I was asleep and swear I was having the weirdest dream. I would call it a torture sex nightmare, really. It wasn’t a dream though. I woke up and it was all happening as though I was in sleep paralysis. I felt like my body was abducted by demons and they were ravishing every inch of it. My breasts were clawed and bloody. My cunt was burning as though it was clawed at and penetrated by a hot poker. Thing is, I couldn’t scream or fight it. I like hovered over my body as this was happening and was fully aware. The pain, seeing it and experiencing it. Kind of like an alien abduction episode of the X-files only it was with Alien Demons? They were like destroying me with claws and huge demon cocks. These cocks were straight out of hell. They were glaring bright like a burning staff. I was in so much pain and somehow I was forced to watch and experience every bit of the pain. I could not move on my own will nor could I scream or utter the slightest noise, well except for moans. I know I was not moaning, something was possessing me. I woke up and everything seemed normal. Except, I had a belly bulge. Was I implanted with demon seed impregnation?
Category: Mutilation phone sex
Medical Fetish Phone Sex Calls with a Wicked Butcher
Do you enjoy medical fetish phone sex? I love it because I love sexual mutilation. I am known as a wicked butcher. I love to use my knife collection to destroy the sex organs of the very young. They way I see it, I am preventing breeding whores from breeding. I am draining the swamp of the future welfare moms with 10 brats and ten different baby daddies. I found this young teen whore running a scam on men outside of Starbucks. I know, I do not like the overpriced coffee kind of girl. I am not. I am the overpriced chai tea latte girl. In my defense, some of the best people watching is in a Starbucks. Cute young girls go into to get some sugary whipped drink that in ten years will give them diabetes. Most of the girls I see in one are flirty with older men who might pay it forward and give them a free drink. This girl I was watching had a different excuse for every man. She was not just collecting money for a drink or a sandwich. She was picking their wallets. I told her I was an off duty undercover officer, and she lifted a known felon’s wallet. I just needed her to buy my excuse to get in my car. I drove her to my kill shack. It took her a bit before the light bulb went off. When it did, it was too late. She was naked on my psycho gynecological table. Legs in stirrups. Strapped down. I put my knife up her cunt and sterilized her. I scraped her inside girl parts out. I ruined her for having brats she could not support. Okay, so I snuffed her too. I mean she saw my face. I just wanted the torture sex to come before her death. Girls gotta have some fun, right? She is coyote food now. One future breeding whore down, thousands more to go.
Veganuary Is For Cannibalism
Cannibalism phone sex is what starts a New Year off right. Sweet succulent flesh of Virgins. Really, Virginuary is the new way of Veganuary. I couldn’t come up with a way to alter the January with cannibalistic tastiness but what’s sweeter than innocence?
I like to consider myself a little like the witch from Hansel and Gretel. The lurer of sweet young things to cook up in my oven. A good serial killer always lives in solitude.
The solitude of the woods is great. I go to the nearest city and find the young runaways.
As a Sadistic phone sex whore, I find the most sweet and innocent ones. Ok, sometimes I just visit the shelter or an orphanage. I like the ones without any smarts. I always have a pervert pdaddy telling me what he is seeking. I find them, of course there’s a fee for this. I bring them back to my cabin in the woods. He will be waiting. We have fun bathing and cleaning the succulent meat. The little brat or brats get tenderized with a good hardcore ass fucking and cunt destroying.
We rub on the extra virgin olive oil and season the meat. Stuff in a few veggies and pop them in the oven. Making out and fucking like maniacs as the smell of that flesh cooks is the best thing ever. We work up a hunger and slice into that sweet ass cheek and cunt. Yummy!
Murderous New Year Party
It was a Murder Phone Sex Fantasies kind of start to my 2021. I’m just such a fucking slut and whore. It’s inevitable that I get these fantasy raped kind of things happening to me all the time. We have snow where I live. It was fucking freeing out New Years Evening and the day as well. I was cornered at the club by a group of frat type guys. They were not letting up with their comments. Instead they started to grope at me. They got crude. All I did was giggle at one that commented on how hot I looked and how he’d fuck me hard. I walked away without thanking him. He was livid with me and called me a stuck up bitch. He and his crew of guys cornered me and asked why I was such a cunt.
