I was hanging out with some taboo phone sex friends of mine, just talking about our new snuff porn ideas that we had rolling around in our heads. One of the guys informed me that they picked up this hitchhiker by the name of Marley and were keeping the dumb broad in the basement for fun. That was when the real fun started though. One of the guys darted up stairs holdin his eyes with glass sticking from it. Dumb ass let her get away. The guys thought they were going to be busted but I knew how to save the day. Hopping into my car I decided I would chase their little bunny Marley.She did not get very far. I guess she did not learn her lesson the first time and was more than eager to jump into my vehicle. I put on a happy, friendly face. She had not seen me upstairs, which meant I could have some fun with the little thing before I sent her on her way. Marley had tears running down her face, said she needed to get away from some people. Marley begged me to drive fast, which I did in a way. I took her to a discreet hotel, one in which I had been to several times, and that didn’t take IDs or have security cameras or anything like that. It was one of those fly-by-night hotels where he could pay by the hour. There usually was a good selection of hooker there, even the younger ones that I like to play with.

I asked her if she would like to take a shower, which she was grateful to do. Marley got into the shower and I sat on my bed and decided I would smoke some weed to get myself into the mood. I can hear her humming and singing as she scrubbed her skin clean. When I opened up the bathroom door she looked confused, but still grateful. She was wrapping a towel around her plump rump. I held the knife behind my back out of view from her or the bathroom mirror and slid into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Marley kind of squinted her eyes at me giving me this dumb luck, which the guys already informed me that she did. I wanted to punch he is the face right then and there but decided to fuck with her first.

I pulled the knife out to where she could see and began to play with it on the tip of my finger. Fear began to enter into her body and she realized she fucked up again. She started to whimper and plea trying to explain again where she had been in the basement and how the guys tormented her for months upon months without letting her see the light of day. I was unsympathetic of course. I took a knife and started to taunt her, running it up the side of her skin. Marley cried again begging me to stop. That began to really annoy me, there was nothing worse than a little girl he thought that she could beg her way your way out of something. I never came across as that kind of person, I don’t know why they felt they could always confided in me that way.

I took the knife and started slicing and cutting the surface of her skin. She stumbled back falling into the bathtub giving me a perfect view of her nasty cunt. I decided that it would look much more appropriate adorned with some blood seeping from it, and took the handle of the knife and started shoving it into her moldy box. When I heard her moan, moan for joy I quickly turned it to the blade. Stabbing and fucking her with the knife so that she could feel the pain as it entered into her stupid twat. Once I finished Marley off I knew there was only one last thing that I can do with her. I let her lay in her own blood for a while, she was unconscious and I didn’t really want to have to carry the fat cow. I decided to remove her anyway, and take her back to the guys. When she woke up she was back in the hellhole were she had started with more chains more shackles more security tight around her she was in a state of shock. She was their little toy I had given her little taste of what I had offer now she can play with them.