Category: Snuff phone sex

The Gourmet’s Accomplice

accomplice phone sex I’d been watching the brunette for over a month. She was tall and muscular with a ponytail that bobbed when she ran. She should’ve known better than to run down by the swamps of Louisiana. It was a dangerous place, inhabited only by alligators, snakes, and drug dealers. I guess that little bottle of pepper spray that she carried gave her a false sense of security. Too bad that I would soon use it against her.
Rick and I had been friends for a while. We met at a gourmet cooking class in Baton Rouge. We discovered that we shared a taste for wild game and how to prepare it. It didn’t take long for him to share his special fetish with me. Rick had a craving for young, tender girl-flesh, cooked to a savory, smoky deliciousness on an open pit. And he had picked me to help him.
I eyed the brunette for a while, contemplating my move. She was young, firm, curvaceous, but slim. Her round bottom was evidence of her work-outs and she had a pair of tasty, muscular calves. She reminded me of one of the “perfect” girls in high school, the cute ones who wouldn’t give you the time of day. I hated her already. I could barely wait for our Barbie roast to begin.

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Rick waited in the car as the brunette swished past us. I fell in behind her, jogging at a leisurely pace. I was deciding to make my move when she bent to tie her shoe. I jumped on her, grabbing her pepper spray and giving it to her full-blast in her eyes. She screamed and I threw the burlap sack over her head, pulling the string tight. She fought me hard as I dragged her back to the car. We quickly stuffed her into the trunk and sped off, eager to begin our special feast.
Rickrick had this great commercial kitchen with oversized stainless steel appliances. His pantry was filled with every kind of seasoning and exotic spice. He even grew his own organic vegetables. He was more than stocked to prepare any type of cuisine. Today’s menu would be a feast of Cajun delights. cannibalism phone sex
I led her in and had her lie on the long steel table. It was more like a mortician’s slab than a table, really, in all of its sterile coldness. She was in shock and barely protested. I could smell her fear and it whetted my own appetite. I quickly snipped her clothes off with kitchen shears, revealing a Grade-A choice cut of flesh, all tanned and ready to roast. I ran my hands over her body and was pleased to find her pussy and legs freshly waxed. I would only need to shave her long locks.
Chef RickRick took over from there. He hung her head over the side of the table and quickly slit her throat, leaving her to bleed out into a washpan. Her heels drummed on the table as her lifeblood gushed from her. Her skin was deathly pale as her heart gave its final beat.
We had decided to just roast her whole in the indoor grill. I rubbed her body with coconut oil as he readied his special bourbon marinade. He began to snip off her toes and fingers for some Cajun-style chickenfoot soup. Next, he gutted her and gently pulled out her intestines for me to clean. I amused myself by looking at her poop to see what she had eaten. It looked like salad and cum!!! While I was doing that, Rickrick readied some rice and a piece of her liver to make some Cajun boudin. It’s a savory dish that is stuffed into intestine links. They would be returned to her carcass to simmer. He also placed her head into a pot of water to boil down into headcheese. Her lips, titty fat, and pussy lips would be deep fried into southern cracklings. Nothing would be wasted.
The grill was ready as we finished her seasoning. She looked very tasty, tightly trussed, under the coating of scallions, fresh garlic, cayenne pepper, and “Slap Ya Mama” Cajun seasoning. I had tucked a few garlic cloves and onions under each of her split breasts and her pussy was stuffed with large shelled shrimp. I’d also shoved carrots in her asshole to keep the juices from leaking out.  I could barely wait for the first bite. Neither could RickRick as his erect cock poked through his Chef’s apron. The final touch was a spurt of his “special sauce” for extra tenderness. Laissez les bons temps rouler.  (Let the good times roll!)

I poured us some wine as RickRick pulled her from the oven. She looked magnificent, all grilled to a toasty brown, crispy on the outside, moist on the inside. As he fed me the first bite, I almost orgasmed. It was so good. We both fell on the feast and fed like sharks in a feeding frenzy. Her fat dripped from our chins as we crammed chunks of girl-meat into our mouths. I was hooked.
Now I’m watching a fat chick who walks at the park. We plan to trap her and grind her into chili meat for the local chili cook-off. I’m sure our special recipe will win us the blue ribbon. Thank you, RickRick, for introducing me to the Joy of Cooking!!!

