Teen rape porn is a hot commodity. A sick bitch like me can make a lot of money fucking up a hot teen slut on film. I work with some Russian sex traffickers. I find the guy willing to pay top dollar to force fuck a teen cock tease, and they supply the girl. I don’t pay them. Their pay is keeping the homemade sex tape to sell to dirty old perverts. The guy pays me for the girl. It is a win win situation and very profitable for me and the sex traffickers. Earlier in the week, a man only known as Ross, found me on the dark web. He described the sadistic things he wanted to do to a young teen girl. When he made a deposit, I made a phone call and got a girl just as he described. We met the next day for our teen snuff sex video. The girl was Mexican with poor English. She had nice boobs for her age and just a hint of pussy hair. I call it peach fuzz. She was brought over to the US by coyotes, but her patron didn’t have the money to pay off her debt, so they sold her to traffickers. She was strung out on heroin, but that only helped her. Ross was very excited to see a strung out punta. He forced his cock in her mouth and she barely resisted. I was filming her humiliation and it made my cunt wet. He savagely fucked her ass too. He tore her little butthole up. I told him he could kill her if he wanted too, because authentic snuff films make great money too. He said he just wanted to make her wish she was dead. He prolapsed her ass. He bloodied her cunt. He even threw a few punches when she tried to resist. I filmed him force fucking the jailbait whore for two hours. My trafficker buddies were very pleased with the finished product and Ross was very happy with that little whore and my ability to make his sick fantasy a reality.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
Teen Rape Porn Made Here
Cult Style
It gets twisted in my mind sometimes, I can’t help myself. I think about the most wicked things, and it releases me. I wish that you could cover me and your liquids but not the fluids that everybody thinks I’m talking about. Don’t you like me, aren’t I pretty can you imagine me covered in red if you can then you know exactly what I’m talking about. I want you to bleed for me, I want to bleed for you too. Do you think that we could do some really demented shit we can mix piss with blood and shit I love it it’s tasty just like all of my rape fantasies. Do you think that you could get me hot and wet by pushing something tangy and twisted inside of my cum dumpster cunt? I could tell you things that would make your cock cream like a cake. I can just feel the vibration of your balls wanting to release all over me. I want your hot creamy cum, I need it please give me that tasty hot cum-filled cock, right now don’t fucking hold back on me you know that I get weak for you. I want you to slice me and dice me yes cut me if you love me and beat me like a pinata. I want you to knock me down and rip all of my clothing off of my body explore all of your nasty thoughts you can do the most vulgar things to me. I love it the pain it feels like pleasure the gore feels like good in every single way. I don’t have any taboos I’ll do anything I’ll eat anything, and I’ll drink anything so feed me Cult Style.
Torture sex lead to her glorious death
Torture sex lead to a glorious death for this little whore and I loved every single second of it! I hadn’t intended on actually killing her, I wanted to take my time with her and torture her for days or even weeks but once she started to scream and bleed, well that was it for her. I just got too excited! You know all that blood gets me so wet and thrusting that knife into her body over and over again felt like I was fucking her, how could I not go too far? She screamed and cried the whole time and the sounds were music to my ears, the only thing I was missing was a man to fuck me while I tortured her. That turned out okay in the end tho because after I killed her I called my lover over to fuck me on top of her corpse while it was still warm.
Nipple Torture
My client Nick has a sadistic fetish he loves nipple torture and I love being the whore he tortures. We always meet at his house. He has a room set up for torturing nipples. In the middle of the room is a steel table which I lay on after he cuts off my clothes. The table is cold and only adds to the excitement in me. He blindfolds me so I never can see what instrument he is bringing out for torture. He has steel cuffs for my wrists and ankles. I never know what nasty thing Nick has in store for my nipples. What I do know is that it will be extremely painful and my cunt will squirt and squirt.
