Category: Snuff movies

You Lied to Me

I should have known that you were too eager to hire me to house sit while you were out of town. My folks told me that you were leaving town for three weeks and I could make a hundred bucks just by bringing in your mail and watering your plants once a day. I didn’t want to be rude and not accept the offer, so I said okay. I met you at your place to get the key and just the way you were looking at me gave me the creeps. You didn’t have any qualms about looking me up and down, and brushing my hand a little too long when handing me the key.

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The next day, when you had supposedly left for your trip, I headed over to water the plants. I let myself in and locked the door behind me. I had the weirdest feeling and the hairs on the back of my neck was standing on end. I kept telling myself I was being silly, but I didn’t feel like I was alone. I went to the kitchen to fill up the pitcher, and i could have sworn I heard a noise in the living room. I stopped to listen, but heard nothing else. I made my way back into the living room to the plants and began to water them.

Just then, you came up behind me and put your hand over my mouth and wrestled me to the floor. You had never left – it was all a ruse to get me here alone. You overpowered me and there was nothing I could do. You kept saying things like this is what I get for walking around the neighborhood like a little tramp and that you were going to show me what happens to dirty cum whores like me. Before I knew it, you had me hog-tied and gagged on your couch and were jerking off above me.

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The things you were saying told me that you had been watching me for a long time. You had finally decided to make a move and I knew instinctively that you were going to hurt me. What scared me even more was that you never once mentioned me not telling anyone. I began to wonder if you were going to snuff me out. You began running your hands all over my naked body, and I cringed at your perverse touch. Your skin felt so rough against mine and your cock was dripping with cum as if it were drooling.

You knew my parents wouldn’t be looking for me, and that you had all afternoon to ravage my body. You did just that. You put your hard cock in all of my holes and never stopped berating me with your words. After hours of being fucked brutally and told what a little teasing whore I was, I began to believe it and my pussy responded by cumming all over your hard cock. Who knew that you, the neighbor who always gave me the creeps, would be the best fuck I ever had?

Torture Sex with Reagan * Sick Lies

Torture Sex ReaganRed hot and white tongues devour the foundation as I wait patiently for it to crumble. No one will know how you defied me. No one but me. This is the true fire that will burn. You were sick, and we compatible. Teased me with your submission, needed me with your submission. Now you burn as I do. I had to have it my way. You knew this. There was no other way. You lied as you begged for my pain. You lied because you told me I was beautiful. So I burned it to the ground. You fed my animal, and I caught the hunter. But you defied me. Only one last word I allowed as I sharpened my knife and poured the gas. Now I go on through this night, burning. Stench of your lies. I lived to break your will.

Sick * In This Moment

Is it sick of me
To need control of you
Is it sick to make
You beg the way I do
Is it sick of me
To want you crawling on your knees
Is it sick to say
I want you biting down on me

Are you sick like me

Am I beautiful
As I tear you to pieces
Am I beautiful
Even at my ugliest, you always say

I’m beautiful
As you tear me to pieces
You are beautiful
Even at your ugliest, I always say
You’re beautiful and sick like me

Is it sick of me
To feed the animal in you
Is it sick to say
I tease the hunter like I do
Is it sick of me
To watch the wicked way you thrill
Is it sick to say
That I live to break your will


Torture Sex Reagan

Your Card Has Been Dealt

Meeting up with my dealer we had to hook up in a sketchy way due to things unrelated. In order to get what I wanted for my Holiday I had to accommodate his hectic schedule. We met up in a vacant lot off of a dirt road, and of course I was on my bike and packing.

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As it was getting fairly dark I started getting a little impatient with this asshole. As I was trying to be nice but that has quickly faded. I slid my boot knife out and slid a sharpening stone out of my bag I started sharpening my knife. Sitting on my bike sharpening a pointy assed stiletto and smoking I wasn’t fucking playing.

This little bastard dealer came rolling up in his tacky assed low rider trying to look all fucking cool. Well I found him more fucking annoying than ever. I just continued to slide my blade across the stone. He brought my shit over to me stuttering when he saw the look on my face. I slipped the stone away and spit shined my blade before dipping it into the bag of blow. I pulled out a fat bump and snorted it up. This only made me more irritated as he was trying to rush me with the payment.

