I love being my Master’s Accomplice. He is so pleased with me. I brought him my very own niece to play with. Her name is Ariel and she is one fine piece of teen meat. No one will miss her but my brother. He’s been fucking her since she was a little twat after her whore mama died. Like mother, like daughter. I have no sense of family values. I just don’t want to be tortured and beaten for not pleasing my owner. Ariel was such easy prey. Hey, it’s not like she was a virgin prize. Daddy has violated every single hole hundreds of times. She is nothing but an incest whore. What reason does she have to live? At least here with her loving auntie she gets to try new cock and new shared experiences.
We have so many plans for her sweet young body. Yesterday I taught her to properly suck Master’s cock without just fucking drooling all over the head. I grabbed her pretty head and forced it down on his 10 incher and made her swallow it. She screamed around it and choked, finally passing out as he blew a load into her head. Tomorrow we have a pack of sex starved animals from a local gang coming to pounce on her and have their way with every orifice on her body. If she fails to perform she will be snuffed and dumped like roadkill on the side of the highway. If she lives, she will be forever tormented and tortured like a caged animal. Awwww, no more Daddy cock for baby girl. No worries though. She will have plenty of new daddies eager for a piece of teen ass.
Yes, I’m a filthy incest snuff whore. Believe me, I am getting me some teen pussy too before master turns his wrath back on me. Join me and Ariel as her training commences and the pain begins. Ta-ta for now.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
Chelsea and Ariel: Incest snuff fun.
It’s Almost Time
You don’t know me yet, but you soon will. I have been watching you for months. Silently, in the shadows. I know you better then you know yourself. You visit him often to get your fix. I watched last week when he took you inside and you sucked his cock while fingering your cunt for the goodies that you need. Your blonde hair was flowing down your back and your plump tits were bouncing up and down. I took a picture for prosperity and I am enclosing it in this letter. Time is running out for you, all though you don’t know it. Soon you will be mine and reading this letter is going to prepare you for your fate. You see my dear you are my new BTK (bind, torture and kill) project. You live your life for that next fix and I am going to use your addiction for my pleasure. There is a new drug in town, it’s called the Zombie Drug on the streets. The high is much like the one you get from your precious heroine. The catch is that after prolonged use it eats your flesh causing it to fall off the bone and causing agonizing pain. I have almost perfected the formula and soon I will bind you in my basement. I will inject you with ridiculously large amounts of the drug and make note of how long it takes for your flesh to rot off your beautiful body. I will relish in the torture that I will administer and wait for the final dose that kills you all while my fingers are knuckle deep in my cunt. Soon you will bring me more pleasure then you have already. I can’t wait for our first meeting and to see the look on your face as you read this before I begin my sadistic plan.
Sincerely Yours,
Snuff Porn Japanese Style via Sadistic Bitch Brayden
Konnichiwa Bitches. Variety is the spice of life or some shit right? Never let it be said that I’m not an equal opportunity Snuff Bitch. I found this cute little Japanese bitch that truly inspired me for a new hunt. She was a waitress at a Sushi Bar I went to. Typical Japanese woman. Super demure, appropriate garments, pale skin, olive eyes. She bowed to me after she brought my order and I knew right then, I had to have her. As I stalked her with my eyes, I noticed a Samurai sword hanging up above the bar. I smiled as I waved her over and asked her oh so innocently, if it was real or not? She suppressed a blush and nodded vigorously that her father had brought it over from the old country. I do love toying with my food and asking my prey about the weapon of her soon to be demise amused the fuck out of me. I payed my bill and easily made my way back to the ladies room to hide out until close. Slapping an out of order sign on the stall and locking it did the trick while I waited for the fun to come.
As I suspected, a submissive little bitch like that was indeed the one closing. Unfortunately for her, she was doing it alone…. well not quite alone but I knew I would not be providing her with any comfort. When I heard her move to the kitchen I slipped out and grabbed the sword from behind the counter and made my way back to her. She was busy drying dishes and never heard me slip up behind her. I raised the sword to her throat and she froze. I told the slant eyed bitch to turn around and look at me. She looked so scared it made my cunt gush in excitement. I had to see the rest of her. I used the sword to cut away her clothes. She had tiny little tits and a small body. I was surprised someone so young was allowed to work but shrugs… all the better for me! I made her get on her knees and sit back for me while I set up my phone to record my handiwork. I knew making a Snuff Porn Japanese flick starring this unfortunate bitch would be very popular!
