Category: Rape phone sex fantasies

Kidnapping Phone Sex Is Where I Met My Beta Bitch Victim

Kidnapping phone sex is where i normally meet sick fuckers who want to fulfill their Rape phone sex fantasies or murder phone sex fantasies. But this time it was different. I met a beta bitch who didn’t know what sadistic thoughts I had.

Kidnapping phone sex

He made me want to teach him what happens to a dumb beta bitch who thought he was going to get to fuck me gets. He came to my place and had drinks and tried to flirt and talk about how big his cock was. I knew it was a lie and I wasn’t drinking the same thing he was. I had put something in his drink because tonight was going to be the night, he knew what it was like to have a pussy hole. Once he passed out on me, undressed him and tied him up, including his little clitty. I got my sharpest carving knife and extended his little dicky as much as I could. I cut his little dick off, he woke up screaming. I stuffed his mouth with my dildo to shut him up. I finished my carving of his new pussy hole and pulled another dildo out. I stared fucking his new pussy with his dildo and shoving the dildo deeper in his mouth. I didn’t stop until he stopped moving. I finished my night by taking pictures and cleaning up my bloody mess. 

Accomplice Phone Sex: I Take the Risks and You Have the Fun

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex is my jam. Honestly, I love helping men with their rape fantasies. Now, is the perfect time to find a victim too. This week of Halloween, you can dress in disguise and hide who you are. Johnny and I went hunting for young girls the other night. We dressed up as a couple with brats and joined in on the local trunk and treat event to check out the young talent. When Johnny found one he liked, I stalked her to find out where she lives, who she hangs with and her habits. He wanted to fuck this little slut so bad, it was all I could do to keep him at bay until I could hatch a plan. If it was not for me, he might have gone to jail Friday night for exploring his rape phone sex fantasies. He needs me. You need me too. I take the risks, do the planning so I can protect you. I sped up the process because Johnny wanted this little slut so bad. I surprised him last night with her. I kidnapped and drugged her. She was still out cold when I hand delivered her to his bed. I was like a cat who caught the mouse and was so proud I dropped it on his pillow. He had an immediate boner. I told him this one could not be returned, so we had to use her well. He had a better idea. Keep her alive in a cage in the basement and make her a permanent sex slave. I liked that idea. She was young, tight and cute. She had a few years left in her. My partner in crime tore her little cunnie and asshole up. She was a virgin. There was a blood bath as he fucked her as proof of that. She woke up while he was fucking her, but she did not have much fight in her. Now, she is living in a pink dog cage in Johnny’s basement. Naked and afraid. She is nothing but fuck meat now. I am a taboo phone sex accomplice. Who can we snatch for you?