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I got your payment mother fucker. Slipping off my bike as I slide my hand in my jacket I withdraw a Ruger and put it to his head. Mother Fucker I don’t like being played, and it appears I didn’t make this clear upfront. I WILL Fuck Your World Up, and leave your dead corpse in a vacant lot in the middle of nowhere.

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Pain Whore Ass Rape Porn

I fucked up. I am such a stupid whore sometimes. I don’t know what made me think I would get away with letting your brother fuck my pussy. He told me that you knew and that you had sold me to him for the night. I can’t believe I fell for his shit, and now I will pay dearly. You are furious and telling me my pussy is now tainted and dirty just like the rest of me. You slap me so hard I can’t even focus my vision. I try to beg you that he tricked me and that just makes it worse. You tell me what a stupid cunt I am and throw me down on the hard floor.

You grab the paddle and begin to slam my ass so hard with it that tears stream down my face, but I can’t even scream.  You tell me what a filthy, dirty pussy I have and that you are not going to be able to even fuck me there anymore. I feel worthless, as always, and my pussy is aching to be fucked by your cock. Now I know you will keep it from my pussy to punish me. You kick me in the side and tell me to put my ass up in the air higher and spread my cheeks apart for you. Without hesitation, you ram your hard cock into my tiny asshole.

You push my face down into the floor with one hand, and it feels like my skull is being crushed as you place all your weight on that arm while you fuck my ass brutally. I can feel blood trickling down the insides of my thighs, and I know you’ve ripped me wide open. I deserve it, my darling Master, for letting anyone else touch what belongs to you. I let the pain wash over my body and its the only thing that makes me feel good. You are my addiction, and I am your pain whore. You clasp your other hand around the front of my throat and begin to squeeze. My vision starts to fade, and I take comfort knowing you will continue to fuck my ass even when my body goes limp…

Time to unwrap a present!


I have decided what I want for Christmas. I want to unwrap a present. First I have to find the perfect present. I want her young, tender, and innocent looking. I love replacing that innocent look with fear and terror. I know just the little piece of meat I am going to take. She lives down the street. Always wondering the neighborhood. Never wants to go home. A cute little thing. Long dark hair and wispy frame. She is so fucking cute. The biggest brownest doe eyes. I got the shop ready. Had the work bench set up. All my tools laid out. And I waited. I knew she would be coming by sooner or later. And I was right. She wondered right by the shop. I called her to the door and asked if she would like to make 20 bucks. I just needed a few box’s hauled to the trash. She was so willing. She didn’t even notice when I locked the door behind her. I picked up a large wrench and cracked her in the back of the head. When she woke up she was naked and tied down with a ball gag in her mouth. She could scream but it would be to muffled for anyone to hear. Then I showed her the knife I was going to use on her. I could see the fear. The panic. And I could smell the piss as she pissed all over herself! I started at the feet. Slowly peeling away the skin. Not to cut to deep. I didn’t want her to bleed out! It was like a puzzle. A test of my skill. Slowly methodically peeling way her flesh. She cried and whimpered. She even passed out a few times. BUT I did manage to wake her back up. I worked my way up her legs. Pain painstakingly working around her pretty pussy! It took ALL my will power to not rip that little pussy up! I worked my way all the way up to her perfectly perky tits. Pretty large for her age. I decided to leave the nipples on and just pull the skin away for her little tits. I skinned all the way up to her neck. She is trying so hard not to move. I know the air is burning against her flesh. I was going to just slit her throat… BUT it is Christmas. ‘Tis the sharing season. I wonder if I can find someone wanting to help me with this little present!


Kidnapping phone sex with Toni: Merry Xmas

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The holidays are usually a miserable time for me. I hate all the fake holiday cheer and people spending their money on gifts for people they don’t even like. This year was a little different because this year I decided to skip the family party and spend some quality time with my latest victim instead.
Her name was Emily, I snagged her off the street while she was walking home from some frat party. She was dressed like a whore so I can’t believe she was surprised when I kidnapped her. At first she probably thought she got lucky because I’m not a man, but she knows better now believe me. Before I snatched her up, I did already had a man chained up in my basement and she saw what had been done to him.

