Category: Rape phone sex fantasies

Drunk Pathetic Parents

Over the holidays, so many people get fucked up, that it makes it easy for bad girls like me to do bad things. My boyfriend wanted us to break into his neighbor’s house to steal some pot.  We entered through the basement window, wearing ski masks and found their younger daughter in her bed, fast asleep while her stupid parents were laying on top of each other, naked and passed out on the living room floor. We carried the lil’ brat into the living room and dropped her on top of her parents. They were so drunk, that they didn’t even budge.  The little brat woke up startled and started crying, asking us who we were and what we were doing. We ignored her, bagged up the nose candy and returned to the living room, once we had packed our bags full with drugs, before leaving, we forced the drunk daddy to fuck his daughter’s tight little pussy, in front of her mother. Even though he was wasted, his dick had no problem getting hard. We rolled him onto his daughter, after removing her cute, little pink panties.  I got crazy-horny and felt my pussy get creamy as he forced his big daddy cock inside of his daughter’s little hole. I looked down at my boyfriends crotch and saw that he got a major hard-on. We laughed our  heads off because the parents were so pissy drunk, they had no idea what was going on. The little brat cried, screamed, and tried to fight her drunk dad off of her while her fucked up mom looked over at them, drooling and moaning like a drunk bitch. When my boyfriend and I left the house, we were so horny that we fucked like dirty, pervs in his car.  We did a roleplay: he pretended that he was the dunk daddy and I was the screaming, crying little brat.  He pulled out of my pussy and shot a huge load on my hard nipples.  I came all over his dick, as he covered my mouth, to stop me from screaming (like the little brat screamed). 


Craving Something Sweet

There are times when I just have to satisfy my craving for something decadent and sugary sweet. I especially love the really rare and hard to find candy, it’s always in such pretty wrapping.

So shiny and eye catching and always has a pretty bow tightly around it, securely protecting all that sugary sweetness. Do you crave something so irresistible and delicious wrapped up tight?

Wouldn’t you just love it if I showed up at your door with a very special goodie just for you to unwrap and devour?! Oh and I know just the kind you love the most, young, sweet and tastes just heavenly.

Looks so pretty all done up with those luscious pink shiny lips and soft, smooth skin; all you can think about is that bald little cunt under all the pretty ruffles. I can’t wait to see her face when you show her all the toys you have for her, well maybe not for her but she’ll sure be using them a lot!!

This time it’s not for her enjoyment…oh no no, all ours baby. Watching her little perfect body writhing and wriggling just trying to loosen the ties securing her down is so cute.

Begging for her Mommy, oh how I love to tell her how her Mommy doesn’t love her anymore and just gave her to us to with you whatever we wanted.

Mmmm, there’s nothing like hearing a fresh popped cherry and such a pretty, young one at that! I must say this craving is becoming somewhat of an addiction and I have no intention of quitting anytime soon.

Lips Of An Angel

Snuff phone sexShe’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen, but she is so out of reach for you.  Your cock aches when you think of all the things her body can do, and you wonder what those young tight little pussy lips would taste like.  I see your gears are turning as you try to figure out how to get this delicious morsel alone so you can try to persuade her to come to you on her own.  To no avail, you have been left with your proverbial dick in your very unsatisfied and frustrated hand.  I decide to put you out of your misery and present you with the perfect scenario to have little Missy all alone.  We offer a trip to her best friends house a few states because we are taking a vacation.  She misses her “bestie” terribly and will do ANYTHING to see her right now!

We pack up to get going and here she comes running down the driveway screaming for us to wait for her.  I see your cock literally spring up in your pants, and I whisper “Keep Calm, we can’t seem to eager yet!”  You almost ignore her while we pack up, and once we get on the road your excitement quickly presented itself.  The reality for her was she embarked on a brutal struggle to survive.  I’m sure you can figure out who prevailed in this little adventure.  I love providing you with wonderful treats to devour.