I love to eat lolita’s with Cannibalism phone sex

Cannibalism phone sexI love to eat Lolita’s with Cannibalism phone sex. I post all sorts of snuff sex on dark websites, hidden so deep your agent would never be able to find it.  I have tons of fans and viewers, and this time I got a very taboo request from a fan. He commented, “you should eat a sweet and cute Lolita out, in more ways than one. ;)” I knew exactly what he meant! After all, I live in a perverted world of darkness. I sought out an adorable Lolita, and I found the perfect one. She was blond and her skin was milky pale. The blood spatters and gore on this whore would be incredible on her skin. I also give Sadistic phone sex to many of my viewers, a lot of them are my regulars. They love listening to Lolita torture and their screams. I knocked that innocent slut unconscious at the park and took her into my work basement.  It’s so close to Halloween, so this will be a perfect Halloween special for my viewers! I’m waiting to show it until the 31st. God, my pussy was so fucking excited to get started. When she finally woke up, she was panicking, screaming, crying, you know what they always do. This was going to be some real fun Bloody phone sex. Hehe! I started to record the crying little one and walked over to her. I started off with small cuts on that pale and silky skin, it was so soft. It cut like paper. “Stop! Please stop it! No, no, no!” Her screams were ear piercing, so I slapped that bitch across the face and yelled at her to shut the fuck up. She kept crying loudly, she even threw up all over my floor. I sighed and went back to business. I kept torturing that beautiful little body of hers, I licked up her neck and bit down until I drew blood. I licked my lips at the delicious taste of metal and sweetness of her sticky red juices. I even put my hand down to that whore’s cunt and started to play with it. I rubbed her tiny clit and watched her sob. This Snuff porn video is going to be a hit! I just know it. My pussy was so deliciously wet, I strip teased for the camera and showed off my dripping wet black panties. I took out my scapple from my medical tray and tied that slut down to a wooden bed. “Stay still, good girl.” I purred, before I carefully sliced her sensitive tummy open. I let her scream; I knew how painful it was for her. She coughed up blood and couldn’t get a single word out. I went to the sides of her stomach and cut more so I could open up her small body. It revealed her juicy and bloody insides. I saw her heart beating, it was slowing down due to the amount of pain she was in, and the blood loss. Isn’t Evil phone sex just the best? Hehe! The stupid bitch was dying right in front of my eyes, I saw every ounce of life in her hazel eyes fade when I shoved my hand into her intestines and took out her small stomach. “Mm, fuck yeah!” I came on the spot, feeling that gushy and fatty stomach that still had its acids inside the pulsing organ. I sunk my teeth down into it like a feral animal and ate it. It wasn’t as tough as I thought it was going to be, but she’s young! The organs skin was still thick, but not as big as an adult’s stomach would have been. I tasted her juicy stomach acids and dark blood. The stomach acid was bitter, and salty. Humans tend to have different tastes depending on your own taste buds. Mm, I kept digging into her organs and bones, I was shoving every piece of meat inside of her that I could find into my mouth. She was so tasty! She tasted like a sweet beef once I got to the muscle of her arms and legs. She wasn’t a very meaty Lolita, but damn was she delicious!

Ass rape porn

Ass rape porn
In this Ass rape porn we meet in the bar and takes me home I’m playing with my pussy the whole time in the car as he gets me upstairs he rips off my clothes and puts me up against the wall sliding his cock deep into my pussy bound my pussy bouncing me up-and-down against the wall carrying me across the room on his deck to the bed throwing me down on the bed as I poke my ass up in the air he tries to put just the tip in my ass But I say no no so he puts it back in my pussy he fucks me real hard yanking my hair and choking me out I want to those last chokes I almost Passed out and then I felt a very strong ripping sensation As he had shoved his Dick right into my ass raw and dry fucking me hard taking my throat and pushing it back on his Dick as he fucked and raped me in my ass.

Sex with dead bodies is not the main objective just a bonus

Sex with dead bodies“Just kill me now!” she begged, and though I do love Sex with dead bodies I want her to suffer just a little bit more. Doesn’t she know it not about the destination for me but the journey. I love to hear her screams and to see the terror in her eyes. Knowing that I have complete control over this slut is my crack.

Ive had this sadistic fantasy about grabbing a cute innocent little slut and hog tying her up and torturing her. I found this beauty at the bus stop and I knew she was perfect for the ritual. She screams echo so loudly in this empty warehouse. The acoustics seem to vibrate like the best vibrator and I can feel my cunt well up.

When I grabbed the hot knife and sliced through here the smell of her skin cooking under the heat did it for me. I fell into a pool of her blood and my squirt. Legs shaking and heart racing I needed more I started slashing her wildly, blood spewing every which way. I am cuming over and over again as I see the life fading from her eyes.

Just when I thought I couldn’t cum again I heard the hiss of her letting out her last breath. She looks so much more angelic lying her motionless as blood drips out her many wounds. I could help but take advantage of that warm hole. I rammed my tongue deep inside tasting the aftermath of the trauma I inflicted. I can taste the blood mixed with her cum. It’s funny how even when you know you are going to die your body will still react to stimuli isn’t it?

