My newest Snuff porn is called Fuck tot express. A train that delivers specialty girls into the hands of Chester the molesters all over the country. Every car is themed with horrors so degrading and sadistic! And Variety is the spice of life. We have chocolate tikes, Yellow babes and even some Latin sweet flesh! Mothers are on the train as well. The added effect of devastation and pain! Heightening the deaths and force violent fucks of our brat meat! Any man needing to have a youngin will be lining up to take a ride with us. Torture and mayhem erupt on the fuck tot express. The wind carries the screams of dead girls away. The train only stops when All of our victims hearts have stopped. The scene cuts to a discarded pile of corpses and me. I’m a novice and pretend I have no idea how to get rid of theses mounds of dead bodies. I grab a chain saw and start ripping through bones and blood flies everywhere. The movie ends with me bathing in the blood of my victims, during the “blood rain!” Snuff movies like this make my teen Horror slut cunt ache!
Category: Rape phone sex fantasies
My newest Snuff porn FuckTot Express
Ass Rape Porn is What This Red-Headed MILF Does Best
Ass rape porn is what I am known for. My ass has seen more action than a slew of gay porn stars combined. My ass is the preferred hole of many men because despite all the action it has seen, it is still my tightest hole. I applied for a job as a fetish model recently. I am a little older than the ad wanted, but I was desperate for money. I pleaded my case and shaved a few years off. I do not think I am that old, but I am hardly fresh and new anymore either. I have some high mileage fuck holes. The director passed on me because of my age, but he gave me the name of a seedier director who was looking for a mommy for a film he is making. I did not care if it was a gangbang rape porn, I needed coke money. I gave the director a call and arranged an audition. This guy was a poor man’s version of Ron Jeremy. Hard to believe you could look seedier than Ron Jeremy, but this guy did. He hired me on the spot. He knew that I was the prefect mom for an anal gangbang. I quickly regretted being as desperate as I was for money. This guy had 100 young men ready to run a train on my ass. I was bound and gagged to a sawhorse. My legs spread wide, however, so my ass was open for business. There were no rules, no safe words, no lube either. These young guys were like savage beasts getting their first taste for anal torture sex. One cock after another fucked my asshole, some even two or three at a time. My ass was drilled for hours by horny men with a hatred for mommy. They slapped me and chocked me as they fucked me. I had a bloody prolapsed ass afterwards, but that is nothing a little coke cannot fix.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Layla
Rape phone sex fantasies are my favorite escape from my own personal hell. I have this recurring fantasy where I’m renting a room and won’t have enough money to cover my board for next month. I tell the homeowner and he’s not too pleased hearing this. He tells me that I’m going to pay my way one way or another and slaps me hard across the face. He wears heavy silver rings on each finger so that’s all it’ll take for him to break my caramel skin and make me bleed. I fall to the floor and catch myself on my hands and he gives me a swift kick to the ribs with his boot. He tells me all us coons are the same and he isn’t going to let me get a free ride. I try to crawl to safety after getting the wind kicked out of my, but he catches me by the legs and pulls me back to him. He reaches his hand up my dress and rips off my panties, straddling me so I can’t get away. He buries my head into the carpet so I can’t breathe or scream, pulls out his big, hard white cock and shoves it hard and deep into my asshole without lube. My face is a bloody, crying mess soaking into the carpet as he rapes my ass, aggressively thrusting and ripping my hole, making it bleed in the process. My body goes limp as I stop fighting against him and let me ravage my asshole until he cums inside me. Then he gets up and pees on my beaten and broken body and tells me to clean myself up and get out of his sight. I love the thought of getting treated like the poor, worthless whore that I am.
Sissy faggot Ass rape porn
I met this sissy faggot who thought I was going to be into his disgusting shenanigans.. I met him at the bar.. Originally I had no idea he was a faggot since he seemed to be a well groomed man! That wasn’t until we got back to the hotel room and he took his toys out..
He started sucking on a rubber dick right in front of my face. Nothing about a fucking dirty low down faggot turns me on. He came out of the bathroom wearing hot pink lingerie.. I wanted to fucking vomit the moment I seen him. I totally pretended to be into it..
