So I have my thing. And I do it well. I know I’m not a good girl. Hell no where close to it! I am down right EVIL. And proud of it. I know sometimes I go a little crazy. But fuck it. I love it to much to stop. And I am one of a kind. Now.. I have never doubted that. But I had some problems with this little bitch Katelyn. She rolled into town and stole all my baby sitting gigs. She is all cute with blonde hair and big blue eyes. Then she started stealing all my clients. Pimping out all the little whoreletts she was watching. MY little Whoreletts… My money! She is FUCKING with the wrong Evil girl! Well, time to teach the slut how much of a problem she made. I followed her for a few weeks. And I found out that she was VERY well protected. She was never open or alone. Is like she knew I was coming. So I just have to make her available. So I dropped a gold ball in her gas tank. Ooooh she started off driving fine.. but then the golf ball got sucked down and sputter sputter she ran out of gas. The second she saw me she knew. She didn’t run or scream the whore tried to fight me. She pulled out a knife and tried to kill me! The crazy bitch didn’t know who she was fucking with. I let her jab and try to stab me then I caught her hand and kicked her knee as hard as I could. I heard it break under my foot. She went down like a sack of potatoes. It was easy to take her to the cabin then. But … I was surprised by the amount of weapons she had on her. I had to strip the bitch all the way down just to make sure I found them all. Then to make up for all the money the whore had caused me. I called all my friends and let them all pay to have a ride on the blonde slut. She made more for me than I lost. And I loved watching the anger in her eyes! The stupid slut still thought she could fight me. Even after a week of passing her around. I loved the spirit but it was time to break it. So I started with a simple brick. I started on her feet. Breaking her toes. Then her feet. Her legs. And knees. Then her hips. By the time I smashed her pussy she was quite broken. But I didn’t stop. I broke each one of her ribs. Her collar bone and then worked my way down her arms. To each and every finger. The slut screamed and begged. But I was loving it to much to stop. Then I had show her how to use a knife. And I was going to make it last a good long time. Cutting a finger off.. A toe. Scream for me bitch. OOOh I will kill her. Or I will let her make more money for me and then kill her. I have plenty of time to make her pay.
Category: Rape phone sex fantasies
Evil is as Evil Does
This Little Piggie
One of all time favorite types of torture is to take something that is human, and turn it into something inhuman. How do I do that? It’s pretty easy actually, you just need time. It is not something you can do in one day. It’s not torture if it is done too swiftly, and I am one of those girls who can get into a project like nobody’s business. First you strip them of all human luxuries. You take away their shelter, their food, their clothing, their water, their ability to get clean, anything that makes their life normal, you strip away from them. You do it slowly though. First you take their clothes, and you toss them outside. In this case, we are going to make ourselves a piggy.
So piggy girl gets tossed into the pig pen, not with sows, no no, with a hog. A strong, amorous hog. Then you leave her there for a few days. Then you deny her access to the troth and water supply. When you go out to slop the pigs, you make no eye contact with her, and you ignore her completely. If on these occasions, if you find that she makes too much noise, then you remove her ability to speak. You go out to the pen, you grab her, you tie her up, you attach a clamp onto her tongue, you pull it toward you as far as you can, and then you take a pair of tin snips and you cut it off. You then tell her, that from now on the only noise you want to hear from her is a pig grunt or oink, otherwise, no food and no water. You make her practice.
Now you might find that you have yourself a fighter on your hands. A simple remedy is that you give her food, but you only let her eat the pig shit that you scrape from the floor. Then you shackle her to the floor with her ass up in the air so that hog can just wander on over when the mood strikes him.
Then when piggy starts to behave, you take away their sight, just put a hot poker up to the iris until the whole thing bursts. If you do it slowly enough you can actually see the fluid contained within the eye bubble up, it’s a very amazing thing to see. Then last but not least, you take away her human touch by strapping her to a table, pour hot tar down on her, a little of a time, then pull off the skin.
You will have yourself a properly tortured, inhuman piggy in no time at all. Then when you are done with her, just take her into the slaughter house and have yourself a yummy Ham for Easter.
