God my neighbor’s fucking stupid brat gets on my fucking nerves! She is always screaming and running and stomping around like no one lives underneath her and her lazy mother doesn’t ever do anything about it so I figured it was time for ME to put a fucking stop to all the bullshit. I waited until they were sleeping before I silently entered their apartment, first I went into the mother’s room and tied her to the bed and even gagged her before the stupid bitch woke up. She was drunk as hell, the smell of alcohol was so strong I could practically cut it with a knife! I’m not bitching about it though because it made my job much easier. Once I had the mother taken care of I moved on to the fucking loud ass brat’s room, I didn’t tie her up I just dragged her into her mother’s room by her hair. Stupid bitch was crying and begging but I wasn’t going to stop, I was enjoying it way too much! I carved that stupid little brat up right there on her mother’s bed and forced her to watch her daughter die before I snapped her goddamned neck. I hope my next neighbors know how to be quiet…
Category: Rape phone sex fantasies
Stupid Brat
Dog Drop Soup
.My mom told me that I was twisted and that I deserve to be in a fucking mental institute tonight! Evil Laugh… She asked me to make dinner tonight while her and my step dad went out to take care of a few things. Did the stupid bitch really think that I was going to make something that she wanted me to make?
She told me to make some Chinese Egg Drop Soup. I decided to make my own kind of egg drop soup. Dog drop soup! My mom freaked out when she got home. I have been telling her for the last week to stop yelling at me and having me take care of her stupid fucking mutt! I hate stupid animals! They are worthless in this world and should all be tortured and used for pleasure or food. Sometime I simply just like drinking their warm blood….Evil Grin…
She said she is calling the police on me for killing the stupid little worthless mutt, she may want to watch out what she says or does or we could end up having Mommy Drop Soup Next! Evil Laugh…
Taboo Phone Sex
What is Taboo Phone Sex? Do you even have a clue? Here’s the difference between vanilla and hard core. If you think a fuckin pinky up your ass is Taboo…. Yeah you’re vanilla cupcake. Now if you like your pussy with a side of blood, gore and hardcore violence, then you are the sick fuck who understands what Taboo Phone Sex is all about! Hardcore all the way!
One of my favorite pervs Corey and I love to get as taboo as possible on our sick and twisted journeys. I had all the pretty little brats naked and waiting. The fools thought we were playing a game. I made them choose who to “Vote out of the circle”. It was all giggles and smiles until the first unfortunate victim was pulled from the group and violently assaulted in front of their wide little eyes. My blade found her throat and sliced her open like a fucking pig drenching his cock in her sticky warmth.
This continued on and on with the shrieks and screams getting louder. But I do say I always make an entrance and an exit worth remembering. The entrance was carved into one sweet lil petites belly and presented to Corey to fuck her “stiff” lol. He made her splatter all over the place! The exit was me slicing the scalp off our last little victim and using that hunk of moist chunky flesh to coax his p-cock to squirt all his hot sticky load. We make such beautiful messes together don’t we babe?
