Category: Snuff phone sex

Snuff Phone Sex Fantasies

snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex fantasies make me wet. I am a twisted woman. The higher I get, the more fucked up and twisted my thoughts become too.  I was doing meth with this dealer the other night. Normally, I am a coke head, but beggars can’t be choosers. He was a dealer, but not a coke dealer. I didn’t have money to pay, just my worn out fuck holes. None of my regular dealers will give me coke anymore, so I tried meth. I got high quicker than ever before. I got fucked up in the head quicker than before too. I started talking about snuff sex and my twisted death fantasies. I was so fucked up, that I didn’t even realize he had restrained me and put a choke collar around my neck. I was blabbering about a torture and rape fantasy and he was preparing me for it. I am unsure when I realized that we were acting out my fantasy. It could have been when he fisted my ass. Or, it might have been when he strung me up to a beam and used me as a punching bag. When the baseball bat cracked over my head and the blood trickled down over my face, I knew for sure we were no longer just talking. I should have been in pain, but I was laughing and begging for more. I guess that was the Meth talking. I woke up the next day looking like death warmed over. I was sore as fuck. I looked like hell, but guess what? My pussy was super wet. I told you I was a nasty fucking freak. I think I like meth more than coke. I didn’t think it was possible for me to go any darker, but one night of Meth proved me wrong.

He Wanted To Be Snuffed

snuff porn

You came to me to film some nasty snuff porn. Only this time you were not asking for sweet young cunts. You wanted to star yourself. I had my dungeon all set up for our film debut. I led you in in a spiked collar and leash. You had on pretty red panties and lipstick. I sat you in front of the camera and I beat you with my whip till you bleed. All the time you were begging me to stop. “Why would I stop beating a worthless loser bitch?’ I asked. I cut off one of your ears and you tried to escape. Suddenly ten big thick bull cocks surrounded us. I made you crawl your sniveling ass over and start gulping cock after cock. I bent you over and asked “Which testicle should I cut off first, Players choice?” You said right so I began to cut your left nut off with my blade. It took a long time as I should have sharpened it more. But it was okay because your mouth was full of thick cock choking you. A few times you turned blue but you still kept gobbling cock like the pitiful excuse of a man you are. I severed the right nut right before your ass rape porn became reality. Your ass was gaped as you bleed out from your ass and lost balls. I gave you my dagger as you lay in semi-shock on the cold hard concrete. I gave you the choice to die with more torture or finish yourself off. Eating this taste wimpy man burger I think you made the right choice. After all getting fucked by those ten big thick cocks makes a girl hungry.

ass rape porn

Stranger Danger 2

Torture phone sexI vaguely remember being pulled out of the car, and carried into a house, it was mostly dark but I could feel a cool draft as the man took me down a flight of stairs into a basement. I stayed calm, only breathing heavily from nerves and the pain I felt in my head. Feeling woozy as he began to chain up my arms, giving me no choice but to try and stand on my own. He let out a wicked laugh as he came up and licked my face. He then pulled out a knife and started to cut right down the middle of my shirt, revealing my black bra underneath. He slowly cut a slit above my breast before leaning down and kissing my breast. Will he be the one to finally end it?

My snuff movies were called Killing Francis

snuff moviesMy snuff movies were called “Killing Francis” and I just made the latest installment. Francis is a very weak little man, barely 5′ 7″, he weighs no more than 140 pounds soaking wet and he looks like a weak little bitch. He didn’t even protest while I tied him up, all he did was cry! He didn’t beg for help, he could see all those people crowded around to watch him die and the little wimp just accepted his fate. He cried while I beat him, he cried while he bled and eventually he even begged for his life… but it was far too late for him to save himself. I just kept beating him while the crowd chanted “Kill Francis! Kill Francis!” over and over and in the end he died the way he lived, a broken wimpy little bitch of a man.

I killed my BFF

sex with dead bodiesWatching snuff stuff always gets my boyfriend and me in trouble. He always was attracted to my friend Liz. When he got the idea of having us kill her and fuck her dead body it didn’t surprise me at all. I knew how much he was attracted to her and knew that he wanted her body cold and ready to be filled with all his fluids. It was rather simple. I invited Liz over and didn’t make it too crazy I just wanted to get it over. I made her food and made sure she ate a ton of rat poison and within minutes she wasnt feeling well. We lied her down and told her to drink a special ginger aid we got from our trip to Norway, but in reality, it was just regular Canada dry with arsenic. Within the hour she was dead, and we both were enjoying her cold corpse. Sex with dead bodies is our favorite just being able to share that sick experience make us closer and makes us want to up the ante. 

