Category: Sadistic phone sex

You Lied

You were the one guy I trusted. You promised you would help me get away from him. You told me that he was too cruel and that I deserved better. You made me believe that maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t a worthless fuckpig whore. He had told me that for so long that it took everything in my broken soul to believe you. I was terrified to try to escape him, but you convinced me that you would save me and protect me and treat me gentle.

The night finally came and you came to my room, a trusted servant by my master, to secretly take me away from the nightmare I had been raised in. I saw the passion on your face as you lifted me up and told me it would be okay. I held on tight as you carried me towards the window. I knew your plan was for us to climb out. Suddenly you stopped. You asked me if this is what I really wanted. I said yes. Right at that moment, my bedroom door swung open and there was my Master.

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You dropped me like a ragdoll to the floor. I tried to reach for you but you kicked me away. I didn’t understand what was going on. My Master walked over and grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the bed where he began smacking me relentlessly. You were shouting that I was a lying deceiving ungrateful dirty whore. He began fucking me as you watched. Then I realized – you never cared for me. It was all a test. You showed him I wasn’t broken enough. I really am just a worthless fuckpig. And I knew tonight that I would finally be broken for good.

Piece by Piece

Awake again and nothing has changed except my outfit. I don’t know why you keep dressing me up and putting makeup on me when you are just going to destroy me within minutes. I hear you coming down the hall and I am terrified for what today will hold. You cut me so badly last time that I never thought I would wake up. I look around and even the couch is new. I guess you couldn’t get the blood out of the last one.

My tits are covered, and I know its because you don’t want to see the bloody holes that are left where my nipples used to be. You are taking me apart piece by piece and I wonder what I will lose today. My tongue was first. I remember screaming my last scream. My last chance of anyone hearing me. You round the corner and in your hand is a large sledgehammer. I had never seen you without a blade. You walk towards me, grinning, and I pull back as far as the ropes will let me.

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You swing the hammer towards me and it whiffs just past my nose. It would have killed me if you had made contact. But it was only to scare me. You love to terrify me, and you are excellent at it. I knew there would be pain, and I knew you wouldn’t take me out so quickly as to knock my head off. The hammer swung again, this time making contact with my right leg. I couldn’t scream of course, and the pain made me unable to even breathe. I watched my leg snap into pieces and bone and blood spray everywhere. You yanked on that ankle until the bottom of my leg came off and headed out of the room. The blood was pouring out of me, again, and I would faint soon. You had taken your next part, and would be back for more.

This Little Piggy Went To Market

taboo phone sex karmaHe had this thing that turned him on. He loved to have a bitch squeal like a pig. She had to grovel and oink for him. It was the only way he could get off. The only thing that would allow him release. At first I got a kick out of it but after a while it became annoying as hell. I had to put an end to his bull shit. Ordering the razor lined condom was the most difficult part of the entire plan. I found the perfect pig outfit and put my plan in motion as soon as the condom came in. I was going to be his last little piggy. Once I was covered in his blood and there was nothing left of his shredded dick I would cook him just like a side of pork. The best part was going to be his crunchy, crackling skin. He would be seasoned to perfection and every inch of him was going taste so good. He would be oinking and squealing for me and it would be the last thing he ever did….

Snuff Porn Family Reunion

I love it when a client of mine wants to put together his own little snuff porn with a little girlie he has already picked out. I know that the passion in the taboo phone sex session is going to be so hot and heated that I am going to have to get my cunt off too. When he showed me the picture of the little slut I got really excited. She was cute, tiny framed and blonde. Her little thighs showed the cutest little thigh gap and the way her hips were still thin made you really want to bury your face into that little brats cunt. All I had to do was find the little slut on the street, which I did. She was a little hooker, been that way since her momma sold her she told me. Fuck yea, I was about to end all of her street walked pain. I told her I would pay her double what the peedos were paying for her tiny body to have some snuff  fun. I do not know if it was the money or how naive she was but she was ready to go. 

