Category: Sadistic phone sex

Knife Play Phone Sex with Paulina

knife play phone sex

My husband has been on a kick with bringing men home to watch me fuck them or rather them fuck me. This is way out of character for him and what I am used to over the years. He has always been the controlling jealous type. I remember one time in our early years of dating we were out at a bar and a gentleman told him that he had a beautiful girlfriend and he ended up getting into a fight and getting us kicked out. So having him bring home these men has me baffled. At first I thought it was a trick so that he had an excuse in his mind to beat the shit out of me. Today he brought home a younger guy probably in his 30’s. Never seen this guy before in my life and I have no idea where he surfaced from. But my husband made him strip his pants down while holding a knife to the back of my neck and made me suck him off. I could feel the cold hard blade pressing against the back of my neck and the tip of it would lightly stab the bottom of my head as I slid my mouth up and down on this mans dick. He was barely getting hard at first so I knew he was nervous just as much as I was with the whole knife show. But the more I was forced down on that cock with my husbands knife the harder his rod grew in my mouth. He told me that if I did not make this fella cum that I was going to need some stitches and he would be the one playing doctor. I looked up at him and practically begged him with my eyes to please cum. He closed his eyes and started to breathe heavily and finally I tasted the salty hot load release in my mouth. Just for confirmation I had to hold his nut in my mouth and open wide for my husband to see before I could swallow. Poor guy, I am just thankful he was able to blow his rod while being under so much pressure.

Torture Sex for a Cheating Whore

torture sex spsTorture  sex is all a worthless whore deserves. That is what every man tells me. Last night, I heard it from a woman too. A rather cruel dominant women who found out I fucked her husband. She set a trap for me, then when I arrived made it clear she was in charge because a cheating whore too dumb to know a set up doesn’t deserve any mercy. She tossed me on the couch. She was stronger than she looked. I hear rage can do that to a person. My hands were bound behind my back; my feet restrained. I was her captive. “You took something from me bitch; now I plan on taking something from you,” she seethed. I was scared. Women can be far crueler than men, especially women scorned. She started stroking my hair. I felt sick to my stomach. When I tried to beg and plead for forgiveness because I didn’t know he was married, she smacked me then put a spider gag in my mouth. I saw the scissors. I knew she was going to take my precious long blonde locks. A woman’s beauty is so tied to her hair. She did more than that. She cut my hair, shaved my head then carved whore on my chest with the scissors. Deep too. I started bleeding. I was helpless. My whore behavior put me in this position, along with my stupidity. I should have known he was married. Most men who want to fuck me are attached in some way or another. I was crying from the pain, but she was just getting warmed up. She lit a cigarette and put it out on my nipples. She poured alcohol into my wounds. But the worse thing she did was stab my cunt with her scissors. My pussy gushed blood. I screamed in pain. “I took your beauty and your whore instrument. Maybe you will think again bitch before you steal another woman’s man,” she said as she spit in my face. She warned me about calling the cops when she let me go. I knew better. A sick twisted scorned bitch like her would kill me next time.

Daddy Almost KILLED ME!!!

snuff phone sex (3)

Most people don’t believe in magic and all that crap but I DO! You see… I think I’ve been getting on my Daddy’s nerves lately. Sure I try to stay out of his way, and never fight back no matter how badly I am being abused. It’s never enough for Daddy though he just hates me so much. He knows he could never hurt me enough, he could never treat me as I really deserve…because I deserve to be dead. So many times I’ve thought I was going to die but knew Daddy would make sure I made it alive…so he could continue to use me time and time again. This morning I woke up and it was 6am. Daddy is never ever up that early but I could hear him in the kitchen…I figured I would just go back to sleep…it was nothing right? Wrong. I awoke and Daddy had my nose pinched between his fingers, he was ordering me to open my mouth and swallow it. I figured it was his cock or cum that was about to be sliding down my throat but what I tasted was chemicals. I knew I was fucked. Daddy had finally had it!!! I choked it down and saw Daddy’s wicked smile, his pants were off and his cock was hard…he jammed his cock down my throat and all I remember was his screaming “Die you worthless cunt!” as he force fucked my mouth, and beat me senseless. I don’t even know why I am alive right now…after drinking that deadly potion.

