She called because she wanted me to take her under my wing and teach her how to be a Sadistic. She read all my blogs and told me how hot she thought they were. How my evil and sadistic thoughts made her pussy wet. How she spent hours on line with me in secret, fucking herself and getting lost in my twisted and demented ways. Her voice was soft as silk and I knew she didn’t have an evil bone in her body. She was hypnotized by the dark side, But I know she wasn’t ready for it. The more we talked the more I pulled her in to my world. Teasing her with the allure of embracing evil. Enticing her with the satisfaction of letting go of all that is good and embracing all that is taboo and forbidden. Finally I invited her over for dinner and a movie. We were going to watch The Serbian Film. It seemed like the perfect fit. What she didn’t know was that she was going to be dinner. I had everything ready for her arrival. Of course I knew she wouldn’t be able to handle the movie and I was right. By the time it was all over with, I could smell the fear seeping out of her pours. She was trying to hide it. All I could think of was how good that fear was going to taste. Taking her to the kitchen, I asked her to take all her clothes off and lay on the table. She didn’t even notice she was laying on the cooking tray. She followed my every instruction as I tied her into a fetal position, legs up wrists tied to her ankles. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass by and I licked her sweet pussy until she came on my face. Then I began placing apples around her and herbs and oils all over her body. She moaned, enjoying my touch and oblivious to her coming fate. When I began shaving her head before placing her over the fire in my large hearth is when she began to panic. The sheer joy of the whole process made me cum. I continued to fuck myself to her brief screams as her skin crackled while being crisped and her flesh began to cook. I was so hungry and couldn’t wait to eat, again.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
Dinner And A Movie
Bloody Family Feast
Its that time of the month for me, well, any minute anyway. I can feel the cramps and my little tits are sore as hell. You and the rest of the “family” are gathered around just waiting for a taste of me. I’m naked and tied and you hungrily check between my legs every half hour checking for the blood. The other slave whores are so hungry, they will eat anything. And the clots of blood that leak from me each month are like filet mignon to them.
You abuse my pussy and uterus all month long, creating excessive bleeding and huge chunks of flesh that flush out with my period. You collect them on plates and feed the other girls. I think our cycles are beginning to sync because we all live together in the dungeon, and I know there are other slaves ready to flow as well. You keepy checking, scraping your nails hard up inside my pussy walls. The slave sluts drooling for a meal of coppery protein.
A cramp hits me hard and I feel like my insides are coming out. I cry out, and instead of anyone giving a shit that I am in pain, you all gather around waiting for that first drop. You take the metal spoon and shove it up inside. As you draw it out, there are traces of blood onthe sides. Even I am hungry now, and I hope this family feast will satisy my tummy until the next slave whore starts to bleed.
You shove your cock inside as they all watch, and finally the real flow begins. Your cock is covered with blood and small clots and the whores lick it off and clean it up while you plate my flow for everyone. I bleed until I am dizzy, and you feed me my own uterine lining, telling me what a good little pathetic whore I am. I eat it happily, and lay back as you all take turns with your faces in my bleeding cunt. It feels so good to be able to share everything I have with you….
Bloody Thanksgiving with Venus
Every year for Thanksgiving my entire family gets together for dinner. I hate most of my family. Last year, I invited my friend John. He is sort of my accomplice/lover. We both share dark desires. We both like to watch people suffer, especially people we don’t like. I am the middle girl, the Jan Brady of the family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Both pretty much suck. My sister was always a bitch to me, and my brother use to sneak in my room late at night and fuck me against my will. Both deserved to suffer. In fact I always told people I had no siblings. Now it’s true.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of my favorite movies and provided inspiration for last year’s bloody Thanksgiving. John and I slipped some roofies in everyone’s cocktails. Not enough to make them pass out, but
enough to make them unable to fight and somewhat incoherent. My brother the molester was the worst offender. We started with him. I went into the kitchen under the premise to get the appetizers, and came back with a chainsaw. My family was laughing. They were so high they didn’t realize I was not joking. I took that chainsaw to my brother. It was my first use of a chainsaw. Blood spurted everywhere. It was really hot. I looked at John and he had a hardon. He had some blood splatter on his face. I kissed him, tasting my brother’s blood. My brother was not dead, but he would be soon. He fell on the dining room table, bleeding out. John gutted him like a pig as he was still twitching. The plan was to cook his intestines and serve it to the family.
