Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Bianca goin’ dumpster diving…

I’ve never been one for suffocation. I much prefer a more . . . hands-on method. Can’t blame me, really. I’m a sick, twisted slut for feeling of  life leaving another at my hands is just too fucking hot to pass up. So of course I decided to use my talents for the greater good of society. I do that sometimes . . . kill for the benefit of others. Life is too short for selfishness. I went to church today–bet you won’t believe me, but I did. Church of Satan, maybe, but it’s a place of worship nonetheless. Don’t judge me for my beliefs, and I won’t judge you for yours. Because I know your dick is just hard and ready to slam into a little tiny underage twat, now isn’t it? Don’t lie, baby. We both know your P-cock is ripe and begging for a nice, young tight hole to ram and rip apart. Well I found a guy who sliced, diced, and fucked his way through an entire school of girl cunnies. And I found him in an alley, shooting up tar. Track lines down his forearms, a dazed look in his eye . . . you know the type–trash. Well my public service involved taking out the trash with a 9mm pistol. Didn’t shoot him in the head though–that’d be too quick. Instead, I splintered the tendons of his Achilles heel and ripped the rest apart with my teeth. Mmmmmm. Maybe he had a blood infection, though. I’ll have to check myself when I get home. The thought just pissed me off further, so I rammed his head against the dumpster and fucked that dick up. The space inside of that dumpster was his final resting place . . . isn’t that where trash belongs? 😉

Down South

Where have I been, you may be asking yourselves. Well I don’t have to answer to you motherfuckers! I went to a concert in Mobile, Alabama and got fucking turned around because the goddamn toll both stiffed me a dollar twenty-six. Are you fucking shitting me?! That stupid ass bitch stole from Bianca. So I was all enraged and ready to twist a neck off when I realized I was going the wrong way. The hell? Turns out I was in some redneck dive called Pascagoula. I crossed the state lines . . . I know what you’re thinking, so shut your damn trap. It’s an evil, sick ass place. Just because it’s bumfuck Mississippi doesn’t mean they’re gonna hand you sweet tea in a mason jar or some shit like that. Fuck that! It’s a wild ass neighborhood. Most of the citizens consider the day wasted if they haven’t violated a goat by noon. It’s sickeningly dark there. One wrong turn, and you’ll wind up in the trunk of a Cadillac, never to be seen or heard from again. So of course I took this opportunity to explore. I headed straight for the Brass Monkey. It might as well be called The Drunk Asshole Bar, because the company was wicked! When I was leaving, I spotted a guy trying to break into my car. Not. fucking. okay. I reached for the crowbar I keep in my purse and bashed him in the fucking head. He grunted and fell to the cement. I just kept beating and smashing the metal bar into his skull until it exploded with red goo and I kicked him aside, slid into my vehicle, and drove away. Byebye Mississippi. I don’t have to fear any thing or any place. You fuckers fear ME.

Bringing The Pain Just For You

Of course I love to fuck, that’s obvious. I use my body to manipulate and control and it’s never failed me yet. But, the main thing that gets my pussy dripping wet and aching is having a brainless, worthless little piece of flesh to use and torture to my heart’s content.

And even then, it’s not just that, it’s the entire deviant, twisted process is what really gets my sweet juices flowing. Together we spy just the right innocent little one to stalk, capture, fuck and torture as long and as we can until we finally use them up to our satisfaction and dispose of the lifeless creature.

And the best part of it is when we’ve finally have used up the pathetic tiny whore, we can simply rid ourselves of it and when we’re ready and the time is right we can find a brand new fresh sweet angel to defile. We’ll take them to depths of such horror and pain it makes the intensity of it almost like a drug and we lose ourselves in the dark erotic sensations.

The part that is so ironic is that the fucking stupid cunt actually looks to me for mercy and compassion just because I sound so sweet and can get those mindless little fucks to trust me wholeheartedly. Oh, but the look in their eyes when I tell them in my sweetest little voice that we’re going to do the most unspeakable, painful and wicked things to their unused bodies is priceless.

Mommy and Daddy don’t give a shit about them, I say and were so relieved when you and I took the tiny twat off their hands. You see, to me fucking with their minds is just as satisfying as fucking with their little cunts. Sometimes we can get so carried away, we just fuck each other right on top of the sniveling and traumatized doomed little thing.