Stupid little fuckpig whore
God this stupid bitch is so fucking annoying! Always prancing around acting like she’s some kinda sweet and innocent little daddy’s girl, it makes me sick. I HATE that kind of whore! They look down on everyone else just because we are open about who we fuck and when we party, bitches like Chelsea lie about what they are. They act like good girls while secretly they suck every dick they come across! And now it was time for her to learn her lesson because she fucked with me one too many times. It was easy to trap her too, all I had to do was wait inside her unlocked car until she went somewhere. As soon as the dumb cunt backed out of her driveway I had a knife pressed against her throat and I told her that if she wanted to live she had better do as I said. I made her drive us way out to the middle of nowhere and get out of the car and lean up against the hood as if I was arresting her so I could tie her hands behind her back. I cut off all of her clothes except for her panties and then led her inside the shack where my friends were waiting. That’s where shit got pretty rough for poor little Chelsea, she was brutally used by every man there, no one held back, they practically fucked her to death! She’s lucky really, because in the end I didn’t kill her. I dropped her in front of her house naked and passed out so I’m sure she’s fine…
Home Invasion Phone Sex With a Twist
I have been standing at the edge of the forest watching him, my cunt soaking wet with anticipation. I know his fucking schedule now. His ass is mine tonight. I watch him get in his car and drive away. He has no fucking idea what his night will be like. My fucking heart is beating out of my chest as I creep up to the house. I let myself in easily, locks only keep honest people out. It is time to case this fucking joint. I grab a snack out of the fridge and walk around mapping every inch of this fucking place in between bites, I fuck myself with this bright orange carrot. I take a shower in his brightly colored bathroom as I plot and plan and get fucking worked up. The anticipation of the hunt and kill are so exhilarating. He won’t be home for a while and as I nap on his bed I dream of blood and carnage. I will hide when he comes home and watch him for hours as my blood lust builds to a peek. Then I will show my self. At first he will be scared out of his fucking wits, but I will seduce him and slip him some of the potion I just brewed. He will be under my control. I can’t wait to rip into his fucking flesh. I have picked out the sharpest knives in the kitchen and I will use them. As I am fucking him I will cut him from his breast bone down to his navel. Not deep enough to kill him, no not yet, just deep enough to enjoy the bright red blood that will ooze from the wound. I will ride his cock until it is just about to cum and then I will hop off and let him squirt his jizz onto his belly mixing his cum with his blood which I will lap up like a cat in a milk bowl. I will drag him bleeding and breathless, intoxicated by my potion back to my home in the woods. The alter and candles are all ready for him. Tonight while the moon is full and high he will be my sacrifice. The gods should be pleased he is a fucking fine ass specimen. I should increase my powers with this blood offering. When it is over I will castrate him and make him mine forever. Tonight is going to be a good night!
First Cookout Of The Summer!
The weather was perfect last week end for my first cook out. And I out did myself. I set up my fire pit with it’s rotisserie stick and got the fire nice and hot. The little bitch was screaming and crying the whole time I was working which only served to make my pussy dripping wet with anticipation. She wouldn’t be screaming for fucking long. Soon the others will arrive and help me prepare our feast of roast bitch.
I walked over to our dinner and took out my shaving cream and razor and began to shave that fucking cunt clean. All her hair would be removed except what was on her head. The only two things we eat off the fucking head are the eyes and the tongue any way.
Just in the nick of time the guest began to arrive so we could lay the little bitch out. It was time to skewer her ass for dinner. We could do it the merciful way and start threw the mouth but we are not merciful and that would be no fun at all.
With the bitches ankles tied together and her hands tied behind her back we laid her flat on the ground belly down. I spread those ass cheeks wide and watched him shove the skewer straight up her ass. Of course we have to hold the cunt still as we want the skewer to go in straight so it exits threw her mouth.
The agonizing screams make us all laugh with delight.
Ever so slowly we push the skewer up that ass, threw the abdomen and out the mouth. Then it is time to place her over the fire and begin basking her in herbs and seasoning.
This bitch must be grade A meat because she smells delicious! My fucking mouth is watering as much as my cunt is as we take turns slowly turning the skewer to insure even cooking. As we drink and laugh.
The sides are all ready and in a few hours we will enjoy our meal. After dinner we will satisfy our craving for wicked sex. We will laugh and joke about our little cunt and how good she tasted while we fuck each other in the most wicked and taboo ways you could ever fucking imagine! There is nothing like the first cook out of the summer. It is always a great party and a day full of fun for all!