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I took the little slut back to the warehouse that I was supposed to meet my client at. He gabbed her hands and held onto her. Her eyes welled up as she cried out “Let me go Daddy!” Daddy? that was certainly a surprise to me, but it was too late for her now. I slammed the heavy metal door behind me and locked her little ass inside. She screamed and tried to run away, she said she did not want to fuck her Daddy and that the deal was off. I giggled grabbing a handful of blonde hair and dragging her across the floor back to the feet of her father. She did not have an option, and the only one receiving payment would be me. I took two large fish hooks into my hand and put one in each side of her mouth, making the perfect fuck hole for daddy to start getting hard. She cried as the corners of her mouth started to bleed. 

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My client loved every second of it though! He grunted as he shoved his cock past her thin lips. He told her that she was a good little whore, just like her crack head mommy. She cried, cheap mascara running down her cheeks. He bent down sliding his cock from her mouth and smiled ear to ear and she braced herself against the concrete floors. He told her to cheer up as she cried begging him to stop, he had a surprise for her which I went and grabbed. Her mother’s severed head was starting to decay in my hand. I loved listening to her scream as I tossed it to her feet. Her Daddy said that was getting him good and horney and pulled her up to force fuck her. She tried to fight free, but I was going to teach her how to work it. Finally I got the go ahead to finish her off and slit her belly open. I reached in and grabbed his cock pulling it into my own pussy, his dying daughters body still on it and rode him till he came! 

Snuff Porn Queen Dusty is Out For Blood

Snuff porn Queen Dusty is feeling a certain need to destroy someone today. Some guy royally pissed me off and he is about to get a dose of castration phone sex. I am livid and out for fucking blood! You see this total douche bag managed to fucking knock my bike over with his drunken stupor.

It just so happens this phlembag of a douche is a regular at this specific bar and I got just the information I need to track his ass down. You cannot hide from me I have my way of finding out what I need. So I get his address and make my plan after doing a drive by. Easy enough to break in and take care of what I need to do. So I park around the corner and head on over under the cloak of darkness. I let myself in and quietly find my way to where the douche is passed out. 

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Standing over him with a rag and duct tape I spit on him to see if he wakes. Nothing, Ok cool, I lean over and shove some panties in his mouth and put the duct tape across his mouth to silence any attempts to make noise. Grabbing my butcher knife from it’s case I lean in and start slicing his clothing off. Then I see my prize and grab my specimen jar filled with formaldehyde for preserving my token. With a clean slice I castrate this mother fucker as I look at how gigantic his eyes got. Laughing wildly I grab his cell phone and cut the cord to his home phone. See if he makes it through and when he does he’ll see the Polaroid of my bike.


Taboo Phone Sex Teddy Bear Torture

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Sometimes my playthings can be bad taboo phone sex Daddys! This makes me very very mad. One of them decided that he was going to bow down to this snuff porn Goddess and then mad a big mistake. He decided he had free rein of what and when things went into his lungs and just walked outside for a cigarette. I went inside and waited for him to come back out. When he did I tore into him, slapping him across the face and knocking him to the ground. He crawled across the floor over to his stuff and pulled out a teddy bear that he had given me as a gift.A fucking teddy bear? What was that going to do to fix the situation. I throat kicked him leaving him in between the heel and sole of my shoe with the point digging into the side of his neck. I listened to him gurgle snatching the stuffed creature from his hand.

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Cute, and fluffy, Daddy should not I do not do cute. I left over to the table leaving him gasping for breath on the floor and decided I would make my teddy into something delightfully evil that I actually wanted to have. My evil book of shadows held a curse to make him into something that pleased me. My evil Teddy bear minion started to rise from the table, he bared his teeth in a menacing grin and asking me how he could serve his Goddess. I ordered him to show the blibbering idiot whom I once called daddy why we don’t do things without asking. Teddy Deathbin jumped up swiping a knife from the table and lunged at the crying idiot on the floor. He began to slice him open. He begged me to order the bear to stop, that he would be a good boy. Teddy did not like that, he lopped his head off with a swift hack of the chainsaw. Teddy was so devious that he fed me daddy’s little pathetic penis. 

Castration phone sex

Bye Bye Daddy!

