Category: Mutilation phone sex

Im gonna bathe in that Bitches Blood!

Accomplice phone sexI know what you like. You like them young. Young and sweet. A tiny little morsel. Something small and petite. I will ripe her clothes off so you can see that pristine body. Her little pink nipples and soft smooth pussy. Look at how delicious she is. Her skin is as soft as a baby blanket. Her hair billows around her body like a halo. She is purity at its finest. I have a special table of little ones like this. It has groove to funnel all the blood to a big bowl under the table. I will let you have some fun by shoving your dick in all her little wholes. I want to hear your rip her apart as she screams. And while you are deep inside her. I am going to pull out my knife and slice the bitch up. Just deep enough to make her bleed. To make her scream louder. To cover you in her blood. And when you are ready to fill her little body with cum. I am going to slice her neck open. I am going to bleed that bitch out while you are pumping your cum deep into her. I will let you fuck her dead little body while I take the bowl of blood and poor it all over my body! OOOH a perfect night. AND when you get doing playing with that TOY… Then you may fuck my bloody body!

Tear Her To Shreds

torture phonesex angie1I have noticed the wolves coming closer to the house as the weather gets closer. I don’t know if it is out of curiosity or in search of food or why they are creeping closer and closer but it is to my advantage. I had a bit of fun last night with a sweet young thing. I brought her in and gave her a good meal with a plan in mind. I made sure to put a good dose of a special herb I have that paralyzes the consumer yet they remain conscience, they are completely aware of everything going on around them and they can feel everything as well, they simply can not move. Once the potion took effect I had some good old fashioned fun torturing the little bitch. I ripped her clothes off and branded her with a nice hot iron that I put in the fireplace, relishing the smell of her burning flesh. I took out my knife and had a great time making her scream as I cut her flesh and drank the blood while it poured out of her. And finally I gagged her and drug her out to the yard where the wolves have been cumming and sat in my window watching. It wasn’t long before I saw the glow of their eyes as they approached the tree line. I watched with delight while my pussy got wetter and wetter the closer they got to her. I knew she would feel every agonizing minute of their feast and I would sit and enjoy every minute of it. She couldn’t scream and scare them off with the gag in her mouth and I watched as they sniffed her bloody body. I began to feel the orgasm work it’s way up my body as they began to rip bits of flesh off of her body jerking her and slinging her paralyzed form as they tore at her. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and I will be feeding them more in the future.

Mutilation Anatomy

Pandora 7The other night, my friend Angie came over to visit me at the morgue where I was finishing up an autopsy on a car crash victim that drink too much and drove off a bridge. However, she wasn’t alone when she arrived. She brought herself a little one that she found asleep on a park bench. Lucky for us that she found such a nice subject to have for  dissecting. Angie and I have been talking for awhile about how much fun it would be to see a specimen so young is this one for a test we want to conduct. We both have been so curious to see how much pain tolerance she can endure while we dissect her before she goes into shock and dies. I will be more than happy to show Angie how to cut her up so we can examine her insides while she is wide awake and with no drugs to numb the pain. Then Angie told me that she show me some of her wicked tricked she loves to  indulge her darkest  desires.  Maybe we should at her cunt and cut her labia off  so we can shove it up her rectum  while we stuff a fist wrist deep into her tiny, underdeveloped vagina. Or better yet … do you have any suggestions?

