Category: Sadistic phone sex

Castration Phone Sex Services: Spreading Holiday Cheer One Nut Crack at a Time

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my Black Friday deal to you. You have a worthless pecker? Maybe a diseased dick or one that just doesn’t work? Too small? Or perhaps you use it for bad instead of good? Maybe you are just a stupid fuck who should not procreate? Or a chronic masturbator that needs temptation removed for him? I really don’t give a fuck what your reasons are; if you want your cock or balls, even both, removed, I will be offering junk removal services all holiday season at bargain prices. Wanna be a eunuch for Christmas? Or maybe you want to give that special lady in your life a present she will really appreciate like your dick in a box literally, or some testicle earrings. Handmade of course. Let’s face it, the lady in your life deserves so much more than what is between your legs so let’s just get rid of it. She will never has to worry about you trying to fuck her again. She forget about your pathetic package forever. Without your junk, she is free to fuck those big dicks; free to have what you have never been able to give her: PLEASURE. If you are single, well there is a reason for that. A pathetically small reason dangling between your legs. Get rid of it professionally, put on some panties and live your life as a silly sissy or something similarly pathetic.

I have my junk removal kit all polished up and ready to use. It is time to spread some holiday cheer to the ladies one nut crack at a time. The only thing roasting over my fire this holiday will be your nuts.

taboo phone sex


Newest Ass Rape Porn Snuff

Geneva lands the starring role in an Ass rape porn snuff film where she gets knifed to death. That’s what the headlines will read splattered across all the smut city magazines. My life is fucking over. But again I guess I was doomed from the minute I stepped foot in the secret district of Fantasy and Fetish porn. Yeah, they said it was always a short lived career for the hot ones, only thing I just failed to “get it”. 

Ass Rape Porn

Splayed across a stainless steel surgical table it was a normal ass raping and gangbang rape porn shoot. I have done a ton of these. The difference was how this one will end. There’s a reason Snuff Movies pay out so much… or  rather offer such large payouts it is rare that they even let the star get out alive. 

BBC Druggie Slut

gangbang rape pornMy eyes opened to find myself lying on the pavement. Two young studs were watching me as the third was ramming himself furiously into my pussy. I had been walking home tonight when I passed three black dudes on the corner. They were hooting and yelling things about my titties. I was badly in need of a fix and asked them if they had any shit. The big one flashed a gold tooth and said “Follow us.”
He led me to the alley and pulled out a bag. I went limp as the fire flashed into my veins. Mmmm, sweet bliss. “Now, where’s my money, slut? This shit aint free.” I looked up at him like a lost deer, then boom, my face hit the wall. I felt my cheekbone crack and blood spurted from my nose. A strong arm went around my throat, throttling me, and cutting off my air. I fought to live.
Now, they were pounding me harder. Huge black horse cocks filling me with nigga sperm. Each felt bigger than the last. I could take no more as my pussy vibrated. “Fuck me harder. Use me. I’m a dumb cunt. A worthless whore.” I gasped. Another pushed his huge cock into my mouth and I sucked the monster tree trunk, gagging. My mind went back to my first black cock as a young teen. I could hear them laughing as I raised my broken face to look at them. “It was only a dream. A bad dream, druggy whore.” one whispered, slipping that needle into my vein again. I drifted far away from my broken body, lying on the pavement with my skirt pushed up.

rape phone sex fantasies

Watching, Waiting, Wanting

taboo phone sex angieShe is an exhibitionist. I know she knows that I am watching her and she puts on one hell of a show every night. She has been since she moved in a couple of months ago. At exactly eight o’clock every night I can see the silhouette of her naked body through the thick glass block wall that makes up her shower stall. I watch her shadow disappear from view for just a few minutes and then she is in front of her bedroom window. She coyly glances my way as a gesture to let me know that this is for me. She doesn’t know that the glow from the TV is my favorite snuff porn. The most violent one that I have and that as she is teasing me with her little game, I am listening to the sound of screaming, that ripping flesh and torture are the music playing in my room as I watch and plot what I will do to her. To her this is a sensual game, for me it is an evil prelude to what is yet to cum.

Strung Up by my Toes

You have me strung up by my toes – literally. The ropes are cutting into my arms and legs and I can’t scream because you have me gagged. No one would here me anyway – hidden away in your dungeon underground with all your other whores. I have been tied this way for so many hours that my legs have fallen asleep but I can still feel every sweet painful thing you do to my pussy. I try to keep my head up to watch, but my neck keeps failing me and my head falls back limp.

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You pinch and twist my pussy lips so hard I squeal like the fuckpig I am. You fuck me with every toy in your arsenal and your eyes never leave my body as you torture me and live out all of your rape phone sex fantasies. I should have known better than to tease a man like you. I should have known you would find me. Once you did, it was all over, I became yours. I’ve been here ever since in the dark being tortured any time you decide to pay me attention.

I am getting dizzy from the position I am tied in but I know you don’t give a shit. All those times I teased you and made you pay for my services. Now it was time for your payback – you were going to get every dollars worth out of my slutty ass. You are brutal and fuck my pussy and my ass with no mercy. I can feel hot liquid dripping down my ass cheeks. I don’t know if its cum or blood and I honestly don’t care – I love them both the same.

Shockingly Good

Your box finally came in the mail. I was in the basement tied up but could hear the UPS truck drive up and the man ring the bell. I heard you rip open the box and then fiddle around. You had told me you had a present coming for my pussy in the mail. My mind raced in fear as to what it would be. An hour or so later you made your way downstairs. I could barely turn my head to see you, but I could see you were carrying some sort of contraption that looked like a cable box or something but with more wires.

