Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies


Sadistic Phone Sex

Lyrics from Nine Inch Nails

You let me violate you

You let me desecrate you

You let me penetrate you

You let me complicate you

Help me, I broke apart my insides

Help me, I’ve got no soul to sell

Help me, the only thing that works for me

Help me get away from myself

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole is existence is flawed

You get me closer to God

You can have my isolation

You can have the hate that it brings

You can have my absence of faith

You can have my everything

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole existence is flawed

You get me closer to God

Help me tear down my reason

Help me it’s your sex I can smell

Help me you’re making me perfect

Help me become somebody else

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I  wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole existence is flawed 

You get me closer to God

What Friends are For!


Accomplice phone sex 1Men who say women belong in the kitchen. Obviously don’t belong in the bedroom. So what good are they? I was doing some errands and I overheard some guy laughing with his friends. He was bragging that women shouldn’t be allowed out of the kitchen. And then he had the BALLS to make some rude comments to me when I walked by him. He mentioned how I looked like a whore. And no woman of HIS would have tattoos. Like women are property. To be owned and controlled. To be used. And as I was walking away… I got more and more PISSED! How dare he talk like that to me. That is what is wrong with men now days! And there is NO way I will allow some worthless piece of shit to talk like that to me. To call me a whore! Fuck him. I turned right around. And walked up to him. I got right in his face and asked him what the fuck he said. Well he bolstered and preened for his friends. Called me a dirty whore and made the fatal mistake of pushing me back. That was all I was waiting for. I needed him to put his hands on me first. I grabbed his hand and twisted it hard hearing it SNAP. As I planted my 4 inch heel, right into his knee cap. He went down like a sack of potatoes When I ripped my shoe out it took a big clump of his knee with my heel. All his friends shut their fucking mouths fast after that. I told that fucker that if I ever saw him again. It would be much worse. And to keep his fucking thoughts to himself. I am not sure he heard me over his screams. But I am sure his friends will remind him … Forever!Accomplice phone sex 2


Snuff phone sex

I love finding used up things that still have a little bit of purpose left in them.  Take for example Shelly.  I first noticed her outside my building.  She was bedded down between two dumpsters in the back.  At first I thought it was just an old pile of clothing crumpled up, but as I lifted up the lid to the dumpster to put my trash in it, the pile moved.  I looked closer and it was a fucking person.  She stank, BAD!  She looked like she had been drug behind a car, bruised up, cut here and there, but she still had that clearness to her eyes, so I knew she was still in there beneath all that street filth.

I kicked her leg, she shrunk away from me, I kicked her again and said, “Hey, skunkgirl, you wanna sandwich or something?”  She turned her face fully toward me and said very quietly, “Yes please.”  Yes Please? Wow, Skunky had manners.  I told her to just follow me, as soon as I got inside the smell was horrible.  I said, “First things first, because you smell like a rotting whore’s cunt. You need to shower.”  I pushed her into the bathroom and had her toss out her clothing.  I immediately put them on my fire-escape, and waited for her to finish her shower.  She was taking forever, I actually at one point thought the dumb bitch drowned.  She came out with a towel wrapped around her, and even though she did wash, she was still nasty looking, no amount of soap was going to fully wash away that ground in putrid stink that came from her.

I told her to sit down at the table and I gave her a sandwich.  She ate it in like 12 seconds flat. I asked her what she was doing on the street, she almost curled into a ball.  I said, “What, does Mommy treat you mean? She take away your X-Box or something?”  Then I laughed.  I made her another sandwich and as she was eating it, she mumbled out that her Daddy had fucked her, and she liked it, so her Mommy kicked her ass out. 

I said, “So basically, you fucked your Mother’s husband like some sort of cheating ghetto bitch that has no self respect?”  She looked up at me, then she looked pissed, I guess I must of hit a nerve, and she stuck out her leg and that’s when I saw the scaring, it was fresh.  She said, “My Mom did this to me.”  I said, “What? Am I supposed to be outraged by it? You fucked her Husband.  What did you expect?” 