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Snuff Sex on Tape

The camera is rolling and I am here to make your film the success you want it to be. The cameraman knows he will get to fuck my dead body when its over, and it turns me on that he agreed to that form of payment. He knows my pussy will still be warm even though my body will be lifeless. You start by fucking me as if it were a normal film and not a snuff movie. I am dressed up, makeup done perfectly, and I am not even scared. I crave the sting of the blades to come and I have been groomed for months for this day.

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The weeks in your dungeon as you used the knives and pins and needles all over my body. Draining my blood to the point where I passed out. You had to find my limits. You had to find what would look good on your tape. You transfused the blood back in and brought me back to keep the experiment going and bring my tolerance to a level that your clients will eat up. Finally a girl that you can slit her legs from knee to pussy and simply smile back at you.

You begin with the blades and my sweet fresh red blood pours out. My nipples come off like a knife cutting through butter and they fall to the floor. I see the cameraman’s cock get hard because he knows it won’t be long now. I take a knife in my own hand and begin to poke it right in my gut. Not many girls can manage this move – you have been the best teacher. I start to choke on my own blood and it pours out of the corners of my mouth. No screaming, just smiling. The taste is glorious and you are so proud. I begin to feel dizzy and cold, and thats when you place the big blade by my left ear and swiftly pull it all the way to the right. My head falls back and you cum deep inside me. The camera stops rolling, and its his turn now.

Pussy for Sale

You bought me yesterday at that auction. What a bunch of sick fucks you all were. You laid us girls out like pieces of meat. We were stripped of our clothes and our legs spread one by one looking for the perfect pussy. You lined up and went down the row, shoving your fingers inside as you held each of our legs apart. Some of the assholes even tasted me like some sort of dinner buffet. The men standing by with guns made sure we did everything we were supposed to. After all, there was a lot of money at stake.

Girls for sale. Sex slaves to be bought for your darkest desires. Plucked off the street and hand picked by the best sellers. I felt the bright lights all over my body as my tits were groped and my ass slapped. The one guy even spit on me, just to see how I would react. I didn’t dare spit back. My heart was pounding as I was violated and I watched your eyes scan my body thinking of all your ass rape fantasies. You eventually picked me. I saw you pay the man, and then I was released from the row.

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I was tied up and you took me home – yours to keep for as long as I could satisfy you. You threw me in a room full of clothes that looked used. Some had blood on them and I knew my fate was sealed. You told me to put on something that showed off my sweet pink cunt. I chose black, as I figured that was the color of your soul. I left my pussy out – and got on my knees so you could see every sweet juicy inch of it. I felt your fingers slide inside me. Despite myself, I came all over your rough hand. You laughed and grabbed me by the neck and pulled me towards your throbbing cock. I took it all in my mouth, and from there you fucked my face until I passed out. I knew when I closed my eyes that when I opened them again you would still be there, using my body up for every dollar you paid.

Faded Hope

I couldn’t believe my luck. I had finally freed myself from my captors. First place I went was home.. Home sweet home. I showered for the first time in who knows how long and put on clean clothes. But that was then I learned that I had missed the death of my father. There was a note on the counter in the kitchen about his funeral. Putting on shoes, I headed out to the graveyard. It was just getting dark, but I needed to see it.. my father’s grave. The dirt in front of the new headstone was still dark a fresh. I felt the tears burning down my cheeks as I had missed the last days my father was living. He’d never know how his sweet girl had been taken and raped and tortured.

I was about to turn and head back when something hard hit me in the back of the head, sending me sprawling forward into the fresh churned earth. I groaned as I was seeing spots in my vision. Then I felt hands on me… their hands. My captors had found me. “Time to teach you a lesson my dear..” one of them laughed as they used a knife to cut away my clothing. They were not gentle as the blade sliced into flesh a few times.

My hands dug into the ground as they started forcing their cocks into me, one after the other they used my body. I screamed and clawed at the earth but no one way around. I only had the dead to hear me. Then one of them grabbed my hand and using a ground spike, he forced it through my hand. I cried and screamed, but he just went to the next. When he was done, I was pinned like an X above my father’s fresh grave. They beat me, used the knife to cut my soft flesh and as most of them jizzed on me one more time, the oldest slit my wrists. They left me cold and mostly naked, bleeding to death above my father. I was so happy when I felt the darkness taking me.Snuff phone sex

