started convulsing uncontrollably when I reached inside. She died pretty quickly and her heart was still warm by the time I reached it, but it was no longer beating.
That wasn’t good enough so I had to try again. This time with a younger whore who was equally awful. When I picked her up I asked if she had any family or friends, she said she didn’t. I didn’t find that surprising at all. I even laughed about it, which scared her a little. She started to beg for me to let her out of my car right after that and doing that only made me laugh more.
She should consider herself lucky because I didn’t take the time to really torture her. That nasty bitches death was quick, usually I don’t like that. As soon as I had her someplace nice and secluded I got right to work. I forced her onto her back and stabbed her directly in the chest. Obviously I was careful to avoid her heart, I just needed a way into her chest. Once that was out of the way I spread her bleeding chest open with my hands and dug around inside her. The entire time she was thrashing and screaming, but that didn’t stop me. It would have been better if she just relaxed because she was going to die anyway no matter what.
When I finally reached her heart she stopped moving. I wrapped my fingers around it before pulling it out hard. Her heart was a little damaged when I finally had it out, but it was still beating and that’s what counts. I’m just sad that she died before I could rub it in her face. Maybe that would be impossible, I don’t know. There’s no harm in trying again It will only get easier.
Rock-a-Bye Baby
He had kept me alive longer than the others, but I knew he was growing bored of me. He liked his cock deep inside pussies that were growing cold with death. Mine was far to hot and wet to satisfy his urge to feel the lifelessness that he craved so badly. I watched as he killed the other girls and fucked their corpses. I saw how hard it made him cum to watch their dead eyes stare off into the darkness as he fucked them one last time. The kill no longer thrilled him, it was the body without life that he needed.
He dragged me out of my cell and I knew it would be my final night with him. I tried to relax and just take the cuts of the blades as they came. He sliced me everywhere, and the blood poured to the floor. I could no longer scream or fight, as I had been too weak for days. I had accepted my fate at the hands of this monster. I did try to look in his eyes, for one glimmer of humanity. There was nothing but blackness, almost like he was as dead as all the girls before me. I began to feel dizzy and see stars and I knew I was running out of blood.
He felt my skin with his hand and I could feel how warm he was compared to me. I began to shiver as I grew cold and my vision blurred. I heard him undo his pants finally and I knew that meant I was almost gone. He entered me and I couldn’t move at all. The last thing I remember was being rocked to a permanent sleep by him stroking his cock in and out of my dead cunt.
Bloody Phone Sex Train Departure
Bloody phone sex train departure 160 all aboard to hell anyone was what I was thinking as I laid here with my life running out of me.We were both on the train together going to our preferred destinations. I was trying really hard not to look back at him because I just had ate lunch I noticed the deepest brown of eyes that I don’t think I was really quite seeing before. You were engrossed in a book and I thought by the sound of your voice we had per chance ,met somewhere before. I was so happy to get a café with you and talk about our English assignment. I was trying my best not to notice that as we were talking a guy with the deep brown eyes was getting closer to me. I was hanging on your every word and then suddenly ,I felt the sting to my back and my eyes got heavy , I leaned forward against your chest and slumped into a drugged sleep.
I could move my legs I could get away I could be free of this madness that was killing me at this point. For the hundredth time it seemed I felt your cock push in my asshole. The tiny hooks in my flesh were tearing my skin off of its frame and the masking tape around my nose and mouth were securely fastened. I couldn’t move and all I could feel was the stiff blunt force of the knife on my skin and your plunging cock deep in my walls. My tears were stained onto my face and there was no more coming out of me. I thought you were the nicest guy that just wanted to talk about fantasies , you never said anything about living what we talked about over the phone. I was thinking I was lonely and wanted to meet someone nice you were thinking of a sadistic case of cat and mouse that was going to have my ass in this trap you had set! As you came around to look me in the eyes and grab my hair I thought it was my chance to run, but I was far too weak to do anything. I was going to die at the hands of someone I knew. Blinking back the tears ,I felt the pain of a slap hit my face and then the knives began the piercing in my skull it would not end this pain this torture would go on for another 160 days.
