Category: Mutilation phone sex

Killer Phone Sex Beheading After Anal Prolapse Deflowering

Killer phone sex comes in many forms. Last nights run was a damned hard ass riding. Literally the ass was ridden hard with the deflowering and prolapsing of a tight teen hole.

As I was seeking out some fresh ass meat for my partner, it was this teen catholic girl that caught my eye. In fact she was just so adorable with a plump ass and pert tits. It made me sick how cute she was.

Obviously I got a little sadistic with her when I found my partner really enjoyed tapping that ass pucker. So I decided to take a machete and lop of her head. He was still penetrating that ass and just started getting his rhythm.

That very moment I saw in his face the nearing moment of ejaculation I slapped that blade down. Her head went thumb. Then her asshole spasmed. And my partner well, he came harder than ever with a loud grunt.

Killer Phone Sex

It’s better than drilling for oil. It’s a bloody fuck hole. Torture phone sex me to death.

Torture Phone Sex

The boarder between pleasure and pain is a very fine line. You can either love a large dick in you, or it’s the most painful experience ever. No real in between.

For me, that line is very blurred. I love having my pussy getting tortured by whatever implement is being shoved in it at the time. Possibly something that can stretch the hole till it ripes open.

Most natural lube ever is blood. Might as well use it. Even if it’s a finite amount.

Getting my ass gaped is just as pleasurable too. Even with that Pear of Anguish. Just spread this bitch open so you can see what I look like on the inside. I’d love to have my pussy and asshole connect at some point to be one giant bloody mess of a cave. Stick anything in there you want.

Trust me. I want it that way.


Castration Phone Sex Can Happen Anywhere

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my hobby and my passion. Balls are a privilege that I can revoke at any time. Just because you have balls does not make you superior. In fact, I will argue it makes you inferior because men get too accustomed to their balls. They touch them nonstop. Men become a slave to their balls. And that makes them do stupid shit. When they do, I revoke their privileges.

If you cannot use your balls for good, you do not deserve them. And you would be surprised at how many men think they are superior to women and that their balls give them certain rights to my body. Men can be so fucking stupid. I am not a woman who believes my body your choice. However, I do believe your body, my balls if you act like an entitled fool.

Your Balls are a Privilege and I Can Revoke Your Privilege Any Time

And Jeff acted like a fool in front of me. So, I revoked his privileges. Severed his balls from his body with some extreme cock and ball torture sex.  And I did not do anything to dull his pain or slow the bleeding down. Where would be the fun in that, right?  I rarely take out my anger publicly. Safer to kill and maim in my dungeon. But this asshole followed me into the restroom at my Goth bar. He was out of place, not me. So, I knew my bar patrons and the staff would have my back.

He tried to push himself on the wrong girl. Without missing a beat, I pulled out the knife strapped to my leg when he pulled his worthless dick out of his pants. I grabbed his dick, tugged really hard, and put my knife under the balls. And with one smooth move, I severed his worthless nuggets in a dirty bathroom stall. For all I know, he bled out on the floor. If he did, he would be taken out with the trash. I am an evil phone sex bitch. Do not cross me. I will sever your balls and leave you to bleed out too.

Kidnapping Phone Sex Scenario Left Me Bloodied and Battered

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex scenarios often seem like a page out of my own life. I get fucked up and vulnerable. And that makes me easy prey for predators. On Sunday night, I went down to the seedy part of town to score some coke. This time, I did not need to subject myself to any cruel torture to get a bag of coke. Some guys just party with me for fun. Of course, I sucked their cocks and let them fuck my ass, it was nothing hardcore or violent.

But I got wasted and could not even find where I parked my car. So, as I stumbled around in the dark looking for my car in the warehouse district, some guy grabbed me and shoved me in the trunk of his car. At some point, I passed out. When I woke up, I found myself hanging from the rafters in some dungeon basement. Naked of course.

A guy stood before me with a whip. I had no idea if he wanted to make a snuff porn with me or just beat the shit out of me. He did not kill me. But he made me wish that he did. He whipped me like a slave in the south in the 1800s. Flesh felt like it might fall off my skin. I pleaded to know who he was and why he kidnapped me, but he just smiled and evil smile and continued whipping me. Never spoke a word to me.