She cried and begged in Japanese. I smiled back at her as I tied her hands above her head onto the pot rack. I walked behind her, now naked with noting but the torn fragments of her kimono on. I brought the sword up to her neck, looked directly into the camera and nodded my head in a mock bow as I sliced the bitches throat wide open. Her warm blood gushed out and down her body in a crimson waterfall of sadistic beauty.
I guess I really didn’t need to leave her a tip huh? Sayonara Bitch.
Recording A Snuff Porn Japanese Style
His English was horrible. I barely understood him. But I did understand the wad of cash he had in his hand and the was incentive to listen closely and try to understand. When I finally got what he was saying I felt the gush of fluid in my pants that was so strong it felt like a peed myself. He wanted me to find a young American girl that we could take back to Japan so that he could record a Snuff Porn Japanese Style. That meant she would never return. There would be no props, no fake blood, no stunt doubles….it would all be real. The screams, the torture, the pain and yes the death…..My blood was on fire! I asked if I could come and watch. I swore to him I wouldn’t tell a soul. How could I if I was going to be an accomplice in the kidnapping? I went out and found a girl and brought her back but he didn’t like her, she wasn’t what he was looking for. So I pushed her out of my car going 55 down the highway and watched as she tumbled down the road and I rubbed my clit. The next one I brought was perfect for him. We boarded his private plane and headed out. One of the stage hands caught my eye and I grabbed him. We fucked during the entire filming. All the way to the end when she sat in a tub of blood, barely breathing, after being tortured and before having her throat cut ear to ear. I came hard as I watched her head flop backwards and blood spurt rhythmically out of her carotid artery.
Snuff Porn Terry Is The Gothic Goddess Of Little Slut Deaths
I have no idea why I must be haunted by these little whores these days. I cannot even go to a shopping mall without having to deal with the miniature pukes and their overbearing sense of entitlement. I ran into a group of little mall rats when I was shopping with a friend of mine. They had the nerve to call me a Gothic Fatty. I may be on the goth side with my love of all things dark and satanic, but fat I am not. I quickly responded hissing at them and letting them know that I was the Gothic Goddess of Death sent up from the depths of hell to eat their little miserable souls. I gave my maniacal laugh that I always do and they skipped away giggling that I was a freak.
My friend and I were more then prepared to show them what kind of freaks we were. The little sloots stayed around the mall till close. My guess is they were going to have a slumber party, all pilling in a typical suburban house wife SUV. My friend and I stayed quietly watching them in the dark from the back of the parking lot in his hearse. His hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel as he began to grit his teeth with anticipation, “Patience,” I urged. As they drove off we followed them, keeping up with them as they pulled into their concrete driveway alongside their perfectly manicured lawn. Once the lights went off they were ours, and slipping into their home was way too easy.
The parents slept upstairs. On the main floor was only the small Chihuahua that was easily persuaded to our friendship with some beef jerky. We slipped down the stairs where we could see faint light coming from out from under the door. As we slipped down the stairs and closed it behind us we could here the giggling and worse, pop music. I stood in the doorway. They continued to gossip among themselves and did not even notice me. That was until my good friend tripped the breaker to the basement. Screams rang out among the girls and a cell phone light flashed into my face as I moved to sit by their sides. The squealed as they noticed me sitting next to them
That was when the real fun began. He grabbed two of the little brats up by their hair and tossed them onto the bed. I started to tie them with the large supply of infinity scarves the idiot had in her room. The last one was the ring leader of the plastic bitch cult. I grabbed her holding her by her chin. She asked what I wanted. I told her “Simple,” then licked my tongue up the side of her face tasting her skin “I told you I was coming for your soul.” She whimpered and pleaded for us to let her go but it was to late. I popped the little twats eyeball from her face and tossed it to the ground. He began to shove his cock into the hole, skull fucking the little puke till her brain was mush.
As you could imagine the other two were freaked the fuck out. Crying and shaking on the bed their face had streams of tears flowing down it. We dragged the up the stairs by their hair. The wrists and ankles still tied up and slipped out the door without working mommy or daddy. My friend reached into daddy’s beautiful diesel truck and locked the emergency break. He tied the chain around her told half and then another chain to his steel reinforced bumped. He pulled her in half. Blood and guts splashing everywhere. He tossed her bottom half into the driveway and we left, taking the last little brat home for more fun later!
