Torture sex is what he made me endure for hours. Sexual mutilation with a sadist was not what I signed up for. I met him online and we clicked. I never told him I was a submissive whore. I didn’t want him to think less of me. I try to have normal adult relationships even though I know I don’t deserve them. He was a poser. He was friends with Master and they set me up. I had to be punished for being a cheating slut and thinking I was worthy of a man’s affection. He drugged my drink and when I woke up, I was hanging from a beam naked with my clit tied up and puffy. My master was there assisting with an evil grin on his face. I knew that look and I was in trouble. Maybe enough snuff porn trouble. He threatens to kill me all the time. Somedays, I wish he would. It was hard to hold back the tears as I knew what was coming. I saw the torture instruments. He had on a table in front of me a blow torch, various knives, a taser and clamps. The thought of a blow torch to my clit made me piss myself. “See something you like Cassandra,” Master seethed as he touched the blow torch like he was reading my mind. He knows my fears. He lit it and laughed. His accomplice thought he was just taunting me. When Master actually melted my clit away, his partner puked and passed out from the grotesque image of my mutilated girl parts. The smell of burning flesh lingers in your nostrils for days. I was in shock from the pain. I puked, but didn’t pass out, which might have saved me. In Master’s eyes, I was tougher than his failed assistant. He turned the blow torch on his balls and dick and I was just grateful the focus was no longer on me.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
Torture Sex of My Girl Parts
Anything? Anything!
I can not go a single day without getting attacked or violated. I finally made cheer captain, so now it is my responsibility to collect donations for uniforms. Mostly it was just small businesses, and boring as hell. However, one of the donators was a big fancy office, and they made me talk to the owner. I waited in his office, but he never showed. His secretary told me he arranged instead for me and him to go on a dinner meeting. I thought it was super odd, but it got even weirder when she told me he was having a gown sent to my house. It was certainly not ordinary, but I worked so hard to be captain I had to be the best captain I could be. So, I got all dressed up in the beautiful black gown he sent me, and I headed to the address I was given. I expected it to be a nice restraint, but it was a huge house. I knock and a tall, slick man in a suit answered. He told me I was even more beautiful in person, and that he was impressed that I was early. He led me into a dining room fit for a mansion. We ate in silence, and he stared at me while I tried not to make eye contact. When we finished I watched as he wrote a check for $100,000, and I stared in utter shock. A donation like that would make me the best cheer captain the school has ever had. He told me it was mine if I told him he could do anything he wanted to me. I thought about it for a few minutes, but it was too much money to deny. So, reluctantly I agreed, and his eyes narrowed. He let out an animal like laugh, and told me to lay on the couch with my legs spread and knees bent like I was at the obgyn. He brought over a table with sharp rusty tools, and he told me to bite the pillow. He showed a scalpel into my pussy, and I screamed in pain. He used many other sharp tools all over my body some I didn’t even know the name of. When I could feel myself fading away he assured me he would mail the check to the school. Then he slit my throat, and laughed while I bled to death on his couch.
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies Solve Your Problems
You can tell me your killer phone sex fantasies. I know they consume you like they do me. I talk with guys that have fantasies like mine. Sometimes I get to provide some sadistic therapy to men who have an annoying problem like a brat or a wife, maybe both. I spoke to a guy last week who wanted to get rid of his pregnant girlfriend, so he could have access to her little daughter without her cock blocking him. We hatched a plan to sell her and her unborn brat into slavery. He wanted her to be sold to someone violent and for the brat to be raised by a P man. He really didn’t like his girlfriend, which turned me the fuck on. Normally, once cargo is bought, I have no knowledge of what happens to it once I have been paid. I am on a need to know basis with several traffickers. I live in Texas, close to the Mexican border. Since no fucking wall has gone up yet, getting rid of folks is easy. Once cargo crosses the border, no one in the US cares anymore. That cargo can be shipped all over the world or left in Mexico. I talked to a few of my trafficker friends and found one who had buyers already in mind. He assured me the pretty woman would be hooked on smack and used in a Mexican brothel that is worse than Hell. And, he had a P man looking to raise a little girl as his own, so he could explore his rape fantasies daily with her tiny holes. Both girlfriend and unborn brat would have horrible lives. That made my friend’s dick super hard. I told him his girlfriend would eventually end up doing a live snuff porn because that is what happens to white whores who lose their sex appeal in Mexico. I even suggested his bad seed may suffer a similar fate once she grew out of her sex appeal to her P daddy. Another satisfied customer. What problem can I help you solve?