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You need a magical potion huh?

evil phone sexAhhh magical potions you say? You want something that you can drink right down, something that will immediately make you grow strong and powerful, and make your cock big and thick too? Well why didn’t you just say so?! I am quite sure that if I just reach into my magic bag here I can cook you something right up! You’ll go from wimpy little bitch to a big ole strong man in just seconds! Or… Maybe, just maybe you will just pass the fuck out instead. When I give you my special cocktail it was really nothing more than a powerful sedative and once I had you knocked out it made it so much easier to tie you to my rack. Ohh it was so amusing to see you wake up so thoroughly confused, poor little man, you were expecting muscles and a long throbbing cock and instead woke up to tight ropes binding you, cutting into your flesh and rubber bands tightly wrapped around your pitiful little shriveled up cock and balls. You looked so frightened because you knew what was coming next, you knew that you would be very lucky to survive this! You shouldn’t have pissed me off pet, you shouldn’t have acted like you did nothing wrong after the fact too and then to have the nerve to ask me to make you a spell as well?! You deserve your punishment whore so grow the fuck up and take it like a man!

Ass Rape Porn Becomes an Extreme Rape Porn for Profit

ass rape porn blairYou called me this morning. Told me to be ready for your arrival. We were going to make a little ass rape porn. I’m a good whore. I do as I am told because I am a submissive slut. What you failed to mention was that you were bringing friends. Friends on 4 legs, not 2. I tried to tell you that I was not down with fucking man’s best friend, but you were not having any of my back talk. You slapped me so hard that I fell backwards. You put a knife to my throat to convince me I needed to do what I was told. One of your friends had a camera to record my ultimate degradation. You explained to me that lots of men pay good money to down load extreme rape porn. You and your buddies primed my ass with some hardcore anal fucking. Filled me cum, then told me to make you some money. You smeared peanut butter all over my ass and pussy before the gate opened. I could hear them charging me from behind. I closed my eyes and tried to escape my body. I felt the beasts licking me. Pushing their slimy tongues into my fuck holes to get all that peanut butter out. One whistle from you and they mounted me like animals. Slimy pronged red  rockets hooked into my pussy and ass. I knew if I moved they would pull my insides out then you might snuff me out for ruining your little twisted movie. I was stuck being gang banged by 4 legged beasts. I could hear you snickering, calling me names, telling your friends what a worthless whore I was for evening doing this film. I didn’t think I had a choice. Death or this. That’s no choice. I hope you profit well off of my shame.

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Peanut Butter Fetishes with Morticia

Domination phone sex

You would not believe what I just caught my fucking worthless piece of shit bitch boy doing tonight. He was making my favorite snack a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I caught him sticking his cock in and out of my peanut butter. And then I watched him spread his cock all over my bread and then rub his dick until he came into my peanut butter. He put the sandwich together with my favorite strawberry jelly and then he fucking brought it to me.

Taboo phone sex

I asked him to taste the sandwich and he knew right then and there I knew what he had done. I don’t play with food I don’t appreciate somebody feeding me their fucking ball batter. So I made sure he would never ever cum in my sandwich again. I tied his fucking ass up butt naked in the forest right next to a big ol’ red ant Hill. His cock still had some fucking peanut butter all over and I left him there and listen to him scream for hours as those red ants bit and chewed on his worthless cock and balls. He will never ever fucking do that again.

Torture phone sex


Never Seen It Coming

Snuff sex       I am such a worthless whore who deserves to get the living hell beat out of me. And that is exactly what happened to me today. I came home and the moment I walked through the door I felt a sharp stabbing pain to the back of my neck. He was waiting for me behind the door and the second it closed he attacked me. Most times I see it coming but not this time. Once I was down on the ground he repeatedly kicked me with his pointy toed cowboy boots. I started to feel a warm rush come over my face and then I seen it. A pool of blood started to build up beneath my near lifeless body. I thought he must have broke my nose and that was where all the blood was pouring from but it turns out he had cracked my skull. As I begged and pleaded for him to stop it was just giving him more fuel to beat me even more. I finally gave up and went limp. The last thing I remember feeling was his cock ramming my asshole. I was face down in my own blood practically drowning in it. When I woke up in the hospital I was alone and confused. At that very moment I had no idea what happened and couldn’t answer a single question they were asking me. Finally I fabricated a good enough story for them that they believed me and I was soon released to go back home.

The Magic Potion for Snuff porn

evil phone sexBlack magic and voodoo spells. Don’t fuck with what you don’t understand. They’ll take your heart, your soul, your life. Just the way I like it. I had mixed up a new batch of shit that I called Euphoria 666. It was my own special blend and I needed to test it on a human subject. It was a mixture of  mind-bending herbs, a drug that exploded the sex drive, a paralyzing agent, and one special ingredient that jacked up the blood pressure. It was time to hunt.

