Category: Snuff phone sex

Thanksgiving Dinner Prep

Taboo phone sex

Each year I search and search for the perfect meat for my thanksgiving table. I don’t want her to be fat or too thin. She needs to be just right, so this year I have had my special human turkey tied up and force feed all the proper foods. I want to fatten her up just a little bit. She is tied up so she does not use those muscles and make her meat tough. I do not want my guests chewing and chewing on a whore. I want her meat to melt in their mouth as they take the fist bite.

Cannibalism phone sex

I want them to crave more of her. I want my meat to be decadent! That is why I have kept her here, locked away. She is going to be perfect. She makes my mouth and my pussy water. I just want to eat her now. But I am going to wait and continue to feed her everything that is going to make her body taste so amazing. 

Cannibalism Phone Sex: What’s Cooking in Your Kitchen?

Cannibalism phone sexI love cannibalism phone sex, especially during this month of Thanksgiving. I am so grateful that there are so many stupid bitches around that I can have for dinner. Literally. I have been watching cooking shows for months now to learn the proper seasonings for white meat. I like dark meat too, but there are far more dumb drunk white girls roaming the malls and bars of America. I have learned a few things over the years of preparing special holiday feasts. Always have back up meat. Sometimes you grab a meal on the go and don’t realize until you get home it is already spoiled or way past its expiration date.

Nothing ruins meat more than too many tattoos; or fake boobs and butt implants. Plastic surgery and a face full of Botox means you are a practice meal at best. I don’t serve my friends anything but the best, purest meat. I have a sweet young thing chained in the back yard as I type. She is free range, eating corn meal and protein so her meat with be extra juicy come Thanksgiving Day. I also have a not so sweet thing who is giving the Kardashian twits a run for their money in the fake department. She is a barely legal girl already addicted to plastic surgery and chemicals. Honestly, she will do society far more good as a practice meal. I am just putting her out of everyone’s misery, including her own.

snuff pornIt got messy, but I extracted her breast and butt implants. Shaved her head so the bleach would not ruin her flavor. I flavored her body in a yummy butter sauce. Slow roasted her over an open flame on a bed of veggies. Even put an ear of corn in both ends as a side dish. The key is letting the sauce absorb into the skin. This can be obtained with an overnight sauté or good meat tenderizing before roasting. I like a slow roast. Sure there may be some screams as the heat consumes your meal, but ultimately it just makes the meat so much more tender and sweet.

I applied some cooking tips I learned from Rachel Ray and I pretty much turned Spam into Lamb. Even golden brown. Tender and juicy all around. A nice aroma. And seasoned to perfection. She yielded way too much meat for me alone, and I never let a meal go to waste, so I put parts in my Ninja blender. Made some protein shakes for the real meal grazing in the backyard and some diced meat for sandwiches. I so can’t wait for Thanksgiving. Want to join me for a very special meal? You can bring a special side dish and we can trade recipes!

taboo phone sex

My latest victim

2 girl phone sexMy deviant thoughts have gotten me this far, gotten me all the whores I could possibly ever want. I made them all bleed so much, and this one will be no different. A Victim, helpless to my friend and I who will control her till we have no need for her anymore. This little subby has lots of rape fantasies and she craves the cock that will torment her cunt, and the cocks that will violate her in every way. Oh why don’t we make her beg for it? Get that Cassandra slut on her knees where she belongs. It makes my pussy dripping wet to see her there with her massive tits hanging helplessly, she really needs those things tortured! I look at those lips and can’t wait to see them torn apart by more cocks than she can count. She has no clue what is coming to her, but I am going to make her beg for it. Beg to be fucked, violated and used. She’s going to love it – beg for it over and over through her tears of pain. She can cry as much as she wants, her dripping cunt tells no lie. She can’t deny it in the least, she is loving it all. She’ll love it to the last second that I snuff that whore out. Cocks in all her holes, of course.

