Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Step Parents

snuff phone sex jezabel

 Every one knows Step-Parents do not even deserve to be here. They are fucking annoying, they really think they can tell you what to do. That is what I have had for my Step Mother for the longest time. Today the bitch just took it way to fucking far. She is always complaining about something. Today was enough. She told me that I needed to watch my little brother again knowing how much the little fucking brat gets on my nerves. She walked off as I was talking to her so I wait till the bitch was in the shower when I crept in the bathroom took my knife out from behind my back and stabbed the fucking cunt over and over again till her body went limp and fell into the bathtub that’s when I leaned over and cut the fucking cunts tongue out now she will do no more fucking nagging. If her son don’t shut up he will next!


Evil is as EVIL does…

Accomplice phone sex Roxy dead

Enchanted by me Ehhhh?   Can’t say I blame you, I am one sexy BEAST!  Don’t worry I fully realize while you find me sexy my body is not the reason you seek me out.  My devious mind and creative wicked soul is what keeps bringing you back for more.

I had a bit of a debate the other day.  A friend of mine told me that all people are inherently born good.  I tend to disagree.  My mother has always said from the moment I broke my way out of her womb that I was different.  That I have always been cold and calculated from the day I took my very first breath in this world.  My mother is not evil, nor is any other member of  my family that I am aware of.  I didn’t inherit my lack of care for human life.  Well unless Satan himself shot his load up my mom’s cunt, then I suppose it could be inherited.

Accomplice phone sex murder

Some how or another in the grand scheme of things I was born the way I am.  The only thing that has ever been good about me is how good I am at being evil.  Does that count?  My greatest pleasure in life isn’t about being morally correct or socially conscience , it’s about making people suffer.  I am not prejudice in who suffers either.  Any ethnicity, age, sex, religion or lack there of.  If you fucking breathe air you are a prime target to suffer for me.

Accomplice phone sex Roxy

Here I am waiting to be the next 5 o’clock news report.  Question is am I the killer of your dreams or the killer of your nightmares?  Are you my victim or my culprit in crime?  THAT is the question!

Accomplice phone sex is just the begining…

accomplice phone sex BlazeAccomplice phone sex is just the beginning of the fun  . But I warn you… I am like poison! I get under your skin and tear you apart. I am toxic. Once you have a taste you are Doomed! You will never get rid of me. I make sure I am burned into your memory for however long I chose.  I am just a little thing. A pretty little thing dumb ass think safe. They so easily trust such a sweet little thing… lol And it is the last mistake they will ever make. I promise I shall not go easy. I will not be merciful. I will slowly slice and cut until there is nothing left of them. Mmmmmm And I shall enjoy every delicious moment of their pain. Cum with every agonizing thrust of my blade. And you can help me, And be corrupted forever!  You will belong to me. Because I am the only one who can give you what you need.

Killer phone sex with Storm


Killer phone sexKiller phone sex is what I offer! I don’t just mean Im good at what I do.. but I am! I mean I am going to fucking KILL someone! I going to rip them apart. Make them Bleed! I want to watch them suffer. Beg and plead! But in the end they won’t live. I even cum from the pain I give! Every cut, bruise and slash. Brings me closer to heaven. Makes me feel so alive. As your life slips away. Until you finally die. But that is the way it goes! Some people are here to hunt. Some are here to be prey. The natural order of thing. That is just the way. And if you are very very lucky… I may let you cum along. I don’t mind sharing my hunt. Something so good cant be wrong.

Delightful Nigger Meat

Jezabel22Me and my friend Mr.M went out to a local disco club. While we are in there dancing and having a few drinks he asks me if I see that little nigger whore across the club. He said he believes niggers do not deserve to be on this fucking earth so they should just be eaten. He said that would be a very tasty meal. That fucking nigger whore was dancing around and showing off her ass and titties, she had so many drinks in her that anyone could do whatever they wanted to the stupid bitch. He walked over to the nasty bitch and offered her money of course the fucking nigger whore was not going to turn down the money he said that’s all these bitches are good for. NOTHING! He walked with her to the car and he opened the door for her as she started to get in the car he punched the fucking slut right in her head and she fell over in his arms. I walked over and pushed the cunt into the back seat and began hog tying the nigger bitch. He said that is the way all them fucking cunts should remain. When we got home he carried her in and laid her on the couch. We carried her to the bathroom and put her in the tub to wash all the filth the bitch had on her. She slowly started waking as we were washing her off. She started screaming so Mr.M put the rope back in her mouth and told her to shut up. As, he finished washing her and shaving all her hair off her body. I told her that she was going to be the main dish for us tonight. She asked him why and he told her that nigger meat is so delightful. After she was washed we carried her to the kitchen folded her up and put her in the pan. I took a few spices out to give her a better taste, as he stuffed her mouth with a apple so we wouldn’t have to hear the little whore whine. After placing her into the over for a few hours. Mr.M took her out and sliced her up with the carving knife. We had delightful nigger meat with our wine. Now, we will have enough dinner for at least a few weeks. Next we are going to try a hispanic they can be awfully tasty as well.


