Category: Snuff phone sex

A little snuff sex is all it takes

snuff sexI took myself a little vacation to Atlantic City last week, I wanted to gamble and have a little fun is that too much to ask? I hadn’t planned on any kind of wicked activities, I was just going to gamble I swear! It’s just that one thing led to another and I ended up at a private table and somehow I ended up winning this guy’s girlfriend from him! I really didn’t start my trip off thinking that I would end up fucking up some little whore but as soon as I saw that skanky bitch I knew that I was going to make her bleed. I’ve tortured a thousand whores like her before so I was almost bored with the thought of using her but then I thought “What if I make her stupid boyfriend watch?”… now that could add some fun! I told him that he had to come with me back to my place, I said that I needed him to make sure that I didn’t have any problems getting this bitch home and he agreed without hesitation. Once we were at my place I was in complete control of them, there was nowhere that they could run and they both huddled in the corner in fear. I told that wimpy fucking boyfriend to get up and be a man! I told him that he was going to help me fuck this bitch up whether he wanted to or not and you know what? Even though at first that little bitch didn’t want to help me hurt his precious little whore, in the end he not only helped me, he fucking got off on that shit too! Everyone has a little monster inside them, sometimes it just takes a little push and a little snuff sex to let the demon out!

Snuff Phone Sex Vampira

Snuff phone sex

These fucking urges I get sometimes will lead to some of the kinkiest sex… for me anyway! I never really know how the victim feels as his body grows cold beneath me. His hard pecker inside my soaking wet pussy as I bite his nipples with my incisor implants ad lap the blood up. I love when they go into rigor mortis with their fuckstick inside me still. Riding a hard stiff rod on a stiff is just one of those things for me. Then again I love dick, no little dick men, nah, I castrate phone sex that shit!

So, earlier I got the damned urge for a bite and that taste of sin while at the bar. I looked around for a feasible victim, when I spotted you watching me. I turn on the flirtation and your at my side buying me a drink. Your going to be my bitch from here on out and die loving it.

Almost got away

kidnapping phone sex

Every day it escalates with my husband. After the last couple times of him pulling his antics. I told myself I had to get out and I had to get out quick. I packed very few items with me and left. I had no idea where I was going I was just driving and not looking back. I drive for a bout 6 hours and finally decided to take a break at a rest stop. As I was walking out from the rest stop restroom I felt a hand grip me from behind and cover my mouth. I did not fight or struggle back. Something I had learned over the years with my husband. I was thrown in the back of a van and my clothes began to get torn off my body. The man had a mask on his face so I could not make out my attacker even if I wanted to. I just laid there and took it as he pounded me with his cock. I tried not to make any noises but I was so scared to death. He shoved something in my mouth to quiet me down. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my ass as he rammed something very cold and hard right up inside of me without any lube. I knew he tore me because I felt the warmness if blood. Another sensation I was very well familiar with from my husband. I just lay still hoping he’d finish soon and just prayed he would let me go once he had his way with me.Once he was finished he opened the back door and shoved me out leaving me there in the nude covered in cum.

I Devoured Her

taboo phone sex karmaWalking past the neon sign, the lure of the heavy metal music drew me in. As my eyes adjusted to the dimly lite room I saw her there on the stage. Black electrical tape clung to her body in an erotic pattern barely covering her nipples and the center of her bald pussy. Grinding the pole in front of her she was working the crowd. Her goth makeup completed the look and had my pussy wet as hell. I ordered a drink and sat as close to her as I could get. Holding up a twenty I caught her eye. Stepping off the stage she straddled me and began my lap dance. then she turned to face me and blood began to drip out of her mouth. The fire was burning inside me now and I had to have her. As her set ended she joined me. Sipping a Bloody Mary my taste for real blood was growing. I needed to taste her flesh and blood. Taking her home was easy. Taking out the rope and tieing her to the stone alter, she gave in to my desires. Her pussy was so wet, her nipples rock hard. It was time for me to feast. I started by nibbling on her body but soon I was biting her harder. Unable to control myself I came away with a chunk of thigh and the taste of her blood left me with no restraint. I devoured her. Each scream brought me closer to orgasm. Each bite increased my appetite. I needed release. Positioning my self between her legs I ripped her pussy lips off one at a time and felt the flow of cum running down my legs. I don’t know when she passed out, but it really didn’t matter. She was finger licking good.