Snuff phone sex whore for sale
Master is posting advertisements online to sell my body and he is listing me as a filthy snuff phone sex whore. I already know I’m gonna be put in some really bad situations. The last time that Master listed me as for sale on the online black market, I was put through multiple horrific situations. Many of which still haunt me to this day. I can’t believe I am going to have to go through another round of having hundreds of random strangers do absolutely anything that they please to my body. Master is sooo fucked up for doing this to me but he is always sure to remind me that I am such a worthless piece of shit and all females deserve to be sold online. Master doesn’t expect to see me come back home alive after I meet up with a few of the clients that he has lined up to have some fun with me. Those bastards are paying the big bucks do destroy my slutty fuck holes and I couldn’t be more excited.
Please Don’t Kill Me Jezabel!
Girls can be so mean, and I would know because I was violated, abused, and murdered because of it. To me, me making cheer captain was the best thing that could happen to me, but for my competition, it was the thing that pushed her over the edge. Jezabel was always so nice to me while they were putting me through hell as the new girl, but when I got what she wanted then she snapped. She acted nice at first, and kept telling me how happy she was for me. She even offered me a gift. She told me she had a modeling gig this weekend, and there was one more slot. Jezabel said that if I was hot enough for cheer captain, then I was certainly hot enough to be a model. When I got there I was in utter shock. She neglected to mention that it was a nude photo shoot. I was going to go home, but Jezabel convinced me to stay. The photo shoot was just me and her. The only other person there was, was the creepy camera man, and him and Jezabel kept looking at each other like they were gonna fuck right then and there. Half way through, Jezabel offered me a sip of her water, and I took a big gulp. You would think I would know better by now then to drink or eat something from someone else, but I just never learn. I passed out almost immediately. When I woke up I was strapped down to a hard metal surface in a dark moist room. Jezabel and the camera man are off to the side talking until they notice that I am awake. At first, I didn’t believe that Jezabel could do something like this, so I screamed for her to help me. She laughed at me, and that was when I seen her face just how twisted she really was. Her and the camera man completely mutilated my naked body, and she told me it was for taking her spot as captain. After a few hours of torture, she slit my throat, andt hey had sex on top of my lifeless body.
Your Nigger Wife
Your wife is a fucking cunt bitch, and I hate her. That fucking whore needs to be beaten with a whip. In fact, both of you need to be punished you’re both stupid little fucking black slaves. You behave like fucking animals, and I can’t stand you. I want you on your fucking knees you black piece of shit. You’re nothing but a stupid fucking nigger to me, and I am going to make you pay for your goddamn fake ass freedom. Your foolish wife is a black slut, and you are a God damn nigger lover, and this is what I’m going to call you from now on nigger lover. I’m going to make you eat my shit I want you to dig my shit out of my ass with your tongue and Munch on it. You like brown things Mr nigger lover well then eat my brown shit you like the taste of it I know. I can tell that you love to get nasty and dirty because you date and marry nasty dirty black fucking nigger bitch whores. You said you wanted me to sleep with your woman well guess what I’m going to sleep with her alright I am going to make that black bitch eat my asshole Raw. You are a fucking parasite upon the earth, and I can’t stand people like you I feel like you only deserve to live to be my sex slave. You know that you like it that’s why you got married to your nasty fucking wife you just did it to make me angry, and you have succeeded. When you told me you were going to marry her, I lost my mind, but when you said to me that you still wanted me, I picked my spirit back up again. And now I’m full of devious ideas I don’t want to be the sweet girl you already know that. You need me to be the evil bitch, and I’m going to give you and your new nigger wife everything you need.
