Category: Mutilation phone sex

Ass Rape Porn of a Bimbo

ass rape pornI wanted to make an ass rape porn. I have made many before. I’m an anal sex addict. This one was different, however. I hooked up with these guys looking for an anal sex whore. I thought they just wanted to give me a hardcore ass fucking, but they wanted more than that. They wanted to kill me. They wanted to snuff me out. When I am horny, I don’t always think with my head. In hindsight, they looked sketchy as fuck. Greasy hair. Skin like meth heads. They smelled too. There weren’t choir boys. These weren’t even Hell’s Angels. These were street junkies high as fuck wanting to hurt a bitch and I handed myself to them on a silver platter. They shot me full of something. Heroin I think. I got immediately high as fuck. When they started cutting and burning me, I was laughing at the pain. That was nothing compared to what they did to my ass. They fucked me with a hot pipe of some sort. My asshole was burning. They fucked my ass after they burned it. Talk about torture sex. Even high as fuck, I could feel the pain of my torn asshole being filled with hot cum. As they fucked me, they strangled me too. One dude even lit my blonde locks on fire. I put it out but slapping the sides of my head, but the smell of burnt hair is almost as bad as the smell of burnt flesh. I woke up this morning in the ER. They dumped me in an alley. I guess someone found me. Good thing too because I was naked, and it was below freezing last night. I need to be more cautious about who I fuck, but where is the fun in that?

Castration Phone Sex with Venus

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is by far my favorite. I am not a man hater. Guys think that because I like removing some dude’s nuts that I am some ball busting male hater. I look at what I do as charity. I am stopping the spread of stupidity. I am stopping the spread of misogynistic behavior. If a guy begs me for junk removal, he is no man. He doesn’t deserve his testicles. Those are for winners. Many times, however, I take a guy’s junk for free. I consider that charity. I did some fine charity work over the weekend. The mall is my hunting ground. Usually when I am there, however, I am hunting young flesh to exterminate. I have noticed a dirty old pervert stalking the jailbait for weeks. Facial recognition programs told me he was on the sex offenders list. He diddled some young girls and showed his old creepy genitals to some other girls playing in the park. He was clearly hunting new victims. I appreciate other sick fucks, but I do hate a certain type of P man. The ugly fat slobs with no game who even a fat ugly girl would reject. I confronted him. I explained I knew who he was, and I would report him for violating his parole. He tried to pull a knife on me in the food court. I knocked it out of his hand and pushed him into a public restroom. I yanked down his pants, laughed at his small pecker and cut off his balls. Right then, I de nutted the creeper.  I had nothing to stop the bleeding because I planned on drugging him and doing this at home. I flushed his nuts down the toilet and told him he won’t be preying on young girls again. I walked out of the bathroom with a big smile. I heard later a man had been rushed to the hospital, the victim of a violent castration. He is an old pervert who preyed on young girls. The list of suspects who wanted his balls, I was sure was long. It was a charitable castration.

Mutilation Phone Sex with Marley

Mutilation phone sexHe’d picked me up and taken me back to a warehouse. I thought I was safe, since there were so many people around. He offered to feed me, so I stuck around. When everyone else had gone home for the evening, I started to get a little worried, but….food! He told me he had a kitchen toward the back of the warehouse, and that we could go back there and he’d cook up something delicious for me. Instead, what I found as he locked the door behind us was another girl a bit younger than me. She was on the floor crying quietly, and he introduced me to “my little sister”. I knew right then that something really bad was coming. He made me play with her – her tits, ass, and pussy – before making her do all the same things to me. Then, he had her tie me up and shove a pole right up my cunt. He stood that pole up in a hole in the ground, and I dangled on it, feet maybe an inch from the ground. I could feel the pole trying to work its way into my cervix from my own weight pressing down on it. Then, he broke out a huge blade, and a welding torch. He held the blade up to that flame until it was red-hot. Then, as she watched on in horror, and I watched as though I was not even in my own body, he started at my feet, cutting my body into pieces. I watched my feet fall to the ground, then my calves, then my thighs. The pain wasn’t even registering after the first one. Then, he was at my belly….

