Category: Snuff phone sex

Gangbang Rape Porn Fantasies

gangbang rape pornWhen you have gangbang rape porn fantasies, you find yourself in trouble often. My mistake is telling men I party with my fantasies. I get high and my mouth will not shut up. The other night, I was partying with some men in this flop house. It is a dingy old warehouse that burned down ions ago. It is where people go to get high, sell drugs and have sex for money. It is near the river, so no one is ever there unless they are doing something illegal. I was mixing my drugs which always lands me in trouble. We started talking fantasies. I was telling these meth heads my locker room fantasy. When I get high, I think of walking into a high school locker room and letting the jocks gang bang me. The dudes I was partying with thought an older woman fucking a bunch of teen boys was hot. The next thing I know, I am bent over some crate getting cock. This was not as hot as I pictured it in my head. These boys were slapping my ass, pulling my hair and burning me with their pipes. When they could not cum anymore, they used things lying around in a burnt up old warehouse. Pieces of wood were crammed up my ass. Broken bottles too. They were so high they did not know they were fucking me with things that were tearing me to shreds. I felt like I was having an abortion without being pregnant. I was high as fuck too, but I felt the pain. I felt the blood. They kept getting higher, but I was tied up with dirty socks. I was no longer as high as I once was, and I begged them to realize they were destroying my body. I do not think they cared. Never get high with strangers.

Some people don’t deserve to live

taboo phone sexSome people just don’t deserve to live, I know that may sound harsh but it is nothing but the truth. Weak minded people need to be culled out so when I find a dumb bitch that clearly needs to be removed I go ahead an do that. The world doesn’t need preachy little holier than thou types so whenever I find one, I kill it. Last night I was lucky enough to find an entire family of them. They had a million little brats and they were clearly some kind of super christian type that didn’t like fun, too boring to live if you ask me. I went in there and dealt with the brats first, there were enough of them that I could make serious bank selling them to perverts. I tied them up and gagged them and loaded them all into my van. Then I went and tortured the parents to death and burned their fucking house down.

Extreme Fantasy Escort Bimbo

I joined an escort service the other night that caters to Rape phone sex fantasies and it’s been full of weird perverts. I think one is a serial killer and he has his eye on me. Like he literally is always staring at me like a side of meat when I attend the Parties. These parties of the Escort services owner are always extravagant and showing off the newest merchandise for their lavish taboo desires. I essentially am a side of meat at these meat market parties. They are sexual perverts with darker needs and I was recruited to be just a fuck doll for snuff movies. The owner always sent a dress to my apartment for the gigs. They are always quality and extremely revealing. The perfect presentation for his multi-million dollar business. These extreme guys pay good money and usually have extravagant bank accounts to meet their play requirements. I am just a side of meat to be fucked and abused. The cost these guys pay includes corpse removal. They think of everything. They have their own shark tank that they need to feed. I am just one of hundreds that have walked through the doors f this fantasy world only to never come out alive.

Extreme Roleplay phone sex For Stephanie and I

roleplay phone sex It’s a roleplay phone sex scene straight out of the depths of his extreme psyche! Daddy knew I had a friend over to babysit with me. The brats me and Stephanie were watching were horrible and bad. But they were quick to do whatever Stephanie told them. A sexy blonde does that to men and boys alike! She’s fucking hot and I wont deny it. She made my pussy wet several times just by bending over or rubbing against me to get juice boxes.
I saw the way my daddy looked at her. He took a shot of whiskey and undressed her with his eyes. My daddy is not a normal man. Straight sex never appealed to him. He wanted to see Stephanie under him crying and begging for her life. After we got the brats settled down daddy pulled me out to the hall and said both of you, in the basement now! I grabbed Stephanie’s hand and told her we were going to go play adult games with daddy and he would let us drink too!
She never saw it coming, daddy knocking her in the head and pulling her down onto the couch as I cut her clothes off for him. He was fucking her before she even woke up. Daddy has a huge dick and I was excited for him to be able to get it all the way in a bitch for once. Her big tits craved abuse and as I bit her big round globes she moaned in ecstasy. What a little pain bitch! I wonder aloud to daddy as he fucked her ass next if we could make her the star to our next snuff porn with Stephanie as my victim!snuff porn

Taboo Spousal Torture

Taboo Phone SexTaboo phone sex is one of life’s little pleasures, like somebody’s dying breath, or watching the light go out of someone’s eyes, or even the last echoing beat of a heart. You know, the little stuff. Now I greatly enjoy living comfortably, but this economy is so shitty that I have only a few ways that I accomplish that. One of those is by marrying quickly, and killing slowly. There’s nothing that I love more than torturing a spouse to hell. I don’t mean that in a little cutie way, like getting on their nerves. I mean skinning them alive, disemboweling them, leaving them for starving rats to finish off. I literally mean torturing them to hell.

I always pull out their fingernails first, pluck out their hair so their skin is raw. Then, I take my favorite Louisville Slugger, play the xylophone on the rib cage. Oh there screams are music to my sweet sadistic little ears. If I’m still feeling exceptionally twisted, I’ll skin them slower than I normally would, cutting off a pinky here, or a thumb there. And spraying them down and some orange juice, just a gentle acid. The sugar from the orange juice attracts the Flies, the flies lay their maggots on their skinless bodies, burrowing into their flesh.