Castrating a Loser To The Extreme

This pathetic mother fucker thought he could treat all women like objects for his fucking desires and chose the wrong one for a target. Nothing like taking this loser on with some hot mutilation phone sex fun. We traced his tags back to an address and showed up there in the stealth of the night after determining his schedule. Myself and two of my biker gang brothers let ourselves in and the fun began. I visited him at his bed as though a dream come true, looking hot as fuck and had him dumb as all men tend to be over these breasts. I straddled him and quickly drew my knife and slit his fucking ball sack with a swift swipe of my blade. As he bent over in pain my brothers came in and took turns ripping his bitch ass wide open as they fantasy raped the fuck out of it and had it torn and bleeding, much like his balls.

mutilation phone sex

Take Me Away

Snuff phone sexLife is funny when you think about it. Every day have these little annoyance and concerns. Emotions like joy and happiness only last for a few moments then in the end all that’s left is nothing. Just skin that rots away, then the bones slowly waste away until they are dust. I bet dying is so peaceful. To not have to have those worries or concerns anymore. I could easily found out for myself but I think it should be a intimate experience. I want to make a deal. You do whatever you want to me, I’ll do anything you ask. The only thing I ask in return is you take me away from this world in the very end.

She didn’t last very long

snuff sexI thought I had the perfect victim to really take my time with, she was a little chubby and looked pretty strong so I thought she would last for days. Turns out she didn’t last more than an hour! I was so disappointed because I had put a lot of work into tricking her to come with me and I had to drug the big bitch too so that I could restrain her. Maybe I used too much dope, maybe her heart just couldn’t take the stress, maybe it was that huge razor wire covered dildo that literally split he in half… I don’t know for sure but I was barely getting into it and she fucking died just like that! What the fuck kinda shit is that??? I want to take way more than an hour to kill a bitch, I want to peel her skin off, break her bones, really make her suffer and scream before she dies this was almost a merciful killing and I am so not down for that! I guess I will just have to go find a replacement victim later on tonight to make up for it.

Daddy Daughter Snuff

violent phone sex

Violent phone sex stories from a snuff Whore:

Your wife was sleeping, you heard noise in the basement and came to check it out. It was just me wanting to play again. Your hardcore text made me want to come play. I was naked and had my ass spread open. I wanted that pierced dick in my ass. I needed to get you ready to act out your raging fantasy. I promised I would do this for you. You said your wife never gave her ass to you, but you drugged her and took it tonight. As you fucked my ass you told me how much better my tight ass was on your dick.  Your sweet daughter surprised us and I grabbed her and cut off her clothes. I bent her over the washer and held her down while playing with her cunny to get her ass wet. I demanded you destroy her ass as she screamed and kicked. Blood was dripping from her sweet ass hole around your cock. We could leave no witnesses so I wrapped my hands around her throat as you stayed in her ass fucking her. He head bobbed to the side as you came in your dead daughters’ ass.

Beat that bitch dead

Evil phone sexDaddy had a very special evil phone sex surprise for me. He blindfolded me and brought me down into the dungeon where he had a pregnant Mommy hanging from the ceiling. She was still alive but hardly breathing and her tip-toes were nearly touching the cold cement floor. Daddy handed me a spiked baseball bat and told me to batter her bulging belly like she was a motherfucking piñata. He told me not to stop until the little bitch cooking up inside of her was spilled out all over the floor, limbs and all!! I couldn’t believe that he was having me do something so fucked up to this woman so close to Mother’s Day but then again… shocked but not surprised!! I felt a little bad beating her until her and her bun in the oven both died but I had no choice really, it was either her or me and it definitely wasn’t going to be me. There was blood everywhere while I beat the fuck out of her swollen preggo body. She yelped and moaned with any sort of muffled oxygen that she had left inside of her dying corpse. Her abortion wasn’t a pretty sight, I was vomiting as the little bitch splooged everywhere, which caused big puddles of blood, guts and body parts.. Daddy was very pleased with how malicious I was with her. To add insult to injury, we live-streamed the entire murder online. Haha!