Mommie Dearest
I have always known my mother hated me. She was always the first to tell me. Since I could remember my mother would come to me, She would be sweet at first but then change. There was evil in her eyes. She would start by telling me how I never needed a man. She would stick her fingers inside of me. Telling me that one day I would love being fingered. Then she would start kissing me, kissing down my body to my clit. She would suck on my clit. Just as it started to feel good she would bite me. She was a evil fucking cunt. Once she almost bit my clit completely off. Now that I am older I hate both men and women. I have more love for animals than I do for people. That is why I hurt so many people. It turns me on to watch a man bleeding to death after I chop his cock off. I fucking love hurting people.
On A Deserted Road
It was a sunny day and I was out for a drive. Taking turns down dirt roads that I have never been on. Driving deeper into the country and away from civilization. Looking for remote areas that I can bring victims for some evil and twisted fun. So far out that no one will hear them screaming but me and bodies will deteriorate and be consumed by animals so that if ever found they are nothing but bones. And there it was in the distance. It looked like an old shack. There weren’t even electrical lines going to it. A scene straight out of a horror movie. Shining in the light and nailed to a big tree out front was a sign. “Body Parts For Sale” I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was this a hoax? Perhaps something left over from Halloween and a haunted house set up way out here in the middle of no where. I had to touch myself as the juices flowed and my mind raced. Did I really just get lucky and stumble upon a gold mine? As I pulled up and shut off the ignition my hands were shaking and then when I got out of my car and smelled blood and flesh heavy in the air. My knees went weak and my step quickened as I approached the old shed.
Snuff Movies for Snuff Porn Movie Download
I have a man in my life who loves snuff movies. Instead of watching Titanic or The Notebook together, we do the snuff porn movie download thing from the Internet to my HDTV. It’s like Netflix but with the kind of movies you can’t admit you watch, let alone download. We were watching this blonde whore, who resembled me, get fucked and choked at same time. When her body went lifeless, and the guy in the film kept fucking her, my sick fuck buddy suddenly stood up and yanked me off the couch by my bleach blonde locks.
He dragged me down to the basement and kept mumbling about how hot sex with dead bodies would be. He was going to use me for his own private film. He strapped me down to his torture table and told me we were going to make our own home movie. He cut off my oxygen with a board tight against my throat. As I was struggling to breathe, I heard him sharpening his blades. I pissed myself in fear.
He came back with an evil glean in his eyes and informed me I needed a boob job before I could be a snuff star. I was weak from the lack of oxygen. There was no warning. He just raised his knife and started stabbing my breasts. “Silicon is for toys,” he informed me as he cut out my silicon bags. Blood was cascading down my sides. I was bleeding everywhere, but he informed me he would not let me die, yet. He just wanted to make me a natural woman before we made our own snuff porn. I passed out from the board on my trachea. Woke up covered in blood with barely B cups, a bad stitch job and puncture wounds. I was in a lot of pain. I begged for some drugs or something. He squirted a tube of Ben Gay into the holes in my chest, giggled and said “no pain no gain bitch.”
Later that night, as I sat on the couch trying to recover, he downloaded a film of what he did to me while he mutilating my breasts. I’m sickened to think what he stitched back inside of me.
Taboo Phone Sex Terry Makes Candle Holders From Bad Boys!
You never want to disappoint a taboo phone sex babe like me. I am not one to be dominated, nor will I worship a mans feet. You have to be able to show me your worth if you want me to fall in love with you. I am everything a snuff porn loving man could ever want, if your not a little fruity fairy that is. I found a few men who thought they could rise up to the test. They have since been made into decorations to please me.
I have take those useless little jingle berry balls and wrapped them up tight. I tie them up so tightly that I hope that they pop. I could give a fuck less. They do not need them anyway. The way that they wine and groan makes me a happy camper. I love they way that their useless clit dicks start to swell and turn purple. Then I heat them up under flames. I love setting candles onto them.