I said, “I threw away your clothing. You won’t need them anymore.”  She then started to thank me, saying shit like, “I am so glad you are giving me clothes, I have been wearing these same ones for two weeks.”  I gave her a glass of lemon aid, she drank it down.  I sat down slowly, lit a cigarette and watched.  At first she was all smiles, then she lurched forward, doubled over, and made this sound like a grunt.  She looked at me and her body started to shake, you could tell she wanted to say something, but by this time the froth started to spew out of her mouth.  I sat there smoking, not moving at all.  Her eyes did this weird thing, I thought they were going to explode, the smell that was coming from her mouth was acidic, it was the color of bile, I started to smile. 

Then it dawned upon her, I had put something in her drink.  She pushed herself back and fell to the floor, she tried to crawl, but I put my foot onto the back of her neck.  I squatted down so she could hear me really well above the noise she was making, I said, “What you did to your Mother was low, and what’s more lowly then a cockroach?  So I am treating you like one, and now all that is left is for me to stomp you out once and for all.”  I stood up, picked up my foot and did just that.

Collection of Scissors

tool picThere are so many medical instruments I could use to dissect my victims whether they are dead or alive but one of my favorite choices is scissors. I believe scissors are much more personal than a knife or even a sharp scalpel. When using scissors, you get to feel every bit of flesh material slicing with each and every snip. The terror in the victim’s eye just sends chills throughout my entire body from the feeling of the continuous cutting. I can cut into the flesh precisely so that it looks more like a work of art than some deviant act. Like cutting up paper dolls, it looks like the shape I desire them to be. Perhaps it looks extreme when I completely snip off eyelids, nipples, and even the stupid bitch’s clitoris. Who gives a fuck when you are having fun with a sharp pair of scissors in your hands. However, that is all so trivial when in comparison to cutting them open so you can slice their heart out. Hmm, I wonder who will be the next one for me to cut up?

Little Things Mean A Lot

Little things do mean a lot. I mean if you believe all those cliches about the best things coming in small packages like I do, you just can’t resist trying to find the perfect tiny treasure to make all your own.

Finding these little treats isn’t always easy but that’s why you come looking for me. You need a wickedly devious, erotic accomplice to help assist you with every last detail.

We’ll push each other further, test the boundaries of what’s acceptable and we’ll find ourselves slipping deeper and deeper into depravity. You see, I love all the twisted and sadistic fantasies that get your cock throbbing and aching for a hard fuck, and the younger our little fuck toys are the better.

Hmm, kidnapping, murder and rape fantasies…between the two of us can you imagine all the fuck up and deliciously hot scenarios we can come up with? It just makes my mouth water and my pussy drip at the very thought of it.

I get off watching lose all your inhibitions and give in to that dark, remorseless side of you that takes sure pleasure in stalking, torturing, using and discarding all the innocent, young victims that have the misfortune of falling into our clutches.

Watch as I take her first, taste that sweet young fresh cunt, sweet as sugar her honey drips off my crimson lips. Oh, but I can’t help but lie back and finger my smooth, wet pussy as you violently fuck that little useless whore and shoot loads of cum in her tiny twat.

As we sink deeper and deeper into the perverted world of snuff and depravity it only gives me the urge to push harder, further and accompany you on this irresistibly twisted and wicked journey.

My Wicked Wicked Ways

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Does the thought of things on the dark, twisted side get your cock rock hard? I am betting that you’re a nasty, deviant like me, your sexual desires are on the depraved and evil side and I love that.

My smooth, wet cunt gets dripping wet at the thought of bloody snuff scenarios and rape and murder phone sex fantasies.  The more taboo the more I love it.

Maybe you’ve been looking for a perfectly wicked accomplice to share all your fantasies with. Don’t you think we’d make the most perfect sadistic pair?

There’s nothing you could come up with that I will be shocked over and shy away from, the more evil and off limits the better. I love fucking with their minds as well as their bodies, especially those young, fresh, little bodies…those are my favorite!

I think that between my beauty, body and ability to charm and sweet talk anyone and your brilliant mind and strong will there will be no stopping us. And why would we want to stop, those brainless little fucks just seem to fall into our laps and we know just what to do with them don’t we?

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I love taking our time and savoring every single moment of their torturous ordeal in our hands. And the best part is, these worthless bits of flesh won’t be missed, and it won’t be too long until we find another sweet, tasty treat who’s oblivious to what we have in store for them.

Oh, I know I can hardly wait to start, I’ll be waiting to hear from you. Mmmm, my mouth is watering already!

