Category: Snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex

snuff phone sex

I got caught at church fucking in the confession booth. I think what gave me away was the fact that I was moaning and screaming “fuck me harder”. Well any way a nice cop put me into his handcuffs and escorted me out of the premises while the congregation looked at me with such disgrace. As I hopped into the back of the cop car,  I smiled at the cop and with the sluttiest voice I said ” pretty please don’t take me to jail I’ll do anything!” The cop smiled and drove me to a parking garage near the police station. He opened the door to the back of the squad car and began choking me. I began to cry begging him not to kill me that I would do anything! He decided to grab me and kiss me, groping me hard feeling my breast and ass and slowly working his way to my pussy. He ripped off my underwear exposing my ass and began to penetrate my cunt until It was covered in his cum. The cop was still not satisfied so he began to fuck my shit hole sliding his shaft deep into my ass until I started to bleed. Crying since he was making my ass hole bleed and stretch out so much I was in fear of getting a Cyclopes pussy. The cop began penetrating me harder and faster hitting me in the head with his baton until I went limp. I awoke shorty after with him tasering my clit. Screaming in pain the cop grabbed some yellow tape and rapped it around my mouth until I could not be heard. He left me in the parking garage with my holes filled, and a bloody ass hole. At least I’m not in jail…

Medical fetish phone sex

Medical fetish phone sex

I was in a fog, cold and shivering. I couldn’t move my arms to warm myself. I couldn’t move my legs, I tried to open my mouth but I could not. It was so dark, I could hear his foot prints coming towards me. The bright light burned my eyes, taking me a while to adjust. He walk walking around me, rubbing his gloved hands up and down my body. I could hear him moving something close to my head, I started to cry. Once my eyes began to work again I wish they never would have. I knew him, I fucked him once a week for the last 6 months.

Torture phone sex

He was twisted, but nothing like this. I tried to open my lips and felt pain as I tried to move my mouth. He laughed as he lowered a mirror so I could see my entire body. I was strapped down to a metal table. My body is completely hairless, as I am looking in horror at my body I see him coming closer to me. He was holding a knife, I tried to scream but i only ripped my lips. He told me how he has always wanted to explore a body like Doctors do.   I passed out as he stuck his knife into my belly. 

Silly little slut

snuff phone sexOh silly little slut. Thinking she is the hottest little bitch ever and talking to my most regular clients. Doesn’t she know I don’t like to share? That’s okay I can show this little slut that the only call I will be sharing with her is snuff phone sex. If she wants to please a man she can do it with me right by her side forcing her to do things she never imagined she would do. And let me tell you, as much as I am pissed at this little bitch – I am certain she can definitely please a man however he may want…with the right persuasion of course. I know whatever she might not want to do; I can certainly make that bratty ass of hers do anyway. This little bitch will do it all regardless if she is willing or not because I am in control, and I am feeling extra mean tonight. So what did you have in mind? I am going to make her do all the work… this certainly won’t be a pleasant last few hours of her life! She needs some experience in toilet play don’t you think? I am sure this little bitch might like to get into some shit. Literally! Haha. I would truly love to see that slutty little cunt digging her entire body into some shit just for you. Don’t you think she would look just gorgeous sharing golden showers with you? Ha! I think we have quite a lot to show her, now don’t we?  If she wants to resist that’s okay I’ll just have to smack her around and use my knife on her slowly but surely… she’ll learn to obey soon. Now let’s get started…you already know I am not patient at all.

Torture Phone Sex Fun

torture phone sex karmaShe was a bad little bitch in her leather and chains. Leaving her husband at home to set out for an adventure with the bad boys on the rough side of town. She had no idea she would run into me. I saw right through her tough persona right to the innocence that was her true self. Some things just can’t be covered up. It didn’t take me long to convince her that she should come home with me and one of the boys. He has the same desire for torture phone sex as I do and he just loves getting sweet things like this and showing them what real evil sex is all about. We started slow just because we wanted to build up the momentum. We whipped her with a cat of nine whip tearing her flesh and watching her wiggle, scream and bleed for us. That is when I got the cactus off the window ledge. Carefully I broke a piece off and slid it in her oft mouth watching as the spines tore at her tongue and lips. In that moment I knew her cunt would feel the fucking from my prickly plant. I fucked her good with my green dildo. With each brier that stuck in her pussy, my cunt became wetter. I grabbed a large bottle of rubbing alcohol and began to pour it all over her. In her mouth, on her body, and cunt. The pain was to much for her and she passed out. I didn’t let that state stop me. The torture continued till late in the night as she slipped in and out of consciousness.