Snuff sex Teen rape porn

 Rape phone sex fantasiesThere are 10 days left until Halloween and I’ve already got my luring costume fully steamed. It’s the best time of the year to portray an image.. One that deceives everyone! Where I can dress-up and totally be mistaken for someone else.. The easiest way to make it so nobody can identify me..

Hahaha, who’s going to know that the sexy mysterious woman hiding beneath that latex mask is me.. That’s right nobody! Have you guessed it? I am going to be the sexiest most sadistic fucking cat-woman that will be walking the streets! The only jewels I will be stealing are those precious little gems.

Snatching every ounce of their innocence and draining their little bodies of their souls! I have been planning this all year and this year specifically, is going to be unlike any other.. For the past two years I haven’t been able to celebrate because of thee huge covid hoax..

But NOW, after being deprived of those fresh slits! It is time to finally rail in as many worthless fuck pigs into my dungeon and serve My Batman a dish of fresh twits on a thick rod! I want to puncture those disgusting twat holes and destroy them from the inside out.

Blood sucking maggots are going to get exactly what they deserve. Torture, Brutal torture! Let the night begin.

Snuff phone sex

Snuff Porn is On Men’s Minds The Entire Month

snuff pornSnuff porn is on guys’ minds this month. October is full of horror films. Guys get inspiration. Guys like my stepson who hates me. He summed me to his place the other night. I was not fucked up. In fact, I looked like a typical soccer mom. I had been out with my boys shopping for their Halloween costumes when I got the text. I dropped my sons off at the house and hustled over to my stepson’s place. I knew it would not be pleasant for me. It never is, but since he is blackmailing me, when he summons me, I rush to his place. I walked into what looked like a horror movie set. He had snuff sex on his mind. He told me he needed some quick money. I have been his cash cow for years now. He has no job. He cannot keep one either. My husband will not give him money anymore either. My husband knows we are both bad with money. The difference between me and my stepson is that I can trade my fuck holes for my drugs. My stepson cannot, but he can trade mine. He pimped me out for a live stream. He had a few guys who paid him to fuck me. Then he had thousands of guys paying to watch the live stream of me getting fucked. He had it set up so that we would be reacting violent scenes in popular horror movies like the Saw and Halloween franchises. This was not good for me. I mean I could end up dead. One of these days my stepson will go too far. I tell myself that as much as he hates me, he needs me. I am his cash cow. Without me, he has no money for drugs. We made a bunch of mini gangbang rape porn videos that night. I got fucked hard. I got beat and fisted and even choked too. I did not like being brutalized. I never do. But I have many more years of being his punching bag because he is blackmailing me. I survived, but I know one day, I won’t.

IT Wants Willow

Rape phone sex fantasies

Every now and again one of my rape phone sex fantasies comes to life and I have the Deadlights forcefully fucked out of me by a demonically monstrous clown.  Getting raped by the physical embodiment of cosmic evil would mess most people up pretty badly, scar them for life if not flat out scare them to death.  Not me, though.  Somehow, I’m pretty sure that I’m the one who keeps conjuring IT up out of its hiding spot and I’m fairly certain that IT likes my style.

It’s no secret, I’m a little psycho.  I think the world has too many fuck pigs on it and very few of them are worth the precious air that they breathe.  It’s my duty to take out any and everybody that I don’t feel is worth the very space they occupy, but I absolutely have to scare the everloving shit out of them before I do.  I love it.  That’s also the very thing which, I’m guessing, makes IT love me.

The first time I saw him was a couple days after I took out a dozen drunk dipshits drinking themselves into a belligerent stupor down at the pub.  Quick hatchet job, complete bloodbath.  I was still reveling in the excitement when a stupid looking clown showed up on my doorstep.  He said his name is Pennywise the Dancing Clown and he was there to help me celebrate then pulled out his prick and started waving it around at me.  I said “Wrong house, Bozo.” and shut the door, but when I turned around, he was standing in my foyer.  Color me intrigued.