I picked him up at a local dive. He was half lit and horny. He followed me home like an obedient mongrel. I fixed him a drink and he downed it in one gulp. I watched closely as my potion took effect.

His eyes grew big as it kicked in and he found himself almost unable to move except for his fingers, toes, and eyes.  His cock began to rise until it was almost purple with blood. His face was red and he was sweating. His eyes begin to dart back and as the demons in his mind came out to play. He screamed out loud only to be silenced by me stuffing a dirty rag in his mouth.

I had created a human dildo. A man that could be used for sex who then self-destructed. I could do anything I wanted to his cock. I teased him with my tongue as the veins on his nutsac began to expand. He choked underneath the rag as I stroked his hyper-swollen fuckstick. Perfect. A cock with no brain and no defense. He was so hard now that blood began to ooze out of his dickhead along with precum. I knew that if he wasn’t forced to cum soon, he would explode. That thought turned me on as I poked his balls with my stiletto. His eyes were bulging along with the veins in his forehead. I lowered my pussy onto his shaft and gave him several strokes before walking away. A whine came from his throat as he tried to move.

He exploded. I don’t mean just his cock. I mean his entire fucking head. Chunks rained back down onto his carcass where his cock was still pulsating, a chunk of meat with no body. I laughed and dipped my finger into the blood to taste it. I forgot to make an antidote. Now I’d have to start all over with another man. Oh well, men are trash. I had just created the perfect one. A Bic lighter of a man who could be used and disposed of. Imagine how much fun women could have with my potion. Fuck him and watch him explode. No more relationship problems for us!!

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Pinocchio and my Tell-a-Lie Day fucking.

fantasy phone sexI’d been on a drug trip for about 3 days, determined to blow every dime of my income tax refund. I was totally fucked up and on the verge of collapse. Men had come and gone, beating and abusing me. I loved it but my body was wrecked. Busted lip, concussion, and a chipped tooth. The blow to my head had rendered me unconscious. I had no idea it was Tell-a-Lie Day when I slipped into a comatose state.

I was dreaming that I was a cartoon, surrounded by figures from my younger years. One of them was Pinocchio. I had him between my legs and he was driving his wooden cock-nose into me. I had already cum twice but I wanted more. “Tell me a lie, Pinocchio. I need more cock.” He was a total fuck machine who couldn’t get enough of my ass and pussy.

He pulled out some coke and forced my face down into it.  I snorted deeply and my pussy started throbbing. He kicked me in the face and I laughed. This toy fucker was my dream man. I called him a pussy and he began to lie. With each lie, his cock got bigger and bigger until it was like a baseball bat. He violated me hard with it, ripping my pussy clear to my asshole. Still, I laughed as the drugs made me feel no pain. He put his wooden hands around my throat and began to throttle me. I convulsed and arched my back in the throes of death but he released me to gasp for air.  I felt him jab me one more time and he roared with an orgasm.

I awoke from my black hole to find my pussy bleeding and raw and cum oozing down my thighs. Was it a dream or was it for real?

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You Lied To Me And Choked Me Out

domination phone sex

Foregoing the dungeon playroom, you pulled your cock out in the living room and told me to suck it. I was confused because nothing turns you on more than tying me up and beating me. You said you planned to take it easy tonight since you had been riding me so hard. You were gonna be my sweet Daddy for once. Uncertain about this change of events, I leaned over to take your cock into my mouth. Then I felt a heavy weight applied to my back. You had put a heavy crystal chess set on my back. You tell me I must balance it and not let the pieces fall. You grab my head and begin to force me down on your cock. Trying desperately to keep the pieces upright, I straighten my back hard as I am being forced down your cock. I felt a piece topple and knew I was in for it. Smack! came the blow on my ass cheek.

You straighten the piece and continue pushing my head down on your cock. You are so large you are gagging me, but I am careful to keep my back straight. I know that I must remain completely stiff if I wish to avoid punishment.  I hear another piece fall and SMACK you hit my other cheek. You tell me I am worthless, not even good enough to be a simple piece of furniture. Another piece falls and another SMACK! This one stings so badly, I jump involuntarily. The whole board crashes down. You snatch me up by my neck and begin choking me and tossing me around like a limp ragdoll. As blackness begins to set in, I say “I thought you were going to be my sweet Daddy tonight”. You reply, “Dear daughter, It is “Tell A Lie Day. I lied. You will never be treated as a sweet daughter because you are a worthless whore”.

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