I placed an ad in the local paper for auditions in a film. My cunt trembled as it pumped cum while I was typing the ad. They think it is for a porn film so the most eager and kinky will show up for the auditions. Waiting for the auditions was torturous for me. Envisioning the snuff movie I was about to make and the agony having to wait kept me so fucking hot that I was fucking myself almost 24 hours a day for a solid week. I knew as soon as I saw her that she would be the one. She looked like Snow White to me, fair skin and dark black hair. She had an air of innocence about her with tempting sexuality. She was so excited to have the part and showed up early for tapping. The grey walls of the warehouse and the dim lighting were the perfect back drop. One twin bed with a metal frame and white sheets so the blood would show up a bright crimson against the bleak backdrop was going to be perfect. I had cameras set up and rolling from the moment she walked in. She thought she was going to be the star of the movie but in fact it would be me. Guiding her every step of the way she fell into my embrace as I ripped her clothes from her body. Each minute of filming became more violent and it didn’t take her long to realize something was terribly wrong. When her instinct to flee kicked in I tied her to the bed and pulled out my chain saw. That is when the real fun began. Mutilating her body and immortalizing the carnage on film. Watching it later I have to admit that of all the snuff movies I have ever seen, my very first snuff movie turned out rather well and had a happy ending indeed.
Category: Mutilation phone sex
The First Of My Snuff Movies
Bloody Thanksgiving with Venus
Every year for Thanksgiving my entire family gets together for dinner. I hate most of my family. Last year, I invited my friend John. He is sort of my accomplice/lover. We both share dark desires. We both like to watch people suffer, especially people we don’t like. I am the middle girl, the Jan Brady of the family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Both pretty much suck. My sister was always a bitch to me, and my brother use to sneak in my room late at night and fuck me against my will. Both deserved to suffer. In fact I always told people I had no siblings. Now it’s true.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of my favorite movies and provided inspiration for last year’s bloody Thanksgiving. John and I slipped some roofies in everyone’s cocktails. Not enough to make them pass out, but
enough to make them unable to fight and somewhat incoherent. My brother the molester was the worst offender. We started with him. I went into the kitchen under the premise to get the appetizers, and came back with a chainsaw. My family was laughing. They were so high they didn’t realize I was not joking. I took that chainsaw to my brother. It was my first use of a chainsaw. Blood spurted everywhere. It was really hot. I looked at John and he had a hardon. He had some blood splatter on his face. I kissed him, tasting my brother’s blood. My brother was not dead, but he would be soon. He fell on the dining room table, bleeding out. John gutted him like a pig as he was still twitching. The plan was to cook his intestines and serve it to the family.
My family was covered in blood. They were still laughing, thinking I was pulling some elaborate hoax on them. The next to suffer was my stupid cunt of a sister. We had special plans for her. I cornered her in the hallway, took the chainsaw to her throat. Blood gushed out all over John and I. We wanted to fuck in the pool of blood, but dinner was waiting. By this time my remaining family members were starting to get restless so John tied them to their seats while I prepared the main course. I came back out an hour later and served my sister for dinner. I had her seasoned, stuffed with dressing and covered in a yummy gravy sauce. She was sweet and tender. John got a tender breast. I had a yummy thigh. We force fed my family the rest of her. They balked at first, but once they tasted her flesh, they shut the fuck up. You see human flesh is very delectable. Among the tastiest meat anyone will ever have, if brave enough to try.
You want be at your family events and gatherings. I am a twisted sick bitch not afraid to act on all your dark fantasies. Family is overrated. We choose our real family. Like I chose John.
I Like Her Style
It happened in the 1800’s and little ones still sing about her today. It was the ultimate family day gone wrong (in my eyes a day gone so right). No one knows who wrote the nursery rhyme and it isn’t accurate but it makes my nipples hard and my pussy wet every time I pass a play ground and hear the girls jump roping while singing it.
Lizzie Borden took an axe
gave her mother forty whacks
when she saw what she had done
gave her father forty-one
She didn’t give them that many blows. And she used a hatchet not an axe. But I close my eyes and I can imagine the bloody scene.They say that the faces of the victims were unrecognizable. Blood had to have been splashed every where. I can’t help cumming when I think of it all. That Lizzie knew how to take a bitch and bastard out! The house where it happened still stands today with much of the original furnishings and is a bed and breakfast. I can only imagine how great it would be to lay on the same couch where her fathers mutilated body was while masturbating and cumming harder then I ever have. Wishing that I was laying in his blood after his body was removed and before the site was cleaned up.
The Women Grimm
Once upon a time there were three beautiful triplets. They grew up in the presence of an emotionally indifferent Father and an Alcoholic Mother. One day their Father did not come back from a trip to the grocery store. It took three days for their Mother to notice. They watched as their Mother started to descend into a life changing spiral. Night after night a new Man would come to their home. Their Mother would tell them to go and play as she took the man upstairs to have her “Mommy” time with the man. The one thing that the Sisters always thought confusing is that the men never left.
