Category: Rape phone sex fantasies

Can’t Touch This!

Accomplice phone sexWhen you look at me, what do you see? Do you see a scared, intimidated frightened little girl? Do you think you can approach me and talk to me however you’d like to? I’m sure you soon realized your error. I know you’ve been watching me, and following me. You haven’t been able to figure out what I am about, or how to get close to me. You thought you’d take it upon yourself to come after me, and maybe teach me a lesson?  As you lay there tied up, naked, and gagged – what is going through your mind? I love the fact that you thought you could actually contain me! It actually turned me on so much that I had to play with my clit the moment I found out what you were planning. While I was fingering myself I decided to show you exactly what kind of bitch I can be.

You can’t take your eyes off the sweet little one I brought into the room with us. She is scared and wants to go home, but I assure the little bitch that she isn’t going anywhere until she does exactly as she’s told. Your cock is so hard, so I make her grab it and stroke you while she wraps her tiny little mouth around it. She doesn’t want to so I grab her head and fore her down on your cock as I hear you moan. She’s choking but I keep thrusting her head up and down in your shaft. You explode in her mouth and I make her swallow all of it, then lick you clean. You can’t fight it, so within moments you are rock hard again. I tell her to grab your cock and put it on her little pussy, but she is afraid. I grabbed her and made her sit on your face.

You try to turn away but the scent of that young little pussy is too much for you, isn’t it? You lick and suck her until she is cumming all over your face, and you can’t seem to get enough of her tight little cunt. I position her pussy over your cock and grab her shoulders – I shoved her down on your cock in one hard motion. She screamed out as you moaned in pure ecstasy, as she cried i couldn’t help but laugh. I move her up and down on your cock until she is about to cum, then I rub her little clit and she lets out a scream of fear, pleasure and pain. That scream was all your cock needed to hear because you exploded deep inside her. I sat her on your face and made you lick her clean and she kept getting off all over your face. Who knew she was such a little whore!

I wrapped my hands around her neck and choked the little bitch until she was purple. As she drew in her final breath she came all over your face and I grabbed your cock causing you to shoot your load all over my hand. The little bitch is dead weight on top of you so I throw her onto the floor, and wrap my hands around your neck. Do you want to feel what she did as she took in her last breath? No, of course you don’t, but you will feel pain for what you thought you were going to do to me. I was satisfied when you took your final breath because I could tell you finally understood my point.

Castration Phone sex with a Sadistic Mortician

Taboo phone sex Pandora 2You came to me deep in the darkness of night on your knees. Looking at you, I felt no sympathy by the way you were groveling before me. You contacted me before about this obsession you have and how I am the only one that can satisfy your taboo desire. This time it was different and after much consideration, I have made my own decision. However, I don’t give a fuck about the reasoning upon why you want me to preform this procedure, nor do I care to hear it. So with that being said, you may get undressed and lay down on my operating table.

Now I am going to restrain you down so that you can’t move at all during the operation. But I am not using rope to keep you still. No, that won’t do at all. I feel that the best way to keep you still, is by using barbwire. At least it will give you more of a motivation to stay idle during the procedure. Look at it this way, if you move or jerk around, you will be the one cutting yourself with the barbwire. Also I think using a sharp metallic restraints will not  take away from the entire experience. So yes … I promise you that you will be in blood shattering pain. Now let’s go ahead and start the surgery.

With your testicles in my hands, I am feeling how firm they are from this excitement but I would like a better look at them. I grabbed my sharp scalpel and pressed in the tip point downward on the top part of your scrotum and at the base of your penis. Now look at that. You couldn’t stay still and cut yourself against the barbwire. This is definitely going to be a very long castration procedure, isn’t it?! (wickedly evil laugh)  

Helping Hand

Accomplice Phone Sex

What a fucking mess!  It wasn’t supposed to be this way.  It was supposed to be a simple grab, then violation, then dump, something to teach his now ex-girlfriend and his brother a lesson.  Nothing going too far, but now, I am covered in blood from my head to my toes.  He is as well.  I’m not sure were it went wrong, but damn, did it ever go south fast.  Actually, I know exactly when it went wrong, it was the video.  I knew he tended to go over board with his play things, but these weren’t play things. These were his Brother and recent girlfriend.

His girlfriend decided it would be a fan-fucking-tastic idea to give his Brother a blow job.  His Brother in turn decided it would be an even better fan-fucking-tastic idea to video it on his phone.  Only his Brother picked up the wrong phone, and when my over excited friend went to send me a pic he had taken a few days ago, he saw the video.  That’s when things went crazy.

He is sitting in the corner completely calm, smoking a cig.  I am standing here looking around at what we have to do to clean up this fucked up scene.  There is big chunks of skin scattered about, bits of bone and meat that went through the chipper stuck to the walls, and I have no clue what the fuck dude did with the heads. 