I wish I could continue telling the story, but unfortunately I have a wet little problem in my princess parts but talking so sadistically has brought to life. Better go masturbate myself, but hopefully it’s you getting me off after a kill next time.

Snuff Porn

Evil phone sex slut

evil phone sex

I love when I get the more evil phone sex calls, from callers who really know how to get me off! I have my favorites. My very special, twisted callers who love to torture me and make me cum at the same time. My first call of the evening was from a guy I’ll refer to as Master. Every time he calls, my slut pussy gets so wet thinking about all of the sick and fucked up things I want him to do to me. I have so many sharp knives and spiked toys that I use to mutilate my slutty holes for Master. I slam my pussy down on my studded dildo and rip it open for him so that I can finger my clit with the blood. Right as I’m about to cum, I take a knife and make deep slits in my inner thigh. I rip pieces of my skin off as he force fucks my shit hole. I beg him to end my pathetic life as he shoots his hot cum all over my bloody, destroyed mess of a body. These are the calls that get my panties soaked. I want so bad to meet a guy who isn’t afraid to take me out and end it for me.

Snuff Phone Sex with a Bitch in Charge

snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex is not for the weak. At least it is not with me. This is my monthly blog for the dumb asses who continually think that I will play a victim or be some sweet girlfriend. Sure, this is a job and I am paid. Paid well, too. But I will never betray the sick bitch I am for money. Keep your fucking money if you think you can force your worthless dick in me. I always have a knife on me, and I will castrate you then gut you like a pig. There are quite a few unsolved homicides and missing persons cases in my state. That is because I have a low threshold for stupidity. A man hits on me, he is warned to scram. He does it again, which most fools do, his body is never found. Adam thought he could explore his rape phone sex fantasies with me as the victim. Adam will never be found. Not only did I cut his balls off. I took his dick too. I tied him to a tree in the woods bleeding out profusely, then I summoned the wild animals. I watched as wolves, coyotes and a bear tore him limb to limb. I masturbated to his demise, his pain and his fear. Men think they have met their match until they meet me. I take no bullshit. You play by MY rules or you die. It is that simple. You are my accomplice or my victim. There are no other fucking options. I am offering a special. The first loser to call me and be honey this or honey that or who thinks he can push his pathetic pecker inside me, gets his nuts removed. Maybe by a rusty knife. Maybe by my teeth. I am a sadistic phone sex bitch and that is all.

Evil Phone Sex Sadistic Slut Gray

Nothing I despise more than a useless coward belligerent fuck. The other night at the strip club my girlfriend works at, this weasel fuck was all trying to touch and grab at her and wasn’t keeping his fucking mask on. She started ripping on the piece of shit and the guards pulled him out. He was thrust onto the street like garbage and that was what he deserved. I was feeling rather shameless and my stomach was really upset from eating a burger earlier. I had to excuse myself from the club as I had a wretched case on uncontrollable farting. I saw the piece of shit laying on the sidewalk and fumbling around in his drugged out drunkin haze I decided I had to do something. He was disgusting me. I sat on his face after pulling my panties down and farted a good five mins on his pathetic face. I smothered him with my gas and laughed about it the whole time as I explained to him that this is exactly what he deserves. As I got up and he was in worst condition, and my friend Val was coming out to see what I was up to. She knew it was me out there torturing some loose nut. I invited her to join in on the ball busting. Trampling his balls was the second best part of the night for me.

Evil phone sex

Snuff Porn Fixations

Snuff Porn In the black of night I still hear her screams as she becomes the latest snuff porn victim added to my wall of little whores! She is barely breathing and blood coats her body like a thin sheen of sweat. I never stop to be remorseful, as my pulse quickens. Every little fuck hole has been ripped open and I cleaned the cum from her already and smoothened her in her own blood but still she looks delightful and tasty! She looked dead for the finale of our kill movie but she is still holding on. Her body is almost lifeless and I can barely see the movement of her chest as she takes shallow breaths. One of those rare fighters that just won’t die, and credit is due. I have inflicted more pain then most young mortals can stand and Yet still she hangs on to her pathetic little life. Blood pools on the Grassy top of her parents grave. I need to taste a heart that’s still beating. I say a prayer to the Dark God to thank him for my feats and to tell him another soul has been claimed! I hope she frolics with the demons and as I tear into the beating flesh of her heart her eyes open and I know she can see right in my dark heart!

You don’t wanna help me? Guess you’ll die

taboo phone sexI am a strong woman, I don’t take shit from anyone and I rarely ask for help ever so when I do I expect to be helped. Well, there I was with a few of my associates after a satisfying kill session and because they were all men they all just kind of expected me to clean up. Look I love blood, I want to run it into my skin and drink it down and fuck in a puddle of it but when playtime is over I am not the fucking maid. I told the three of them that I needed their help to clean up the mess we all made, that little girl bled a lot after being force fucked by us all. Two of the three of them saw the look on my face and knowing that I am not the bitch to fuck with, they came over to help me wrap the body up so that we could transport it. The third asshole just stood there with a cocky grin on his face and said that he didn’t do women’s work. I’ll admit it, I lost control of my rage when he said that. All I could see was red and all I wanted was to kill him. I jumped on that fucking asshole with my knife in my hand and stabbed him over and over in a rage fueled lust and I didn’t stop until he was quite dead. No one disrespects me like that and lives…