Snuff Porn

snuff pornI was hired to make a snuff porn. I have a reputation as a no taboos freak. For some coke and some money to buy coke, I will do the kinds of fetish films other women refuse to do. I am not proud. Snuff films aren’t real anyway. It’s fake blood and guts, like a horror film. I showed up at the address the casting agent gave me. It didn’t look like any set I had seen, and I have been on a few. In fact, I saw no one else. I wondered if I had the right address. I had no cell reception, so I couldn’t text or even call anyone. I walked around a bit, then saw the house. It looked like a horror film house, so I assumed that was the place to be. I walked in, called out for anyone. No one responded. I walked around a bit. No electricity. The house was covered in cob webs. No one has been in this place for decades was my guess. I used the light on my iPhone to illuminate my way. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him. A shadowy figure; menacing. Tall, maybe deformed. I heard the chainsaw and I shit my pants. Was this the movie? Or was this my own Texas Chainsaw Nightmare? I ran. Ran smack into a room of dead dismembered bodies. Even high, I am scrappy. I buried myself under a pile of limbs to hide. I was fucked up, but this didn’t feel like a snuff movie. This felt like death. I laid motionless in the dark under a pile of bloody limbs wishing this was a bad dream. I heard foot steps, but I couldn’t see anything. Then, I head the mysterious figure say, “Are you ready to die Blair?” At that moment the chainsaw came crashing down thru the dead bodies. Blood splattered, I felt pain then everything went dark.

Snuff Porn Fantasies

snuff pornHe told me I was perfect for snuff porn. I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not. Did he mean I looked like a good pain slut or did I look like the kind of girl that should be killed? Turns out it was both. He put on a Japanese snuff film and talk about all the ways he could kill me. My pussy was super wet. Seriously, the more graphic he got about killing me, the more I wanted to die. I know, right? What is wrong with me that I would actually want to die on film? I am a submissive whore. I prefer being used and abused than treated like a princess. Pain and violence make me horny. He was getting high which always takes him to a weird place. I was huffing a spray can bottle for a quick cheap high. It was impossible for me to feel pain. I told him to hurt me; like seriously hurt me. He took his cigarette and burned my clit. I yelped in delight. I begged for more. He took his switchblade and carved his name in my stomach. The hot crimson blood trickled down my stomach. He started stroking his cock until he came on my belly. The look of blood and cum mixed together on my stomach was so hot. He fucked me twenty minutes later, cutting my face and arms. Blood and sex are fricking hot. Want to fuck me then kill me? I really do deserve to die. I want to star in your snuff movies.

A Cup in the Sink

Sadistic phone sexI was having a hot shower after having sex with a smelly john. The hot water felt so good hitting against my flesh. I was also enjoying a few moments of quiet reflection when my man burst into the bathroom. He pulled me from the shower by my hair also causing the shower curtain and rod to come crashing down. He dragged me into the bedroom and flung me against the wall. He pulled his leather belt from his pants and started beating me.
I cried out, “Why, why, what did I do!”
But he wouldn’t answer me. He just kept swinging his belt. He always waits for me to be in the shower to abuse me. He knows that wet flesh equals more pain. Over and over again he hit me with his belt until my body was covered in welts. I found out later that I got beat because of a dirty cup left in the sink, his dirty cup.

No More Cat Calling


ass rape porn


So I’ve been pretty sick and god damn tired of this one guy who always tries to touch me when I’m
walking past the bodega by my house. For some reason homebody just has this stupid idea that’s how
you get a girl’s attention. I think it’s high fucking time that a girl teaches him what not to do with ladies.
I talked him into coming to my house and that idiot thought he was gonna get lucky but instead I jabbed him right
in the gut with my knife. While he screamed, I road his face so hard he couldn’t breathe. Then once the rigamortus set in, I jumped on that cold hard cock and road it till I came. Then just for extra good measure
flipped him over and fucked his ass with his own dick after I sliced it right off his body.
I guess maybe his friends are going to wonder where he is but I figure once the body shows up in the dumpster
behind that store and missing the dick they will all get the picture. I’m evil, horny and ready for another victim.
Wanna play?