Killer Phone Sex Good night Nigger
Killer phone sex good night nigger testimonial was coming to a close for me. My fucking tits were getting stomped all over. They were more fucked up then ever when this asshole pulled out the knife from his shoe and started stabbing me with it. I was going to do all I could to make sure this mother fucker felt my pain and I took his bitch ass out with me but before I could do that I was going to have to fight my way out of this. I had been struggling for a very long time with this mother fucker trying to understand why I couldn’t just pay the debt! I had the money but this wasn’t about the money that asshole had stolen this was about something much worse. This was about the game of the streets and getting things done! The bitter taste of cum hung on my lips from when he had stuffed that cock so deep down my throat, I just wanted to know what was going to be next? Was it going to be laying in trunk gasping my last breath or was it going to be me getting fucked in the ass with a hook. I felt his hand slap across my face again and I felt my teeth become loose, Pulling my head back again he stuffed his cock inside my mouth and this time he pulled out the knife and put it to my throat!
He was going to cut me and I knew this was going to be the last of me. The end of fucking Layla and this shit was real. I had one good shot out of making it out of this alive and I knew I had missed it. It was about time to leave the world. I felt the sting of the knife and then my head hit the concrete pavement with a thud it was over for me. I felt him come from behind me while I lay there pulling my legs apart stripping me down to fuck me in my ass again! It was going to be the end and you know whose face I saw as I lay dying yours. I saw the knife in your hand the blood that pooled. I saw your smile as you said good night nigger and I felt the heel of your boot go across my face. Yes I thought it really was a good night!
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies take on Love
Murder phone sex fantasies take on love scene was that fucking stupid shit you saw in one of those gory picture films. I had fucked up and I was going to have to pay for that.My eyes were filling with tears as he fucked my ass with the razor.I had been trying to get away from him for the past half hour but he would never let that happen. If a person wanted to cut you open they were going to do it! I know why I had to suffer I had on more than one occasion broken his heart and he wasn’t tolerating my abuse anymore! He was going to let me have it and I knew that meant in the end that I had to die. It had tarted good enough I had asked him for a ride home and he was the agreeable type and from there he was trying to make sure that I was ok every minute of the day. The thing I disliked about him was that he was a push over and so I guess that’s why I pretended to like him for a bit just to get shit out of him. He was becoming more attached and now he was going to fucking kill me. I felt the razor in my cunt and I knew that the sight of the blood was going to knock me out! I wanted so much to hold tight for the life inside but his grip was too strong. Taking the meat clever out of the drawer and pressing it to my ear, he said”You bitch you could have played by the rules but you didn’t” Now you will pay for your transgressions !” I know what he thought of me the filthy slut who had slept with his sister and best friend together, and he was going to make me pay for everything. I felt the meat cleaver tear into my back and I let out a scream but then it stopped! I felt my body go limp him pulling down his pants and fucking me over the head with something but I don’t know what it was!
I was dead for sure and he was fucking me I guess no matter what he was doing I couldn’t help but think that I deserved all of it!
Grave Digger
I woke up unable to recognize where I was. It was daylight, but I was in a room with the shades pulled. I tried to move, my muscles hurt, but I realized I was hog tied. What in the hell is going on? I struggle against the ropes, but its no use. They are wrapped around my arms and legs and I am choking on a gag of some sort in my mouth. I try not to cry, afraid I won’t be able to breathe out of my nose, but I am terrified. My heart is pounding like a rabbit thats being hunted. Little did I know, I was in a much worse position.
The door swung open and I looked up. There you stood, naked and dirty, with sweat streaming down your body. It was cool in the room, and my mind tried to wrap itself around what could have made you sweat like that. And you were carrying a shovel… a dirty shovel. You threw it down onto the floor and it made the most horrible sound. You approached me on the bed and grabbed me by the hair and pulled me towards your hard, naked, sweaty cock. You jammed it in my face and I tried to pull away but you are so strong. “Suck it”, you growled, and I reluctantly opened my mouth, you took out the gag, and I let you ram my throat with your cock.