My family was covered in blood. They were still laughing, thinking I was pulling some elaborate hoax on them. The next to suffer was my stupid cunt of a sister. We had special plans for her. I cornered her in the hallway, took the chainsaw to her throat. Blood gushed out all over John and I. We wanted to fuck in the pool of blood, but dinner was waiting. By this time my remaining family members were starting to get restless so John tied them to their seats while I prepared the main course. I came back out an hour later and served my sister for dinner. I had her seasoned, stuffed with dressing and covered in a yummy gravy sauce. She was sweet and tender. John got a tender breast. I had a yummy thigh. We force fed my family the rest of her. They balked at first, but once they tasted her flesh, they shut the fuck up. You see human flesh is very delectable. Among the tastiest meat anyone will ever have, if brave enough to try.
You want be at your family events and gatherings. I am a twisted sick bitch not afraid to act on all your dark fantasies. Family is overrated. We choose our real family. Like I chose John.
Journal Entry November 23, 2014
I overheard that they were going to farm me out again, that the food supply was getting low and they needed money. Again, these fucking monsters brought over some friends. They had me put on display like I was some fucking trinket, I was set out for amusement. Well right in front of me the one guy named Jesse pulled out crumpled wad of cash and pointed in my direction he wanted to take me. They grabbed my arm pulled me next to him as like always, the camera comes out they want a picture of what I look like before. Just as the flash went off this guy Jesse took me outside. I felt a sharp pain in my head and the next thing I remember is waking up in this cold dark cabin with that toothless fucker standing over me. I tasted the blood from my cheek, he leaned in and said you like that taste baby? I seen the look in his eyes I knew I better serve him. He grabbed my shirt and ripped it bringing me to him (I could smell the sweat; he hadn’t showered in a few days) he ordered me to unzip his pants. I was slow because the smell was gaging and he hit me hard. I felt the oose of blood again. This time I moved faster. I gagged on sucking that cock. Jesse forced my head there chocking me so hard making me suck him harder. Just as I thought he was going to cum he flipped me over and raped my ass. I felt his hands dig deep into my hips with all his might. It hurt so bad he didn’t use any lube. Jesse continued to torture me for what seemed to be hours, I finally passed out from exhaustion. I woke up back in my vault battered and bruised. My captors must have made out like bandits because when I awoke they threw me cookie. Ugh I’m so glad this day is over.
Ass Rape Porn: My First Female Master
When I was in school, I was a total bitch. I was a tall beauty and walked around like my shit didn’t stink. I guess you could say I was a mean girl. I’m not that girl anymore. I am a good submissive whore now. I have been broken many a time over by a Master. Last week I ran into a girl from high school. Let’s just say that I was a mega bitch to her in school. She was fat and socially inept. I made her life hell. She looks amazing now. Really transformed herself. I suggested we have drinks, get caught up and put the past behind us. She agreed.
I went to her place. Turns out she has not forgotten how awful I treated her. In fact, she has been plotting revenge ever since. She drugged my drink. I woke up in her bedroom tied up. She had an evil sadistic grin on her face. She slapped my face, spit on me, and called me a worthless cunt. She then proceeded to fuck my ass with this huge dildo. I thought that was bad, then she brought out a baseball bat. OMG. Not saying I did not deserve anal torture, but that thing was huge. She fucked me until my asshole prolapsed.