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Ryan was a rich asshole that was prone to disappearing for weeks on end. His party life style is the reason I chose him in the first place, no one would really worry much about his absence. By the time Emily saw him it would have been impossible for her to know who he was or what a spoiled life he had lived. Poor Ryan was more than cut up, he had been brutally beaten for days on end.kidnapping phone sex toni 999 His face was swollen, bruised, and his entire was caked with dried blood. Ryan could have spoke more or screamed for help, but I put screws into his gums and held his mouth shut with rubber bands. After Emily joined the party blood continuously poured from Ryan’s mouth. I assumed that’s because he attempted to talk to her, maybe even plan an escape. I wasn’t worried at all because I always assure that escaping isn’t a possibility.
Right now I can hear Emily crying because I left the basement door open. She can see that it’s open, but no matter how hard she tries she’ll never make it through that door. If she’s smart she knows that. I on the other hand couldn’t be happier! I’m just sitting here at my kitchen table drinking coffee while my Xmas cookies bake. Occasionally, I like to look over and smile at her while she swings back and fourth on my meat hook.
Tomorrow is Xmas so obviously I’ll be giving Ryan and Emily their gifts. I wonder if they’ll like them?

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Clitty Twister

You warned me not to touch your tools while you were at work. But the faucet was leaking, and I thought I would try to fix it so that the dripping sound wouldn’t drive you over the edge tonight while you are trying to sleep. I knew you would be angry that I touched your tools, but I figured it might be less angry than being kept up all night, so I took a chance. I barely got myself situated in the bathroom, and you came home early. I didn’t even hear you walk in the bathroom, so when you grabbed me by my hair I screamed.`

I rolled over onto the floor and you looked down and saw your pliers in my hand. Your eyes went dark and I saw your rage instantly. You let go of my hair and slapped me so hard across the face with the back of your hand that I saw stars. You told me what a worthless fuck toy I was, and how dare I touch your tools. I tried to drop the pliers, but you grabbed them from me instead. My head was still pounding from the slap, and as you attacked me from above, I was defenseless.

You grabbed me by the throat and told me to spread my legs. I had no choice other than to do what you said, I am your slave. I begged you not to hurt me and you laughed your evil laugh. I saw you still had a hold of the pliers and even though I knew what torture lay ahead, I spread my legs for you. I felt the cold metal on my pussy, and I begged you to stop. I know you only get more torqued up when I beg, but I couldn’t stop myself. You grabbed ahold of my clit with the pliers and pinched them down with all your strength.

It felt like my clit was going to pop off, and fire shot through my body as I came all over myself. You laughed and laughed and then began to twist the pliers – yanking my clit a full 360 degrees. I knew you were going to twist it off. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I began to cum again as you twisted another full circle. I felt the blood and cum mix together and run down my ass cheeks. You let go of me, and jerked your hard cock off all over my limp body. You calmly put your pliers back in your tool box and left the room. 

Bad Mommies Need Torture Sex to Punish Thier Cunts

Torture Sex Reagan

Bad mommies are the best victims of torture sex. I had a bad mommy, you see. And the things I will do to a bad mommy today, are only things I wished I could have done to the cunt that shit me out. When I find bad mommies, there cunts must be punished.

She whimpered as she reluctantly spread her thighs. Wondering how much longer she would have to endure, she found herself slowly loosing ground. Her vision was almost completely blurred and her head was spinning. She felt her empty stomach cramping again. With nothing but stomach acid forcing itself up with every gag, she no longer tried to turn her head. It was way too heavy now anyway. She just choked down the bile, and began to swim in the pain that began again.

I warned her. I told her what would happen. “Bad mommies get their cunt punished”. But she chose to ignore. I looked over at the small bodies discarded like trash. Suffocated in their sleep by the one who was trusted to nurture them. When I met this woman months ago, she was looking for a way out. She no longer wanted to carry her small baggage with her. She thought I could offer her a solution. Instead I became her judge and jury. And it was her sentence now that I carry out.

