Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Distruction Is A Great Cover

snuff phonesex karmaI will never forget the urge to go to Mississippi after hurricane Katrina hit. Seeing all the destruction on tv made my cunt yearn to be there. So I packed a bag and hit the road. The destruction didn’t disappoint me. Buildings everywhere reduced to rubble, the wood no more then match sticks. The flooded streets had bloated bodies floating face down. The smell of death was in the air. It made me feel alive. And what better time to go on a killing spree? Fuck so many people were dead and missing that this was the perfect cover and I took full advantage of it. I wasn’t picky, I killed anything I saw that was still alive be it human or animal. Blood covered my hands for weeks while I wondered around. No one noticed, no one paid attention. People were to self absorbed in their pain and suffering. Pain and suffering that served to keep my cunt hotter then hell. It was two weeks of sensory over load for my wicked ass. All the pain all the suffering all the death and the ability to kill at will in any way I wanted to. Knowing that I was leaving and that the body count was so fucking high anyway, the cops and national guard worried about looting and providing shelter, food and water to survivors that they wouldn’t even be thinking about looking for me. I was in and out of town in a flash. It was the best vacation I have ever taken. The first of many visits I have made since to disaster zones to get my fill of blood. snuff phonesex disaster

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Oops, Did I Do That?

bloody phone sex knife sadisticI was trying to see my future with my crystals and tarot cards today. This is a weekly ritual I do. But this stupid cunt in the apartment below me was blaring her music and interrupting my concentration. I pounded on the floor and yelled at her to turn her music the fuck down. It was some god awful modern country crap about a tractor being sexy. What the fuck? This bitch needed some manners, not to mention some fucking taste in music.

I grabbed my big ass knife to scare the cunt and pounded on her door. I was like what the fuck did you not understand about turn the music down. The bitch got mouthy with me. I pushed her outta my way and back into her apartment. I slapped her hard across the face and told her to shut the fuck up. I explained I was not the bitch to mess with, especially today. I was PMSing big time. Well, she called me a troll. What the hell? So, I cut her. No one talks disrespectfully to me. Especially not some rude little cunt. I slashed her face harder and deeper than I intended. Blood spurted on my face and I got a bit intoxicated from it. I love blood. Well, other people’s blood. She was whining and holding her face, trying to stop the flow of blood spurting out when I just go so enthralled, I slashed the bitch again and again and again. Blood was spewing out her face like a fucking geyser.   Me bad. I just lost control. She was rude, whiny and disrespectful.  Plus she had bad taste in music. The cunt didn’t deserve to live. There was blood everywhere. It was a mess, but a quiet mess. I marched back upstairs, hide my knife and got my tarot cards. Went back down to her place, laid in the blood and read my future. No jail for me because no one will miss a rude, whiny and disrespectful bitch. Do you got one in your life who  needs to be snuffed out? I am the perfect accomplice.

bloody phone sex knife evil

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: How to Dispose of a Useless Carcass

knife play phone sex bloody bitchLast night some of my evil bitch friends and I were sitting around the fire pit drinking moonshine and talking about how we dispose of useless carcasses. I have a million ways to dispose of a body, but my favorite is what I call the “Joachim Kroll.” See, he is my idol of sorts. A German born serial killer who kidnapped and tortured wee ones and adults alike in the 60s and 70s. In 1976 when he was caught, the police discovered girl parts cut up: some parts were in the fridge, a hand was cooking in a pan of boiling water and the intestines were found stuck in the waste-pipe. He was fond of knives just like me. But the major difference is, I’m not silly enough to get caught and I do not kill for sexual arousal, although it does get me off. I kill for pleasure and sport. Brings me joy to hunt and kill a stupid cunt or a cheating bastard or an annoying fuck or a whiny ass brat. I’m an equal opportunity sadistic bitch.

My latest victim was this blonde whore who called me a freak at the mall. I’d rather look like I do than some blonde bimbo plastic Barbie doll. At least I am unique. Well, I followed her for days, lurking in the shadows, learning her routine, her habits, her patterns. She was a stupid cunt who hid her house key in her mailbox. How original. She deserved to die for stupidity. So one night when she was whoring around, I let myself in her place and waited for her drunk ass to come home. She was not even a challenge. She came home, tripped over some ugly ass way too expensive designer shoes on the floor, landed face down on her hardwood floor. Passed out without the pleasure of seeing me and my little friend waiting for her. Well, I was not going to waste precious time taunting this one. I just plunged my big ass knife in her back, then took it out and sliced her throat. She made some gurgling sounds then bled out on her floor. So I was left with a carcass to dispose of. I had no ties to this bimbo bitch, so no reason to suspect me. Regardless, I am still careful and have my methods. I used a big meat cleaver to start cutting limbs off. Then I cut those limbs into smaller parts, and then I dissected the torso. I had brought my plastic disposable waste bags lol. I started putting parts in bags and tying them up. I dumped them in my  trunk and disposed of body parts all over the country and city roads. Dropped some in the river, some down sewers, a few I threw in the forest… I brought the head, fingers and part of the torso home. The key is not leaving any parts with fingerprints or teeth out and about for the police to identify. Small parts decompose much faster also, or get swallowed up by the wildlife. The police may find a stray part here and there, but they never find them all, and never find any part that is identifiable.