Sadistic Phone Sex

Sadistic Phone Sex People think I’m crazy but I don’t think so. Just because blood and torture gets me off does not make me crazy. Maybe sadistic, evil and twisted but not crazy. I am always doing something outside of the norm, I just can’t help it. Like I said there is no help for me. All those little bratty shits out there deserve to be preyed upon, don’t you think? I also think women need to be preyed upon, especially pregnant ones carrying those little brats inside of them. I also like to torture men that have been bad, so if you have been bad and think you need to be punished I will have the best punishment for you. I know you probably have dark and twisted thoughts like me and have no one to express yourself with. You can always talk to me and we can get those dark and twisted thoughts out, I would love to hear some of your twisted fantasies.

You know what I feel like doing today? I feel like preying upon a pregnant bitch! I don’t think she needs to have that little brat inside of her anymore. The less brats out there the better! I have been watching this pregnant bitch in my neighborhood and she is about 9 months pregnant. I know I can’t have her having this little brat at all. So I lure her into my house where I put a gun to her head and tell her she is going to do everything I tell her to do. So I have her strip down and I grab my rope and tie her hands and feet up. I put a gag in her mouth and wrap duck tape around her mouth and head. I then cut her belly open and snatch that little brat out. The little brat was all crying and shit so I had to shut her up. So I stab the little brat in the heart. The little bitch was trying to scream so I just sliced all the way up her stomach making her insides start to come out. I took the tape off of her mouth and started slicing up her little brat and I made her eat her. Then I watched as she started to bleed out and I couldn’t help it but I had to slowly pull her insides out to torture her even further until the life drained out of her.

Jill In The Box

Hello little cunt muffin, I hope you had a good rest.  Although, I am sure you did not, being crammed into that restrictive box for the last 12 hours with hardly any air doesn’t sound all that pleasant to Me.  I am sure you were fine though.  How did you like being shoved under My bed?  Did you like when I stuck the violent wand through the holes by your feet to give you a little jolt now and then? I am sure you did. What’s this? Crying already? You are such a weak worthless tiny bitch aren’t you?

Why you were requested is beyond Me.  However, your new Owner will be here shortly, and I have to get you ready.  You will adore Him, I promise you that.  He is a sick son of a bitch that is for sure.  I am positive you will love every single game He will play with you.  I’m almost jealous over the whole thing, not that I would want Him to play with Me mind you.  I’m not into receiving pain, just dishing it out.  I’m jealous that He gets to destroy you little by little, until your insignificant body and mind snap like a twig.

Up we go, first thing first, let’s get  you bathed, you fucking stink like a used, rotted, bloody cunt rag that’s been sitting in the sun.  Is that what you are? A puss clot?  Now that you are all clean, I am going to place you across the bed so I can shove my fist up your tight asshole.  More tears?  For fuck sake!  I hope He gets here soon, or I’ll just finish you off Myself, I can always get another dumb play thing to replace you.

Do Anything

You were so easy.  All I had to do is flash a smile, show my tits, touch that disgusting piece of meat between your legs and you promised to do what ever I wanted to make me happy.  I have to tell you, it would take a shit load more than what you have to make me happy, but that is besides the point.  Now you are worried.  You phoned me out of breath, your voice shaking.  I laughed and hung up on you.  You are fucked.

I wasn’t the one who went out and did what you did.  I just talked about the fantasy of it, you are the one who actually did the deed.  Although it was what I wanted, I would never admit I put the idea into your head.  You yourself said you would do anything, perhaps you should be more careful with your words.  Most people who took the action that you have have these things, they are called balls, maybe you have heard of them?  Did you piss yourself while you were carving her up, or did your cock explode in her tight, bloody, widened out asshole?  I am thinking it was the second thing mentioned. 

There you are, running away from the mess you made, and you call me to clean it up for you? Not in a million years.  As far as I am concerned it was all fantasy, you were the one who took it into the world and did those brutal things to that weak, unsuspecting girl.  I will not help you. As a matter of fact, now that you have accomplished what I whispered into your ear, I no longer even know you.  Clean up your own mess boy, deal with it, and move on.  Send me a post card from Death Row, and I’ll frame it and put it on my desk.


Taboo Phone Sex

Does it burn?  Do you feel like your eyes are going to pop from their sockets from the pressure of trying to hold your breath?   How many times will it take until you give in?  You thrash, clutch at My hand, trying to loosen the tight grip I have upon you.  You will never break it, try as you might.  With each submersion you become weaker.  There is little time for you to fill your lungs with air, before being forced back under the water.