Nasty Fucker

Castration phone sexI have that feeling. That urge that has been creeping up on me. I have learned to enjoy the urge. I start the hunt for the perfect prey. What type of mood am I in today? bitch… Cunt… What do I want to do? I have so many choices today. The fucking little cunt down the street who was throwing rocks at my dog. Or… How about the little bastard show knocked over my mail box last week…mmmmmm No I know. I caught that guy… That fucked up guy down the block looking into my windows. That guy who slinks around the neighborhood peeking and watching all the girls. I would be doing my civic duty. He is perfect! I find the fuck wad. It wasn’t hard. He was at the playground watching the brats. I tell him I need his help. I will pay him. He comes with me willingly. I take him to the house… I told him there were some box’s in the basement. When he went down stairs I hit him over the dead with a weight. He went down hard. When he woke up I had him tied tight to a poll. I explained he was a blight on the community. A waste of our air. I was gonna make him pay for his sins. I picked up a spoon and popped his eyes right out of his head. They were just dangling on bloody cords from his eye socket. I put a little battery acid on a plate and dipped his eyes in the acid. He was screaming! It is the last time he tries to peek at shit he shouldn’t. I noticed this sick fuck was getting hard at the pain! And I am NOT doing this for his fucking amusement. So I pick up my blade and start slowly sawing off his hard cock And balls. After I free them from him I slip them in his mouth and tape them firmly in place. Let him chock to death on his own cock. Nasty fucker deserves that. I don’t have much time before he bleeds out or chokes to death. so I use my time wisely. I cut him up really good. Getting out all my frustrations. I feel much better now.

Do It Bitch….

Knife play phone sexSometimes it is not about the sex, or the blood. Sometimes it is all about the control. When I need to feel the ultimate control. Ooh it’s easy to snuff the life out of someone. Easy to use them. But it is so much more thrilling to make someone do something so against their nature. To make someone bend to your will even though it goes against every fiber of their being! I started by wearing all black even a mask. I let her know.. She hasn’t seen my face. So I may let her live. Then I show her all the videos of the torturing and killing I have done. Then explain. I will kill her. Just like the others. I will make her life hell before I snuff her out. OR… She can do what I tell her. And I will let her go. Easy. Of course I tell her to fuck herself with a knife. The fear and repulsion. Her every desire to say no! The ultimate control is making her do it. Without ever touching her. And maybe… just maybe I will let the whore live. But who knows…sometimes it is just as fun making her do it. Then killing her anyhow.

Cut Her Up…

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I’ve come to the conclusion that bitches love attention. If you really wanted to off yourself you would do it right the first time. Little brats who like to cut their wrist from left to right… that’s just them seeking attention. And well, I’ll give it to you. How about we set up a play date with miss cutter. She’s out of the hospital and off suicide watch. This is the perfect time to take her under my wing. Show her how to end it for good this time. I love to lure them in.  It makes my pussy so wet at the thought of a girl taking a razor blade and letting the blood drip until she takes her last breath. This time it won’t just be her wrist. Let’s see, how about her tits, thighs, and her pussy lips. Some call me sick and twisted. Maybe I am. But you love it don’t you? You wanna watch me force an innocent little pussy into dragging a blade over her pure skin again and again until she’s all cut up. Tears running down her face as I run my fingers through her blood making the sweetest smears around her nipples. She’ll be crying but who gives a shit. My pussy is so wet it’s dripping all over the floor. Bitches love pain and attention, I’m convinced. Some may frown upon sadism, but I love that shit. And you love my violent behavior don’t you? You love to hear me talk about cutting, slashing, bleeding, bruising, crying and what I love the most.. snuffing bitches. That’s why you keep coming back isn’t it? Well come and take a bloody ride, I’ll be your hostess for the night.  

Fun Run

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I had to go on some stupid fun run this week end. My mom said I needed to start working on my community involvement. I can tell you it pissed me the fuck off! I can’t fucking stand all the fuck heads from my school. And now I have to put up with them on the fucking week end. The only reason my mom is still alive it I don’t want to be put in foster care! So I went to the fucking fun run. And I made my way thru the trail. 5 fucking miles of heat and nature! Not fun for me. When I came across Janet sitting off to the side. She is a few years younger than me. And one of those perky people I hate. I was gonna just walk right past her and she called out to me. “Hey bitch you don’t see me here? I am fucking hurt freak! I need help” At first I looked around cause I know that bitch isn’t talking to me. Then I realized she was. I did know exactly where we were. I have used a little bunker just a few hundred feet over the hill. Too far for anyone to hear her scream so I told her I was taking her to safety. And she walked with me. When she sees the bunker she starts to balk. I have to hit her over the head. And knock her out to get her in. She wakes up as I am ripping her clothes off. I have always wanted to look at her pretty little body. She is small and has tiny nipples. Her pussy is bare and soft. She wakes up long enough to ask what the fuck I’m doing. And that is the last thing she will ever say. I picked up a rock and beat the life right out of her. I made sure to take the rock with me and go swimming before I finished my run. And I took a short cut to make sure I finished in a good time. Mommy will be so proud of me.