I was so weak from the beating last that I couldn’t even try to resist when you untied me and rolled me on my back on the cold hard floor. My naked useless body just laying there, probably half dead, but I just didn’t even care anymore. You were smiling that grotesque smile you get when you’re about to hurt me and you told me that you had something that would put some fight back into me – light me right up. The fear was crawling through me as you shoved something cold and hard up my pussy. It felt like a metal dildo. I just laid there and took it.

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Then you got up and I could see you plugging a cord into the wall. Wtf were you doing now? And what was that black box that started humming with electricity the moment you plugged it in? You got down on your knees by the box and started turning one of the knobs. At first all I felt was a weird feeling like a strange vibration, but then suddenly it was if my pussy was stuck in a light socket – every muscle in my body contracted at once as you electrocuted me from the inside out. My pussy juices made the perfect conductor for the electricity pouring from that box and you played with the knobs while my body convulsed with each rush of electricity. You laughed and laughed as the jolts blasted through me, and despite myself, I came all over my new present.

Die, bitch, die. No one gives a Tweet.

mutilation phone sexLooking for that perfect accomplice who really likes it nasty and rough? I will help you find your latest victim and make your bloody dreams come true. My very favorite fantasy is kidnapping young girls and torturing them. Not your average run-of-the-mill kidnapping either. I cater to vicious and violent wanna-be psychos who like to hear girls scream. I cut off nipples, shove knives up cunts, and make the living wish they were dead. My latest victim was so innocent and so very dead. I made tiny knife cuts all over her body as she begged for mercy. I burnt her with cigarettes and shoved a curling iron into her pussy. On high heat, of course. She screamed so very loud, which made my Masters cock rigid with glee. Can you stand the dirty games that I play? Are they too much, coming from the dark recesses of your mind. You know you must sate your bloodlust. There’s a full moon tonight and I smell fresh pussy in the air. My theme song is playing and I’m ready to make someone bleed.

“Dirty Little Mind”  by Jackyl
Well I licked her clean from head to toe
I took her down for the count
She was ready for more
And you know she’s got a dirty little mind
The way she walks
The way she grooves
I have to strap her down to keep up with her moves
And you know she’s got a dirty little mind.

Writer(s): Jesse James Dupree
Copyright: Polygram Int. Publishing Inc. Cockster Music


knife play phone sex

Violent Phone Sex Pleasure

violent phone sex karmaI watched them stumble out of the bar.To drunk to be coherent. I watched them laugh as they found their way to the car, groping each other, obviously preparing for a drunken sexual encounter. They were the perfect couple for my desires. Walking over to them it was easy to worm my way into the fun. I slid behind the wheel of the car smiling while they made out in the back seat, laughing at the fact that they now had a third party. Oblivious to what is about to happen they follow me without question. They both think it is great fun as I tie her wrists and hoist them high above her head naked and vulnerable. His cock is throbbing and he has already taken his pants and shirt off and is swaying with a huge grin on his face. I throw him on the ground in front of her and mount him riding him hard and fast bringing him to the edge. Just as he is about to cum I reach behind his head and twist his neck hard, not enough to break it completely but enough to paralyze him. His mind hasn’t registered the pain as it is still focused on his pleasure. I reach down with a nice sharp scalpel and rip his eye from it’s socket as they scream together and blood spatters across my body. As he realizes that he can’t move I continue my assault, ripping flesh from his body blood is everywhere. Getting off of him I slice his ball sack open and remove his balls. Rubbing his blood all over her. Her eyes are glazed over with fear. He is on the edge now and won’t last much longer. The act of violent phone sex and her fear feeds my pleasure.

Family History

Growing up I always learned about my family history. All of us evil in our own way. I had a great grandfather who was an Apache Indian Brave. He would raid Cherokee villages. He would sneak in after dark brutally kill the men, chopping their dicks off and feeding it to the wolves. He would spend days with the women of the tribe, fucking them and beating each one of them till their last breath. He even fucked and scalped the young ones of the tribe leaving no one alive.

Evil phone sex

One day as he was searching for more women to kill he found her. The pale white devil woman. Tied to a stake and almost dead. He made the mistake of letting her go. Somehow she recovered from her wounds only to show him how evil she was and how evil they could be together. Like him she loved the sight of blood. They would slit the throats of the villages they raided together, only to fuck in the warm blood of the lifeless villagers. 

Fuckpig Roast

I got the rope you asked for from the basement. Why are you looking at me like that? You’ve seemed odd all day today and you’re drinking far too much, even more than usual. I barely get the rope unraveled before you grab me hard and put me over your knee. Just when I think I am going to get a fabulous spanking though, you start yanking my arms behind me and tying me up tight. I start to kick but I am no match for you – you grab my ankles and bind them together in no time flat.

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You roll me off your lap onto the floor and I land with a loud thump bonking my head. As the stars begin to clear I see you getting your lighter and a bottle of 151 Rum off the side table. I thought you were going to just take a swig, but instead you took some in your mouth and then spit it at me while lighting the lighter. A huge ball of flame poured over my naked body and singed my skin and hair. I started screaming and tried to roll away but you just kept spitting fire onto me, burning me all over.

I couldn’t roll away anymore, my skin was raw and blistering and it hurt to move. You stood over me, with about a half a bottle left and began to pour it on me. The alcohol burned so fucking bad on my raw skin and you just watched as I begged you to stop. The stinging pain was taking my breath away and just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, you lit the lighter and brought it down to my body. I tried one last time to roll away, but the flame had already caught. I thought all you wanted was some rope, but I guess you wanted a pig roast.