Pure Perfection
She use to be so pretty. Her hair was so long. Her eyes were the deepest darkest blue. Her lips were the pretest pink. I can still see her creamy white skin. Her pink perky nipples. The way she got goose bumps all over her body when she got scared. Even over her bald little pussy. She use to be so pretty. But now.. now she’s beautiful. I had to tie her hair into the chains that held her down. She pulled so hard to get up, even though it ripped some of her hair out by the roots. Just beautiful. Her white creamy skin really set off all those beautiful purple burses. Like a living stained glass work of art. When I sliced up that perfect skins and mixed all those deep dark reds. OOOHhhhhh pure perfection. Even when her eyes swelled shut you could still see the hint of blue. Even her voice was perfection. Soft and innocent. When she begged and pleaded. It never got harsh. Normally the ending is the best. Watching the life drain out of them. But with something so perfect. I didn’t want to end it. I have such plans. Letting her go. Letting her heal. Waiting and watching till she feels safe again. Till she gets that light back. Then I’m gonna take her again. Pure perfection should always be cherished!
Heads Up
“Angie baby, as soon as I heard the “POP” I started cumming like a mad man!” Music to my ears!
Trust and believe that my cunt was squirting at the same sound and when I looked down at my handy work, I had a full fledged orgasm!
This little bitch thought it would be fun to have a threesome with my friend and I. It was great for us! We had so much fun gagging her with his huge cock. Watching her eyes bulge as she gasped for air. Beating her ass was a hoot. The feel of her flesh giving way under my blows and watching as the blood squirted out of her wounds as I inflicted them. Ahh and the piece de resistance, hearing her cry and beg as we fist fucked her ass and pussy shoving our arms so far in her we could hear her flesh rip and the blood began to flow. She brought us so much pleasure as we caused so much pain that she lost consciousness.
The wide eyed look of fear when she came to after I put the smelling salt under her nose was priceless!
We fucked her up long into the night. Just as the sun was rising I went and got my sledge hammer. I held it high over my head and took a mighty swing. When it hit her skull it made the sweetest “POP” noise. As I looked upon her mangled and disfigured face with blood and brain matter flowing from her skull I came so hard I could barely stand.
Now for a good days sleep. I believe I am craving more….
Six Feet Down
Yesterday I saw one of the prissiest, most stuck up little bitches at my school all by herself taking the short cut that runs through the woods. It’s usually a pretty deserted path so if girls take the short cut they go in a group. It was kinda weird to see her all alone without her little pack of whores but whatever I wasn’t going to miss out on the opportunity to snatch her! I came up behind her and hit her in the back of the head with a big rock and she fell right down, she was knocked the fuck out for real! I dragged that whore to a small clearing in the deepest part of the woods and stripped her naked before I began to stab her. It was like I was crazy for a minute there, I was in a wild frenzy just stabbing and stabbing until my knife broke off inside her. I was drenched in her blood from head to toe and she was very dead when I came back to reality, I guess I’m lucky that no one else was wandering in the woods that day huh? I couldn’t just leave her there out in the open like that and since I was covered in blood I couldn’t leave there either so I called my daddy to come help me. He brought plastic to wrap the body in and a change of clothes for me and even helped me dig the grave! Now that stupid whore is down six feet deep and no one will ever know what happened to her…
The Devil Inside
I’m back bitches! I know you sick perverted fucks missed me as much as I missed getting bloody with you. Well pull up some inappropriate content and let me put your cock at ease.
You’ll know the moment you call. I’m the one you’ve been looking for. I’ve been working behind the scenes helping to get a truly fucked up site ready for you. A one stop shop for all my P-cock, murderous, sick fucks to find some truly filthy shit to get away with. If you’ve been missing truly imaginative and unforgiving creatures to do No Limits Accomplice Phone Sex calls with then babe I got the hook up for you! We got this shit on lock down. Every one of the girls here at Snuff Phone Sex are devious cunt whores looking for a man that knows exactly how to appreciate sadistic beauty.
If you’re a filthy motherfucker be prepared to get your 5 finger knuckle juggle on with some truly devious shit. As for those of you I already know, it’s time to have a reunion with one of our favorite little victims. Those precious little hearts won’t beat in fear by themselves! Your Sadistic Bitch Brayden is ready to play.