Hours of anal torture as payback. I was bleeding. Covered in blood, piss and even some shit. I never knew she had that in her. I think I have my first female Master.
Lucky Bitch
The new slave had been here a week and you hadn’t touched her. She hadn’t eaten, and just lay tied up and crying all the time. She tried to speak to all of us, but we knew better than to say a word. If you heard any of us speak, we would lose our tongues. I was laying near her on the dirt floor and I saw her look down at my chest. My nipples had long since been gone, you had cut them off and made me chew them up and swallow them. I could see the horror on her face as I am sure she laid there wondering what had happened to them.
Then you came down to the dungean, and I recognized the knife. She was about to find out all too well exactly why none of your cum sluts have nipples. I watched her screaming as you dragged her to the middle of the room so we could all watch. I began rubbing my clit in anticipation of her initiation. Finally some pain to be dealt down. You cock was rock hard and I remembered the day you had removed my nipples and came right in the holes. Now it was this worthless bitch’s turn.
I watched as you took the tip of the knife and stuck it straight up under her nipple, and her screams began to turn into the kind you like – sheer pain. Some of the other slaves were rubbing themselves too as they watched. We are pathetic and worthless anyway, and this is all the pleasure we are allowed, so why not? She didn’t know how lucky she was, and how her body soon wouldn’t be able to live without the pain.
She would know how I feel every time you come to the dungeon. Hoping you pick me. Hoping you draw blood from some part of my wasting body. The knife cuts her nipple off and the blood squirts. I cum all over my fingers as I watch you shove it in her mouth. She still has fight in her and tries to resist. Little does she knowthat just makes you harder. I want to just crawl over and beg for your cum, but I am too afraid and I know she will get it today. Right inside those fresh holes you make in her chest. The lucky bitch.
Taking It To The Grave
My cunt was pumping out juice to the rhythm of my heart beat as I gathered the tools we needed for our midnight madness in the cold night air. I love to go exploring down old dirt roads. You never know what you will find and the other day I found a hidden treasure. An old graveyard, over grown with weeds, secluded and forgotten. The perfect spot for some fun by the light of the moon. It was chilly out when we got there. Fog hung low to the ground adding to the excitement and ambiance of it all. My nipples were hard but not from the cold night air, from the anticipation of unearthing the old graves. Opening old coffins and removing the remains of the bodies. The feel of the brittle old bones, the musky smell when the coffin lid is first removed, taking old relics and making them my own, rubbing disintegrating pieces of cloth or the remnants of hair against my body, it all serves to excite me in ways that are forbidden and taboo. Which just makes the lust and the desire so much more satisfying. We got lucky on this one, the dead here must have been well off when they were alive. The coffins were not wood, but concrete and ornately decorated. They were well sealed and the remains inside better preserved then the graves of the poor of the day. One coffin in particular held the remains of a woman who was laid to rest with some beautiful old jewelry which I put on right away. Carefully moving her bones to one side, I laid in her coffin and used one of the bones to fuck my cunt until I came all over what was left of hr clothing. I took her skull with me to add to my collection. We didn’t get to unearth all the graves as the sun came peeking up over the horizon, we will go back tonight and finish what we started. We will never tell a soul how much we love taking it to the grave!
The Nail In The Coffin
As my master it is his duty to test me and push my limits. Find out what my weaknesses are and to not only abuse them, but use them to his advantage. And on one fateful night of torturing, as a punishment master told me I was going to be confined to a coffin. Closed and just in there for how ever long he chooses. I freaked out so bad. I couldn’t breathe. I begged master over and over again to please let me out. I think I did end up passing out from my anxiety. When he opened that ‘lid’ I went to jump out and he pushed me back down. He said he realizes his pet is afraid of this and he intends on taking full advantage of it. He ripped my clothes off and jumped on top of me. He pulled out his cock and shoved it down my throat. Making me suck his big fat fuckrod. All I could feel was him ramming it down my throat. Feeling a little bit of his oozy cream running down my throat, barely giving me a chance to catch my breath before he was shoving it back down my throat! When he started ramming faster and harder I knew he was getting ready to cum down my throat. He shot load after load of his oozy salty and sweet cream down my throat. He climbed out and pulled me up and told me, now every time I start freaking out in spaces like that, just think of all the dirty things he can do to me in them.
