Category: Sadistic phone sex

Torture Sex for a Mommy Whore

torture sexTorture sex is what a stupid whore gets when she fucks up. I borrowed my eldest son’s car while mine was in the shop. I had a little fender bender that honestly was not my fault. My son, however, did not see it that way. He punched me so hard in the gut when I told him that I puked. He shoved my face in my own vomit, forcing me to lick it up. This was followed with a ball gag shoved in my mouth and being attached to a bar to restrain my arms. He didn’t want me being able to get away when he sodomized my ass with a cattle prod. For having a minor car accident that was not my fault, he saw it fitting punishment to torture my ass with electric shock. I could smell my ass burning. I attempted to reason with him, but that just pissed him off. The cattle prod went up my cunt then. He was clearly in one of his tweaked out moods which never goes well for me. I tried not to cry or utter a word as he tortured my cunt and ass. He decided torture was not enough. He had to degrade me too. He spit in my face. Shit on my stomach and pissed down my throat. When he was done with me, he looked me in the eyes and said, “I don’t give a fuck about the car. I just enjoy abusing my mommy whore.”

Welcome To My Nightmare

taboo phone sex karmaShe was the cutest thing I have ever seen. A sweet button nose and a cute little haircut. Brown curls caressing her forehead. Her smile was big and bright and she was practically skipping along. She didn’t see the uneven spot in the sidewalk and fell feet over head to the ground. The blood came to the surface of her knees as she tried to push down her skirt and cover the tightest pair of g string panties I have seen in a while. Such an innocent looking thing with a inner kinky side combined with the bright red blood had my pussy soaking wet. Offering her help, telling her that I live right around the corner, my mind was racing as I helped her back to my place. Once inside I sat her on a chair in the kitchen to clean her scraped knees up. I used alcohol and acted like I thought it was peroxide when she screamed. the sound went straight to my already tingling pussy and I couldn’t wait any longer. Balling up my fist I felt her chin give under the force of my punch. Blood spattered across the floor as her unconscious body hit the floor. Dragging her body down the steps to my basement, I cum a little each time her head bounces off a step. By the time I get her on my special table her head has a big gash and blood is dripping every where. Fucking her lifeless body is pure bliss…

Young Rape Porn

Rape phone sex fantasies

My Daddy’s friends are here to use me for their young rape porn and I need to show them that I am the best submissive slut and very obedient to do whatever they want me to do. Most teen sex slaves will do most things but they aren’t true sex slaves unless they have no limits like I do. I want to be treated like I deserve and will eagerly accept any order and punishment given to me.  I encourage you to share me with your friends, nothing is better than being fucked by more cocks than I can count, and getting a chance to taste all of their cum sliding down my throat. I show them all what a nasty enthusiastic slave I am by sucking two huge cocks at a time till they cum all over my pretty face. My Daddy told me I wear this look well and this is how I should keep my face almost always to prove my loyalty.

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Hide and seek

taboo phone sex paulinaI was successful for quite some time at hiding out from my husband. Well I knew it was not going to last forever. He found me last night and well….it’s all I can do to sit here and type.

I can barely see out of my eyes because as he skull fucked me I took a severe pounding to my face. He made sure that his jizz was not the only bodily fluid I tasted on my lips it was a 50/50 mixture of his nut and my blood. I knew the more I resisted the more I’d be punished. So I just sat there on my knees and took every pump and punch he had coming to me.

Once he wore out my face my old ass was the next victim in line. He bent me over and grabbed me by the head of my hair using my head as leverage for each thrust he nailed into my ass with his thick cock. I will never admit this to him but I have always loved the way he pounded my ass. It was the only time I ever felt he loved me. It was his most sensual touch even tough anytime he used my asshole as a pin cushion it would end up in a bloody massacre.

I have mixed emotions about our reunification. But one thing is certain you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. He is still the same old dirty dog he has always been and it’s not any new news I will always be his bitch.

Mind Altering

taboo phone sex angie1My mind is spinning. My vision is blurred. The walls of the room are breathing and her blood is the brightest red I have ever seen. Ecstasy is my favorite drug. Not only do i love the mind altering effects but the way it heightens my senses drives me insane in the best of ways. Fucking her tight pussy with my special bat that has nails sticking out of it while high as fuck, listening to her screams, watching her velvety pussy get chewed up and feeling the blood spattering on my skin is a sensation beyond erotic. The feel of my knife against the resistance of her flesh is intense and now looking at her covered in blood panting and writhing in pain has taken me to another level of euphoria. The IV drip has begun. Watching the fluid drop into the tube is mesmerizing. Soon her body will start to respond to the toxin. Her skin will begin to bubble as she feels the burn like fire growing with in her body. The areas on her body that haven’t been mutilated already will eventually tare and fluids will rush out of her as she takes her last breath. Evil and twisted is so delightful when I am high.

My dirty Fetish!