His mouth opened wide unveiling row upon row of sharp, pointed teeth and a bright light shined out from somewhere deep inside of his throat.  As his jaw extended out further, he slowly crept closer and closer, trying to stoke up some fear in me before he did whatever he was going to do to me.  Eat me, fuck me, turn me into a weird clown demon, whatever he had planned, Pennywise wanted me to be scared while he did it.  It didn’t work.  I reached up, honked his nose and said “Neat trick.” then slapped his schlong around a little.  

Ever fluster a cosmic entity?  It’s pretty fun.  When revealing himself to be a beast of unknown origin didn’t succeed in scaring the piss out of me, he got a little mad.  That’s when IT started manhandling me and telling me he was going to fuck the fear into me.  Now we’re talking.  I had never been violated by a violently crazed clown creature before, it seemed like it could be a good time.  Hell, I’ll try anything once.

I got bent over, twisted around, pinned down and forcefully fucked by that crazy creep.  Pennywise pole feels great, he really knows how to ram it in there just right.  Every now and again he’d mutter something to himself about turtles or mention his brother and really wail away on me, that was amazing.  I love being hammered so hard that it feels like that cock is going to rip right through me.  That demon definitely did not disappoint.

Since then, I noticed that he comes around every time I do some real damage and take out a bunch of fuck pigs all at once.  I dig it, sometimes IT appears to me as one of the people I just killed and he hate fucks the holy hell out of me while shifting into various victims of mine.  One time he thought he was going to shock me by becoming my dad while he was pounding away at my perfect little pussy.  I didn’t sweat it, I just clawed his eyes out again like I did years and years ago to the real McCoy, only this time, I made him keep fucking me while he screamed in pain.  Cathartic as hell.  I don’t know where he comes from but one thing I know for sure is when he comes around, we fuck.  We all fuck, down here.


Savagely Slaying Torture Sex

Torture sex should be savage, and should amount to slaying a worthless fuck meat. Well, usually meant to be my demise, except seems I have enough worth to revive me and stitch me back together for the next filming.

I’m Geneva and my place in life is to play the star in snuff films. Most of them borderline real and those are the ones I nearly lose myself in the career to. I have nearly died a countless amount of times. I have had a cunt that was raw and savagely destroyed. My ass has been ripped over and over again and prolapsed.

My breasts, fake as they are have had the implants replaced a few dozen times after a slasher and fuck her kind of film. I am a B-movie lover geeks wet dream.

Torture Sex

Snuff Porn Needs A Female Accomplice Like Me

snuff pornTis the season for snuff porn. That is what Harry said when he hired me to be his accomplice. He knows some guys I have worked with in the pass and my number was passed along.  I met with him, and we hit it off. He wanted to take fantasy and make it a reality. In many ways, Harry was like most of my fantasy snuff callers. He has a thing for young, teen girls. He jacks off thinking about fucking some hot teen slut. It makes it hotter for him to think that the girl is unwilling to fuck him. He does not like to fuck the willing whores. I get it. Exploring rape phone sex fantasies is hot, but doing it is so much hotter. He told me about his dream teen girl. We agreed on a price. We determined a date and location to turn his dark fantasies into reality. I love helping men explore their dark desires. It is so much more fun to be the accomplice than the victim. I am still the victim on my calls often, but in my real life, I am mostly the willing accomplice who helps men do bad things. I no longer care that some young slut is getting violated. I got violated all the time when I was a teen girl and look at me now? It is a survival of the fittest world. I duped a young red head, tiny teen girl so she would willing get into a car with me. And I drove her to this flea bag hotel where everyone minds their own business. My client was waiting and excited to see what I brought him. He had all the camera equipment set up to make a teen rape porn too. He was pleased that I found his perfect victim. She screamed bloody murder and fought more than I expected for her size. But hot damn, did her cunt bleed a crimson red. She was a virgin. She was alive too, but not now. My client destroyed her as he fucked her. And I got it all on film for his spank bank.