Category: Sadistic phone sex

Make me bleed please

Snuff phone sexDo you like when you see my blood squirting out of my veins or do  you like when you cut through my tendons one by one? Well I like to please you so do with me what you will, if that means you start from my head and break every bone all the way down to my feet. I see your cock jumping every time I scream out for each bone you break. Then when I see your cock jumping at my pain my cunt just gushes with wetness and cream. I love feeling you abuse me until I break and I can’t take enough. But even then you stop and just keep hurting me until I take my last breath, mhm did you cock get hard reading this then pick up that phone and call me.

He got what was coming to him

ass rape pornThis arrogant little bitch boy got exactly what he had coming to him after he so rudely attempted to force himself all up on me. We were at a bar and he was cocky as fuck, trying to hit on me and take me home, at no point did he accept the fact that I wasn’t interested so I decided to make him sorry. I “gave in” and invited him back to my place and slipped a lil something into his drink once we got there. It knocked him out cold so I was able to easily strip him down and restrain him in all kinds of fun ways. Boy was he pissed off when he woke up! He was screaming and whining and begging me to untie him but I just told him to shut the fuck up and learn his lesson! I made him eat my ass and lick my shoes and he was fine with all that… until I brought out a huge dildo. That’s where he wanted to draw the line but since he didn’t listen to or respect me when I told him no, I decided to return the favor and just shoved that dildo up his ass despite all his protests! Hopefully he learned a little respect for women after that!

Fuck You Till You Bleed

Sadistic phone sexI didn’t cook his steak medium rare, I accidentally cooked it medium well and he’s pissed. He gripped my hair in his fist and smashed my face into the steak. Then he dragged me into the bedroom and forced me to take off my clothes. He bent me over the side of the bed and shoved his large cock into my ass without lubrication. The pain was unbearable and I screamed.
“Shut up, bitch!”, he yelled as he punched the side of my face.
He pumped his hard dick into my tight asshole causing blood to run down my thighs. He didn’t care that he was ripping me apart. But he loves to hurt me and he loves letting other people hurt. Why can’t I leave? He pulled his cock from my ass and made me suck it clean. The taste of shit, blood, and semen made me want to throw up. But I knew if I vomited he would hurt me even worse.

Snuff Dreams

Snuff sexI had a dream about you last night. You had snuck into my bedroom late one night when I was a sleep. You woke me up with a punch to the gut and a bitch slap to the face. I tried to scream but couldn’t. You quickly threw me back on the bed and tied my hands to the head board with a pair of my stockings. You took my panties off me that I was wearing and shoved them in my mouth. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. You knew this just by the heat coming of my cunt. You were pleased I was enjoying the pain. You became more sadistic, knowing every pain caused my cunt to gush more. I could feel your cock ripping roughly into my holes. Humiliating me with your names and brutalizing my body with your hands. You were getting ready to slice my throat and I woke up. I woke up to messy soaked sheets. And my fingers already deep in my cunt.

Snuff So Many Ways

Taboo phone sex I dream of being snuffed out in so many different way. I can’t even figure out which way turns me on more. I know I want to be tormented for a long ass time. Brought to the brink of death and then brought back for more pain. I want to feel my flesh being cut by a knife. Mutilate a limb or tit right off my body. But make sure I am awake and alert so that I can feel every ounce of that pain. I do not want to die of something boring like a heart attack or dying in my bed at an old age. I want to go when I am young enough to enjoy it. I want to feel all that pain. And I hope it will last for days.