Snuff Sex Fantasies
Snuff sex fantasies are what women like me help you explore. I am not your victim, however. I will never be a victim. I carry a big ass knife for protection. I won’t be a part of the me too movement. Anyone tries to molest me, they die or lose their nuts. I am an accomplice. Nothing more exhilarating than helping you kill a bitch, young or old. Shane found me on the dark net. He had heard the rumors about me. He wanted help murdering this little blonde waif he diddled. He was afraid she was going to start running her mouth and cost him everything. Guys let their dicks do the talking. You never piss where you sleep. This little fuck trophy was his wife’s niece. That is too close for comfort. She’s was blackmailing him for expensive things like a new iPhone and iPad. I kind of admired the little whore. Wise beyond her years. I arranged to have her kidnapped and taken to my kill shack where she was to meet her demise. Shane was not exactly truthful. He was not fucking her. He wanted to fuck her, tried to fuck her, but she shut him down because he had a little dick and was a broke ass loser. He just wanted her gone because she denied him and was blackmailing him. She was like a mini me. If I snuffed her, that would be a waste of potential. I decided that my snuff porn would star Shane instead. He deserved to die. He was a whiny ass loser who was upset this little bitch rejected him. I strapped him down and gave her the knife. I told her Shane hired me to kill her, but I couldn’t kill such a precious evil bitch. She kicked him in the nuts and sliced off his pecker. The shock on his face was priceless. She taunted him and tortured him for hours before she finally killed him. I didn’t get paid, but I got something far better. I got a bad seed accomplice to groom. I got a sadistic evil princess.
Snuff Sex and a Peeping Tom
I told you that when you are not home, I have a peeping tom that hides in the trees behind our house trying to catch a peek at my luscious nude body. You told me that you would leave your car at work and have a friend drop you off at the house. That if I was right this could be a hot night of torture and snuff sex for us.Sure enough later that night when it had gotten dark and I turned on the lights in the house if you looked closely you could see a man out there. He had his hand in his pants jerking his cock.
You told me to do a little strip tease and then walk outside totally naked. You knew that he would be so distracted by my big tits and hot wet pussy that he would not realize that you were sneaking up on him. You knocked him out with a large stick and then you drug him over to the patio table. I helped you strip his clothes off before we tied him spread eagle to the table. I turned on the water hose and you dowsed him with cold water. That woke the peeping tom up. You told him that he had fucked with the wrong girl.
I went in the house and grabbed a tapered candle off the fire place. I light the candle and started dripping hot wax all over his nipples before working my way down to his cock and balls. He was screaming like a little girl. Then I took the candle and shoved it up his ass flame first. I fucked his ass with the candle until his cock was hard and dripping pre cum. You pulled out your pocket knife and told me to chop off his big balls. You told me that he has had more sexual fun than he deserves. I sliced them off as his was screaming for mercy. I handed you the first ball that I cut off and you crammed it in his mouth. I chopped off his other ball and we feed it our furry friend. I licked his blood off of your finger causing your dick to get extra hard. We left him there to bleed out. The thrill of the kill made us go back into the house and fuck all night.
Football Train
Please save me, someone please! I don’t understand why I am always the victim, and I don’t get why I am always being drugged and violated. Friday was an epic football game, our team won by a landslide. So, to celebrate the cheerleaders and football players were going to a hotel party after, and as cheer captain I am basically obligated to go. I had to sneak around so that my foster father wouldn’t find out, but I made it work. All of us just wore our uniforms, which made it so much easier on me. One of the up sides of being a cheerleader is the football players are wrapped around our fingers, and will pay for everything for us. Last time I went out with the quarterback, I think he drugged me and violated me, but it is too fuzzy for me to be sure. Besides, he is super hot, and willing to pay for everything for me. He told me he only had enough on his card for one room, and I told him that was fine we could share. As soon as the words left my lips I could tell he was getting hard for me. We danced, drank, and partied all night. Towards the end of the night I started to feel a bit dizzy, and I told him I wanted to go lay down. He scooped me into his arms and took me to our room. He set me on the bed, and grabbed something shiny from the nightstand. My eyes were just too heavy to focus. I felt the cold against my skin though, and knew my clothes were being cut off of me. That is where I can not remember anything, but when I went back to school Monday I was showed the video. The whole football team ran a train on me while I was passed out, and the cheerleaders cheered them on. They said it was pay back for what I made them do to get on the squad.