As soon as I had him bound and gagged, I ripped his asshole into shreds. I made that fucker bleed out from his disgusting “man pussy”. WTF! What kind of man settles for dismantling his manhood for dick! I was so fucking disgusted I took a plastic bag and suffocated him for being a dirty faggot!
I ripped his lingerie off and strangled him with it. I couldn’t believe he wasted my fucking time! Well not so much since I got to make an excruciating Snuff porn out of him! I titled that disturbing video Ass rape porn and dropped it all over the dark web!
Maybe all the other sissy faggots out there can see how fucking disgusting they look being fucked in the ass.. Those low down wannabes deserve nothing but Torture sex and death!
Snuff Phone Sex With Ya Girl Yara.
Here’s what it is about Snuff phone sex. Folks cum and go, but it ain’t gonna be me. I have seen it with my own eyes, they bring in men and women get ’em drugged up have sex with them and then strangle them, or break every bone in their body and watch them die slowly. It’s hardcore shit, but that’s the way it goes. There are parties that are built all around this one simple ritual. Snuff sex. They have these lavish parties in mansions with all kinds of people in attendance, rich, poor. People you know, people you don’t. Wolves and sheep.
Which one are you?
The slaughterer? Or the slaughtered? You never know ’til you know. I have seen men and women preening, laughing and drinking thinking they are going to watch someone die, and then watch those smiles and laughs disappear when they realize that they are the ones that are going to die.
It’s a nasty game and I love playing it.
I make Ass rape porn of a little one
I make Ass rape porn of a little one. I mainly play with Lolita’s as that is a lot of p-men’s requests. I don’t mind, but the little one’s deserved love too! After all, their tiny cocks are so cute! I finally got tons of requests for a boy, and I gave it to them. I seduced the little one and got him into my basement. I told him that I’ll show him how to feel really good, and I got on my knees in front of the camera and sucked that little cock. “Aah!” He moaned and squirmed around at the feeling of his little cock being sucked for the first time. He was so cute and sensitive! “I’m going to pee!” He cried, so I pulled away and jerked that small cock with two fingers and showed the camera his little drops of cum leaking from his dick. It fell flaccid pretty quick, and I wasn’t done with him. After all, my viewers are here for Snuff porn, and they want to see this little one’s ass get raped and torn into. I strapped him to the bed and began to lick his asshole. He laughed and said that it tickled, but soon those littles giggles will turn into screams of terror. Snuff phone sex makes my pussy so fucking wet, considering that I’m playing with a little in real life. I lubed up a big dildo and shoved that thing inside of his tight asshole. He screamed in pain, and I saw the blood leak onto the toy. He begged me to stop while he screamed and cried, he tried to kick his legs, but they were all tied up! “Shut up, whore.” I said before thrusting the huge silicone dildo in and out of his small asshole, permanently stretching him out in the goriest way possible. I saw his tears in that stupid asshole, and it was a Bloody phone sex mess! My viewers are going to love this little one. I used his blood to finger my fuckhole with, mixing my wet pussy juices with his asshole blood. He couldn’t take it anymore and passed out from the pain and adrenaline. I think I’ll keep this boy to play with for a littttle longer. 😉 Hehe!
Re-Training Your Pet
I should have obeyed. I should have come when my masters told me to come. Now, you and my 9 other masters have locked me in a cage like a good little pet to be properly punished. Each of you stand around me in a circle, jerking off and coming on me or forcing your cock into my mouth. My throat is bruised from all of the face fucking as each of you keep shoving your cocks down my throat. As a good little pet, I know I have to keep taking each cock as it is thrusted into whatever holes you all may desire, but I push away as I struggle to breathe. You further my punishment and put me in my shock collar. You turn it to the highest setting and shock me over and over. I scream in pain as my body cannot take the electric shocks. Finally, I pass out from all of the pain. You now all come in and fuck my throat without any resistance, coming down my throat. You also fuck my pussy and my ass hard until they are red and bleeding. I am now the perfect pet.