snuff phone sex

Snuff Porn: Recruiting Party

It’s recruitment time for the gang to round up some more victims. We have another low budget snuff porn in the plans and need those disposable fucks to be our star. These parties are always a gem and fuck I think i may set up to have the party itself filmed since we always end up with a few dead to dispose of. Sick fuckers pay good money for our shit, and I have a fucking blast doing the films.

snuff porn

I’m going to recruit some sleazy mother fuckers this round and yeah I’m a horny fucking She-Devil and will take full advantage of my recruits. I like cock, I like to get fucked and whoever does me the best may get a pass on being snuffed. But that will require some skill on his part. I’m very much looking forward to castration and bloodletting festivities to push me into the best fucking orgasm.The recruitments at least get their last chance at a hot fuck but if they are not pleasing me I will whip my boot knife out and stab their fucking throat. While they gurle their last breat and their cock gets stiff as a board in rigor mortis my side man will take his meat cleaver and whack that prick off.


Mutilation phone sex with Makayla

Mutilation phone sex

Is Mutilation phone sex on your mind? I know you are sick and twisted in the head. You want to chop me up into little pieces. But you aren’t going to do it fast are you? You are going to torture me for days. Make me plead and beg you to stop. You will laugh in my face, get angry and beat me as I scream for mercy. It’s what turns you on. Hearing me scream, causing me so much pain that I black out. You love it when my body goes limp so you can stick your cock into my mutilated pussy. You like fucking a warm limp body, and you are working your way up to fucking my cold dead body aren’t you? You are a sick and twisted fucker but I like it.

Bad Medicine

I love medical fetishes. I think it started the first time I went to the gynecologist and he molested me. I was so young and there I was spread eagle in the stirrups. Not even one hair on my tiny pussy. My dad made me go because he thought I was a little slut. He told the doctor that, so I guess the doctor took that as a free ticket to touch me in ways he wasn’t supposed to. My obsession has grown over the years to any kind of doctor – or hospital. Any place they want me to remove my clothes.

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I always pretend to “forget” to put my gown on and when they come in the room I am naked and waiting. I am such a little whore I can always get them to fuck me. This was fun for awhile and then something even more exciting happened. The doctor was putting an IV in my arm – and you know how much I LOVE pain – and I watched in awe at the needle going in and the flash of blood as he finished. Then he took some vials and began filling them from the port in my arm. One after another of my fresh red blood. I swear I could feel it draining from my body.

I asked him if I could hold one and he looked confused but let me. I popped off the top and took a sip. His jaw about hit the ground, but he didn’t stop me. I poured the rest down over my naked breasts and giggled and said, “oops…” He was so flustered and didn’t know what to do so I asked him if he wanted a taste too. I saw his cock rise inside his scrubs and he slowly bent over and began licking my blood from my tits. I came so hard watching him taste the life that had been sucked out of me. He started licking and sucking harder – becoming addicted immediately to the taste of my blood. His face was covered and I ran my fingers through his hair as he finished cleaning me up with his tongue. He came in his scrubs – I could see it all down the front. I don’t like being sick – but I can certainly fake it to get myself back in to see him again!


You caught me in the parking lot trying to get into my car. You slapped duct tape over my mouth before I could say a word and then knocked me to the dirty ground. I hadn’t seen your face, but now I could feel your hands on me, taping my wrists together and shoving some sort of cloth in my mouth. I was face down with y knees tucked and taped under me. It was the middle of the day! Where were all the people and why wasn’t anyone helping me?

I could look to the side and see my ripped cloths and saw you reach down and pick up my purse. All this just to rob me? My naked ass was fully exposed and I could feel the cold air blowing down over my tight asshole and pussy. You began rummaging through my purse. What the fuck were you doing – just take the damn thing. Then I watched you pull out my red lipstick. Then you disappeared from my view. For a moment I literally thought you just stole my lipstick but then I felt you writing something on my ass with it.