When I am Fucked Up I Become Easy Prey

My pleas fell on deaf ears. The more I pleaded, the rougher he got with me. So, I quickly learned to shut the fuck up. But it did not make much of a difference. Either way, he wanted to hurt me. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Easy prey for a sadistic phone sex man. Eventually, his arm got tired of whipping me and he left the room. But he left me hanging from the rafters. Luckily, I have one skill.  I am double jointed from years of abuse. So, I got out of there while he went MIA.

Not sure how I got back to my car, but I did. And now I am tending to my broken flesh and battered body with copious amounts of coke and weed. My 9 lives will run out soon.

An Accomplice Phone Sex Partner Helps Make Sick Dreams Come True

accomplice phone sexI love being the accomplice phone sex partner. Becoming a professional accomplice turned out to be the best decision I ever made. And the most profitable one too. GFE babe and stripper by day, sadistic partner in crime at night. Maybe it’s not honest work, but it’s fun work. And very financially rewarding. You would be surprised at what men with money will pay for.

Money gets men anything they want. Recently, I experienced something right out of a horror movie like Hostel. Ever seen that one? Wealthy folks pay tons of money to do sick things to people in some old, abandoned building in Slovakia. Torture sex, even murder. No one gets out alive sort of thing. This client wanted to have his own hostel experience. But he wanted a teen girl to torture and eventually kill.

Although he did not need me to do the torture and killing, he did need me to secure him a girl and film it for him. He wanted to make a homemade snuff movie for his spank bank. Essentially, he just wanted to savor the moment that he got to torture, fuck and kill a hot teen slut.

I Help Men Make Their Sick Fantasies a Reality

Teen girls dick tease him he claimed. And he just got tired of it. Cannot say that I blame him. Teen girls nowadays seem like something out of a porn movie. They dress like little sluts and they just want men to buy them things and spoil them because they are young and hot. But men will not drop a dime on a girl who keeps her legs shut.

Men never mind spoiling young girls, but they expect something in return. So, I found him this hot blonde cheerleader. Told her I could make her a star.  But she did not know it would be a snuff porn star. She screamed bloody murder when he started carving up her pretty, tight, little body. I watched and filmed everything. He carved her up better than a Thanksgiving turkey.

She bled crimson red. Her blood tasted sweet though. And I know because he kissed me after he slit her throat. Blood spurted everywhere. She eventually exsanguinated on the warehouse floor. But before that, she endured a lot of torture. And my client loved killing her so much, we have a weekly date. I may never need to work again with the money he pays me.

Torture Sex is the Only Kind of Sex I Get Anymore

torture phone sexTorture sex is the only sex I get. But as a masochist, I do not mind. At least I do not mind if I am getting coke in exchange.  Last night, this sadist drug dealer I know, wanted to torture my tits and cunt for hours. But I had to endure it. What were my options?  No coke for a holiday weekend was not a viable option for me. So, I let him mutilate me.

For an hour, he zapped my flesh with a cattle prod. Have you ever smelt burning flesh? It’s an awful smell, especially if it’s your own flesh. I think smoke started to ooze out my nipples he shocked my tits so much. But my boob torture served as foreplay. He went to my clit next. Singed my red pussy hair. Burning hair smells as bad as burning flesh. Honestly, I thought about calling off the deal, and going to my stepson instead. However, I had endured so much torture phone sex already, I thought I needed to see it through.

Sometimes, It Amazes Me What My Body Can Endure for Coke

As he burned the flesh off my clit, I thought about all the coke I would have for this weekend. It would let me keep up with my teenage boys and their soccer pals who were spending the weekend with us. After he burned my clit, and my nipples, he shoved the cattle prod up my worthless cunt. When he shocked me, he laughed as my body jolted and I pissed everywhere. Involuntary reaction to an electric prod shoved up my cunt.

That turned him on, so he decided to shove it up my ass next. And that hurt more than the nipple, clit and cunt torture combined. When he finished torturing me, he untied me, but he made me lick my piss off the concrete floor of the warehouse we were in. And he added his piss to the mix to humiliate me while I was down. At this point, this taboo phone sex whore has no shame left. I spit shined the floor, got my coke and got the fuck out of there with my burnt and sore body.

Mutilation phone sex for me to destroy you into pieces.