Suffocation Phone Sex with Blair: Break Me Master
Sometimes a bitch needs broken. Not every bitch breaks easily either. I try to be a good bitch. I do know my place. But I am not always great with the pain, which causes more pain to be inflicted upon me. I need to learn to cry and scream on the inside only. I was suspended upside down being whipped nonstop while being sodomized. I tried really hard to hold in the pain, but I was weak. Master cut me down and put me in a rubber suit. It was so tight. It hurt my flesh. I could barely breath, but I could not talk or scream. Master wanted me quiet, as in dead quiet.
I had little slits for eyes so I could see what was going on still. Master dumped my body in a coffin. He shut the lid and dared me to scream and cry all I wanted to. “No one will hear you now. No one will care,” he said. I knew he was right. No one cares about worthless whores. I wanted to still scream though, but even if I could it was futile. I needed to conserve oxygen. Master was trying to suffocate me. Force me to be quiet, maybe forever.
Not sure what happened next, but pretty sure I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up still in coffin. Could hear Master and his pals laughing, speculating if I was still alive or not. They were amused by my predicament. At that moment, I heard the coffin door open. I was pulled out of the coffin, stripped of my constraining rubber suit and hung back up for more whipping and anal torture. This time the whippings were more severe; so severe my flesh was being sliced and torn. But you know what, I didn’t make a peep. I am a good quiet whore. I learned my lesson. I would rather suffer quietly as the flesh is ripped from my body than to suffocate in a dark coffin any day.
How would you break me?
Paralyzed Snuff Phone Sex Slave
I woke up on the table, naked and cold with something around my neck… a collar? My head was clearing form the chloroform you used to get me here and I felt weak all over. The last thing I remembered was walking from the store towards my car and then you grabbing me from behind. I knew you had already fucked me while I was out, my pussy was on fire and it was so wet between my legs it felt like I had pissed myself. My tits were aching and burning like they had been whipped.
I looked up and there you were above my head. I tried to scream but realized I couldn’t move. You had given me something to paralyze my body. My heart began racing and I kept willing my brain to move my arms, legs, anything, but nothing was happening. I was trapped inside my lifeless body but able to see and hear and feel pain. It felt like a nightmare, but I knew it wasn;t. I could smell your lust sweat on me and the pain all over my body told me I was verymuch awake.
You pulled me by my hair to the edge of the table towards you. My head was dangling at the edge, right under your hard cock. You were upsidedown to me, but staring right into my eyes. Your stare made me even colder, as you pulled my mouth open with your hands and tilted my head back. You took your hard cock and rammed it into my mouth so hard that it went directly down my throat. I choked but you showed no mercy. You kept fucking my throat as I lay there unable to fight.
Then you reached over me and grabbed my nipples. You pulled them towards the ceiling with all your strength. The pain shot through my body and I knew you wouldn’t stop pulling until you pulled them right off. I vomited all over your cock and you still keep fucking my face as I choked on it. My nipples finally started to give away, and one popped off. I could feel my blood – warm as it rolled down the cold outside of my skin. Then the other one opped offand my nippleless breasts bounced back to my chest.
I could smell the fresh blood, even though I couldn’t see it like you could. The sight made you fuck my mouth, filled with my vomit, even harder until you came. Your hot cum squirted down my throat and I swear I could feel it so deep that it seeped out of the holes where my nipples used to be. The cum mixed with my blood, drained from my chest as you removed your cock from my mouth. I was still choking as you put the chloroform back over my face. You softly said, “Until next time, my Snuff phone sex whore.”