Family Fun My Way…

home invasion phone sex

Don’t you just love a good family game night? I know I do. They all look so happy and I hope their smiles stay put when their mouths are full of cock and pussy. Even the little ones. They have to learn sometimes. Me and my crew are experts at family fun. I’ll have the guys undo their pants and let the girls have a dick sucking contest! Will the very experienced mommy out shine her little slutty cheerleader daughter? I guess we will see. Daddy’s little cock is getting hard as he watches his wife deep throat the cumstick of a stranger. Maybe this family is more interesting than we thought! Don’t be jealous daddy I won’t waste your good hard dick. Daughter number two looks like she’s ready to be de-virginized. They say your first time should be with someone who loves you and I bet nobody loves her like daddy. I’ll make them fuck each other until I get bored. Then me and my friends will make them watch as we fuck each other all over the dining room table. It’s gonna be so lovely. Too bad that will be the last vision they have before there all snuffed out….oh well.

Roast Her!

Taboo phobne sexThanksgiving made me think. I have been searching for just the right “thing” to tickle my fancy. I have hunted with the best. I have tortured. And maimed. I have castrated and skinned a little whore! But I was looking for something special. Something … I hadn’t done before. I had the perfect bitch picked out. Someone I had been saving. A real A-1 slut. She liked to fuck with me. But I was bidding my time till I found just the right thing for her. And then it hit me. I was going to roast her alive. I knew how to get her alone. The little slut had been after Brandon for a long time. It was easy to lure her to the beach. Very isolated. And I was waiting there for her. A large pit ready for her. And some special roasting wires to keep her dangling right where I wanted her.. but not to hurt her. When I fired up the pit.. she screamed. Begged and pleaded. She lasted hours with me slowly turning. I watched her skin sweat. Her eyes sealed shut. So did her lips. But I could still hear her scream. She lasted so long. Before she finally just gave up. She smelled so fucking good. I really enjoyed killing her. One of my best kills to date!

I’m Going to Fuck You Up!

Snuff Phone Sex Ivy

If you even dare to scream, I’ll only cause you much more pain. Don’t bother crying either, matter of fact, cry… cry hard… it’s funny how you were such a big man an hour ago when you tried to fuck me… now I’m going to fuck you!  Get on your knees and beg me not to release the blood from your body and let it flow all over the floor.  It better not touch my stilettos either. Bloody stilettos make me angry, and you don’t want to see me angry. People bleed when I’m livid. Body parts turn black and blue when people make me mad. Keep that in mind. So how do you like to be tortured? I’m sure what ever your poison, I can accommodate. Unless you like to be poisoned, oh the irony right? Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of you.  Defile you until you are begging me to stop. I’ll have you scratching at the door like a pathetic little puppy… don’t run from me now… you want to fuck don’t you? Well, tonight is your lucky night. There will be a lot of fucking going on around here. But whose holes are up for the taking? 

Poor Mommy REDRUM

torture phonesex karmaAs long as I could remember he beat her ass. Every night, not just once in a while. He beat her bloody with in an inch of her life. I remember being young and the sound of her screams ringing in my ears as I covered my head with the sheets trying to drown it out.
I don’t know when it happened but there came a time when I had to see it with my own eyes. I would sneak down the steps and hide and watch as each blow of his fist caused the blood to squirt in long streams like a water gun squirting water across the room.
At first I couldn’t watch, then i could if I peeked through my fingers but as time went on the scene before me became mesmerizing.
  When I started going threw puberty and watched a feeling started deep in between my legs that I couldn’t ignore. I would watch and stick my hands down my pants trying to make the yearning go away that watching her get beat caused.
One day he heard me. I was so scared , I just knew I was going to be beat too and up till now he never laid a hand on me. I tried to creep into the shadows so he wouldn’t see me but it was to late.
He saw me there, eyes wide with a mix of fear, apprehension and excitement and my hand in my panties.
With the same hands he was beating her with, all covered in blood, he gently picked me up and laid me on the couch. He told me to continue what I was doing and that she needed to be beaten a little more.
I could see him watching me out of the corner of his eye rubbing my cunt harder every time he hit her.
he turned to me and asked if I really wanted to know the pleasure i was trying to find watching her get beat and feeling the build up in between my legs.
I shook my head yes and that is when he showed me the satisfaction that one only gets from causing pain and releasing pleasure.
it wasn’t long after that he did her in and brought us new woman often, he would beat them and fuck me.