Have you ever been in a horrid storm. One that takes your breath away. One that incites fear from every corner of your being. Where the ground shakes and death looms in the air. That is where my name came from. That is the fear of the unknown. The fear of pain. The fear of the last moments of your life. I will take you away from your safe little life. Strap you down to my table. Deep in my basement in a sound proof room. I will let you rage. Let you scream. I am going to cut away all your clothes. Leave you bare and exposed. I will watch you scream as I cut your skin. The trickles of blood turn me on. I like to have a friend help me here. I want to be whispering in your ear when he slides inside your raw flesh. I want to tell you before he is done. I am going to kill you. Slowly, Painfully.
Category: Rape phone sex fantasies
You will never get away from this Storm
Breaking And Entering
One late night while I am sleeping in my bed I hear a door creak. I wake up and grab my gun that I keep beside my bed for my protection. I walk towards the living room when I notice someone walking up the stairs. I step back so they can not see me. They walk up and turn the other way to walk into the living room. I walk up and bash them in the back of their fucking head. They fall to the ground holding their head begging me to not shoot him. I throw a telephone wire at him and tell him to tie his own feet up or I will shoot him right now. He tells me he will do whatever I tell him. Please just do not shoot him. I rip the other phone cord out of the wall and tie his arms up. I told the stupid mother fucker he broke into the wrong damn house. I do not just let someone come in and violate me or my home,or I will fucking violate them. I untied the phone cord wrapped around his legs and tied each of his legs to the legs on my couch. I grabbed my baseball bat and some lotion from my bedroom. I came back and rubbed the lotion all over the bat and then spread the fuckers ass cheeks apart and crammed the fucking thing up his ass. Ripping his asshole apart as he screamed and begged for me not to do it anymore. I just kept shoving it into his ass he needed to be violated to understand the way that I felt. When I was done with him I took his wallet for his address and information, put the gun to his head untied him and told him if he told anyone I would fucking blow the heads off him and his whole family. No one fucking does breaking and entering here.
Road Rage
I was driving home from work tonight when a fucking car cut me off. I tried to stay calm but I just couldn’t. I was fucking furious. Why the fuck would you cut me off? I sped up to the car that did it and it was a old fucking bitch. She could barely see over the steering wheel she had black glasses on. Which means the old geezer should be the fuck home in bed. I drove up next to the car and just gave her the finger but when she gave it back to me and shrugged her shoulders. I could not hold back anymore anger. I followed her home. I waited at the end of the street till she went inside. I got out and walked down to her house making sure no one could see. When she answered she said did you follow me? I pushed the bitch down and she started yelling for her husband. He came running and I bashed him in the fucking head with my baseball bat I grabbed the fucking rope put him in the chair and tied him up and stuffed his ass in the closet. I grabbed his wife and put her on the bed stripped her down and beat the living shit out of her with my bat making blood go all over the walls and the ceiling. No one fucking cuts me off.
Stupid little whore
This stupid whore at school made the biggest mistake of her life when she fucked with me. She insulted my hair and my clothes and my boyfriend, she acted like she was so much better than us even though she was a just a stupid spoiled whore. We followed her home and waited until dark to sneak in, her parents were there so we made sure to be very quiet. We entered her room and gagged her before she had a chance to wake up, then we tied her to her bed and cut off her nightgown. My boyfriend whispered wake up bitch, we are going to kill you into her ear and the look she got on her face was priceless! She was terrified and if we hadn’t gagged her she would have been screaming her damn head off I’m sure. We tortured that whore for several hours and her whole room was covered in blood by the time we finished. I bet her parents are going to freak the fuck out when they discover her mutilated nude corpse when they wake up, shit the police may even think it was them that did it to her, wouldn’t that be hysterical?
Camping Trip
I am going on a camping trip next week it is something I have wanted to do for awhile. I am so fucking excited. Last time I went on a camping trip I got me some prey to play with and eat. I roasted till they were medium well and swallowed them all up! Today I am going to get all my supplies. Some wire,guns, and a axe. Oh and do not forget the matches.That is all I need to tie the little bitches up,chop them up and of course I need the gun in case one of my little prey’s friends decide they want to try and stop me from catching my dinner. It is not very often that you get catch a camp full of little ones. I over heard my little neighbor girl tell all her little girl scout friend they are going camping next week. There will be plenty of meat to bring home for the winter. Perfect timing for next hunting season.
Killer Vacation…Bye Bye Echo
The awesome thing about these bitches, they all think I look so sweet. They think someone with such a sweet voice couldn’t possibly be so bad. They didn’t want some of the other Snuff Phone Sex girls to come with them on vacation. The didn’t mind me coming though and that was their first mistake.
The moment I laid eyes on that floppy titty teen ho I knew she needed to die. Seriously…what teen has floppy fucking titties? Those dangling fucking B cups looked like string cheese hanging down to her navel. So I decided last night, Echo had to go. We are right on the beach, the waves crash so loud I knew no one would come to her rescue.