Mmm, What A Bloody Mess
I knew from the look on your face you were more than pleased with my little surprise I brought home for you. Isn’t she sweet baby, so pretty, fresh and innocent…oh but not for long because we are going to subject her to things grown men couldn’t ever dare think about.
But, people like you and I crave all that is depraved and evil don’t we, we’re addicted to it and I am the perfect accomplice to feed your addiction. When I push her down to her knees before you, you take my hand and pull me close to you. Kissing me deeply I feel your hand slide up inside my thigh to my wet smooth pussy, fingering my swollen clit.
You tell me I went beyond your expectations with this tiny worthless little cunt, that perfect untouched body is all ours now and we’ll put her through unimaginable brutal torture. Just how much pain and gore can that tiny body withstand….well, we’ll find out for ourselves right now.
Mmm, doesn’t she look delicious strapped down with her wrists and ankles bound like that? Hearing her whimper and moan makes my cunt drip and throb harder. Fucking with her mind is almost as fun as fucking her fresh, tight body. When she cries out for her Mommy, I tell her that her Mommy didn’t want her worthless, pathetic little waste of space anymore and gave her to us!
Ohhh my, the look of incredulity on her face is priceless, breaking down her body and soul is so addicting, it’s so hard not to laugh right in her little face…so I do! Giggles Mmm, the blood lust between us is growing stronger and more intense, all those dark hidden taboo fantasies that you keep hidden in the dark corner of your mind are finally realized.
After I’ve had her eat out my sweet, pink snatch while you fucked her up her ass hole I show you something I’ve made special for this occasion. I made a very special dildo for you to use on that tight, young cunnie. It’s a ten inch dildo that I have attached broken shards of glass, hooks and pieces of broken razors fashioned on it….isn’t it beautiful?
Make sure she gets a nice long look at it and let her know exactly what you’re going to do with it, I mean I believe in being very truthful. And the truth is, this little worthless cunt is going to experience every degrading, demeaning and hardcore torture/fuck session we can think of.
Are you ready to finally let go and cum with me. let me lead you to all those and rape phone sex fantasies you’ve been trying to ignore? Your cock is throbbing right now just thinking about it and believe me it only gets better!
My First Willing Victim
I had a willing victim to play with! I won him at a local club that I belong to. He knew that I planned on snuffing him out. I told him that I was going to keep him for a weekend and hurt him and then kill him on Sunday after I was done playing with him. I won him on Thursday night and I brought him back to my house and let him sleep most of Friday. I wanted him to sit and ponder what his future may bring. Friday evening came and I thought I may burst. I needed to play with him. I had waited long enough. I went into the room where I had him chained to the wall. It is a room in my basement. It has a dirt floor and no furniture at all. There is a hole in the ground for him to piss and shit in. I have had him in here naked the entire time. I take him out of the room and lead him into the main part of my basement. I have all sorts of toys hanging on the walls in my basement. I led him over to where I have a stockade type restraint. I buckled him into. What a pretty site he was with his ass in the air and his head and arms restrained to the stockade. I went and choose my favorite sharp knife of the wall and went right over and started fucking him in the ass with it. Of course he started to bleed so I stuck my knife in my fireplace, got it hot and shoved it right back in him. I continued that routine for quite a while. I had so much fun that weekend. I can not wait to get my next victim!
My Rival
I have a rival and she thinks she is smarter than me, well I beg to differ! You know that phrase keep your friends close but your enemies closer? Well I keep her close to me she doesn’t even know that I think of her as a rival. I think I am going to invite her to my house and do something really bad to her. Ok she has arrived at my house and I invite her in and act all nice and shit. Then I pull my gun out and point it at her head and lead her to a room I have made just for her. I have a chair in the middle of the room, some rope, a cattle prod and my knife of course! Just enough to torture her sorry little ass. So I make her go back to the room and make her sit in the chair and tie her up. The first thing I do is shoot her in her knee caps so she can be rithing in pain! Then I hit her with the cattle prod a couple of times listening to her scream. Mmmm that turns me on so much, her little screams and whimpering! Then I circle around her rubbing my gun over her head and ask her if she wants to live. Of course, she said yes and I said I might let her live but I am still thinking about it. Of course I am not going to let her live, I am going to snuff her out like the dog she is! I hit her with the cattle prod again, God I love torturing this bitch! I then get my knife and slowly start slicing her head and cutting her hair off. Then I start slicing the bitch up all over her body listening to her scream loud! I slice her nipples off, lol, and then I slice down her stomach, not enough that her insides fall out, but really close to it. Now she is begging me for her life and crying and shit, lol. I finally decide to put that bitch out of her misery and point my gun at the temple of her head and shoot and watch her DIE!! That is what I like to do with my rivals.