Then when the candles get burned they stick onto their nads and the hot wax drips down over them. If I fold the naughty disappointments in half I can get the hot wax to drip onto their faces. I laugh as I eat my candle lit dinner listening to them wincing, begging for me to enjoy every morsel. My dinner guest makes me mad when he asks if I should let them go. Weakness is disappointing. I turn his asshole into a candle stick holder and shove an apple into his mouth. Screams become my dinner music as I finish my meal and hot wax burns his useless sacs.
Who doesn’t love a bit of Chinese?
The heat in the room was stifling, but it was only hints to what was so come. I was watching him at work, the master chef. He was at home in this room. Upon the large cutting board table lay a lovely little asian teen. Her skin was fair, her body small and her face pretty. She’d been hog tied and the man was slowly picking through his spice rack and fresh herbs. His strong thin hands seemed to caress over the dried spices, as if waiting for the right ones to cry out to him. “Let’s see here..” he said softly, mostly to himself I think. “Garlic, Onion, and a touch of Ginger… Ginger is perfect when making something Oriental.” He glanced over his shoulder at her and smiled. I noticed him pulling out a bottle of soy sauce and some rice vinegar. Turning back to the girl, he poured a little soy sauce onto her legs and ass, then gently he started rubbing it into her skin. “We must work the flavors into the flesh and that will help you taste so much sweeter my dear.” he cooed almost lovingly to her. “And once I have you all roasted, you make for some amazing stir-fry.” he liked one of his fingers before pour on more soy sauce, then a few drops of rice vinegar and then he started sprinkling on coats of the dried herbs with a touch of brown sugar.
Stepping back, he admired her for a moment. The cute girl now smothered and primed with flavors. Pulling on a rope beside the table, she was hauled up off the table. I could hear her crying. Big heavy sobs that were stopped by the orange that was forced into her mouth. He slowly tipped her so her face was aimed at the ground and my eyes widened as he slipped another full bottle of soy sauce right into her pussy. I swallowed hard as you could see the slight movement in the glass bottle as its contents were being emptied into her. As it drained, he was moving her towards what looked like a huge pressure cooker. He gently lowered her in and before she vanished inside of it, he reached in and pulled the now empty bottle out. “Sweet dreams dear.” he said before releasing the chains that bound her from the ropes he was using to move her. His smile grew as he lowered the lid and sealed it tight. “Who doesn’t love a bit of Chinese…” he whispered as he set the temperature and the timer.
Then he turned and his eyes were on me. “Now you lovely thing, you are not Chinese… No. You are full blooded American! You know what that means? Barbeque.” He licked his lips as he looked me up and down from where I hung from the ceiling. My hands and ankles bound in chains. He had an apple shoved so hard into my mouth it hurt to try and bite down on it. As he moved to me, he grabbed up a bowl from the table. In it was nothing but warmed butter and a little salt. Dripping a hand in, he reached out and started rubbing it onto my skin. So warm and slick, I tried not to moan as he gripped and squeezed my large tits but I couldn’t stop. “Such a fine piece of meat you are..” he murmured as he grabbed more and kept working it all over me. Once I was all buttered, he went back to his herbs and spices table, mixing up a batch of homemade barbeque sauce. He was so focused on his task, pouring in the tomato sauce, a bit of water, apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, some pepper, ground mustard and lemon juice. He was about to add the Worcestershire sauce when I started yelling and shaking my head. He looked my way and frowned as it was clear I was trying to say something.
Coming over to me, he pulled the apple out with a sudden jerk. I gasped and groaned as I moved my sore jaw. “Tabasco..” I moaned out. His brows came together.
“What?” he asked.
“Tabasco sauce… If you’re going to barbecue me I won’t have it done with such a weak sauce. It’s gotta have a kick to it.. Like me.” I said. I know it was stupid to help him, but damn it if I was going to be cooked and eaten, then I better well be cooked just right.
A smile started tugging at the corners of his lips, like my request was not what he was expecting. But he shoved the apple back in and turned away.
“Fine, Tabasco it is.” He went back to finishing it up. IT was almost a hypnotic process when he came to me and started brushing on the sticky sauce. I knew what was coming and I was afraid, my heart started pounding in my chest as he started moving me. I could feel the heat rising and then I was being lowered. The first contact I had with the hot grill was blinding white pain and then more as I was fully laid out over the hot coals. The pain was making me pass out, but the last thought I had was, Damn… I smell yummy…