Bondage phone Sex is where to start!

Bondage phone sexBondage phone sex really turns me on. Knowing which rope to use. How thick. How long.   Knowing just how to tie the knots. Just where to put the ropes to cause the most pain. I like to make the ropes tight. So they cut into the skin and turn it a beautiful blue and purple hue. I like to use heavy rope to tie the breasts. One above. One below. And one right across the nipples. So when she moves it will bite and burn. Around the waste and down right thru her pretty little legs! Leaving a little slack around her puss so I can pull it and rub it till it hurts. Till the rope burns start to bleed. Mmmm So good. Bondage brings out the fear and the blood. Just the start of the torture. But one of the Best parts!  You can take your time and draw out the fear. Make it last as long as you want. And when the bondage is done… you can do anything your heart desires.

Home invasion phone sex with Storm

Home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex is what it is all about! Sometimes I can’t find what I want from just walking around. No amount of hunting and prepping is gonna hand me a sweet little thing to easily take. But there is always the hard way! I have no problem breaking into some whore’s house. I actually prefer it. They get so much more scared when it’s their own home. Yanking them out of their own bed brinks an extra thrill. Hell.. fucking with them in their own bed is hot. Cutting them.. Raping them. In the area they thought was the safest! And just Yanking that safety blanket away. If I let them They would never be able to sleep again. Never feel safe in their own house or skin. I love it! But lets face.. They probably wont live anyway. But sometimes… I like letting them get away. I like knowing that I will haunt them forever! And they will never get away from that.

Evil Video Games


My parents would never let me play the video games except for the ones that my brother wanted to play and normally that would be the Dark Knight. While, watching and playing the game with him I became infatuated with The Joker. The scene where him and a few other guys went in and robbed the bank and then shot all of them is where I got my next demented idea.

A few days after watching the movie, and played the video game for hours. I went and called my friends Natasha and  Storm to come over and we all had a few drinks I told them about my twisted idea of doing what The Joker did on the video game. The next morning we all got ready and walked into the bank and put our guns up in their faces and told them to get down as Storm tied them up one by one and made them sit up against the wall. They were all crying and screaming, they pushed the panic button thinking that I wanted the fucking money.

They just had no idea how twisted and demented I was feeling at that very moment. We each took a gun and took turns shooting them in the head one by one until all these beautiful dead bodies just lay in front of us. As we started to walk away Natasha said that she could not resist the urge to not at least take one of them with us. Just one would be enough for us to eat for weeks. Watch out The Joker may get in your mind next!

Psycho Bitch and Proud of it!

Violent phone sexYeah im a psycho Bitch! And everyone fucking knows it! I don’t fuck around with all these dumb asses. I take what I want. And I enjoy making you suffer while I do it. I want to see your fucking fear. I want to hear you beg and plead. You are nothing to me. Less than nothing. I don’t care if its some pissy little young one. Or some old fucker. They all bleed the same. Yeah.. sometime I crave extra young.. just the way the scream is so fucking hot. But really I don’t give a shit. You got some bitch you want me to get rid off… Im the psycho bitch for the job! If you want to watch… That turns me on. If you want to fuck me over there still warm bleeding body. Im good for that to. If Im to much for you.. stay the fuck out of my way.  Or  you will be on the wrong end of my temper.

Scatching that itch…


knife play phone sexSometimes I just want some nasty nasty killing shit! I love knife play. Slowly dragging out the pain while she is tied down and scared! That is half the fun. Ripping her clothes off and stringing her up.  I want her to cry and beg… And Bleed! I really want her to bleed!  I will do Slow cuts at first. On her thighs and arms. The bottoms of her feet and between her toes. MMMMM The parts to scare her.. And hurt her.  Then I will move to the good parts. Cutting around her little nips. And moving down to her tiny pussy. Cutting little slits along that pretty pink folds.mmmmm Watching her body arch with the pain. Pulling so tight against the ropes to try to free herself. But she will never get out. When Im done having my fun.. When I have drained her… I may put her out of her misery. Or… Find a friend looking for a play