Black Market Find

Torture Phone SexWell, well, well.  Take a lookie at what I found just floating around for sale.  Isn’t she just, the most precious thing you have ever laid eyes upon? I’m not going to keep her of course, I’m going to make more money on her.  You see when she arrived, her skin was just so lovely, not a dent on her.  The people I deal with, do not want that sort of item for purchase.  They want something that excites them the moment they see it.  I took it upon myself to some DIY work.  I think the colors just bring out her pain all the more, don’t you?

It’s amazing what a blow torch can do in the right hands.  I already got in touch with this really fucked up dude that I came into contact with a few years ago.  He is into sexual sacrificial practices. He even has this house, not a shack mind you, but a house, on a lake, where he sometimes does this treatment of posing his playthings in different positions, then securing them, and then pumps in carbon monoxide until they stiffen up into that position. He is very artistic.  He is coming by the place tomorrow to check out the goods.  I still have some work to do.  Her face for example.  It’s too pretty, it needs some distressing, add some patina to it.  Maybe I can just pop out one of her eyes, something along those lines, or give her a nice bruise on her cheek.  I’ll think of something.

I just hope she gets top dollar, which she should, I mean she is more than likely going to become some sort of fucking statue in the man’s dinning room or something.  All I know is I cannot wait to see the finished product.


Castration Phone Sex

Castration Phone SexLast night it was brought to My attention that I have never given even the slightest view of My ass in any of My pics.  Since the phone call started out with Me smothering this person, I thought it only fitting to show a picture of My perfect ass.  There you are, I hope you enjoy it, it will be a long time before it is seen again. 

Now, onto what this is really about, which is one of My all time favorite subjects, Castration.  Not just your every day surgical castration mind you.  This has a specific twist to it.  Last night during the aforementioned phone session, as I was pushing the weight of My full self down upon an uplifted face so I could cut off the breathing, I began to run My nails over this person’s ball sack.  Far be it from me to leave it at that.  I took it one step further. 

I keep My nails sharp, you never know when you might need a weapon, and good strong nails can come in handy if need be.  I pressed first against the underside of the thin skin, adding more and more pressure until it ripped.  Then, I went onto the other side of the sack.  I applied steady, hard pressure until once again, the skin gave way to allow Me to bury my nails inside.

He started to thrash about, which made me grin.  I wanted to do more then simply give him a cause to get stitches.  I wanted to obliterate the very existence of his testes.  I crawled between his legs, lowered My head, exposed My teeth, hooked the skin on my eye tooth, and pulled back.  The fragile skin pulled away, ripped, tore, and ended up just being a flap over the objects that poured out.

I saw what I was looking for, I lowered My head into the muck.  I came up with one mother of pearl colored testicle in My mouth. I looked at him before popping it between my teeth and spitting it upon his chest. Then I went back for the other.   This one I kept tightly wedged between My teeth as I started My ascent up his body.  By this time he was shaking, his breath was shallow and rapid, the pain was washing over his face.  I hovered over him, pressing the testicle to his mouth.  I instructed him to open up, he did so, both him and I together bit into it, it was immediately decimated, which made this the most glorious kiss I have ever experienced in My life. 

Blasphemy Phone Sex Adventure Time

I wait until all other parishioners have left the sanctuary.  I watch as he snuffs out all the candles, the smoke from each rises up into the air to disappear forever.  I close my eyes and breath in the scent of this place, the Holy of Holies, the House of god.  I wonder how many women have come here, pregnant, searching for an answer only to be told that abortion is against god.  How many people have laid out their troubles to some Priest that sits behind a confessional screen only to have him talk back in a bored tone, giving instruction  to say a few Hail Mary’s and then they would be absolved.  What a total and complete load of bullshit this all is.  There is no absolution, there is no forgiveness, but what there is, is a book written 3500 years ago about an invisible force that created all life, and gave rules, and started wars, and got a young girl pregnant then didn’t pay  support, but worst of all? Forbid the masses from eating pork!  Fuck that shit, I’m eating a Triple Decker Bacon sandwich right now.  I bet jesus is up there in the stratosphere majorly craving some perfectly cooked pig parts at this very moment. I get up and smear the pew with the pig oil from my finger tips, and I save just enough so that I can also smear some on my lips, then I climb up onto the Alter and kiss jesus with my bacon lips. There you go jesus, enjoy.

