Category: Snuff phone sex

Evil phone sex

Evil phone sexIt would be here and only here you could truly receive Evil phone sex. What is evil? Well, that’s subjective. What I do know though? It is profoundly immoral and wicked. It is beyond just a ‘bad guy’ this is so much more hardcore and extreme. More monstrous, viler than the average nightmare. It’s more like the shows we watch every day where they tell a story of life and death and always it ends in the worst way imaginable. People have become so numb to it, seeing it on the news and watching it for entertainment they have no clue. They don’t think for one second that it could ever be them in such a position. I have learned otherwise, trust me. One day you can wake up and everything can change, or more likely maybe you won’t take up at all. But most likely? You will fight to your death, and endure a brutal fight as you lose it all, and the life leaves your eyes for good. Not so entertaining now is it? Mmm, oh but it is if you’re me and you get off on this type of stuff.

Who Needs To Call the Pigs, Not Me

Gothic phone sex is what they deserved to be tortured with. I was here working, maybe around 1am when I heard some noises outside. I have a hearse parked in my driveway, it’s beautiful, my fucking pride and joy. I step outside with my big man eating beast and take a look. It didn’t take long to see five little fuckers hovered around my fucking baby. That fucking hearse is more than a car to me it’s my baby, and No One fucks with it. I grab my sawed off shotgun from behind the door and let Valor loose on them. I’m not letting these losers get away. I grab a little punk assed nigger bitch by her braids and kick her in the stomach making her keel over while I attend to her fucking ghetto monkey co-conspirators. One of these black boys start coming at me I knock him in the head with the butt of my rifle, he’s down for the moment. The other three Valor took a bite out of they were trying to limp away. No worries I get on my phone and text my gang that stays two houses down. Those bitches ain’t getting far. For now I have these two to have some fun with. I haul the bitch in by her braids and tell her to shut the fuck up, no one cares. I bash the butt of the gun in her whore mouth, breaking a few teeth. The nigger monkey teen was a little difficult so I just said fuck it bashed him real good in his skull, opened his trousers, oh look, it’s a big black cock. He won’t be needing this shit anymore, but I will. I grab my knife and cut it off. I leave him in the carport to bleed out, it’s ok it’s already covered in a plastic sheet. I go inside, take that severed penis and toss it to Valor for his treat. That nigger bitch, well, I will have some fun with her, and so will the guys in my gang.

Gothic Phone Sex

Snuff Phone Sex

Unleash Your Snuff Sex Demons With Me

snuff sex

Unleash your snuff phone sex demons with me. I make men quiver with fear and brats scream and cry in agony. Decide what role you will play with me! I can be the willing accomplice to break in stealthy and kidnap those brats as you meet me in my “workspace of terror”. Would you lie to be tearing open your offspring cunts and ass or would you like me to hire a couple of BBC terrorizers to do the job as you watch? One thing though, they won’t survive this fucking! And if I don’t think your man enough to witness such an event I will slice your balls off and have you singing Alto! You decide how you will play and leave the blood and Rape phone sex fantasies to a Pro. Your Hard cock in hand we will explore the deep underbelly of that mind and what makes your cock spurt!

Sadistic Phone Sex Daydreaming In Cemetery

When the sun is out and the day is just fucking peachy great, I love to sit in the cemetery and daydream. My boyfriend works at the crematorium connected to this wonderful old graveyard and it’s far better than any park. I love my solitude. The rare occasion I get bothered by an idiot and have to do my bit. I will lure him in and seduce him. I love to get his cock hard and excited. These idiots really think I’m going to give them my pussy, good lawd they are naive. I love when they are all anticipating fucking me in the graveyard in the middle of the day, or night. It’s lovely, really. I grab their cock and whisper in their ear that they should really learn a lesson about being annoying when someone is just trying to get some peace. As I lick and nibble his ear and whisper this I stroke his cock out and slice the bitch right off. His screams are met with delight as my boyfriend knows he gets to fire up the furnace again and how we love to fuck while some loser is being torched to ash in seconds. The screams are always covered by some good old Darkthrone blaring on the stereo.

Sadistic phone sex

I made him a little bitch

taboo phone sexThis bitch owed me money… a lot of fucking money and she was not paying me fast enough so I had to do something drastic to get her attention. She has this son that she is so proud of, he’s so smart, he’s so athletic, he’s so perfect blah blah blah. I kidnapped that boy and broke him so completely that he will never be the same. I stripped him naked and hung him by his wrists in my basement and invited a few rough guys to come and break him in. They fucked his lil ass and his pretty lil mouth and reduced him to a blubbering mess. We dressed him up like a whore and made him sell his ass on the street to anyone that would pay and we kept him for days and turned her perfect little son into a dick sucking faggot with a taste for partying. I sent him home with an addiction to drugs and dick and told her that she was lucky I let him live… next time I he won’t be so lucky so she better pay me soon.