I’m always so impressed with all the effort and imagination we use when thinking of ways to disfigure and carve up the tasty treat. When it’s all said and done, I love nothing more than to lie back and savor every deliciously gory and bloody detail with you and fantasize about just how far we can take it the next time…

If Only

Taboo phone sex layla (5)

When he beats me I go off into my own fairytale. Instead of harsh lashes all up and down my back they are gently placed kisses. I try to mute out the pain by pretending it’s the static formed by the electricity between us. When we first met I was the most beautiful thing in his world. Now, I get beatings and black eyes if I look at him the wrong way. He much rather smoke his dope than be with the bitch he vowed to honor and respect. Recently, I’ve just been a whore he uses to get his next fix. My cunt is worthless to him now. Just like it is to every mother fucker that decides to put their cock in me. I close my eyes and make the thoughts go away. I drift back to my happy place where the sun is shining a bright as my smile. He’s holding me in his arms and nibbling on my neck like a piece of sweet chocolate cake. I love him and he loves me. Now, I hate that mother fucker and I’m pretty sure he hates me too. He forces his dick in me whenever he wants. When he’s ready to bust a nut he pulls out and I always have to swallow his cum.  To him “Spitting and swallowing are the difference between like and love”. Sometimes he just face fucks me for hours. He says he doesn’t want my filthy twat and when he’s done I can’t swallow or speak. Sometimes in my fairytale I kill his pathetic ass. That’s my favorite part. For each time he made me suck or fuck one of his dope suppliers I cut him with a blade. For every tear I shed  I want a drop of blood at my feet. By the time I’m done he is sliced up from head to toe begging for mercy. The only mercy I spare on him is dousing him in bleach instead of ammonia. Then, as I sit back and smoke a cigarette I watch him drown in a bloody chemical bath. If only I wasn’t a victim to his power.

you taste like . . . A debased Angel . . .

There’s something so erotic about my special collection of deformed bodies and violated carcasses. Guess what, baby? Bianca has been building her Body Farm, and if you ask real nicely . . . I might just let you have a little taste. So what are your vices? Would you like the Grandmother, still clutching her yarn ball in one hand, and the rotting, decaying flesh of her dearly departed husband’s ball in the other hand? Her dress is torn and exposing her crotchless panties. Such a dirty old bitch . . . she wants it bad. Or will you take her young little granddaughter whose eyes will forever stay frozen in terror? She’s such a sweet little thing. Never knew what was cumming to her until her throat was slit with a box cutter and her lips were sliced off and stitched back onto her own asshole. She was always such a brown-nosing little sycophant. Now she’ll be kissing ass for the rest of her . . . afterlife! Hahaha.

Satan came to me

smoothly slithered
next to my bedside

and whispered

“I am the twisted shepherd”

the father of darkness
here i’ve
scripted a letter

of the artist
i wish you to harness

bring me his carcass..

Yes Master
i’m disaster starved

i’m on a mission
to position

this King in plastic

But first
i wanna fuck him

nothin like
a big stiff dick

climb on top
rock the dead cock

til i get off

See i’m kinda
sick in the head

my thoughts are fed

cravin the dead..

my pretty baby in blue
you look so

beautiful breath.less

You taste like
a debased angel

tell me
how does it feel?


CSI Porn

CSI Porn — Narcissus Narcosis

Uh oh, this gal’s high again
just hit the weed, ate 3 Valium and 2 Vicodin;
Look like Dr. House, stumbling around my living room
fell off the couch, broke a shelf and cracked the ceiling too.
I’m feeling doomed, haven’t even started drinking yet
nervous wreck, when will all this pressure start to break my neck?
Pissed at everyone, thinking about grabbing a pistol
a knife with no handle, some razor blades and my Ginsu;
and coming to get you, find you where you sleep
grab something to eat in your house, 
slitting your throat and fleeing the scene.
I’m hopeless, see? I’ve got nothing left to live for.
Get bored and choke myself to death with a 16-inch extension cord.
So be forewarned, I will leave you deformed
beyond the norm
looking like a CSI porn

You better lock all your windows and barricade the front door, because I’m getting wet just thinking ’bout making a mess. With your face on the floor, and my boot on your head…

Why don’t you undress, and I’ll administer a test. Let’s see how long you can breathe while your throat’s full of hash. I’m gonna make sure the rope is nice and tight too. Wouldn’t want you to accidentally get some air. Ah. That’ll do. Nice and intricately tied. A spider web weaved that you’ll fall into…

See–it all starts here, and it’ll end here for you.