As they grew older their beauty was unmatched by any women in their town. When their Mother brought Men home instead of them not giving the girls a second glance the Men would pull away from their Aging Mother to spend time with the girls. The girls having been neglected by their Mother all their life took a perverse joy in having this happen. Instead of their Mother being upset by this she was pleased. She began to spend time with them in their room. Showing them how to do their make-up, hair, and teaching them everything they could ever want to know about sex.
Then the time came for their Mother to show them her secret. They made their way into the attic. There they saw many different barrels, each containing the remains of those men and women that they never seen leave the house. Also, hanging from the rafters was the woman who had come last month to check on their welfare. There were even various body parts scattered upon the floor. Blood crusted and oozing fluids. Their Mother explained to them how other men and women of the world were worthless. They were only good for two things, sex and money. They began to take after their Mother.
Pulling men and women into the house, taking erotic pleasure from the fact that although they were enjoying being fucked now, that the best part would come later as the blades, saw, shears and dismemberment would come later. After all, a family that kills together can pay the bills together.
Pregnant Cows
Aren’t pregnant women beautiful? Doesn’t it bring a smile to your face every time you see one? That ‘glow’, the swollen belly, the pure joy on their faces? What the fuck is wrong with you? There is nothing special about a fat swollen cow carrying around a parasite. Something that sucks the very life from you. Pregnant women are nasty. Sweaty, complaining constantly, puking, pissing themselves, walking around thinking they are special because they have a lump of meat growing inside them. So the fuck what? All female life forms can reproduce.
So now what do we have? A woman that forgot to take her birth control who is now super fat, huffing and puffing through the day acting like they are a queen. Who gives a shit? Not me. I call them cows because that’s exactly what they look like. Eating shit all the time, expanding to epic proportions. The good thing about all this is, that cows get slaughtered. That is right, cut up into nice bite sized bits. And if that bovine just happens to be carrying a calf inside her, that just means double the protein.
Home Invasion Phone Sex with Venus: Your Evil Accomplice
I’m a sadistic bitch. I am unapologetic about that. The world is over populated by sweet, boring vanilla chicks. I’m not the girl you date, I’m the girl you plot revenge with; the girl you stalk and kill with. I’m your evil sexy accomplice. An old friend of mine recently reached out to me for some help with her philandering husband. My reputation as a sick bitch is common amongst certain crowds. We devised a genius home invasion plan that would result in revenge with no culpability on her.
I broke into their home late at night. Walked right into the bedroom yielding my big ass knife. Told them to get the fuck out of bed. Of course he offered me money and the jewelry to leave. I wanted jewels that was for sure, but the family kind. I had his wife, my secret accomplice, tie him up, while I tied her up. I played cat and mouse games with them for awhile before I got to my nefarious intentions. I untied my girlfriend and “forced” her to untie her husband and put him on the bed, where I tied him spread eagle. The fear in his eyes was intoxicating. I told him I heard a rumor that he has a little trouble keeping his pecker in his pants. “Is that true?” I inquired while I held the knife under his worthless balls. He looked at his wife and tried to lie. I pushed the knife harder under his testicles, drawing blood and he sang like a canary.
I informed him that cheating was a sin and I was an old school Bible thumper; a believer in an eye for an eye. I was prepared to cut them clear off right then and there as planned, but I gave the knife to his wife. I then pulled out my pretty little pistol and held it to her head. I explained it was simple. Take your husband’s worthless balls and you both live. She started crying. Crocodile tears I’m sure, but nice touch. He begged and pleaded to keep his worthless nuggets. I started Russian Roulette with my pistol. He had no clue the gun was empty, neither did she. It added to the realism of her fear, made our game more fun; well for me at least.
After 3 rounds of nail biting Russian Roulette, my pal looked at her husband, apologized and cut his balls clear off. There was a lot more blood than I imagined. A lot more screams and tears too. Blood, tears, screams…total turn ons for me. I made her put his balls in a plastic baggie. Told her she should keep them as a reminder of her pathetic excuse for a husband’s infidelity. I kissed him on the forehead. Told him to keep it in his pants or he would lose his pecker the next time. Told her she should get him some medical attention fast. Some folks see me as a sick bitch. I see myself as a helper. I assist folks in making better decisions in the future.
Perhaps I can help you with wiser choices. Perhaps I can help you get revenge. Perhaps I can punish you. I am the accomplice of your nightmares.
THAT Belongs To Me
You silly little man. Did you really think that I would let you treat Me that way and get away with it? Your stupidity is much more vast than I had thought, if indeed that is what you think. Now you have found yourself in a very uncomfortable and unfortunate position. Tell Me. How does that cold steel feel beneath you? Do you enjoy being in five point restraints on a hard surface? You can try and try to get out of it but I can assure you I am most adept at knots so you just go and struggle your little heart out. You aren’t going anywhere sunshine.
First things first I need to get undressed. Don’t get your hopes up doll, this isn’t an Edge Play type of thing. This is so I do not get blood on my dress. Do you recognize the lingerie? It is what you brought for Me when W/we were in Paris. I thought it only fitting to wear something that makes your pathetic penis rise.