Mutilation phone sexMutilation phone sex for me to destroy you into pieces. I would love to slice your face right the fuck up. Sometimes I can’t even stand that smirk on your face. I just want to cut it up and make you like a joke. The room is filled with knockout gas and with my little body I have extra strength, dragging up on my metal cutting table. Oh boy, you are really begging me as you come around. Begging for your life as you’re shackled down and chains. 

Mutilation phone sex for me to destroy you into pieces.

Iam Just a Gone wild fucking gremlin. You must pay for all of your deadly sins. I have buried too many bodies for you now. I want to slice and mangle more flesh. Little daughter’s getting revenge!!  My revenge is going to be cutting your fingers and toes off one by fucking one. Don’t you realize my little tiny cunny is getting so much for you. What for mutilating every inch of your fucking horrible statistic flesh. 

Next I go after your balls, peeling them like the frozen grapes in my freezer! Skin hanging dn blood pouring as my exacto knife perfects the flesh peel! Castration phone sex anyone? Scream for me! Making me all the more excited to fuck you up you til your heart stops! It is so much blood and my knife is so sharp!

Castration phone sex so bloody with a side of cannibalism

Oh how I am enjoying watching you struggle with those arms and legs tied down to the table! Keep on humiliating yourself in front of your Sadistic slutty daughter! That just makes me want to slice and dice more until you bleed out. With the price of meat these days, you will feed me and my sisters for a month! we will eat your balls like pate’  first! 

Sadistic Phone Sex Bitch Gets off on Neutering Losers

sadistic phone sexSadistic phone sex is all I know. I am not a warm fuzzy type of girl. And I am not girlfriend material either. Most men I meet, fill me with disdain. They say something misogynistic, or they somehow falsely believe that they can fuck me just because they are a man. No man is entitled to fuck me. And those who think they can, often lose their balls, sometimes their life too.

At my local Goth bar two nights ago, a guy came in who looked clearly out of place. He looked like a yuppie. And Goth girls like me are accustomed to non-Goth men coming into the bar thinking they can pick up a Goth babe. None of us want some strait-laced suit and tie kind of guy. So, when Adam bought me a drink, I knew what he was thinking. But I am impervious to men like him.

However, I did not plan castration phone sex that night. But he pushed his luck with the comment, “My Body, His Choice.” He played it off like he was joking. But I knew better. So, I took him home and severed his balls. He thought he might get lucky with me. The poor loser assumed I wanted to fuck him. As if that bad joke would make me drop my panties. Maybe it works with a coed bimbo, but not a sadistic bitch. He picked the wrong girl if he wanted to get laid.

Losers with Small Dicks Pay the Price If They Think They Can Fuck Me

Once he was naked, I could see he was all potatoes and no meat. Adam belonged in women’s panties, not boxers.  Talk about a small dick. Wow. If he had 2 inches hard, I would be surprised. I tied him up to the bed, got out my knife, and severed his balls. And I did not even use a castration band. He did not deserve his pain to be lessened. I wanted him to feel everything. He deserved extreme cock and ball torture sex. And he got it. But he cried like a bitch. And he bled like a stuck pig.

Eventually, I cauterized the wound. Although I wanted to kill him, I like neutering men like him, so they have a constant reminder of what their bad actions cost them. He won’t bother any women ever again.

Streaming Mommy’s Ass Rape Porn is Profitable

ass rape pornAnytime my son summons me, I know it is to stream an ass rape porn for his viewers. But I also know he will give me a lot of coke for my troubles. And the good pink coke too. When I arrived, I saw the big bowl of coke on the table. I would need every bit I could get too. In a way, I guess I am a content creator. My son jokes that I need a Dark Only Fans page. I do love the attention. But I love cocaine more.

With my red lips, bimbo outfit and high heels, I got closer to the bowl. You could still see some faded bruises from our last encounter. They never completely fade. Before I could put my face in the bowl, my son stripped me naked so he could slide his cock between my fat cunt lips. However, soon he shoved his arm up my cunt, turning me into his fuck puppet. I endured a few punches before he pulled me by my cunt lips to the bowl of coke.  I put my face in that bowl of coke and took a big snort to dull the pain.