Used and Abused

I don’t know how long I was out, but hearing their cruel laughter in my ears made me want to return to that silent darkness. But my body was waking and I was becoming aware of what was around me. My hands were shackled and strung up before me while I could feel my legs had been strapped to a spreader bar. I was naked with my ass out. I could hear growls and it made my bare skin shiver. The first thing I felt was a cold wet nose, then a long tongue licking at my exposed and vulnerable pussy lips. “Please!” I begged, “please don’t do this!” I knew my please would fall on deaf ears. After all they had done to me… I was a source of entertainment, nothing more. I screamed as the large furred beast mounted me. His long thick cock slid into me while his claws dug into my shoulders, holding himself on me as his hips started moving. The pain and the fear swept through me as he growled right next to my ear. Inside I felt a knot starting to form, pulling and tugging at my insides. Just as the pain was getting to the point I was seeing spots, the creature found his release. A mouth of fangs bit down on my shoulder as hot seed filled my womb. I screamed then and as soon as he let my shoulder go, I slumped to the ground, a sobbing bloody mess. Darkness reclaimed me as I felt the beast pulling painfully with his knot still stretched within me.Bloody phone sex

Snuff Porn: A Young Rape Porn Fantasy

An afternoon of snuff porn recruitment for a sweet young thing to star in our young rape porn fantasy video led me to my neighbors daughter. She has always been a pain in the ass and today I get a chance to have my way. And to watch my neighbors face as I tell him all the things that we have in store for his little sister was priceless. It never occurred to me this slut would prove beneficial in my life in some way. And tonight is the night!

She thinks that she is being brought to this party with me as a guest, and well she is… sorta. The guest of honor is more like it, and yes she will get to get fucked up and high, all those things she keeps yabbering my ear off about as I drive her to the party. I slipped her a xanax in the flask of vodka and fruit punch I gave her and she finished it off like a good girl. So by the time we arrive I have to assist her into the place. This is all going perfectly as planned. 

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Once inside I have my gang members take over in walking her to the set. Awaiting her are five nice sized biker guys just drooling to get at the sweet piece of ass I brought for their all out debauchery. We need to show the other gangs that we don’t play around, and this snuff ass rape porn is just the thing to make that point. I get to play accomplice and do all kinds of nasty things to this pristine little slut.

First things first and that’s to start slicing off her cute dress, then get all nice and nasty sucking off one of the guys and as he is about to blow we shove his dick down her throat to gag her with a huge load before I put tape over her cunt mouth. I don’t trust the hag to be quiet as I know she is a screamer when getting fucked. Once her eyes got nice and dilated and really big as she watched the guys pull their cocks out, we grabbed her and shoved her face down on the bed. Shoved her face into a pile of pillows and I cut her sweet pink panties off. Two big guys at a time took her holes and she was tighter than we expected her to be. I guess my neighbors cock must be small since I believe he’s the only one that has fucked her. 

Young Rape Porn Fantasy

As the guys climaxed a couple of them loved it rough and needed me to partially strangle them as I took a strap-on to their fuck holes. It was quite the scene. The movie showed the other gangs that this is not the bitch to mess with. As the end of the tape came near the last guy to fuck the little whore was going to get his neck slashed by me just as he started cumming. You thought the young slut was going to be snuffed didn’t you? We need more time with her, maybe later.


Morticia’s young rape porn fantasy

Taboo phone sex

I know I am not the only one who has a young rape porn fantasy. 

I want a tight young female that I can take advantage of. 

I want to lick her top to bottom. 

Rub my tongue over her nipples feeling them get hard in between my teeth as I bite them off. 

I want to hear her scream as I torture her. 

I’ll open her cunt with a tool, stretching her open and put thumbtacks in that tight young cunt. 

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I  want her to fucking bleed out as I fuck this bitch with a giant cock making the thumbtack go deeper and deeper into her cunt. 

I’ll lay her beautiful pure body down on the ground covering her with thumbtacks. 

Next I’ll take thick heavy glass and lay it on top of her body making the thumb tacks push into her skin. 

I’ll lay down on top of the glass and fuck myself while I crush her body. 

One by one her bone crushing under my weight and the weight of the glass. 

Hearing her screams as I orgasm on top of her slowly dying. 

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You Lied

You were the one guy I trusted. You promised you would help me get away from him. You told me that he was too cruel and that I deserved better. You made me believe that maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t a worthless fuckpig whore. He had told me that for so long that it took everything in my broken soul to believe you. I was terrified to try to escape him, but you convinced me that you would save me and protect me and treat me gentle.