A Real Snuff Porn Documentary

taboo phone sex angieThe chamber is ready. The entire time I was setting it up my pussy dripped with anticipation. There is a large one way mirror on one wall. Microphones are set up for recording sound. A video tape is set up for recording image. I have three victims, two female and one male that have been kept while preparations were being made. He just left and I have the gas in my hands. My hands are shaking with anticipation. I believe I have enough for one solid week. I am retrieve the military rations that I bought and setting them up in the room. The three cots are set and everything looked good. He called the gas Scarecrow Fear Gas, named after something from a Batman movie. It is supposed to be a highly hallucinogenic gas that when taken in large quantities creates a paranoia and visions of fear and panic. I am very careful to set up the dispensing of the gas in a steady stream though the vents. As I lead my victims to the chamber I could feel the juices flowing down my inner thigh. I open the door and lock them in and begin the stream into the room. I leave and go to get a bite to eat, take a shower and masturbate. Alone with my thoughts as I allow the gas to take some effect. Staying away as long as I can, I return to the chamber. I can tell by their behavior that the gas is having some effect on them but not like I thought. Disappointed I retire to bed leaving them for the evening. The following morning I wake early eager and horny. I eat my breakfast and return to the chamber. Now we have something. They are all naked and hysterical. Each lost in his or her hallucination. The fear is evident in their eyes and the irrational behavior is turning me on. As I sit and watch I masturbate to the evil taking place before my eyes. As the day goes on and more of the gas is inhaled the behavior becomes more bizarre and satisfied every evil thought in my head. Finally I retire for the evening eager for day two. Returning to the chamber I find carnage. The female has ripped her finger nails off and is biting chunks of flesh our of her arms. One of the men has skinned his cock some how and it is a massive chunk of meat. The other male is in the corner clawing flesh from his face and laughing hysterically. I cum instantly without even touching myself, reveling in my glory. I leave them again as I have errands to run. When I return I find that the female is dead, the males are pulling her organs from her flesh torn body. What a shame I had hoped she would last longer. What happens next you will have to find out by watching the film of my torture.

I do not!

Taboo phone sex

Living in Vegas there is always the option of getting married. We do live in the city of sin. Just once around the casino floor around the high rollers and I can get myself a husband. I need a real rich one. Some drunk ass hole who needs to blow his load and spend some money on me! I love dressing up in my sexy lingerie walking down the isle in it and watching my new husbands eyes get wide.

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Lucky for me I pay off the chapel, I do so many weddings and tragically something awful always happens to my new husbands. Its so sad. They give me tons and tons of cash and i give them the best fuck of their lives. While we are smoking on the balcony somehow each and every husband of mine falls off the edge. Maybe its because I push them off. But hey I sick whore like me needs some money.

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So far this has been the easiest and fastest way to make money ever!

Taboo Phone Sex; Hiker Slut Torture

I was hanging out with some taboo phone sex friends of mine, just talking about our new snuff porn ideas that we had rolling around in our heads. One of the guys informed me that they picked up this hitchhiker by the name of Marley and were keeping the dumb broad in the basement for fun. That was when the real fun started though. One of the guys darted up stairs holdin his eyes with glass sticking from it. Dumb ass let her get away. The guys thought they were going to be busted but I knew how to save the day. Hopping into my car I decided I would chase their little bunny Marley.She did not get very far. I guess she did not learn her lesson the first time and was more than eager to jump into my vehicle. I put on a happy, friendly face. She had not seen me upstairs, which meant I could have some fun with the little thing before I sent her on her way. Marley had tears running down her face, said she needed to get away from some people. Marley begged me to drive fast, which I did in a way. I took her to a discreet hotel, one in which I had been to several times, and that didn’t take IDs or have security cameras or anything like that. It was one of those fly-by-night hotels where he could pay by the hour. There usually was a good selection of hooker there, even the younger ones that I like to play with. 

Taboo Phone Sex

I asked her if she would like to take a shower, which she was grateful to do. Marley got into the shower and I sat on my bed and decided I would smoke some weed to get myself into the mood. I can hear her humming and singing as she scrubbed her skin clean. When I opened up the bathroom door she looked confused, but still grateful. She was wrapping a towel around her plump rump. I held the knife behind my back out of view from her or the bathroom mirror and slid into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Marley kind of squinted her eyes at me giving me this dumb luck, which the guys already informed me that she did. I wanted to punch he is the face right then and there but decided to fuck with her first.