Ex Spouse Day is coming up!

snuff moviesHave you ever heard of Ex Spouse Day? Don’t worry if you haven’t because I definitely didn’t know about it until recently either. It is on April 14th and I have big big plans for that day for sure! You see, I have an ex husband and he is one of those people that every single time I see his stupid face I want to break it! He is the most annoying person on earth and his new wife (my former bff) is no fucking better. I try to play all nice nice when I am forced to see them but that is becoming so much harder with every passing day! Seriously, these two assholes turned my life into an episode of the Jerry Springer show and for that reason alone they must go!  I think I will wait until they are sleeping… fucking sheep go to bed really early every night so it will be really easy to break in to their house, then I just need to decide how they will die. Should I shoot them? Stab them? Torture them for hours? Or maybe I should just tie them to the bed and set the fucking house on fire! Whatever way I choose doesn’t matter as long as they suffer and as long as I get to record the whole fucking thing for my future amusement! They are going to be the stars of my favorite snuff movies!

Knife Play Phone Sex with Paulina

knife play phone sex

My husband has been on a kick with bringing men home to watch me fuck them or rather them fuck me. This is way out of character for him and what I am used to over the years. He has always been the controlling jealous type. I remember one time in our early years of dating we were out at a bar and a gentleman told him that he had a beautiful girlfriend and he ended up getting into a fight and getting us kicked out. So having him bring home these men has me baffled. At first I thought it was a trick so that he had an excuse in his mind to beat the shit out of me. Today he brought home a younger guy probably in his 30’s. Never seen this guy before in my life and I have no idea where he surfaced from. But my husband made him strip his pants down while holding a knife to the back of my neck and made me suck him off. I could feel the cold hard blade pressing against the back of my neck and the tip of it would lightly stab the bottom of my head as I slid my mouth up and down on this mans dick. He was barely getting hard at first so I knew he was nervous just as much as I was with the whole knife show. But the more I was forced down on that cock with my husbands knife the harder his rod grew in my mouth. He told me that if I did not make this fella cum that I was going to need some stitches and he would be the one playing doctor. I looked up at him and practically begged him with my eyes to please cum. He closed his eyes and started to breathe heavily and finally I tasted the salty hot load release in my mouth. Just for confirmation I had to hold his nut in my mouth and open wide for my husband to see before I could swallow. Poor guy, I am just thankful he was able to blow his rod while being under so much pressure.

Daddy Almost KILLED ME!!!

snuff phone sex (3)

Most people don’t believe in magic and all that crap but I DO! You see… I think I’ve been getting on my Daddy’s nerves lately. Sure I try to stay out of his way, and never fight back no matter how badly I am being abused. It’s never enough for Daddy though he just hates me so much. He knows he could never hurt me enough, he could never treat me as I really deserve…because I deserve to be dead. So many times I’ve thought I was going to die but knew Daddy would make sure I made it alive…so he could continue to use me time and time again. This morning I woke up and it was 6am. Daddy is never ever up that early but I could hear him in the kitchen…I figured I would just go back to sleep…it was nothing right? Wrong. I awoke and Daddy had my nose pinched between his fingers, he was ordering me to open my mouth and swallow it. I figured it was his cock or cum that was about to be sliding down my throat but what I tasted was chemicals. I knew I was fucked. Daddy had finally had it!!! I choked it down and saw Daddy’s wicked smile, his pants were off and his cock was hard…he jammed his cock down my throat and all I remember was his screaming “Die you worthless cunt!” as he force fucked my mouth, and beat me senseless. I don’t even know why I am alive right now…after drinking that deadly potion.