Mutilation phone sex

I have a dirty little fetish just like everybody else out there in the world. On the other hand I am NOT like everybody else. I am an evil fucking bitch and I love to see people hurt. My dark and evil fetish is shaving pussy. A pussy is a beautiful thing so when there’s hair on it it just covers the beauty. I’m sure you’re wondering why an evil bitch like me gets off by shaving pussy but you don’t know the whole story. I love getting my straight razor out. I have a dirty little whore tied up with her legs spread wide open so I can get every inch of her pussy.

Fantasy phone sex

I start out I sharpen my straight razor. Slowly I start putting on the shaving cream, even teasing her clit and pussy with my fingers. I start sliding my razor up her pussy. Slowly cutting into her beautiful pussy skin. Mutilating a pussy as I shave it, makes me want to fuck. That is where you come in handy my sick perverted friend. I want you to take your cock and slide it up and down that mutilated pussy. I want you to fuck that mutilated pussy! Pull your bloody cock out and fuck me with it. I want her mutilated pussy blood and juices deep in my cunt. Do you think you can help me?

Parking Lot Rape Fantasy

rape phone sex fantasiesI had just finished shopping for supplies needed for our evening meal, when I was approached by two men. The were chatting nice enough when the next thing I knew I was being grabbed and thrown into the vehicle that was parked beside me. I had no time for screaming or anything. They took me to an old abandoned building where they proceeded to rip my clothes from my body. They told me my body was theirs to use and abuse as they saw fit. Being used is nothing new, but I was accustomed to these encounters being set up by my Daddy.

I was forced down on my knees and two cocks were put in my face and I was told to suck them. I tried taking one at a time into my mouth and was told “No bitch, open that damn mouth wide and take them both together”. I did the best I could to take both huge cocks into my mouth at once. When I choked and gagged the men only laughed sadistically. The older of the two slapped my face hard and told me I best do a better job if I wanted to live. They fucked my face roughly for a while at one point almost making me puke as they went into my throat, stretching my throat and jaws.

Then they decided it was time to get down to business. One pulled me down on top of him and forced his massive cock into my ass. With no prep or lube, he ripped my asshole and I began to bleed. The other did not care that I was bleeding. He just shoved his cock deep into my pussy taking no mercy on me at all. I was in so much pain as they took their turns fucking into my body and using me like nothing but the cum slut that I am. I had two huge cocks inside me at once and they showed no signs of slowing down. To my disgust, I realized I was close to coming and I would not be able to hold back. My body would betray me yet again. I was hurting and disgusted, but I would come , because for me, extreme pain is equal to extreme pleasure.

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Don’t you love evil phone sex?

evil phone sexSome days I am feeling more into evil phone sex than others. Sometimes I want to be more than mean, want to be twisted and fucked up. And I know it – and love it. There’s no other way than to embrace the twisted fucked up side of yourself and love every second of it. Once you do that it makes things more fun. And that’s why when I saw Barbie Mommy and her little brat in the stroller I knew I was going to fuck them up. Of course the bimbo didn’t notice me following her, too busy on her phone and plus who would suspect a woman like me? I stalked her for hours as she ran her errands before she finally came home to what was clearly an empty house. Looks like she’s a single Mom, another reason she had everything I was going to do to her coming. She was deserving, so I broke in for her and her babygirl. She was helpless to me, as I beat her ass. I left her there bloody as I tied her up, knowing this was far from over. I was going to humiliate her and make her watch me do horrific things to her babygirl. And she’s going to know I am loving it because I am going to be cumming hard, as she dies of course.

Daddy’s Fantasy Daughter Rape Porn Videos Lead To More

strangulation phone sexI find Daddy watching his favorite fantasy daughter rape porn videos again and I  know it is going to be a long night. I try to sneak past him and into my room, but I am caught. Roughly, he grabs me and shoves me to my knees. He drops his pants and I see that his cock is already hard. He tells me to open up and he grabs me by my hair shoving the whole length of his cock down my throat. I gag and choke. He only laughs calling me a stupid cunt and telling me to take it all. He fucks my throat hard and deep until it is raw and burning. He puts one hand around my neck and squeezes. Things begin to get dark and I feel as if I am floating and I go limp. He keeps one hand behind my head and one around my neck as he fucks himself hard into my throat over and over. Finally, he releases the hold on my neck, and I return to awareness just as my aching throat is coated with his Daddy Juice. For this I am thankful as his thick come helps to relieve the burning in my throat

I know this is just round one and before this night night is over, he will take my pussy and my ass hard and forcefully. He may even allow a “Special Uncle” to join in as he loves to see me get used and abused by other men as well. Daddy loves how tight my pussy and ass get when I am double penetrated. Are you going to be my Uncle tonight?

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Drive It And I Will Cum

snuff porn angieYou would think that the blood would be a dead give away. But it isn’t. These little fuckers don’t give a shit and that is the way I want it. This fucking ice cream truck attracts them like flies to fucking honey. So many little ones and they all want ice cream. And all I want is their screams, their blood, their pain and suffering. With this truck I have my pick of fresh little morsels with tight bald pussies and big innocent eyes. I lure them into my truck with promises of sweets and then take them to my place. Once in my basement they find out what a wicked ass world we live in and how dark it can be. It makes their nightmares look like a trip top Disney Land. taboo phone sex angie1