I was kidnapped by burly looking mountain man. He left me hogtied in a burlap sack in the back seat of his old truck as he took me somewhere far away. When the truck stopped, he dragged me still in the sack across the ground. When he released me, I could see we were outside in the night. By the vivid detail in the night sky, it was clear we were very far from any civilization. Barely able to see in the dimly lit night, I could barely make out the silhouette of a chain link fence surrounding us in the yard behind an old log cabin.
He pinned me to the ground as he ripped off my clothes, causing twigs and stones to dig into my back. Although, I barely noticed the pain as I tried to fight off this strange man. He pulled out his cock from his pants and forced himself inside my dry pussy. I squealed from him going too hard and too deep, but he didn’t care. He tore through me like truck stop whore. His rough hands gripped my throat tight enough to cut off my breathing. I choked for air as he continued to beat up my cunt and abuse my body.
By the end, I didn’t even have the energy to lift myself off the ground. I laid still on the ground, hoping he would leave me for dead and I could escape into the night. But when he went into the cabin, I heard to sounds of metal gates being lifted around the perimeter of the fence. Keeping completely still, I listened for any signs of movement. I heard scuffling and then a deep growl. My stomach dropped as I made out the faint view of the hungry wolves surrounding me. Before I could even scream, they pounced, ripping apart my flesh and snapping my bones. The searing pain of teeth tearing me limb from limb was the last thing I experienced before I slipped into the dark.