I didn’t find any of them attractive nor my type but their sadistic phone sex plans were clear. They were college guys with no money. I am a material girl and a gold digging whore. These poor assed mommy and daddy supporting assholes aren’t worthy of my time. They were as inexperienced and useless as their bank accounts were overdrawn. I hated their attention. They started manhandling me and ripping my clothes off once they shoved me out the back. I was freeing and shoved down in the snow and got what was coming to me. They all took their turns on me and tried to be some kind of snuff sex superstars. I was bleeding in the snow with frost bit nipples and in so much pain when a couple of guys found me moments after the guys took off. They were back there smoking a joint when they noticed me and showed mercy. I know you won’t show mercy on my whoredness.
Ring in 2021 with Snuff Movies
Ring in the new year with snuff movies. I am not kidding either. 2020 has been a train wreck. Let snuff films make you feel better knowing that some worthless cunt is getting slaughtered. I am a sick bitch. I do not just watch, however. I make my own snuff flicks too. I have made my one resolution for 2021 and that is to kill more. I want and I need to make more snuff films. 2020 was harder to get access to folks. My usual hunting grounds were closed down for months like malls and school playgrounds. I am hopeful that a vaccine will open shit back up and allow my mayhem to continue. I got the celebrations off to an early start but luring a teen whore away from Starbucks with the promise of making her a scream queen. Now, it was not a lie. It was just a different interpretation. She thought I was casting for a big screen horror movie, not a private snuff porn. I like girls thinking this is a real audition because it is so much fun when they give me their best audition. I let them tryout before I really torture and murder them so I can compare the staged fear against the real fear. The little skank I picked up last night was not giving me her best work during the audition. Once I pierced her perky nipples and sewed her whore cunt shut, she started giving me much more to worth with. Pain is a great motivator to give your best performance ever as a scream queen. Once my knives were out and piercing her tender age flesh, that little teen whore was giving me her best screams and her best fear. I tortured her for hours before I put her out of her misery. My guess is tonight, I will look for another young whore to mutilate and murder. The world needs more snuff sex videos. They are cathartic.
Train Ride Slut
Shut the fuck up he said as he slammed my head into the floor, my face pressed up against the floor with blood dripping down my cheek. I wish you would do it Hader next time, Daddy fuck, that drip of blood down my lips made my pussy wet and open. He grabbed my hair and pulled my body off of the floor, quite filthy ass whore it’s time to ride the train he said.
I always love Friday nights when invites all his drug friends over they pass me around like the needle whore I am, From One guy to the next my pussy drips and cries out for every cock and needle around me. I love knowing they all think I’m filthy trash.
I am trash and love putting a syringe on my pussy veins, as my raw bruised swollen pussy gets passed around, Master said he saved the best for last.
I begged him to please hurry and shoot the syringe in me, I can’t take this agony anymore about to make my bruised raw pussy squirt out. I don’t care what’s in the needle just put it in me now,
5 minutes later, my high kicked in an I came instantly, something about the sharpness just makes my nipples hard like rock, now I’m soaked thinking about how much I was being tossed around and trained on, I let him know I will always be his syringe slut and I love being his friends train ride, I am a train wreck and everyone’s always inside my hole, they piss spit and slap me, that’s ok I like it all of it the throbbing and redness of my pussy after being beat and fucked feels AMAZING.
I can’t wait until next Friday; I really hope they bring a higher dose and more dirty needles to the party with after all I am a druggie slut.
Torture Sex Fuck Doll Geneva
It’s true, I was given to a sadistic sex predator as a Living Torture sex fuck doll. The gift tag attached stated I was disposable and to have fun. I was purchased and sent to this felon escapee that was hiding out. He was a sexual predator serial killer and loved Barbie types. He has murdered too many for him to even keep track. Picking up girls online dating sites was the start, then he needed something more and started whore hunting. He would stalk drunk college aged chicks from the clubs that were all dolled up for fucking. He claims he just gave them what they craved. The attention and the cock and to be tortured and put to death. These chicks were nothing but trash anyway. The very same was true about me. The fact that I got wet and moaned as he fantasy raped my holes made him even meaner. He didn’t want me to derive pleasure. I cried and begged even just to get more pain. He put cigarette burns on my nipples, my clit and even my ass. I still wanted more. He sliced off my nipples, sliced my clit and ejaculated on my bloodied sliced up parts and I still came. I am lucky he has allowed me to live. He just couldn’t get off with someone like me and put me to the streets.