Sadistic Phone Sex and My Sacrificial Lamb

torture phonesex karmaIn two more days, on October 4th the New Moon rises. This is the time for a very important Satanic sacrifice.
I planned long for this sacrifice. I had to get sinew and a hooked upholstery needle. I had to break into a church and steal a chalice, holy water and some holy communion hosts. I had to construct the cross.
All of this was just in preparation.
Once I had all the things I needed I had to time the acquisition of my sacrifice just right. After all a person can only survive so long before they die.
I found her fairly quickly and abducted her two days ago. She was a young run away on the streets and no one will miss her. The first thing I did was strip her and insert her crown of thorns, You should have heard her scream as the large barbs were pushed into her skull!
Next I nailed her to the cross I had constructed and the blood curdling screams she let out were hellish! I almost thought she would pass out from the pain, it was so perfect!
Then I threaded the needle with the sinew and got it ready for the next step. I shoved her mouth full of the holy communion hosts till she looked like a chipmunk. She was still gagging as I sewed her mouth shut with the sinew. This time all she could do was moan in agony as tears rolled down her face. It was exquisite but I wasn’t done.
I then re threaded the needle and sewed her cunt and ass shut.
She has been hanging there for two days now and is clinging to life, I know she will make it another two days because I have done this before.
By the night of the New Moon she will be very near death and that is when, with the moon high in the night sky, I will sacrifice her by gutting her nearly lifeless body letting her blood drip into the chalice and mix with the holy water. Then I will remove her barely beating heart. I will offer it up to the King of Darkness before feasting on it and her blood while they are warm and fresh.
In the mean time I am enjoying watching the life slowly drain from her.

You will never get away from this Storm

accomplice phone sexHave you ever been in a horrid storm. One that takes your breath away. One that incites fear from every corner of your being. Where the ground shakes and death looms in the air. That is where my name came from. That is the fear of the unknown. The fear of pain. The fear of the last moments of your life. I will take you away from your safe little life. Strap you down to my table. Deep in my basement in a sound proof room. I will let you rage. Let you scream. I am going to cut away all your clothes. Leave you bare and exposed. I will watch you scream as I cut your skin. The trickles of blood turn me on. I like to have a friend help me here. I want to be whispering in your ear when he slides inside your raw flesh. I want to tell you before he is done. I am going to kill you. Slowly, Painfully.

Killer Vacation…Bye Bye Echo

Snuff Phone Sex Teen LydiaThe awesome thing about these bitches, they all think I look so sweet. They think someone with such a sweet voice couldn’t possibly be so bad. They didn’t want some of the other Snuff Phone Sex girls to come with them on vacation. The didn’t mind me coming though and that was their first mistake.

The moment I laid eyes on that floppy titty teen ho I knew she needed to die. Seriously…what teen has floppy fucking titties? Those dangling fucking B cups looked like string cheese hanging down to her navel. So I decided last night, Echo had to go. We are right on the beach, the waves crash so loud I knew no one would come to her rescue.

Echo jumped at the chance to go skinny dipping. So luring her to her death was pretty damn easy. We striped our clothes off and into the dark ocean we went. I let her lead so she wouldn’t see my fish gutter behind my back. She giggled and splashed with those floppy motherfuckers flailing all over the place. She didn’t smile for long though. Those tits were the first thing to go. I threw those saggy motherfuckers deep into the sea thinking maybe some starving shark would like to choke that shit down. I disemboweled her and danced a circle around her with her guts. The whole time she had that stupid shocked expression on her face. She just couldn’t believe it was happening.  I had fun mutilating the rest of her body into chum.  Now to take the rest of the girls out fishing.  ~Sadistic Grin~