Torture Sex With Ivy
Torture sex always makes my cunt wet and tingly. I am very possessive of my man if I even see another bitch looking at him I will fuck her up. So you can just imagine how I felt when I saw our new neighbor. I’m sure the look on my face said it all. She is a little petite Asian chick with a fake boob job. She never has on a bra and her shorts are so short you can see her ass checks.
She is always waiving at you and yelling hi hi. You keep telling me that I am over reacting that she is not your type. You tell me that you would never cheat on me. You tell me that I misunderstand her intentions due to a cultural difference. But I know better I see the way she looks at you. You decide that the best way to handle this is to invite her over for dinner. I leave the room to get us a bottle of wine.
When I return that fucking little cunt is sitting on your lap. I drop the bottle of wine on the floor. It breaks and leaves shards of glass and red wine all over our hardwoods. I grab her by her long black hair and throw her to the floor. You are telling me to calm down. I tell you that if you really love me you have to prove it to me. I have my foot on her throat.
I tell her to open her mouth and suck your cock but she refuses. I tell you to hold her mouth open and I piss down her throat. I reach over and pick up a shard of glass off of the floor. I apply more pressure to her throat while I start slicing pieces of her tits off and feeding them to you.
I feel the life drain out of her body as I am slicing off her pussy lips. I put her bloody pussy lips into my mouth. I shove you onto the sofa. I slide your big hard cock into my hot wet pussy and start fucking you. As we are fucking I feed you her bloody pussy lips straight from my mouth into yours. As you shot your jizz in my pussy I whisper in your ear how much I love Asian food.
Your Sinister Desires
What I love about Evil phone sex is how I can talk to someone who doesn’t judge my fascination with dead. In fact they enjoy having a willing victim to inflict their dark fantasies on. I do truly get off on pain and wicked ideas. The more wrong it feels the stronger my pleasure. I never shy away from a devious partner in crime, but I’m always going to wish your torture be inflicted on just me. I only wish to be your disposable toy. Will you come and play with me? Should we explore your dark desires together? I really think we should. Just imagine me tied down my whole body exposed for you do anything you wish. You don’t have to hold back, you can unleash that monster inside you clawing to get out.
Cheerleading Cock Tease
Why does my foster dad always want to attack me? I do not try to let him see me naked, but sometimes I can’t help it. This morning before school, I got all my lingerie on and was about to put on my cheer uniform when he barged into my room. He yelled at me for being a tease, and told me whatever he does to me is my own fault. He told me I am a dirty little cheerleader slut that deserves to get fucked up my ass whether I wanted it or not. He tore my lingerie off of me, and shoved my face down into the bed so hard that I could feel my nose starting to bleed. I couldn’t breathe and I was choking on my own blood, but he didn’t seem to care as he shoved his long hard cock into my ass. He lifted my head up long enough for me to get a mouth full of air, but it was only so he could get a good grip on my tits. My foster dad gripped my tits tight as he pounded into my ass. I managed to get my head up long enough to scream for help, but I knew help wouldn’t come. Pissed I would even try to scream, he flipped me over, and grabbed two handfuls of my hair. He forced my head down to his cock, which is covered in blood from him ripping my ass hole. He forced my mouth open, and shoved his cock all the way to the back of my throat. He skull fucked me until he came all over my huge perky cheerleader tits. He smirked when he looked down at me, and told me to clean myself up and get ready for school. I wish someone would save me.
Cannibalism Phone Sex with Ivy
I had just put on my cheetah print swimsuit. I had planned on going out on the prowl. A manhunt so to speak. When my doorbell rang and who do I find standing there. A fucking bible thumping annoying as hell Jehovah’s Witness. Apparently, you had come to save the princess of darkness from her wicked ways.
Normally I would have told you to fuck off but today was different. You were in your early twenties and not very tall for a man. I decided that you might work out quite nicely for the dinner I had planned. I invited you in and had you sit at my dining room table. I ask you if you would like something to drink. You ask for a water. I put a mickey in your water along with a slice of lime. Now I just have to listen to your Jesus shit until it takes effect. It knocked you out cold. Perfect for me.
All I have to do is get you undressed and tied up. Then it is time to fit you in the roasting pan. I hog tie you so tight that I break your arms. Your head is the only thing hanging over the side of the pan but the rest of you fit in very nicely. You are just starting to come to when I start shoving frozen sticks of butter up your ass. I think four will do. You start moaning and begging. I can’t stand all of your crying and complaining. So I shove a stick of butter down your throat and cram an apple in your mouth.