Your dick tasted salty from your sweat and I could smell the fresh dirt on the shovel. I started flashing back to when you had grabbed me off the side of the road – how long ago was that? I had no answers, only questions, but no way to ask them with your cock in my mouth. You pulled out and spun me into position to ram my tight pussy. You went in with no mercy and let me scream. In fact, my screaming made you pump harder, and I felt you cum deep inside me. You let go of me and went back and picked up the shovel. Then it clicked. You had been digging a grave. My grave. Those were my last thoughts as I saw the shovel being swung right towards my face…
Killer Phone Sex Final Results
Killer phone sex had me at the end of my life but I was not going out without fucking this bitch ass nigga up!“You stupid nigger get back here!” I was running as fast as my legs could carry me and I was still not going to get away from his ass! I was trying my best too. I kicked this mother fucker as hard as I could and ran like my life depended on it! From what I could see it really did! He was trying to fuck me up for stealing his fucking supply for my husband. I knew he was going to do that but what the fuck I needed now was some god damn distance to figure how the fuck I was going to get out of there! I was trying to get to the nearest exit but the blood in my eyes was making it hard to see! I couldn’t let this sorry son of a bitch catch me and I damn sure knew that he was not going to let me live if he did.
I knew too much about his undercover operation for using bodies of people to transport his fucking cocaine and whatever other shit he had going on, Plus he loved to fuck those dead bodies up the ass. This was one sick mother fucker alright and I was doing my best to get the fuck away from him! Was it my fault that bitch ass nigga had gotten me here! Would this shit ever end? As I felt the hook go in my back and the needles in my nipples injected, I knew that was it for me! It was going to be my last good bye but what did I have to lose. I was going to die trying to beat the fuck out of this motherfucker and take him with me to hell!
Killer Phone Sex Makes Me Cum
I take pride in my work as a nasty killer phone sex bitch. The warmth that blood gives me as it covers my body also makes my pussy throb. I love the gurgle that a body makes when you plunge a knife deep inside of its guts. When I am doing a hit killing for my own satisfaction I will sit next to the little slut and play with my pussy. I will rub my clitty as blood drains out of her and all over the floor. Once the bitch is nice and dead I am not done with her. I like to keep her around so I can play with her dead pussy. I will bend down between her dead legs and lick her pussy while I reach between mine playing with my own. The warmth of dead bodies sticks around for a while. I will get her pussy nice and wet and finger fuck the bitch violating her body even in death. I am such a dirty necrophilia phone sex bitch, and I love it. What is even better is when I have a client with me. It turns me on watching him stick his dick into her pliable pussy. I love holding our latest kill for him, her docile body void of all life, so that he can fill her up with his load of cum. I will use her pretty dead hand to play with my pussy, and her fingers as to ram into my pussy. I will cum all over her bloody dead body and love every second of it. I am such a filthy erotic snuff porn lover, and I know it.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Nigger Down
Rape phone sex fantasies nigger on the run race had me going fucking crazy. I knew I had dropped a dime on them to the cops but did I deserve this humiliation? I was gagging on this mother fucking cock and he was sure not doing me any favors by having this knife at my back Yeah I knew that cum was dripping out of my fucking ass because this bitch had tried to rip the fucking insides apart. I was trying to bite and claw my way out of this but there was nothing I could do! I couldn’t get away from four of cruelest gang bangers of the city! They were going to fuck my ass no matter what and then leave me on the side of the fucking road to repay the debt! That’s how the streets were you had to have some dignity and honor in all things! These mother fuckers could play the role all they wanted but I knew I was going to die. Hell they had been preparing me for it all week first taking away my food and then water. The only reason I was surviving right now was because they were pissing on me on a constant basis and I was forced to open my mouth and drink it all. My eyes were so swollen shut and couldn’t open that I hoped it was piss that they were making me drink!
Stroking their cocks for more I tried to hide my tears. They had been fucking me for days and I knew they were not going to take no for an answer I also knew that they were going to kill this filthy nigger bitch for ratting them out to the cops. Yeah I was the good fucking tramp trying to get help for a fucking disgust of a husband but in the end I was being beaten to death by these motherfuckers! “As I felt the cock being stuffed deep in my hole, and the feel of the knife on my throat I closed my eyes hoping to find peace Hoping, and then the blood pooled on the floor my head went limp and this motherfucker kept pounding into my dead body.