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I had no idea what you write, but I heard you run off. I tried as hard as I could to free myself from the tape but I couldn’t. Then I heard some footsteps approaching. Finally someone had come to save me. To my surprise I heard laughter from several men standing over me. Then I heard one of them say, “Why not?” and then I heard them unzipping their pants. Fire shot through me as one of them rammed his cock right up my tight asshole and I felt the other one groping my breasts. I knew it wasn’t the same man who left me here, but here I was exposed for everyone’s rape phone sex fantasies. I was there for hours as groups of men came by and fucked me raw. Finally one of the men took off most of the tape and flipped me over. Just when I was about to thank him for saving me, he pulled a knife and slit my throat.

Give and Take

You finally let me out of that grungy basement and took me upstairs. Your whole house is dark and creepy, but still better than the dirty and cold basement. Even the little bit of light hurt my eyes, but no complaints from me. You don’t like complainers and I know what you would do to me. You grab my arm hard and throw me into the bathroom and tell me to clean up good. My mind started racing at the thought of being able to take a bath. I had been treated like a kept animal in a cage in the basement and covered in dirt and cum for as long as I could remember.

My mind was so fucked after the first few days of torture under your house that I couldn’t think straight. Thoughts raced through my mind as I got into the shower and felt the cold water running down my body. There was soap and it smelled so good. I rubbed it all over my tender body, flinching at each spot where you had bruised me for trying to fight back. But it still felt good. You stood and watched – your eyes looking up and down my naked body like a lion looking at prey. Your stare made my pussy throb and I couldn’t help but enjoy your sick eyes on my ass and tits.

snuff phone sex taylor
I soaped up slowly to be sure to give you a good show. You taught me right. Once I rinsed off and turned the water off, you stepped towards me and began groping my wet naked body. Your hand always so rough and you squeezed my ass so tight I knew more bruises would come. You pushed me against the wall, climbed in, and fucked my ass up against the wall. My feeling of being clean disappeared immediately… but I guess that was your plan all along. You loved to give things just to take them away.

Underground Snuff porn with Natasha

underground snuff pornYou don’t want to believe it. You hear the stories. You may have even seen a crude video clip or a blurred pic. It makes you tremble in the night when you walk to your car in the dark or your teen daughter isn’t home on time. But it here, all around you. I know it, because I am the one you should fear. I am the producer of underground snuff porn, the thief of innocence, the taker of life. I prey on those who are young and weak. I lurk in the shadows of night, waiting and watching.
I find pleasure in the pain. The smell of blood as it leaks from multiple stabs that slowly fill your lungs with blood, leaving you to gurgle helplessly. It’s not about the sex for me. It’s the hunt and the fear that drives me. Together with my horny accomplice whose sexual rages are fueled by blood, the victim suffers a terrible death. The more pain I inflict, the bigger his monster cock grows, until he must sate it by ramming it into unwilling holes. He shreds flesh as he violates, leaving carnage behind. I am like gasoline, pouring the fuel, fanning the destruction he craves deep down in his soul.
I am the mistress of evil, the devils spawn, and I will take you straight to hell. After I violate you, burn you, and slit your throat, leaving you to bleed in the darkness of the woods. I search for my mate, my accomplice, my shadow, to join me in this quest for death and violence. Perhaps you are even more twisted than me? Let us see…..

Torture Phone Sex is Fun!!!

Torture Phone Sex

Torture phone sex is fun!!! There’s nothing quite like being able to get tortured AND torture someone else at the same time! Daddy makes sure I do it all, it’s the only reason he even keeps me around now days. He would have snuffed me out ages ago if he hadn’t discovered he could use me as his accomplice as his victim. He loves having the best of both worlds; all we need is another girl to torture. Who’s getting fucked up tonight? I think it’s going to be that little blondie over there; she’s who we’ll follow home from school and I’ll start walking next to her and then throw her in the car. She won’t even get a chance to scream! Once we get to our favorite spot she will have her mouth pried open and Daddy and all his friends are going to start fucking her mouth nice and violently. Daddy and his friends are going to come for me soon too, we’re both going to have our nipples twisted and abused. Our holes fisted and toys stuffed in them for hours. Pissed on and beat up, fucked and covered in cum. Daddy makes sure we are both nice and used…