I pour hot melted butter all over your body before covering you with rosemary and sage. I light the fire and you start cooking. Not only do you smell delicious but your agonizing cries of pain make my pussy hot and wet. My boyfriend arrives home and I greet him wearing nothing but an apron. As we are on the sofa fucking he tells me how good dinner smells, but he asks what is the sound he is hearing. I laugh and tell him that too is dinner my love. I cum all over his big thick cock as I hear you finally succumb to your death. When my dinner party guests arrive I carve you up and serve you as the main course. Everyone enjoyed you including my little furry friend.
Pretty Little Liar
Nothing ever works out for me, and I am so sick of being used and abused. That’s why after all the prepping, tonight will be the night I finally run away from my foster family. I packed a bag full of food, clothes, and all the money in the house. I could do this I may be a cheerleader, but I am not dumb. So that I wouldn’t be seen, I wore a black hoodie and black jeans. My foster parents house is at the edge of the woods. The way I see it I have 2 options, go into town and risk someone catching me, or make my way through the woods and risk getting eaten by a bear. I took my chances with the woods. I used my phones flashlight covering it with my finger, so that it wouldn’t draw attention. After about an hour of quietly making my way through the woods, my phone goes dead, and I am left in complete darkness. I keep going though, I need to put distance between me and my foster parents house. I stumble through the woods in complete darkness, until I fall into a clearing. In the clearing there’s a little cabin and a barn. I weigh my options, and decide to break into the barn and sleep there. Before I can make my way over to the barn the cabin door opens, and a tall man steps out. He asks me what I am doing on his property, and I quickly make up a story. I tell him I was camping in the woods and got lost. He calls me out on my shit right away, he calls me a pretty little liar. He tells me my story is bullshit for a few reasons, one it’s a school night, two camping isn’t allowed in these woods, and three I have a cheerleading duffel bag. He tells me he thinks I am running away, and I admit he is right. He tells me I can sleep in the barn for the night, but then he wants me gone. He unlocks the barn door and shows me around. I find it odd that there isn’t any animals in the barn. Then, I hear it behind me, him loading his shot gun. I turn around and he commands me to strip. The tears are streaming down my face by the time I get my clothes off. He switches the shot gun out for a sickle and advances to me. I scream but I am so deep into the woods no one would hear me. He attacks me, shoving me to the ground. He gets on top of me and forces his cock into my pussy. He decides I am not wet enough for him, and shoves the sickle into my cunt. I scream in pain as I feel warm blood trickling out of me. He plows in and out of me. He uses the sickle to slit my throat as he fucks my dyeing body. Well I got my wish I would never see my foster family again.
How deep is your love?
My master knows I worship him and will do anything and everything for him. He wanted to know how deep was my love for him. He has an insatiable appetite for youngins. I see the way he looks at hot young sluts. I know he wants to fuck them bad. He likes hot co-eds like me but what really make his cock twitch is snuff sex with youngins. He has made me prove to him how deep I will go to satisfy him. I will go above and beyond for him. One of the most sinister things came out of his mouth. I didn’t think twice I knew if it made his dick feel good it was something I must do. He wanted me to bring my younger sister and he wanted front row center. My master wanted to see me fuck her up and use her till she was a snuff doll. I had no choice but to do just that. I brought over my cute young step sister and made her into a slave of my own. I think I passed the ultimate test.
Ass Rape Porn in a Dive Bar
Ass rape porn star is what they called me as they were sodomizing my ass on the pool table of the bar. I stopped in for a drink after a night out with my girlfriends. It is my local dive bar. They know me there, but the crowd was different last night. It was mostly younger guys, not the old drunks who flirt with me and buy me drinks. These guys weren’t interested in flirting with me. They acted like I owed them attention or something. When I started to leave because there were no men in the bar, just boys, one of the dudes grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my arm. Another guy hit me in the back of the head with a beer bottle. Blood started trickling down my face. They joked about retarding me. I was stumbling to get out of the place, but they grabbed me and tossed me on to the pool table. They ripped the clothes from my body and fucked me with beer bottles. Sodomizing me with beer bottles was their forelay. No one would help me. I felt like Jodi Foster in The Accused. I went from ass rape to gangbang rape porn star when they started fucking me several at a time. I wasn’t drunk enough for this shit. What I wanted didn’t matter. They came in me and on me as they joked about the blonde bimbo up for grabs. I had to crawl home from the bar battered, bloodied and naked.