Momma’s Magic Touch

My innocence…if I ever had any to begin with…was scarred at a very young age. It happened when my Momma had friends over and told me not to cum in the room. I didn’t listen, and got too curious. Hiding in the closet, I saw my Momma with a pretty, thin blonde woman tied up with coarse rope. A tall man with dark hair was standing over the blonde, laughing as she cried. I gasped as I watched them flip her over and pull down her tiny lace thong. She must’ve been a stripper or a prostitute they picked up somewhere, since she was covered in tattoos and wearing only lacy lingerie. The man brought out a basket and took the lid off…I was shocked to see a snake curling out of it! The girl just started crying harder. Momma was laughing and held open the hooker’s butt cheeks as the man picked up the snake. Then my Momma reached over and grabbed a turkey baster filled with something white and liquid. She shoved the baster up the tied-up blonde girl’s tight pink asshole and the girl screamed. They kept laughing and Momma filled up her anal canal with the liquid. The man then put the snake’s head at the entrance to her asshole and it crawled inside, slithering up her ass. Turns out, it was milk, and the snake’s mouth was sewed shut. But it kept moving around in there because it smelled the milk and wanted it. So the tied-up girl got to enjoy that experience of having her asshole stretched out by a slithering snake. I quickly left the closet after that and never told my Momma I saw it, but somehow I think she knows. It’s obvious that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I’m a sadistic teen because I know my family likes hurting people, too. Momma always told me to never be afraid to stir up some trouble. She’s the Queen of Mean, so I guess that makes me pretty sick and evil, too…

Sadistic Deviant Phone Sex With Evil Accomplice Natasha

Think of the most disturbing and twisted evil fantasies, you know the ones you obsess about in the back of your mind every night. Those young, perfect innocent bodies that I will offer up to you for our own deviant and sadistic pleasures.

Whatever it is, no matter how dark, gory or bloody it is I am so ready to begin our torture and fuck session with this worthless little piece of shit. No amount of begging, pleading or especially crying is going to change our plans, in fact it’s only going to push me further to go harder and more wicked on her pathetic little ass.

You get the biggest kick out of how I laugh right in their tear streaked little faces and tell them every twisted detail of what she is on store for and there is no getting out of it. No Mommy isn’t going to come and rescue you, in fact sometimes I tell them their Mommies gave them to us to use because they just didn’t love or want them anymore…..sometimes that is really the truth!

Oh, I cannot wait until our next victim, I’m have that yearning and craving inside me that I can’t get rid of until we find a new innocent fresh piece of meat. Are you ready to begin?


Killer phone sexImagine the early morning light reflecting off the barrel of your gun.  You sit silent as you wait for your trophy fuck to pass by.  You see her and she is moving slowly, trying ever so hard not to step on a twig, or rustle any leaves.  You look at her through your scope.  It would be so easy to just finish her off, but a clean head shot is not what you really want.

You want to make her suffer, to allow the chase to go on just a bit longer.  You smile and adjust your rifle.  You lick your lips, putting your finger on the trigger.  She looks right at you for a moment, you are almost sure she saw you, but she goes back to watching where she is stepping.

You squeeze one off and it hits her right in the tender flesh of the back of her thigh.  She screams out in pain and tries to run.  She is looking wildly around, you see her grit her teeth as she tries to stem the flow of blood with her hand.  She is maimed.  You chuckle to yourself, and lower yourself down from your perch.

You make your way back to camp to drink a cup of coffee, you know she won’t get far.  You look over your shoulder to the trophys you already have.  Their pelts swaying lightly in the breeze.  There are those who pay a high price for these types of skins. After admiring those you already have, you make your way back out into the woods to get your next pale skinned beauty.

Human It’s What’s For Dinner

Cannabilism phone sex1

They were herded like cattle, forced to bathe under high-pressure hoses, and watch as their family members perished. After the first couple of sawed, mutilated, and tortured bodies, most of the victims were more worried about themselves…than showing outward feelings about being disgusted as their spawn were executed. The large basement looked like a slaughterhouse, and it was.

It took four of us to carve out their bodies, remove intestines, and season. The fattier ones were grilled like stake and anointed with pineapples. One particularly attractive red-head was sliced up to be pepperoni for the pizza, which would surely be a hit among the munchkins that attended dinner.

We sampled everything, taking delight in our creations before sharing them with our next victims. Once they arrived and were seated, we presented the courses on white napkins and formal place settings. They were all curious about why some of their family members were not there, but they made the normal excuses (too busy, drunk, etc.). The adults and spawn thanked us for our creations.

Offering up a video from one of the family members who could not make it, we turned out the lights and dispersed. Pressing steel blades against their throats, we turned on the film. They agonized and moaned, watching their loved ones being hacked up. One woman looked down at what remained of her fillet minion and vomited; what a waste, I thought, because she had so enjoyed her aunt only minutes earlier!

We began torturing what remained of the family in our own special ways. Preferring knives, I sliced off the woman’s breasts and peeled back the flesh on her stomach. Her eyes were the last to go because I wanted her to see the bloody scene until she died. Then, it was time to prepare our meal from our newest kill. There’s just something about the taste of fear that seasons food like nothing else!