You just lay there and I will get the instruments ready that I will need. See, you seem to think that just because W/we are dating that you “own” Me. Nobody owns Me, and nobody ever will. You have thought it necessary to be domineering in public settings when your friends are around. Although I said nothing, do not think that I didn’t hear every word. Now you leave Me no choice but to teach you exactly what belongs to Whom.
That thing that hangs between your legs is Mine. You can shake your head no all you like, it doesn’t change that fact. Since it is Mine, I am going to take it. I am going to rip it from your body then feed it to you. One bite at a time. They say you are what you eat, and you My dear have been nothing but a Dick.
Cooking With Ivy
Dr. Walter Jones is a idol of mine. In 1900’s he experimented with boiling hot water. He believed it would cure illness, which of-coarse it did not. It did however expose him to a whole new world. He conducted these experiments for years, with no result of it healing any kind of illness. I believe he did it to amuse himself. I think he watched his precious patients as they shrieked in pain. I idolize his work with the boiling water. It turns me on to thing of some whore having boiling hot water poured on her clit makes me so fucking lustful I have to rub my pussy.
Like Dr Jones, I too conducted some experiments of my own. Pouring hot water on this whore I caught looking at my mate. She had beautiful skin. So soft, and white. She looked at my mate with her come fuck me eyes. So I set up for her to meet up with him at my house. I was all alone, and doing research on the good Dr’s experiments. I also had all four of the burners on my stove going with boiling hot water.
When she knocked on the door I showed her in, She was in a skin tight red dress that made her skin flawless. As she walked through the door she turned her back on me. That is all she remembers. Now that she is tied up and waking up I can’t help myself.. I start to hit her with my riding crop, hitting her hard enough to make little cuts in her skin so the boiling hot water gets in them and burns her even more. I grab the pots of water, and I start at her perfect titties that I’m sure she paid shit ton of money for.. I can’t even explain to you how mind blowing it was to watch her skin puff up with burns and blisters. She passed out from the pain which is a no no. So I took the hose and sprayed her full blast on her clit and face until she woke up with from pain or pleasure.
I loved watching her skin boil off.. I sat myself on her face and made her eat my pussy until I came all over her perfect face. Well I guess it’s not so perfect now..
He Only Had One Condition
She is his fucking whore. A cheap little slut that knows her sole purpose in life is to be abused at his hand. He has her trained well. When he found out how much I love to torture and fuck up bitches he made me a deal I couldn’t refuse. I could have her for the night to do with as I wanted. I could hurt her as badly as I wanted. He just wanted her alive when it was over and he wanted to be able to watch the whole thing. He promised he wouldn’t interfere in any way. He was to tired after a long weeks work to do it himself but he needed the pleasure of her pain. He needed the stress relief he derived from her suffering. Of course my cunt was delighted with the idea. I spent the day rigging up my torture device. Her legs will be bound to the floor spread eagle, her wrists to the ceiling also spread wide. I will bind her tits until they are purple and blue. But the Pièce de résistance will be the sharp metal cord that will be firmly attached to the ceiling behind her and run down her back, between her ass and pussy lips and back up to the wench wheel in the ceiling in front of her. Attached to the end will be a weight which I will add to slowly with her watching as the torture goes on. With each added weight the steel cord will pull deeper into her ass crack and pussy. Eventually the metal cord will cut her skin. If it was up to me I would split her ass all the way up the middle from ass hole to nose and watch it slowly slice her in half. But I promised I wouldn’t kill her so it won’t go that far. Poor Cassandra when I am done with her she will have earned what she believes to be her worthless purpose here on earth, To be tortured while her man enjoys it. He won’t have to do anything but sit back and cum and I will gladly cum while administering the pain for our pleasure.
She Was My First “Snatch And Grab”
I will never forget the first sweet thing that I snatched up for sacrifice. In broad daylight, in a crowd, just as a thief pulls a snatch and grab taking a pocket book, I was able to snatch and grab her from right under her boyfriend’s nose. The anticipation of getting caught was mind blowing, but the events that followed were beyond my wildest dreams. I remember it as if it were yesterday:
The night is pitch black except for the glow of the new moon high in the sky. Not one star flickers in the sky and the thrill and anticipation is heavy in the air, looming like the thick fog that surrounds my naked body. I am glistening with a mixture of sweat and dew as the pulse beats hard and steady in my neck.
She is laying there on the alter, eyes staring blindly upwards. I have shaved her head, her arm pits and her sweet little pussy. I was surprised to find that her clit is pierced and has a silver ball through it. I decide to leave it in, I think my lord of evil will be pleased with the ornament.
The moon must rise just a little further so that it is directly center in the dark sky before I begin my decapitation and sacrifice. I speak to her softly and offer her a sip of red wine as I wipe her brow. She has long since stopped fighting and has accepted her fate as inevitable. I thank her once again for her gift and kiss her gently on the lips before raising my machete high into the air. I can’t help but notice as the moon light glistens off the blade before I bring it down to sever the first limb. She lets out a ear piercing scream before loosing consciousness and I cum hard as the blood pours from her body…….
Sweet memories of the first thing that I snatched away for my pleasure!