Welcome To My Nightmare

taboo phone sex karmaShe was the cutest thing I have ever seen. A sweet button nose and a cute little haircut. Brown curls caressing her forehead. Her smile was big and bright and she was practically skipping along. She didn’t see the uneven spot in the sidewalk and fell feet over head to the ground. The blood came to the surface of her knees as she tried to push down her skirt and cover the tightest pair of g string panties I have seen in a while. Such an innocent looking thing with a inner kinky side combined with the bright red blood had my pussy soaking wet. Offering her help, telling her that I live right around the corner, my mind was racing as I helped her back to my place. Once inside I sat her on a chair in the kitchen to clean her scraped knees up. I used alcohol and acted like I thought it was peroxide when she screamed. the sound went straight to my already tingling pussy and I couldn’t wait any longer. Balling up my fist I felt her chin give under the force of my punch. Blood spattered across the floor as her unconscious body hit the floor. Dragging her body down the steps to my basement, I cum a little each time her head bounces off a step. By the time I get her on my special table her head has a big gash and blood is dripping every where. Fucking her lifeless body is pure bliss…

Hide and seek

taboo phone sex paulinaI was successful for quite some time at hiding out from my husband. Well I knew it was not going to last forever. He found me last night and well….it’s all I can do to sit here and type.

I can barely see out of my eyes because as he skull fucked me I took a severe pounding to my face. He made sure that his jizz was not the only bodily fluid I tasted on my lips it was a 50/50 mixture of his nut and my blood. I knew the more I resisted the more I’d be punished. So I just sat there on my knees and took every pump and punch he had coming to me.

Once he wore out my face my old ass was the next victim in line. He bent me over and grabbed me by the head of my hair using my head as leverage for each thrust he nailed into my ass with his thick cock. I will never admit this to him but I have always loved the way he pounded my ass. It was the only time I ever felt he loved me. It was his most sensual touch even tough anytime he used my asshole as a pin cushion it would end up in a bloody massacre.

I have mixed emotions about our reunification. But one thing is certain you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. He is still the same old dirty dog he has always been and it’s not any new news I will always be his bitch.

Mind Altering

taboo phone sex angie1My mind is spinning. My vision is blurred. The walls of the room are breathing and her blood is the brightest red I have ever seen. Ecstasy is my favorite drug. Not only do i love the mind altering effects but the way it heightens my senses drives me insane in the best of ways. Fucking her tight pussy with my special bat that has nails sticking out of it while high as fuck, listening to her screams, watching her velvety pussy get chewed up and feeling the blood spattering on my skin is a sensation beyond erotic. The feel of my knife against the resistance of her flesh is intense and now looking at her covered in blood panting and writhing in pain has taken me to another level of euphoria. The IV drip has begun. Watching the fluid drop into the tube is mesmerizing. Soon her body will start to respond to the toxin. Her skin will begin to bubble as she feels the burn like fire growing with in her body. The areas on her body that haven’t been mutilated already will eventually tare and fluids will rush out of her as she takes her last breath. Evil and twisted is so delightful when I am high.

Don’t you love evil phone sex?

evil phone sexSome days I am feeling more into evil phone sex than others. Sometimes I want to be more than mean, want to be twisted and fucked up. And I know it – and love it. There’s no other way than to embrace the twisted fucked up side of yourself and love every second of it. Once you do that it makes things more fun. And that’s why when I saw Barbie Mommy and her little brat in the stroller I knew I was going to fuck them up. Of course the bimbo didn’t notice me following her, too busy on her phone and plus who would suspect a woman like me? I stalked her for hours as she ran her errands before she finally came home to what was clearly an empty house. Looks like she’s a single Mom, another reason she had everything I was going to do to her coming. She was deserving, so I broke in for her and her babygirl. She was helpless to me, as I beat her ass. I left her there bloody as I tied her up, knowing this was far from over. I was going to humiliate her and make her watch me do horrific things to her babygirl. And she’s going to know I am loving it because I am going to be cumming hard, as she dies of course.

Drive It And I Will Cum

snuff porn angieYou would think that the blood would be a dead give away. But it isn’t. These little fuckers don’t give a shit and that is the way I want it. This fucking ice cream truck attracts them like flies to fucking honey. So many little ones and they all want ice cream. And all I want is their screams, their blood, their pain and suffering. With this truck I have my pick of fresh little morsels with tight bald pussies and big innocent eyes. I lure them into my truck with promises of sweets and then take them to my place. Once in my basement they find out what a wicked ass world we live in and how dark it can be. It makes their nightmares look like a trip top Disney Land. taboo phone sex angie1

Ash Wednesday was for killing!

snuff phone sexI went on a spree – a killing spree. It was Ash Wednesday and I was looking for whoever boasted the cross of ash on their forehead. Those were the ones I killed brutally…those were the ones that deserved it most. I’m not really sure what all that shit is for or what those ashes are even supposed to mean…I just used it as an excuse to slaughter people. I mean, who wouldn’t right? I don’t really ever need a reason to kill but I will do it gladly and happily in any bloody way I can think of. I was doing them all differently but leaving the same mark on their forehead so everyone that finds them, laying there bloodied and dead, trust me, those people definitely knew that I was on a hunt for more blood from those with that stupid cross. It didn’t matter to me if they were old or young, big or small, female or male, nothing mattered at all except seeing them dead…