Breaking-N-Entering with Alice
Deep in the woods, there is this cabin where I know young college people got to party. They think they are safe from the wickedness of the world but they are so wrong! This cabin is far away from town and has no neighboring homes close by. The reason for why I know about this cabin is that I have been invited to come to several parties out there. Oh, and don’t worry about cops showing up because without neighbors near by them … who is going to even complain. (evil laugh) So this the master plan, we are going to enter in through the back door behind the cabin. That side of the cabin is thick and full of trees so that they wont see us going to break in that way. Plus the door knob is old and ready to fall apart so I will use a screw driver to pop the door open. Then once inside, everyone will be passed out from partying to hard which will make it perfect to strip them down and tie them up. Oh I just can’t wait to see the shock of terror in their eyes as we break-n-enter inside of them like the pathetic fuck-dolls as they all are. Lol!
Burn Baby Burn
I’m a growing teenage girl. I get hungry. And . . . occasionally I’m in the mood for some protein. But I like my meat served up with a side of terrified shrieks. Oh, did I mention I eat it rare? Yeah. There’s nothing better than taking a big old bite while your meal is still fresh . . . and alive. The other day, I really fucked up the Chink whore who pissed her little panties about my internet bandwidth. Turns out, she had the nerve to report me for “taking up too much of the space” on our block. WHAT THE FUCK, YOU STUPID CHINK. You wanna fuck with Bianca, huh? You wanna piece of her?? Well, lucky for Little Miss Geisha, I had a space for her. Right inside my intestinal track, where she could be drowned in putrid acid and gushed out like the trashy, useless shit she is. But I’m the type of gal that’s picky about her loin cuts. I wont just take any old slab of fat. So when I dragged her by the hair off her back porch, and flung her down into the fire pit, I decided to inspect the slantey-eyed twit with the bottom of my foot. And I smacked and beat that bitch with the blunt force of my heel until rich, appetizing blood was gushing out of her eyeballs and the squinty-eyed banana was bawling like a baby. More fun with feet? Yeah, you like that chink . . . . well I’m not much a chef. Never have been. But It’s amazing how cooperative a stupid slut can be after a little adjustment. I shoved her own toes down her throat until the melody of blood gurgling played as I heard her choking on it. Even better since her toenails are a little longer, and they sliced into the flesh of her esophogaus as she choked on her own severed meatcuts. To prepare her for cooking, I pinned the rice-eating Oriental down, making sure to dig the sharp meathooks into her Achilles heels, severing the tendons so the doomed fucker couldn’t run away. The retarded little twats try that sometimes. They think it’ll work. But it just makes me angrier. Good thing I’ve got a good aim. When she tried to limp away on her knees, the muscle sinewy tugging against the meathooks as she mewed like a kitten, all it took was one huge WHACK! of my baseball bat to the side of her head, and that little whore went down. I took my axe then, the one with the rusted blade coated in gasoline, and I hacked off the skank’s tits. Yummy. Such a beautiful bubbling of fat when the heat reaches the right temperature. Nothing I love more than a good appetizer. But I had to cook it right. I dropped a lit match right over the gook’s tits and they burst into flames, fire licking in a burst of pain along the gasoline leaking into her bloodstream. Not sure if if that part was gonna be edible, but uh . . . I had to work quick, ‘cus see . . . I like to roast my catch alive. Bianca’s got high standards for her food, and fucking her prey up first? Locks in the flavor of abject suffering.