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I pulled the knife out to where she could see and began to play with it on the tip of my finger. Fear began to enter into her body and she realized she fucked up again. She started to whimper and plea trying to explain again where she had been in the basement and how the guys tormented her for months upon months without letting her see the light of day. I was unsympathetic of course. I took a knife and started to taunt her, running it up the side of her skin. Marley cried again begging me to stop. That began to really annoy me, there was nothing worse than a little girl he thought that she could beg her way your way out of something. I never came across as that kind of person, I don’t know why they felt they could always confided in me that way.

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I took the knife and started slicing and cutting the surface of her skin. She stumbled back falling into the bathtub giving me a perfect view of her nasty cunt. I decided that it would look much more appropriate adorned with some blood seeping from it, and took the handle of the knife and started shoving it into her moldy box. When I heard her moan, moan for joy I quickly turned it to the blade. Stabbing and fucking her with the knife so that she could feel the pain as it entered into her stupid twat. Once I finished Marley off I knew there was only one last thing that I can do with her. I let her lay in her own blood for a while, she was unconscious and I didn’t really want to have to carry the fat cow. I decided to remove her anyway, and take her back to the guys. When she woke up she was back in the hellhole were she had started with more chains more shackles more security tight around her she was in a state of shock. She was their little toy I had given her little taste of what I had offer now she can play with them.

The Wedding Night

taboo phone sex chelsea12I don’t think there’s a bigger turn on than a woman who knows her place. I know I’m just white trash. I live in a run-down trailer with my drunk of a BF, Larry. He pimps me out to everyone. Doing drugs keeps me sane. Just a line or two and I would fuck anything with a cock….and I do mean ANYTHING. I will probably be a dirty whore until they carry away my cold, dead body, and even then, he’d probably still be pimpin’ me out.
Lately, his game is to dress me up like a flashy tramp. Short skirt, high heels, thigh high stockings, fake eyelashes, the whole works. He loves to make me up. Sometimes I think he is a fag at heart and that’s why he doesn’t fuck me himself. “Look, bitch.” he said to me. “I need money to pay a gambling debt. Don’t come home until you have $500.”
I admit that made me pretty hot. I thought about the beating I would get if I came home short. I decided the best way to make that much was to get a bachelor party gig.
That’s when I saw you. You are standing all alone, waiting for your wedding day only 12 hours from now. You look drunk and angry. I decide to fuck with you. “Hey, sexy,” I purr. Why don’t we have a wedding recital tonight. You and the wedding party can all line up and fuck me.” I feel your slap come out of nowhere. You hit me hard across the face. “You cunt,” you whisper, “I love my fiance.”
My skin tingles and I am turned on. I look at you with big blue eyes. “Hit me again. Come on. Take it out on me.” You smile cruelly and drag me towards the party room. I feel you rip off my sexy dress, leaving me in my stockings. “Cunt likes abuse.” you say. Someone grabs my arm and I feel liquid gold rush into my veins. The rest is a blur.
I awake to see you standing over me. You are jerking your cock hard and fast. “Filthy whore. Dirty white trash. Harlot. Skank” you whisper as you blast your nutsac onto my prone body.
I look into the mirror. My face is broken. I see a busted lip, black eye, and bruised cheeks from being slapped. I look further down. I have bruises from being kicked. My pussy is sore and my asshole feels like someone shoved a boot up it. Suddenly, I am overcome with need. I stand in front of the mirror and finger my pussy viciously, coming to a screaming orgasm. I see you still standing there, watching. Your slowly begin to clap and throw a wad of money at me. I count it out. $1000. I look up and smile at you.
I know I have you now. You’ll be back for more. Every time you argue with your pretty little wife. Those times when she says no and you are so horny. Your first big fight when you want to knock her teeth down her throat. It’s me you’ll turn to. You know my weakness and I know yours. It’s me who’ll take the abuse meant for her. I’ll get the raging fuck where you choke me and call me names. Your fist will pound me when she wounds your pride. I’m nothing but a punching bag for your rage and I love it. I’m here waiting. honey. Hurry back!!