You look ethereal, your hair loose, floating around your face.  The light reflecting off the water, the pattern moving around you on the porcelain tub walls.  Each time I bring you to the surface it saddens Me.  It saddens Me to know that you will never get to grow up to do this yourself.  You held such promise.  You were excited, you said all the right things, acted the right way.  It was a game.  However, when the fun that I trained you up for began, you cried.  You are weak, pathetic, worthless, and dare I say, useless to Me now.

I thought I had my protege, I was incorrect in My summation.  However, now I know, that I will never try to bring someone under My wing again, it just ends in disappointment.  This is why I have to do this now.  You know too much, too many of My secret ways, too many of the tactics that I employ.  Now I watch as you gasp, choke and sputter, trying to gain that one breath that will keep you alive.  It will never come.  It is well out of your reach.  This is the very last time I will push you under.  My hands will clamp down upon your throat, you will remain pressed against the stark white porcelain until I see your eyes go blank.  Until I see your beautiful mouth open, until the water is at rest and you move no more.

Snuff Phone Sex

I Love Sharp Objects!

Knife Play Phone Sex

Do you like my knife? I do. I love sharp objects. Do you know what I did with this big sharp toy of mine recently? Let me tell you. I had a man laying down with his legs tied up so that they were spread wide. This is my favorite position to have someone in. I feel it is their most vulnerable. When someone is tied like that I have access to all of my favorite parts of the body. I deserve to do what I want to do with this man. I took the time to track and hunt this man. I did not know who I was tracking but when I saw him I knew. I did horrible things to him and I had the most fun when  I took my knife and I shoved it straight up his asshole. It was terribly messy. I got blood all over my legs and shoes. It was so warm and wet though. Sometimes I like to think of my knife as a cock. A rock hard cock. It is an extension of my body. I really do love my knife. I fucked that man with that knife in his bloody asshole over and over. I loved it. I could have cum just from shoving my knife so violently in and out of him. I did not however because when I looked at his tiny little cock, it was hard! He was enjoying being stabbed by me! Okay then I can fix that. I put a clamp on the new asshole I had made him so he would not bleed too much and decided to slit his dick open and see what it was made of. I used that sexy big cock of mine and I sliced his cock from base to tip. It looked amazing. I loved seeing all the blood pouring down over his balls and mixing in with the blood around his ass. I couldn’t help myself I got caught up in how is body looked and I reached down and starting touching myself until I came all over my hand. I then picked my bloody knife back up and started to have some real fun!

Time and Space

Time and space are relative, and most people seem to identify or define time and space very differently. When you are locked in a sensory deprivation chamber then time and space do not exist for you at all. This is a fascinating topic for me and you know this, so you keep asking me when we can find our first subject to find out for ourselves how this effects the mind. I finally agree and we go on the hunt for our perfect piece of meat, but this one needs to be strong and have much determination. I finally spot the feisty little bitch, and I start to put my plan in motion. She was a feisty little red head who couldn’t have been too far out of middle school, and she was very angry so she was perfect. Everything goes as planned and she is successfully tied up in the lotus position in my basement.  After several hours of her struggling which only causes her ropes to get tighter I asked who she was, where she was and what year was it. She knew the answers, so she had not yet let go of time and space.

I put her in a water sensory deprivation chamber and 4 hours later checked on her. She still was coherent, so 12 hours go by – the same. I decided to go extreme and give her 24 hours in the chamber alone to see what would happen. Well that must have been our magic number because she had no correlation to time or space, and her eyes looked like the solar system with the flecks of lighter color showing through. I left you with her to do what you wanted and when I returned you were still fucking her, but in that moment she took her last breath and you released your cock inside of her. It got me pretty wet, so I sucked your cock clean and leaned over the table so you could fuck me. You can’t ever get enough of my tits, so you turned me around pushed me against the wall and fucked me while you played with my tits. I could tell our experiment got you so hot that you will want to do this again!

Accomplice phone sex

Your Perfectly Delicious Accomplice

You’ll never find another accomplice phone sex girl who gets more into her role as a wicked, evil and sadistic accomplice. I take you to the depths of depravity and pure deviancy and you get off on the raw emotion.

I get off knowing that my skills at tracking, stalking, abducting, torturing and disposing of all those luscious young bodies make your cock throb and ache to hear more. Details are so very important and this wicked Bitch leaves nothing to the imagination.

I want you to get a clear and colorful picture in your head of exactly what I do to these worthless little pieces of flesh. I want to know what you want me to do to them as well, give me your most depraved and tortured fantasies on how you want this little waste of space used.

There’s nothing I won’t do to give you the most intense and erotic accomplice/snuff phone sex session. I never go less than one hundred percent and I promise you, every single one of your most twisted, dark and wickedly delicious snuff fantasies will be realized with me.