Fantasy Phone Sex Helps You Explore Your Darkest Fantasies
Fantasy phone sex is the best when you push the boundaries. Do you agree? Why call someone like me for your GFE fantasies when you can explore your dark needs with me as your accomplice? I am a great devil on your shoulder. I helped a guy recently fuck his girlfriend’s daughter. Last year, he called me for help on getting some young pussy. I know all the tricks. I told him to start dating women in the sex industry with young daughters. We are not choir girls in this industry. Plus, many of us have addictions too. I suggested a lot lizard working the truck stops since he is a trucker. I mean you hang out in a truck stop long enough, and a lot lizard will approach you. Most of the street hookers have addictions. They need and want saved and will do anything in return. A year later, this lot lizard lives with him. She turns a blind eye when he wants to fuck her young daughter. I helped him groom the girl. She is damaged goods anyway. She has daddy issues. She has lived in one dirty trailer after another. Now, she is in a nice house. She gets to have nice clothes. She goes to school, and she has friends. She is ripe to be her mother’s boyfriend’s teen rape porn star. Start with providing for them. Show them you care. Let them know you will always provide for them. Then let them know they need to start showing appreciation for all you have done for them. Keep mommy drugged up or liquored up. Pay her bills and care for her. She will turn a blind eye to whatever you want to do to her baby girl. Feeding her addiction and having a roof over her head will matter more than her baby girl’s virginity. I love helping men get the young pussy they crave. I was once a daddy’s girl. I know all the tricks to motivate young girls to suck your cock. You just need me as your accomplice phone sex partner.
Make This Druggie Slut Work for Every Cent
I am no one. I am nothing. I’m just some dirty skank on the street who said she would do anything if you gave her money for crystal meth. I deserve what you are doing to me. If I weren’t such a nasty slut, this wouldn’t be happening right now. My mouth was open and ready for your cock. It doesn’t matter what I feel. You want to see how much I can take. How much of a pain slut I can be. You shove your cock all the way down my throat, making me choke and gag. You want me to puke on your cock and I do, my barf completely covering it. You let me get a moment’s breath, but you’re not done. I’m a nasty fucking cocksucker who needs to be forcibly fucked by you to learn my lesson. You don’t even wipe off the puke before you shove your cock in my pussy. I cry out and try to move, but you’re quick to grab my throat, pinning me down. I don’t need to breathe. All I need to do is choke while you watch me slowly lose consciousness, becoming a more pliable victim as the seconds go by. Once I stop fighting back, you come inside my nasty barf and cum-filled pussy, completely dominating my worthless junkie ass. You throw some money on the ground next to me. This is barely enough for a bump. I will need to come back to you to satisfy my addictions, one for meth and one for humiliating pain.
Accomplice phone sex Harper
Accomplice phone sex is what I Live and die for! Of course you like that don’t you? You like that I’m a fucking nasty little girl who will do nasty things to your little girls! I understand it must be so lonely to have the kinks that you do. And I know that not many people share your best for blood and gore.
I understand you. I play with your mind and open it up. We thrive in each others sick worlds. Nothing is hotter, than when a man jacks to snuff smutt!
I know what makes you tick. And your snuff girl Harper is going to lead you down the deepest rabbit holes you could ever imagine. Yeah I’m a bit of a party girl and I like the hard stuff because things that get you hard are despicable. My communicate to you through your soul your deep darkness!
Accomplice phone sex Whores do it best!
Speaking of deep darkness that’s where I know that cock wants to be buried right now. Buried so fucking in some little sluts pussy that we took from her mommy and daddy. That van rental was genius as we swooped in and took her was barely a whimper. Kidnapping phone sex gets so hot with you!
How she cried and begged for mercy. But we couldn’t have that could we? My Hands around her throat. My pussy smushed on her angelic face was the last grace!
It’s always so fun grabbing you a delectable sweet treat. I shall christen this one Sweet meat and honor her little fat puff that’s still there. Aw thanks to teen girls like me who crave your sickness. I’ll look here your sniffle creates a private spot for you to unleash your inner demons. No matter how dark or deviant they may be. Devilishly Yours, Harper