Echo jumped at the chance to go skinny dipping. So luring her to her death was pretty damn easy. We striped our clothes off and into the dark ocean we went. I let her lead so she wouldn’t see my fish gutter behind my back. She giggled and splashed with those floppy motherfuckers flailing all over the place. She didn’t smile for long though. Those tits were the first thing to go. I threw those saggy motherfuckers deep into the sea thinking maybe some starving shark would like to choke that shit down. I disemboweled her and danced a circle around her with her guts. The whole time she had that stupid shocked expression on her face. She just couldn’t believe it was happening. I had fun mutilating the rest of her body into chum. Now to take the rest of the girls out fishing. ~Sadistic Grin~
Torture Phone Sex
I brought in a medium sized package from the next room. There I found my captive, a young teenage girl who had spent several hours secured with chains to a steel table. I opened
the package. In my right hand, I held up the ornate metal object smiling approvingly. One end of the object consisted of four oval bronze leaves perfectly nested, each one covering half
of the leaf next to it. Together the four leaves formed an ovoid sphere. The other end of the object consisted of a large screw connected to a handle. I showed the object to my captive. Her hysteria turned into a silent abject fear. I brushed aside one of her tears and spoke. “Sweetie…this little toy is called a the ‘Pear of Anguish’. It DOES look like a pear, doesn’t it?” I did not
wait for an answer. “I found this little toy in a museum of medieval torture when I was vacationing in Salzburg last summer. I fell in love with it as soon I saw it. So, when I returned to the
states, I commissioned a sculptor who works with metal to make me one. Wasn’t that clever of me?” She started to cry again. I continued. “So, here’s the fun part! I am going to insert the pear into you vaginally. As you can see, it’s only a little bigger than a tampon. So…no problem. Then, I am going to ask you trivia questions. Each time you guess incorrectly, I will twist the handle of the pear one rotation counterclockwise, and the leaves of the pear will separate a bit applying pressure to your vaginal wall. And with each turn the pain becomes that much more unbearable. Oooh…I’m so excited! I can’t wait to play!” She screamed. I looked at her with mock disdain. “Tsk tsk…no complaining before the game even starts, young lady.” I forcibly spread her legs and carefully inserted the pear in her vagina. When I finished, I smiled. “OK, sweetie…ready for your first question?”
Girl Scout Cookies
Sitting at home alone one day when there is a knock at the door. I got to the door where there is a pretty little girl scout standing there all alone trying to sell me some cookies that are to die for. I invite her in telling her my purse is in the kitchen. She walks in first. I close the door behind her and put my hand around her covering her mouth and whispering to her that if she made any noise I would cut her fucking throat right now. I drag the cunt to the kitchen. I push her down in the chair and tie her up to the legs of the chair. She is asking me what am I going to do to her. Begging me to just let her go home please. I push the fucking whore in the head and say I do not tolerate all that whining. I explain to her that I have always wanted a little cunt to play with. I untie her and take her to my bathroom where I hold her down in a tub of water scrubbing her nice and clean. I take her back to the kitchen where I explain to her tonight she will be my main course. I hog tied her and stuffed her in my huge pan and stuffed the cunt’s mouth with a apple. You could still hear her whimpering as I placed her in the oven for dinner tonight. She is going to be a delicious main course, waiting for her to be nice and tender for me to put my teeth into. I had a few delicious cookies. I told you their cookies are to die for.
Killer Phone Sex
Ever since I took care of my pathetic little sister I have been needing someone else to torment. Today,while getting in my car to leave the mall where I work, I noticed the prettiest girl that would make the perfect victim get out. I decided to wait for her to come back to her car. I sat there for a few hours when I noticed her walking back to her car as soon as she was behind mine I backed out. I jumped out of the car to make sure that she was okay but had dropped her phone and broke it. I apologized and then turned around like I was going to just get back in my car but then I took the cloth that I had covered in chloroform and put it over her nose and mouth till she passed out and I stuffed the little slut in my trunk. I drove her back to our house and waited till my parents left for work. As soon as they were gone I opened the trunk where I noticed she was waking up so I placed the chloroform soaked cloth back over her mouth and took her down in our storm cellar. Where no one goes anymore. I tried the little bitch up in the chair tying the rope around each wrist and each ankle. I waited for her to be wake up. I do not like sleeping victims. I took the old photo album out and showed her all the pictures of my sister and her friends when I tortured them and pulled their teeth out on by one till she was all bloody. She was so scared she started screaming and crying so I stuffed a sock in her mouth as I pushed her back in the chair. I took a sharpie and drew dotted lines on her forehead as I told her my plan was to cut her little scalp off. She started crying and begging me to stop that is when I told her the story about me tormenting my sister and the stupid bitch dying in our cellar and that after that I needed another sister to torment so every week I find me another victim to torment and each one of them I take something from, and it just so happen I am going to scalp you. and well your sister that I have in the other I will be taking her lips. I take something from each victim a little at a time till the little cunt is dead just like my sister.
Worms Within
I started night classes at the local community college here. There was this fat girl always bitching about how everyone looks at her and makes fun of her. I am personally sick and fucking tired of hearing it. She is always walking around talking about she wants to lose weight but she is not even trying stupid fucking cunt. I went to the whore and told her that I would help her lose weight. She was so excited and begged me to please help her saying that she does not have any support from family. She came over tonight for dinner and then we were going to work out. While she was sitting at the table having a glass of wine I told her to just stay there I could still hear here from the kitchen. I cooked some steak and made a side salad. We sat down and ate and then we went walking. She came over everyday for over a month we would just do some light walking. She was so proud of how much weight she was losing. She had lost so much weight that she literally looked sick as hell,she was complaining about something moving in her stomach. I told her to come over my place tonight I would help her feel better. I heard the knock at the door and I opened it soon as she walked in I hit the bitch with my bat in the back of the head, she fell straight down to the floor. I tied her arms and legs up and got my knife. I could see what she was talking about her stomach was moving all around. LOL! Is the bitch stupid I know what the fuck it is. She woke up as I was cutting the bitches stomach wide open. She started screaming when I was pulling the fucking tapeworm out of her it was so fucking long. She begged me to stop hurting her. I told the fucking cunt she would of died soon anyways from all the tape worms I put in her steak that I fed her medium rare for weight loss. I could not even finish my sentence before the cunt took her last breath.