Category: Mutilation phone sex

Snuff Porn Revenge

Revenge is a dish best served with their intestines wrapped around their throat, and their decaying cock in your cunt. I had and ex that drugged and violated me several times, and with my new found attitude, I decided it was time to get my revenge. So, I texted him that I got us a hotel room, and that I wanted tonight to be the night we finally have sex. Since he doesn’t know that I know what he did to me, this plan was perfect. I wore sexy lingerie, so that he wouldn’t be suspicious. I had champagne set out for us, and there was something extra special in his. I thank cheerleading for the muscles to move his fat unconscious ass. The only difference between us is that I violated him when he woke up because I wanted to hear his screams and see the look of horror on his face. I cut right across his toned abs, and ripped his intestines out. I wrapped them around his throat until he started turning blue. I loved seeing him weak and vulnerable, trying to cling to what little life he had left in him. My pussy was dripping wet watching him take his last breathe. It’s true what they say about how a man’s cock stays hard when he dies, and I stuck to my word. I rod him until his body was cold, and his corpse started to smell. 

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Accomplice Phone Sex Makes Me Fucking Wet

What really turns on an evil cheerleader babysitter type? Accomplice phone sex for sure! I can’t help but get really turned on in the heat of the moment when the murderess fun starts to go down. I have a weakness for inflicting pain and sorrows on others. So when I met up with this guy for drinks and he was going off about the bratty whore of an ex and what she deserved to have done to her, I was all tingly with anticipation.

I got my knife out and started caressing the blade thinking of a million uses for it with the main focus being some dumb whore. How many places to cut, carve and stab. I contemplated the insertion of such a blade into her slut gash and how much fun it would be to violate her with it. I can’t help but love to play with my knife. I was super horny and we went back to my place to fuck, The whole time I drilled him in what he wanted to do to that whore. I wanted him to fuck me with the horrific details and the finale being when we sever her head and he gets to skull fuck her in he many head holes.

Accomplice phone sex

Cult Style

Mutilation phone sex


It gets twisted in my mind sometimes, I can’t help myself. I think about the most wicked things, and it releases me. I wish that you could cover me and your liquids but not the fluids that everybody thinks I’m talking about. Don’t you like me, aren’t I pretty can you imagine me covered in red if you can then you know exactly what I’m talking about. I want you to bleed for me, I want to bleed for you too. Do you think that we could do some really demented shit we can mix piss with blood and shit I love it it’s tasty just like all of my rape fantasies. Do you think that you could get me hot and wet by pushing something tangy and twisted inside of my cum dumpster cunt? I could tell you things that would make your cock cream like a cake. I can just feel the vibration of your balls wanting to release all over me. I want your hot creamy cum, I need it please give me that tasty hot cum-filled cock, right now don’t fucking hold back on me you know that I get weak for you. I want you to slice me and dice me yes cut me if you love me and beat me like a pinata. I want you to knock me down and rip all of my clothing off of my body explore all of your nasty thoughts you can do the most vulgar things to me. I love it the pain it feels like pleasure the gore feels like good in every single way. I don’t have any taboos I’ll do anything I’ll eat anything, and I’ll drink anything so feed me Cult Style.

Watching Snuff Movies

snuff moviesAfter hours of watching snuff movies with Paul, he was so fucked up he wanted to reenact a scene. I thought he was kidding, but he throttled me onto the floor and bound my arms and my feet. He dragged me to his basement like I was a side of beef. Each stair he dragged my bound body down, I was sure would leave a mark. He was extremely angry and hyped up on some sort of meth. He strung me up to a rafter like I was a side of beef. He laughed at me as tears streamed down my face. He put clothes pins on my nipples. He put a wide butt plug up my ass, so I wouldn’t shit myself as he inflicted pain. He whipped my body until it was bloody. He just had this evil smirk on his face. It was torture sex. Nothing but pain. He slapped my face a few times until blood trickled from a busted lip. He wanted my bloody mouth giving him head. He skull fucked my mouth as I bled on his dick. He was so mean and violent with my body. He had never been like this before. I didn’t know what to do. There was nothing I could do but take it. After he came in my bloodied mouth, he used my face as his punching bag. My screams annoyed him because he stuffed a ball gag in my mouth while he took a match to my nipples and clit. He enjoyed melting the flesh off my most sensitive areas. The smell of my burning flesh made me puke. I started to gag on my own vomit because of the ball gag, but he just watched me choke on my own puke until I passed out. My pain is his pleasure. Is it yours too?

Nipple Torture

Sadistic phone sex My client Nick has a sadistic fetish he loves nipple torture and I love being the whore he tortures. We always meet at his house. He has a room set up for torturing nipples. In the middle of the room is a steel table which I lay on after he cuts off my clothes. The table is cold and only adds to the excitement in me. He blindfolds me so I never can see what instrument he is bringing out for torture. He has steel cuffs for my wrists and ankles. I never know what nasty thing Nick has in store for my nipples. What I do know is that it will be extremely painful and my cunt will squirt and squirt.