Any sex with my son is torture sex. My son laughed at my Geisha face when I came up for air. White powder covered my face. You could still see my red lips, and raccoon eyes under the coke. The chimes poured in. My boy punched my face, sending my teeth flying across the room. He ordered me to push out my prolapse, and I did. More chimes. My prolapse serves as my boy’s cock sleeve. He zip tied it at 6 inches so I could not suck it back in.

My Son Enjoys Anally Torturing Me and Live Stream It

Some skull fucking ensued, followed by a belt to my prolapse. Sometimes I think my son hates me. He would punch my face, then whip my prolapse with his belt. But the chimes of a happy audience continued to pour in. My boy reminded me of our deal. I am his cash cow and fuck puppet, and in exchange, I get good cocaine. So, I sucked it up. Did some more coke and gummed his cock while he whipped my prolapse repeatedly.

More punches to the face while he stuffed my mouth with his cock. And I could feel my face turning his favorite colors of black and blue as he continued to skull fuck me. I’m his punching bag. He pissed down my throat and I swallowed it like a good whore. My son thinks I look prettier with black eyes and purple cheeks.  And the prettier I look, the more his audience tips.

He dragged me by my prolapsed asshole back to the bowl of coke to numb the pain. If my boy did not love me, he would let me suffer instead of letting me get high. Oh, I forgot to mention that this entire time he tied up my boobs like torpedoes. So, by then they appeared to be a pretty purple too. Before I could snort more coke, he fucked my throat some more while squeezing it to turn it purple too. He believes in beating mommy beautiful.

Beating Mommy Beautiful Brings in the Tips

When he let me bury my face in the bowl of coke, he fucked my prolapsed ass. It’s his cock sleeve. But I buried my face in that bowl of pink coke and just inhaled until he yanked me by my protruding asshole back in front of the camera. He put a plastic bag with some coke over my head while he punched my entire body. As I struggled to snort the coke in the bag, I felt myself begin to suffocate.

The bag stuck to my face with every inhale. My boy went back to fucking his cock sleeve while I gasped for air. And of course, more chimes rolled in. Eventually, he ripped the bag off my face so I could breathe. As he fed me more coke, he slammed my skinny old body on the floor and tossed me across the room. He made mommy fly.

I bounced off the wall like a rubber ball and fell to the floor where he kicked me. But the torture phone sex had only just begun. He gave me a golden enema. That means he shoved his cock down my pee hole and took a piss. More chimes poured in. His audience loves it when he abuses my 4th hole. I am a 4-hole wonder. I showed off for the camera. They sent more tips looking at my battered and broken body.

My Son’s Audience Tips More the Rougher He Gets with Me

My boy started fucking me again. And I felt like a rag doll bouncing up and down his cock. He pulled his dick out of my pee hole to bend me in half like a pretzel. So, he did that so his audience could see my abused and battered old body. With my legs over my head like that, they could pop out of their sockets easily. But that’s what he wanted. By this time, my cunt lips came down to my knees. And in this pretzel position, he fucked my urethra some more. I could hear the chimes of tips pouring in as my boy destroyed my 4th hole.

Eventually, he covered me in his boy batter. And my busted up face got to snort some coke while he showed off the damage he did to my body. He pumped my throat some more while punching me again. I’m my son’s cash cow and fuck puppet. But I never mind because he gives me the best coke. And it dulls my pain until our next live stream.

Mutilation phone sex going to slice and dice you up.

Mutilation phone sex            Mutilation phone sex going to slice and dice you up. The first thing I am going to do is mutilate your inner thigh, just missing the artery. After all, don’t want you to go before the fun is over. Another key point to remember is manners.

            Did you know that everything can be controlled in the brain. In fact, mutilating your skull will grant me access. Take the top of the skull off. At the same time, order you to mutilate your very own cock. Tie up the balls.

            As soon as I have the cap off, I’m going to cut out a piece of your brain. Frontal lobe does sound like a good place to start. It must be remembered that Hannible Lecture would know more about the brain. Where to begin. With this in mind, I do believe I will continue with his work.  

            Like as I mutilate and fuck you going to feed you your own balls and brains. After all, it is what the good Dr. Lecture would want me to do. Have a dinner party. Invite another to play. Accomplice phone sex with a second whore involved. Now we have two of us.

            Shall I feed you to her before we finally snuff you and fuck you. After all necrophilia is a fetish that we both do so like to do. A stiff cock that will never go down again.