The night finally came and you came to my room, a trusted servant by my master, to secretly take me away from the nightmare I had been raised in. I saw the passion on your face as you lifted me up and told me it would be okay. I held on tight as you carried me towards the window. I knew your plan was for us to climb out. Suddenly you stopped. You asked me if this is what I really wanted. I said yes. Right at that moment, my bedroom door swung open and there was my Master.

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You dropped me like a ragdoll to the floor. I tried to reach for you but you kicked me away. I didn’t understand what was going on. My Master walked over and grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the bed where he began smacking me relentlessly. You were shouting that I was a lying deceiving ungrateful dirty whore. He began fucking me as you watched. Then I realized – you never cared for me. It was all a test. You showed him I wasn’t broken enough. I really am just a worthless fuckpig. And I knew tonight that I would finally be broken for good.

Piece by Piece

Awake again and nothing has changed except my outfit. I don’t know why you keep dressing me up and putting makeup on me when you are just going to destroy me within minutes. I hear you coming down the hall and I am terrified for what today will hold. You cut me so badly last time that I never thought I would wake up. I look around and even the couch is new. I guess you couldn’t get the blood out of the last one.

My tits are covered, and I know its because you don’t want to see the bloody holes that are left where my nipples used to be. You are taking me apart piece by piece and I wonder what I will lose today. My tongue was first. I remember screaming my last scream. My last chance of anyone hearing me. You round the corner and in your hand is a large sledgehammer. I had never seen you without a blade. You walk towards me, grinning, and I pull back as far as the ropes will let me.

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You swing the hammer towards me and it whiffs just past my nose. It would have killed me if you had made contact. But it was only to scare me. You love to terrify me, and you are excellent at it. I knew there would be pain, and I knew you wouldn’t take me out so quickly as to knock my head off. The hammer swung again, this time making contact with my right leg. I couldn’t scream of course, and the pain made me unable to even breathe. I watched my leg snap into pieces and bone and blood spray everywhere. You yanked on that ankle until the bottom of my leg came off and headed out of the room. The blood was pouring out of me, again, and I would faint soon. You had taken your next part, and would be back for more.

Possessed Carnivore

accomplice phone sexIt was late Saturday when I met you in person. I found you on a Craigslist ad wanting someone to help you trap and devour victims. At first, I thought it was just a sexual game. You were one of those guys who wanted a threesome and some kinky sex with the wife. But I was wrong. You were serious. And my life was about to go straight to hell.
From the moment we met in person, I knew something was different…evil. You invited me over for a meal. One taste of the meat you served me and I changed. From a sweet model to this flesh eating carnivore. I was ready to serve you completely in my new quest for blood. You had done something to me, fed me the charred flesh of a human being, and I liked it. No, I craved it. It was the drive of the wild, the need for something deeper than sex. I was ready for the hunt.
You decided to start me off easy. I was ordered to bring you back the trashiest prostitute I could find. She had to be someone that no one would miss. In a city this large, she was easy prey. I simply offered money and an invite to a party, complete with drugs. She was a skinny brunette with big green eyes. I tried to imagine how they might feel rolling around in my mouth. Her perky tits poked out through a sheer blouse. I could barely control myself as we entered your house.
She looked confused. I smiled at you and you could not contain your hunger. You jumped on her without warning, punching her in the face. Her nose audibly snapped and blood flew. Before she could scream, you had smashed her in the eye. I heard her moan and my pussy twitched. Hunger filled me. I reached over to help you tear her clothes off, her bloody body in a heap on the floor. Her eyes opened and she whispered for help one final time.
I watched you rip the veins in her neck with your teeth. Her scream was cut short. As she begin to bleed out, you jumped upon her and drove your veiny cock deep into her whore pussy as she began her death twitch. Her heels drummed the floor. Her fingers grabbed at the air. Her hips bucked as if she were fucking  in her last moments. You growled as you reached orgasm, your massive demon cock spewing cum into her dead carcass. I fingered myself off watching you.
There’s been so many victims since then. Mostly young girls and a few fag boys, too. There’s never any evidence because we eat every bite of the victims. It’s really fun to have guests over to eat our “special” BBQ. We just tell them that it’s all in the tenderizing and the secret sauce recipe we use.
Someday, you’ll grow tired of me and I, too, will become your victim. But, until then, I will serve you and hunt for you. My ultimate end will be met when you film my demise in my farewell snuff video.
Let me share some of our wicked tales with you. I know your cock will be rock hard talking about the lives we have snuffed out. Or maybe you have one of your own in mind……