We cooked her up and ate her

Cannibalism phone sexBeing my Master’s accomplice while we have cannibalism phone sex is such an honor, he knows that I will do anything and everything that he tells me. Whatever Master wants, Master gets. He sent me to the local playground at the park to kidnap a young little slut to bring back to the house so that we could have some sadistic fun with her. I picked out the perfect sexy brat, long blonde hair that was in pigtails and a white little sundress on, she looked so angelic and little did she know how much her precious life was about to be destroyed. Master stuck a needle in her arm that was full of a lethal substance, the young bitch died within seconds. I love watching the life diminish from their bodies, it’s like you can feel their soul leave as they turn into a limp corpse. Master was quite hungry and had a craving for young little girl flesh and meat. We brought her down to the dungeon and used hack saws to chisel away at her limbs and threw them in a plastic bag to bring upstairs to the kitchen to whip up some yummy brat stir-fry. I cut her up into chunks and cooked her up so that her meat was nice and tender, just how Master likes it! Add some salt and pepper for seasoning and you have a yummy little brat on your plate all ready to be eaten! She tasted delicious, we ended up devouring her entire being and I used her bones to make some broth. I doubt that little bitch will be missed!

A Tasty Feast

Approached by this man with a thick Texan accent while drinking at a local bar he was obviously looking to herd me into his dastardly obsessions. Cat calling at me and talking really degrading towards my fine assed body he was really sizing me up. After his easily done forced intoxication of me he ushered e out to his Mercedes SUV where he chloroform me as he shoved me in the back. I awoke naked and shackled in the commissary of an abandoned Hospital with a large part nearby simmering over a fire. Watching the big Texan toss vegetables in the pot as he stroked his cock looking at me with an evil and sadistic smile. I squirmed and whimpered when I realized I was coated in olive oil and cracked pepper and noticing some large cutlery of a butcher on the counter.

He smiled at me as he tested the water then came towards me with a machete. “Well darling I sure wished that anesthetic was a bit stronger and you wouldn’t have to feel this near as much.. but then again my pleasure is purely from watching you squirm, oh, and those screams as I dismember you and drop your parts in the water. But don’t worry fuck doll I plan on basting your insides really good with this big Texas cock.

Murder phone sex fantasies


The Clothes Iron

Evil phone sexMy man says he found a very important client for me to entertainment. He even got my hair done and brought me a new dress. As we were driving over to this “new client” he warned me to make this man very happy. When we finally arrived the client was waiting on the front porch. His name was Tony and he was an older gentleman. He had kind eyes but I would find out later that was just a mask hiding pure evil.
After my man got an envelope full of cash, he left me with this stranger. Tony told me to follow him down into his basement. This basement was a real-life torture chamber and I was scared. He chained me against a wall and plugged in a clothes iron. He told me that he had paid a lot of money to hurt me but he would scar my face. He pressed that hot iron to the inside of thighs and I cried out in pain. He touched that hot iron to my skin over and over again. I could see that his cock was rock hard, causing pain turned him on. He took out a clothespin from his pocket and clamped it to my clit. The pain was unbearable and I started screaming for him to please remove it. A wet cum stain appeared on his crotch. This was going to be a long painful weekend.

Last Night

Sadistic phone sex I got fucked hard last night. Real fucking hard. I got thrown around. I was kicked, punched, fish hooked, strangled until I passed out. And fucked until I was raw and bleeding. My cunt is on fire today. My ass is on fire. It hurts to piss, to take a shit. And wiping burns so freaking much. But last night was crazy night! I had so many freaking orgasms, my cunt could not stop squirting. Every hit I took the more I squirted! I could not get enough and he knew it. He knows exactly what I like and he comes around every so often to beat the shit out of me and to fuck the shit out of me.

Bloody covered cock for Stephanie

Snuff phone sex

I woke up with my body tied to a metal table and I couldn’t move. I lifted my head and seen that my stomach had been sliced open and was being pulled apart by some kind of metal machine. I could see all the blood all over my body and as I woke up more, the more pain I started to feel from my neck down. I started to scream for help when the guy who napped me cam over and shoved his fist in my sliced open bloody stomach and started to fist me. I screamed more and the more I screamed the more pain I would feel. Then he walked over to me and pulled out his cock and started shoving his cock in my intestines and started ripping open my organs with his cock.