rape phone sex fantasies (12)

Never Seen It Coming

Snuff sex       I am such a worthless whore who deserves to get the living hell beat out of me. And that is exactly what happened to me today. I came home and the moment I walked through the door I felt a sharp stabbing pain to the back of my neck. He was waiting for me behind the door and the second it closed he attacked me. Most times I see it coming but not this time. Once I was down on the ground he repeatedly kicked me with his pointy toed cowboy boots. I started to feel a warm rush come over my face and then I seen it. A pool of blood started to build up beneath my near lifeless body. I thought he must have broke my nose and that was where all the blood was pouring from but it turns out he had cracked my skull. As I begged and pleaded for him to stop it was just giving him more fuel to beat me even more. I finally gave up and went limp. The last thing I remember feeling was his cock ramming my asshole. I was face down in my own blood practically drowning in it. When I woke up in the hospital I was alone and confused. At that very moment I had no idea what happened and couldn’t answer a single question they were asking me. Finally I fabricated a good enough story for them that they believed me and I was soon released to go back home.

Accomplice phone sex in the nursing home

accomplice phone sex

I decided to do some volunteer work at the nursing home this week. I met a handsome male nurse that seemed very peculiar. I tried getting to know him more and more, but he seemed to just ignore me the harder I tried. I always had such poor judgment when it came to men. Well lucky for me he started to warm up to me and pursue me when I stopped trying to seek him out. He started trying to get me to tag along with him when visiting patients, and the more he included me, the hornier I got.

He then started closing doors behind us and locking us in a room with the elderly. Some were stroke patients, others were coherent individuals, and most were reverted back to their early years in life acting like little brats. Now usually I am a victim and to be honest I may like it that way because that is the only time an individual acknowledges my filthy excuse of an existence. Well this guy assured me and threatened me that I would be the next person he gets to fuck up. We were staring down at a patient giving her meds, when all the sudden she started to act like a little brat.

The man I was with obviously was not approving of the actions. He grabbed some blood pressure tape and decided to tie this old lady up very tightly. Her hands above her head, getting her circulation cut off and her feet tied to the bed. Her body that was tied up turned from red, to purple, to black. He cut her clothes of and got a scalpel. He started carving in to her delicate old flesh. A piece there and a piece here. Before I knew it, the bitch was skinned alive.

My hand was over her mouth the whole time and she could see everything we were doing. She was a full on bloody mess. Not an inch of untouched flesh was on her. He decided that maybe she hadn’t had anything buried in her cunt for a long time and wanted to see what her holes looked like. He spread her thighs open and was delightfully surprised when he saw two tight holes that he needed to gape open. He let her get his cock all nice and wet first by her gums sliding up and down his shaft.

After however many years he says she is still good at sucking a dick. He wasted no time to gape her holes open and to fuck her struggling body. The whole thing turned me on so much that once we cut her major arteries that were exposed, he fucked me on her dead body. I guess I did not consider how much he was messed up. I quickly turned into the next victim of his.

Cry Bitch~!

Taboo phone sexThe thing is… I need to hear her cry. I need to see, taste and  feel the blood. I crave the pain, need it to happen to an innocent little cunt. Really, any cunt will do. In the end we know they all end up the same! Snuffed the fuck out. Who fucking needs another useless whore? One that’s been violated and tortured nonetheless. It’s easy for me to find girls just by doing some wicked babysitting. It’s the kind parents don’t like to come home to, me tied up and looking helpless and their little one gone for forever…they search for days and weeks and then years but I know the truth. I know what happened to that little helpless cunt. She cried, oh she cried. She begged and begged for her life and even was willing to do anything. We tested her limits for weeks…just to see what this little cunt would do. She was so willing to do anything to live it was extremely pathetic. Before long her holes were all used and torn up, she had blood and cum crusted all over her body. We thought it would be best for the whore to go out the way all whores should go out. Chocking on a big fat cock!