This is when the Father turns to look at me.  He says tersely, “Can I help you?”  I climb down, licking my fingers.  I say, “Yes Father you can.  I need counsel, can you hear my confession?”  He checks his watch, and puts his hand on the back of my shoulder; I try not to puke from being touched by this asshole;  and leads me to the confessional booth.  I sit down and open my messenger bag; I wave at Ruby Girl; I take out the crucifix, and start to suck on it.  The Father takes a seat, and asks me, “How long has it been since your last confessional?”  I say back, “Twenty years.  I have never confessed to anything before.”  He goes on to ask me to tell him my sins so that I can atone for them.  I start. He hesitates. I push the Jesus On A Stick that I brought with me into my cunt. I tell him more. He fidgets with his collar. I start to moan. He tries to peer through the screen. I start to say the Lord’s Prayer in Latin; and no I do not speak Latin, I just found it online and took it with me and tried my best to enunciate it correctly.  He gets up and swings open  the confessional door, he sees me with Jesus buried Holy Beard deep, and he yells at me.  I laugh, and continue riding the son of God until I cum.  I stand up, allowing the Jesus On A Stick to slip out of me.  I pick up my messenger bag, push my way past the wide eyed Priest and make my way out the door.  I like to think that after that, he picked up the violated jesus and licked it off.

I might go back to that church some day, might even take jesus a whole ham this time, because I’m generous like that.

Religious Blasphemy Fetish Phone Sex

Collection of Scissors

tool picThere are so many medical instruments I could use to dissect my victims whether they are dead or alive but one of my favorite choices is scissors. I believe scissors are much more personal than a knife or even a sharp scalpel. When using scissors, you get to feel every bit of flesh material slicing with each and every snip. The terror in the victim’s eye just sends chills throughout my entire body from the feeling of the continuous cutting. I can cut into the flesh precisely so that it looks more like a work of art than some deviant act. Like cutting up paper dolls, it looks like the shape I desire them to be. Perhaps it looks extreme when I completely snip off eyelids, nipples, and even the stupid bitch’s clitoris. Who gives a fuck when you are having fun with a sharp pair of scissors in your hands. However, that is all so trivial when in comparison to cutting them open so you can slice their heart out. Hmm, I wonder who will be the next one for me to cut up?


Sadistic Phone Sex Magenta

Ahhhhhhhhhhh-YES!!!!! I love the fucking Holidays!!!!!!!

I was asked to watch a couple of weak little brats while their stupid-ass parents went to a FUCKING HOLIDAY PARTY!!! So, it was my chance to give the little shit-bags a special gift-TEAR GAS IN THE EYES and SKIN!!!! I had to share season’s greetings and make it FUCKING SPECIAL FOR THEM!!!! (HAHAHA)

I stripped the little bastards naked-I tied the little fuckers up-ball gagged them-shaved of all of their fucking hair-made cuts in their skin with my razors and sprayed tear gas merriment and holiday fucking cheer!!!!!(HAHAHAHA)

I love the holidays-it makes me feel the love. FEEL THE LOVE MOTHERFUCKERS!!! They said their skin was burning like fucking FIRE!!!(HAHAHA). The MOTHERFUCKERS screamed uncontrollably, foaming at the mouth-telling me that they couldn’t see (HAHAHA) I didn’t give two shits!!!! The little fuckers were convulsing and their fucking noses were snotting and running like broken faucets (on full blast)-FUCKKKKKKKK!!!!!  Their skin was bloody red and bruised from-fucking chemical burns HAHAHAHA! I rubbed scouring pad/steel wool into their chemical burned skin-AHHHHHHH feel the burn!!!!!

Stupid bitches were drooling like little fucking brats,-coughing their fucking lungs up-fuckers were choking-gasping for air!!!! (HAHAHA). The stupid fucks were confused-didn’t know where the fuck they were!!!(HAHAHAHA) They asked me their names-panicking as I sang Christmas Carols and threw confetti all over them……then the fucks got angry and started screaming at me-that’s when I FUCKING GOT PISSED!!!  I sprayed tear gas in their piss holes and in their ass cracks-HAPPY HOLIDAYS BITCHES!!!!!