Home Invasion Phone Sex

Home invasion phone sex

Well I’m not delicious prey without a use. I have many uses, really. One thing predators find the best use for me is to come in and help themselves to my delicious body and fuck holes. Home invasion phone sex is a common occurrence for me and sometimes I get battered and torn up bad. I’ve had them use me and leave me for dead. Once or twice they were considerate to call 911 for me before the left me to bleed out. I was left one night in my bed soaked in my blood. They had to administer pints of blood because I had so much blood loss. This is so fucking common. I am a total fuck whore and am meant to be used. The home invasion that happened last night left me super sore but I cam like a fucking whore and smiled in my distress because it felt so fucking good.

Snuff Makes My Pussy Wet

Accomplice Phone SexDaddy is always scheming, anything to make some cash. He loves the pay to play webcam business and I usually am the star attraction in the videos. Sometimes daddy has special shows, the kind that require big dollars. He has plenty of people willing to pay for such naughty fetishes. They always start out typical, with me being fucked by multiple guys, sucking lots of dick, taking it in the ass and multiple cum shots. It is how they end that brings the money. Daddy hires people off the streets, the down on their luck, druggy type that nobody will know has gone missing. He jacks them up on cocaine or X and turns them loose. They are always the last guy with me. They are blitzed out of their mind. I let them ram their dick in my pussy and pound me hard. Then because he is so high his dick gets hard again. I lay him on the bed and get between his legs, sucking on his rock-hard cock and he lays there in ecstasy. Right when he is ready to shoot his load I reach under the mattress and pull out a big sharp knife. Then when he starts squirting his warm hot load, I take that knife and in one swift movement I cut his dick off. He screams as blood flows from his legs. I then take his dick and stuff it right in his mouth letting the blood roll down his mouth. Finally, I take that knife and slit his throat. The camera captures all the blood and gore before zooming in on his lifeless body with his cock still stuffed in his mouth. I get so horny from doing that that Daddy always fucks me nice and hard right by that body.

Snuff Phone Sex Fuck

snuff phone sex

Oh, how a bloody phone sex fuck gets me off!  My pussy drips in time with the blood from a whore who has been fucked unconscious. I thrive on fuckdoll that I have kidnapped for my perverse pleasures.  Nothing about these sluts should be celebrated but the demise and slow death at the end of your cock. Toys to be used only for the bloody sadistic pleasures of your grown man’s cock. No point in denying your animalistic urges with me. ANd still I would ride a blood-covered cock after the final death of girls worthless except for your needs. Drilling holes and cutting body parts off to use as a new orifice for your cock. Arm, neck and even straight into that small pumping heart. I am a sadistic bitch who needs to cause pain to my small subjects and watch as your cock cums alive for anything but the mundane, vanilla sex of this fucked up world. Men were meant to destroy with hard cocks and I provide the flesh, tender and tight so cum with me tonight.

Bitch had to go

taboo phone sexThis guy I know had a wife that was the biggest bitch in the fucking universe. The kind of bitch that was always busting his balls and trying to control him and because she had a huge inheritance he was reluctant to just divorce her. That’s where I came in, I broke into their house on a night when he was out of town working and snuffed that bitch. I was very cruel and sadistic about it too, I tied her to her bed while she was sleeping and forced fucked her cunt with a giant dildo. She was screaming so I stuffed a pair of panties down her throat to shut her up and ooopsie she kinda choked on them. She was barely alive when I set the fire so I like to think that she suffered while she burned alive tied to her bed. Her husband will never be charged for it because his alibi is airtight so all in all I would say I was very successful in ridding the world of another bitch!

Bloody phone sex

Bloody phone sexI’m the victim, the one that will get the worse of our Bloody phone sex. The point of it all is to inflict the most extreme pain possible, isn’t it? Well, that’s what I’m here for, to take care of my place in life like a good whore should. This man gets off on the warm blood he can squeeze out of me. He doesn’t care if he gets it from my ass or my pussy or from beating me around. He wants me to be a bloody mess that he will soon turn into a cummy mess too. He has lots of tools, devices, and knives. He makes me pick my punishment, the most degrading and humiliating thing of all. Being forced to choose the thing that will hurt me most, produce the most blood and the loudest screams from me. I know that’s exactly what he wants, to get off on my warm dripping blood and cum to these blood-curling screams. What can I say? I have no choice.