The Private Collection


killer phone sex


I woke up in a dark room. Looking around for any way to turn lights on, I was completely faded.
I guess there was something in that last drink at the bar? I kept walking around the dark room, totally blacked out.
I kept feeling weird fleshy pieces along the walls that were sticking out but didn’t think much of it until the lights came on.
Once I could see what I had been touching, I couldn’t help but vomit all over the floor. It was cocks.
Thousands and thousands of cocks attached to the walls. Suddenly I couldn’t help myself, noticing they were all hard.
I had to fuck those cocks.
I ran around the room like a crazy nympho bitch, pleasuring myself on all the dicks. Cumming over and over
on each dick. All the beautiful dead man’s cocks, every nationality. A rainbow of orgasms waiting to happen.
After exhausting myself, I opted to take a nap. That’s when the lights went out again. I wonder what will be there
when I wake up this time? Or do you think my privates will become apart of this gallery on this next run?
I guess when I wake up, we’ll find out. 😉

Sex with Dead Bodies Because Dead Dick is the Best Dick

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies is better than online dating. A chick like me doesn’t play well with others. I certainly do not enjoy playing games. I like to fuck, but I hate dating. Even men with big dicks annoy the fuck out of me. I play my own dating game. I use Tinder to find hung studs, I’d never miss. One night stands are the best. George was my latest first last date as I call them. I demand cock pictures up front. I don’t want to primp for a small dick. George was 9 inches soft, so I guessed a good 11 or 12 inches hard. We met at my favorite no tell motel off Route 66. We had a drink first, but he annoyed the crap out of me from the get go. It might be me; I have a low threshold for pricks. I gave him a hand job as part of the foreplay. Normally, I don’t partake in such stupid mating rituals, but I needed his cock hard the moment I thrust the knife in his chest. I primped long for this cock. Took me forever to assemble all the medical tools to preserve his dick. It was going to be the highlight of my dead dick collection. Once the dude dies, rigor mortis takes about 3 hours to kick in. That’s the prime fucking time. Through trial and error, I have discovered that the dick needs to be erect at the moment of death for the best dead fucking. I looked so good too. I am patient for the right man. He was the right one too. I did my nails and sharpened my knives while I waited for rigor mortis to kick in. Then I rode that stiff cock to a massive orgasm. Instead of a post coital smoke, I castrated his cock, stuffed it and saved it for my collection. Dead dick is the only dick.

castration phone sex

Castration Phone Sex: Who Wants Junk Removal?

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is the next best thing when you are a sadistic bitch. Virtual castration is hot, but not nearly as fun as really taking a pair of nuts. Ted pissed me off. He told me, even paid me, to remove his nuts. I had all the tools ready. The castration chair was dusted off, my knives sharpened. I was pissed when he didn’t show up and I discovered that the check had been cancelled. I was going to give him free junk removal. He earned it. I hunted him down at this dive bar he frequents. I spiked his drink and snatched him in the parking lot as he was stumbling to his car. I hit him hard, so he was out cold on the ride to his place. He woke up in a chair, not my preferred chair, but in the position I needed. Once he realized who I was he tried apologizing. Too late for that shit. Backing out is one thing, but once you agree to nut removal, I keep the money regardless if you chicken out. “You could have had a clean castration,” I whispered in his ear right as I used my rusty knife to cut off his balls. He screamed loudly. I licked the blood from his severed balls off my knife. The taste of pain and humiliation is the best taste. He cried like a baby. I laughed, even bent down to kiss him so he could taste it off my lips. I told him that he brought this on himself. I was happy to give him a clean castration and stop the bleeding but he stopped the check. No compassion for assholes. Let this be a lesson to you. If you call me and ask for a certain fantasy, don’t change your mind as I am already planning for some torture sex.

torture sex