Please Don’t Kill Me Jezabel!

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Girls can be so mean, and I would know because I was violated, abused, and murdered because of it. To me, me making cheer captain was the best thing that could happen to me, but for my competition, it was the thing that pushed her over the edge. Jezabel was always so nice to me while they were putting me through hell as the new girl, but when I got what she wanted then she snapped. She acted nice at first, and kept telling me how happy she was for me. She even offered me a gift. She told me she had a modeling gig this weekend, and there was one more slot. Jezabel said that if I was hot enough for cheer captain, then I was certainly hot enough to be a model. When I got there I was in utter shock. She neglected to mention that it was a nude photo shoot. I was going to go home, but Jezabel convinced me to stay. The photo shoot was just me and her. The only other person there was, was the creepy camera man, and him and Jezabel kept looking at each other like they were gonna fuck right then and there. Half way through, Jezabel offered me a sip of her water, and I took a big gulp. You would think I would know better by now then to drink or eat something from someone else, but I just never learn. I passed out almost immediately. When I woke up I was strapped down to a hard metal surface in a dark moist room. Jezabel and the camera man are off to the side talking until they notice that I am awake. At first, I didn’t believe that Jezabel could do something like this, so I screamed for her to help me. She laughed at me, and that was when I seen her face just how twisted she really was. Her and the camera man completely mutilated my naked body, and she told me it was for taking her spot as captain. After a few hours of torture, she slit my throat, andt hey had sex on top of my lifeless body.

snuff porn

Fuck Your Little Sluts To Death

This snuff sex call is going to go really well tonight. I have you by your god damned balls mother fucker and I will get my way without having to get my hands dirty. You see, I really do not like your slutty offspring, and babysitting for you when I was younger really turned me into a true hater of young ones. I became the sadistic that I am today thanks to those spoiled fucking hoes of yours. I want you to break their little vaginas open with your large fat cock and pound them to their death. While your dick is in that tight vagina and your plowing away at it I hand you a billy club and tell you to bludgeon her fucking head with that. I want to see blood, bone shards and brain matter all over the bed and I want you to fucking ejaculate as you take that blow.

Snuff Sex

Sealing The Deal

Evil phone sexMy boss had an important deal on the table with a local contractor. This was a huge deal with lots of money attached to the deal. It was really important for my boss to nail this. He was on my ass all week and punishing me when I was not moving fast enough to get things ready and set up for the meeting. Usually, when he has big deals my services are needed to ensure the deal. I am a pain slut sex addict 3 hole whore. I walk in there and let them know I will do anything at all it takes to make sure they do business with my boss. I let them know how rough I love it and how much I crave their cock.



Mutilation phone sexCut me if you love me, beat me if you care, slam my fucking head into the ground I love it. I like an inebriating Guy the one who wants to treat me like he doesn’t give a fuck. I want you to choke me while you’re fucking me hard I can’t get enough. I like to be treated like a cum guzzling tramp slut off the streets. You know what I love, and you know how to give it to me I just want you and your big cum-filled cock. You know your roaring cock really drives me wild If you could fuck me the way that I need you to fuck me then I would suck your asshole for you until you shit in my mouth. I love tossing salads and being a sex mutant. I want to fuck you; I want to let you drive your thick cock inside of my big swollen pussy all night long. I want you to tie me up and strap me down to the bed and control me. I’m so submissive to you that’s what I love it makes my nipples hard and my pussy wet. I’m a fierce whore, I can’t fucking forget cruel acts to my slutty cum-dumpster cunt. My daddy let me know it for real he used to pee on my head and call me his water girl, he really likes to pee on me. Daddy covers me with shit he let me know that I was a toilet. Now I know my role in life just a fucking trash toilet bitch who needs to be treated inferior. I deserve all this animal behavior I’m nothing in this world, and I know it. I’m entirely blank everyone else is more important than me. I lack importance, and I want you to treat me like it. I’m your cum guzzling slut I can take it all of the abuse I love to be treated like a fucking dipshit piece of nothing. I Come From the Bottom of the barrel a shitty fucked up little girl grown up to be a prostitute slut nothing. Do you want to come into my world? I’m a skank, and I love to get high on meth it’s the best feeling in the whole wide world to be fucked really voyeuristic. I want everyone to watch us and I want to watch you too I want to give you some girls that are little and cute do you think you can handle that?

Sadistic Phone Sex w/ an Evil Dominatrix

I’m a real evil bitch that greatly enjoys sadistic phone sex with worthless groveling imbeciles who need to be directed by a strong woman. Your will is no longer your own and I will drag you into my dark realm of torturous ecstasy, well torturing you is my ecstasy.  The last guy that thought he could be a grovelling fool that begged for my attention lost more than his balls, I cut his whole fucking cock off and used it to masturbate. I only made use of it as it was a rather nice cock, too bad there was an idiot attached to it, but a nice big knife solved that problem. I love watching a worthless piece of flesh bleed out while I sever all the limbs and toss the torso in the dutch oven to roast on a bonfire.

Sadistic Phone Sex