(HAHAHAHA) I decided to give them medical treatment-I soaked a few bandanas in lemon juice and vinegar and let the motherfuckers breath through it. Before leaving, I vigorously rubbed heavy duty sand paper all over their swollen and bruised cocks and pussies, and ass cracks. After I left, they were rushed to the ER-given oxygen, bandages and asthma medication. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

Welcome To The City Of Sin

Snuff Phone Sex

They come here.  Lost souls from all over the world.  They think they have it bad at home.  Step-Daddy touches them, Mommy let’s it happen.  Blah, Blah, Blah.  They always think other people give a shit, nobody gives a shit.  I am certainly not going to shed a tear because Daddy fucked you.  He has a dick, and dicks are made for fucking holes. It’s a fact, so it’s nobody’s problem that you don’t like it.  However, what I do like about this whole mess your life has become is you ran to the one place on earth that I will find you.

Welcome to Sin City My sweet morsel.  You will see things here that will make your home look like fucking nirvana.  You will have things done to you that will push you to the very precipice of suicide.  How can it get worse than that?  Sooner or later, you will run into Me.  I will plaster a fake ass smile upon My face, one that will almost make Me retch in disgust. Then I will put my arm around you, and tell you what ever you need to hear until I see that look on your face, that small sign that you are starting to feel safe with Me.  Finally, someone is here to take you away, listen to your stupid sob story.  I will take you under my wing, I’ll even allow you to stay in a suite with Me for the night, fatten you up on room service, pamper you, spend the next day shopping with you.  This is when your happiness starts to set in because I have not asked anything in return.  We will check out, we will get into My Bentley, then as we cross the Oregon boarder, we will stop for the night in some backwood piss hole.  I will act disgusted by the accommodations, instruct you to unpack while I go and see if there is cleaner room for us.

As I leave the room and you start to unpack, you start pulling out instrument, after instrument of sharp steel.  I step back into the room, brushing dark liquid from my rain coat.  Your eyes widen as you realize what it is.  I put on a cheerful smile, taking a few steps toward you as I speak, “The management and I did not see eye to eye, I have work to do, and I do not need any witnesses.” With those words I grab your throat, pressing my nails into your soft skin, I tell you how pathetic you are, and that the only way out of your disgusting life is for Me to release you from it Myself. 


I Am a Cold Hearted Bitch

torture phonesex angie2A darkness came over me yesterday that has not in a long time. My cunt ached for some serious evil and twisted shit and I would have my fill. The demons took a hold of me, controlling my mind, body and soul. I needed several victims to torture and only a family would satisfy my craving for pain and torture. I needed this blood lust satisfied like a heroin addict needs a fix. I found the perfect little family and watched them all day, waiting for my time. He was a strapping man and he walked with pride and purpose around the yard with his dainty and beautiful wife and little girl. Breaking him down and making him watch it all was going to be as good as the actual torture I plan on inflicting. I went home and got a few things I had collected earlier just for this special occasion. Before they know it I am in the house and I have that sweet little bit of a thing in my grasp. He is furious but he knows he can’t make a move without putting her in danger. his wife is begging and sobbing and my cunt is singing with delight as the juices flow. I throw him a rope an make him tie his little wifey up. I warn him that if he doesn’t do it right, this pretty little thing in my hands will pay the price. Watching him fight to maintain control only fuels the fire between my legs. I call him over and order him to get undressed and kneel before me. His wifey is going to watch him fuck her innocent little one. The sound of mommy crying while daddy’s dick gets hard in spite of himself, the pitiful sound of him apologizing before stuffing that tight virgin pussy with his very nice sized cock and her scream as he rips it open all spur me on. I make sure he fucks that sweet thing hard and rough and when he pulls his bloody dick out of her i lick it clean. I tie his hands behind his back and his ankles to the heavy couch as I tell him that he must be punished for what he has just done. I pull a bottle of syrup out of my bag and pour it on his cock and then the piece de resistance, the jar of fire ants I pour on his cock. he can’t help put scream as they eat him alive and as his dick swells from the numerous bites I let his wifey go and make her eat my cunt till i am satisfied.