Lose Everything
So I have had some computer issues lately. And I have finally had enough. Of this shit. So I took it to the tech shop. The little bitch behind the counter was RUDE and didnt even listen to me. She blew me off to talk on her cell phone. Then when the store was about to close she told Me I came to late. I informed the bitch I had been at the store for an hour waiting on her to get off her fucking phone. So she was damn well going to get her manager OR she was going to help me. Well she took my computer and played with it a few min. Then handed it back. She said she unlocked it and it would be fine. Of course I checked. And She fucking Restored my computer. I lost everything. All my files my pictures everything! I felt so violated! How could the bitch do that! Well.. I didn’t need to speak to a manager. Or call customer service. I knew what I needed to do. I waited for the slut to get off work. I followed her to her house. And snatched the fucking whore off the street. Oooh she was a fighter. And I beat the shit out of her to get her in the car. I duct taped her mouth and her hands behind her back. I drove her back to the abandon house I like to use. I stripped all her clothes off. And started to beat the shit out of the slut. I used a bat and broke the fucking whores knees. She was begging and pleading for me to help her. To not hurt her. But I don’t give a shit. I told her how she could have helped me but didn’t. Then I told her how VIOLATED I felt at what she had done. I lost everything. All my pictures and files. Everything I loved. And Now I am going to teach her what violated feels like. I pulled her legs apart. And she was begging for me to stop! And I took my bat and SHOVED it Deep inside her cunt. She ripped wide open. There was so much blood on the bat! I held it up so she could see. She was in shock. Scared and shaking. And I knew just what would snap her out of it. I took my bat and shoved it right inside her tight little virgin ass. I was right. Snapped her right out of shock! She started screaming. I asked her if she understood how being violated felt. And she screamed yes. So I took out my knife and cut her rude tongue off. Then took my duct tape and taped her mouth shut. I just watched as she chocked to death on her own blood. Fucking whore deserves to lose everything as well!
If He Only Knew
When he told me how he thinks her body is so sweet, fresh and innocent. How his dick gets hard every time he looks at her. How he dreams about fucking the shit out of her tight, bald cunt while his hands are around her neck squeezing tighter and tighter till he feels her body spasm underneath him. My cunt began to pour hot, milky cum.
Then he told me that it was his daughter and I really got fucking hot. So when he told me he needed me to be his accomplice and wanted me to kidnap a little one so he could live out his fantasy I knew just what I would do.
I told him to meet me back at my place the next night and I would have a tight little bald cunt for him to take.
I am a woman of my word and the next night when he showed up I had her there. I had a hood over her head and under the hood she was gagged. Her hands bound behind her back, she was ripe for the taking.
My only stipulation was that he could not remove the hood until he was done with her, no exceptions.
I enjoyed watching him rip her clothes of and take her brutally, showing no mercy.
He fucked her like a worthless little whore, beating her through the hood for hours before he finally wrapped his hands around her neck and took her one last time, squeezing the life out of her.
I came hard as hell watching it all but the best was yet to come.
It took him almost twenty minutes to compose himself after he was done. That was when I REALLY got to cum.
I sat back as he removed her hood with my fingers deep in my cunt. The blood curdling scream and the look of agony on his face was the perfect ending to my little game.
There I sat cumming hard as he stared, horrified into the battered, lifeless face of his daughter.
I saw a dumb little bitch today. Her face just pissed me off and I have been in a bad mood ever since. I was thinking about seeing if anyone wanted to play with me tonight. I followed the little bitch so I know where she is. I will go get her and bring her back to my place where you will be waiting. We are going to have fun fucking this dirty little bitch up. She starts crying wanting her mommy. I hate it when they whine and cry. Like I really give a shit what they want. I snatch her cute little panties off her and shove them in her mouth. Now the only noises she makes are muffled cries. I am really enjoying seeing her cry. You wanna feel my pussy and see how much I like the sight of her. I am so wet. Dip your fingers in me and get my juices all over your hand and then rub them all over this little girl’s face. I am going to string her up and get my big sharp knife. Oh my I am so excited! We are going to have some fun with this little one!