Mommy Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
Every woman has rape phone sex fantasies, but I am not every woman. I have darker than normal fantasies. I have a phone son who loves to explore mommy’s dark desires. We party together. I think that may be the root of all my evil. I am a coke whore. Mommy needs her medicine. And that need makes her do all sorts of wicked things. This phone son of mine exploits my addiction for his own financial and personal gain. Last week, my son paid me a visit. He knew I was desperate for a fix. This pandemic has hurt my finances and my access to coke. My son always has coke for his mommy whore, but it comes at a cost. I had to star in one of his little snuff sex live streams. I love my son. I know he has my back. That is why he only hits me from the front. He gives me coke to lessen the pain. I need it too because his audience is sending money for punches and smacks. They want to see my head banged against a wall. They want to see large items inserted into my fuck holes. They want to see me punched in the face. Spiral fractures, broken noses, busted lips and bruised skin is what they are paying for. I am just here to help my son and get my coke. My son was in a holly jolly mood too. Punches, kicks, slaps, burns, chokes…whatever his viewers wanted they got for Bitcoins of course. My son is sadistic. He gets off on torture sex. He always saves the most sadistic stuff for his own pleasure like fucking my pee hole while putting a plastic bag over my head, so I suffocate on camera. He comes close to killing me every time, but luckily, he does not. I think he knows how fun it is too abuse mommy over and over again.
Castration Phone Sex Fun
Castration phone sex will always be a favorite of mine. When I do real time castrations, I use an old electric chair my grandpa gave me. Its from the 50s and 60s. Several men died in that chair. I have refurbished it to turn it into a castration chair. I added a plank between the legs with a hole to separate the balls from the dick. All the original leather straps hold the arms, head and legs down. I will not lie, castration hurts. I can do it the humane way like you do with sheep, or I can do it the inhumane way, which is more fun. Well, more fun for me at least. I like inflicting pain. I castrate two types of men. There are willing victims. Pathetic yes, but either it is a mercy job or a paid job. Guys like that get the humane castration. That includes a castration band to restrict the blow flow which slows bleeding and makes for less of a scar. For men in this category, I numb the area first; I use a soldering iron to seal the wound and I use a clean blade. The other kind of men I castrate are just tools and pricks. They are lucky they do not get snuff sex. I loathe them and I do not care if they bleed out. I give no anesthetic. I often use a rusty blade. And sometimes, I take the entire dick too. They will have a nasty scar. What determines the type of castration you receive is you. Nice men who just happened to be cursed with small dicks or men who want to pay me to take the family jewels, get treated with compassion. Assholes, tools, misogynists and dudes who try to force themselves on women, do not. So. Do you want me to castrate you gently or do I just need to rip your worthless nuggets off with my bare hands or a rusty blade?
Cannibalism Phone Sex Surprise
I was asked to make the big holiday dinner for work this year, and I grinned cunningly at those faces around me. “I’ll make a meal to die for.” I chuckled. They thanked me, hypnotized by my charms and unaware that I truly am an agent of Evil itself. I decided I would give these corporate pricks more than they bargained for. I collected little darlings, and for a week I fed them wonderfully. They were spoiled with sweets, and herbs, and spices, and wines to keep them calm. I fed from them, letting my fangs sink into their neck here and there to sample their sweet blood whiskey I was craving more than anything.
The night before, I slaughtered and carved up my little lambs, and marinated those tender steaks. I cooked all day, feverishly. My little innocents got their bones used for stock, and I made a hearty soup from their organs, and some vegetables from my own garden. It was delicious, up until I added the arsenic. Then I let it simmer away, soaking wet and delighted at the feast that awaited my coworker cohorts.
They came, and I served them a delicious, robust meal. I stayed busy refilling decanters and wine glasses. None of them noticed I only picked from certain dishes. They complimented my steak, and asked what it was. I grinned, nonchalantly stroking my cunt under the table in a moment of rest, as I chuckled, “Goat. It’s young goat.” They were in awe. And then, the sickness set in as the apple cyanide custard was a sure hit. Cleaning up that evening, I stacked my bonfire high, cumming in front of the flames as I praised Baphomet.