Torture Sex Reagan

She spread her thighs, and with care I bound them with rope. The past two days were hard on her I know. We started the process with purging. She was hog tied and force fed a nice concoction to remove her stomach contents. I get much amusement out of watching a whore being forced to vomit while she is bound to a variety of vibrating sex toys. My robotic machine now took over as her lover as it pumped a rubber cock into her ass, and than into her cunt. Yes, It was an amazing sight to see how deep and fast my machine could work a cunt. Once her vomiting turned to dry heaves, I moved on to the emptying of her bowels. I pushed the rubber tubing inside her anus and started to slowly empty the warm soapy water into her. She cried in protest when she realized I was not going to be removing the large rubber cock that was slowly moving in and out of her prostate. I stepped back, admired my work, and left her there to slowly expel her fecal matter and lay in her vomit. That is what she is now, shit and vomit.

Later that evening I rejoined her and was pleased to see her cunt looked like hamburger meat. I opened up my hand and showed her a little glass container. She cried, knowing what I would be doing with such a thing. “Open your legs, bad mommies get their cunt punished”. She whimpered as she reluctantly spread her thighs. I started to open my little jar of salt.. such a beautiful thing I saw. Just like salt poured on a slug.

Torture Sex Reagan

Snuff Porn Aficionados Unite

Snuff porn Dusty01

Snuff Porn newsgroups are a riot and there will always be something new and interesting going on in them. Of course it is super exciting being the one gaining all the views from subscribers. As my co-conspirator sets up the video equipment in our special basement room, I am out in my Ice cream truck picking up our stars.

The sweet stars of our movie will have a large viewing from all over the world and we love taking requests from them. So this is a popular request and one of my favorites. I get the girls to our play room and we prepare them. We strap them down spread eagle and their heads are placed in the brace that will hold them in place. A screen above them will have their full attention as they view a special movie.

Snuff Porn Dusty 002

P  incestuous hardcore will be the focus for these sweet stars. The walls of the playroom are filled with murals of Satanic and Biker scenes of brutal fucking p porn. A succubus and incubus share in the scenery looking as deviously evil as ever. We take ceremonial daggers and slice the clothes off the prey of our desire. I am handed a mask of Devilishly delicious evil red and black with horns up and a third eye blazing red. My strap-on covered in demon scales is strapped on. My accomplice is wearing a black death mask looking equally Evil with his cock oiled and ready for penetrating a tight cunt. We speed fuck these little darlings making them bleed and scream. The viewers are requesting more. They want a virginal sacrifice, they want blood. I take my dagger to my dolls tender flesh of her neck. As the blood flows into a basin beneath the table I continue ripping her pussy up with my scaled penis strap-on. We continue fucking our prey until their life starts to seep away and the viewers become satisfied. 

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Bloody Phone Sex with Reagan * Death Cums To Me

Bloody Phone Sex Reagan

As I hide in the shadow, my cunt is screaming for bloody phone sex. One by one they cum down this alley, and I can’t help but laugh as they try to scream. All that is audible is the blood gurgling in the throat from the slash of open  flesh. Fresh blood spatters all around, as my thrusts of this knife become more intense. The last shallow breath is accompanied by that sweet blood choking sound as the lungs fill up with the blood from a badly slashed and severed chest. Admiring how I look covered in so much blood, I smile as I look down at the now unrecognizable victim. My cunt throbbing…

Time to slink into the shadows, knife readied for my next sweet death. I needed more. More screams, more blood, more lust. I smile as I hear another set of foot steps. I do love when death comes to me… I spin around as this one sees the massacre on the ground and is frozen when I step in between my fresh corpse and my new friend. In one motion I slit his chest open. Quick and easy, like a knife through butter.. again the lust takes over and in a split second blood, once more, is covering me while veins and arteries are severed.. shallow breaths..

My sex is on fire as I am engulfed in a crimson flood.. this is the only way. As I rub my now bloody cunt I can feel the fire become so intense my legs shake. I slip the handle of my knife inside my snatch and fuck my cunt so hard. Screaming I finally release and cum all over my dead bodies.. knowing they watch from dead eyes.. I stand up and walk slowly away.. dripping blood and cunt juice I search for more. My cunt hungrier now than it was when I started. I will wait for the next one..

Bloody Phone Sex Reagan