At home I am a Hannahaball Lector of sorts. I have an industrial meat grinder in my dungeon. I throw the parts I bring home in there, grind it up fine and make a stew. A stew I often serve to guests I don’t like much. I take sadistic pleasure in watching some cunt or bastard sipping on my tomato bisque soup and wondering what my special ingredient is. My special sauce will always be revenge.

If you need assistance disposing a body, let me help. Or better yet, let me help you snuff a whore out. Life is too short to be surrounded by useless and annoying people. Don’t you agree?

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies with Blair: Forced to Be an Accomplice

murder phone sex fantasies killer momI have been very ill for a few days now. Deathly ill. High fever, vomiting, shitting myself, skin lesions… My Master has taunted me the entire time and refused me the medical treatment I need. I thought I had the flu; even toyed with the notion I had the zombie virus. But today, my Master informed me he injected me with an infectious virus to force my hand. He gave me Ebola. This disease kills thousands fast in third world countries. He told me he has the antidote to prevent my death, but I must be willing to do anything for him. I looked at him with blood running out my eyes and said, “Anything for you Master.”

murder phone sex fantasies milfHe then tied me to his rack he use to torture me with. My skin smelling putrid and my flesh falling off my bones, he tortures me further. I am about as near death as I have ever been. I tell Master I want to live so I can continue to serve and please him. I beg him to tell me the conditions to save my life. I promise to do anything. He tells me I must agree to hunt young flesh with him. I am getting to old to keep giving him new ones to destroy, so now I must agree to go on the hunt outside our family for fresh meat. He loves to torture tight little holes and not only are my holes no longer tight, but he has ruined the holes of the precious young things I have given him. He says, “Flesh for your flesh.”

I have never minded the horrible things Master has done to me in the past. I have taken every sick, twisted, painful thing with a smile. But I always resisted making others suffer my agony. I have refused to be his willing accomplice, but now, here I am dying. Do I have a choice? If I agree to be his sadistic accomplice and bring him fresh, tight, young holes to ruin, I will live; my beautiful body will be restored. I have no choice. I want to live. Forgive me Father, for I am about to sin…..

What cruel and unusual lengths will you take, to make me your evil accomplice?

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He made me do it.. but I loved it..

Accomplice phone sex Makayla

Today was my first time like this.

He had me tied up.

My hand above my head.

My legs wide open and straight and tied against this thing.. 

My pussy and ass was hanging out.. 

I had a gas mask on. 

It was dark.

I could hear a whimper next to me.

The I felt the tiny hand touch my exposed breast.

I felt his big rough hands guiding that tiny hand around my breast, touching my nipple. Then pinching it. 

Its sent shivers down my body, to my pussy and I was wet. 

He knows that my nipples are my starting point. 

He is guiding these mini hands under his, showing them how to touch my body the way I like it.

Its hard to see out of the damn mask, let alone in the dark. 

I felt their hands work down from my breast to the middle of my chest, down my belly then just above my pussy. 

Then kisses.

Was he making this bratty bitch kiss my pussy?

Ohhh I feel those tiny hands and lips work down my thighs and to my pussy lips.

I feel him spread me open and that min hand enters my pussy. 

Fuck this feels amazing. 

He lets go of my pussy, and that Tiny hand is still inside of me working hard..

I hear a loud scream and what I am assuming a punch.

Her hands stop going as fast as they were, I keep hearing the muffled screams of that tiny fucking brat screaming. 

I can’t stand it. 

I hear another loud punch fallowed by a crunch. 

I hear him pounding what I assume is a almost lifeless body, then he throws her and I hear a whimper as she hits the wall.

I know its my turn. 

He knows only a real woman can make him cum. 

He only unties my legs and turns this table thing up and I’m hanging off .

He pulls up his special chair and pulls me on to him. 

He chokes me I as I tell him those brat whores are worthless.

He only needs mommy’s pussy..

He cums inside me.. 

HE wants me to be a mommy.

I don’t know the person i turn into with him.. 

But I am starting to love her. 

She Tasted Great

accomplice phone sex (6)

Guadalupe, one of my many owners, lost his temper again. He looked through his girl’s cell phone and saw that she was texting another brotha. This enraged him because he was head over heels in love with her. They had been together for quite some years now and he even had her name tattooed on his back. She and I talked sometimes when we prepared the meals for the men. I envied her so much because I was just a fucking object whereas she was the love of somebody’s life. That ungrateful cunt should’ve known better than to text another man when there were women begging to be in her place! When he saw the text messages Rosalita automatically began to try to explain by Lupe wasn’t for it. He slapped her across the face and dragged her body down the stairs. I could hear the back off her head “THUMP” each time it hit a step. I know what that shit feels like and trust me, it isn’t good. He ripped her clothes off as she screamed for him to stop and calm down. “Papi, it isn’t what you think” she exclaimed as he ripped off her bra and panties. I watched as he took her body for the last time. As he thrust he said things like, “I really loved you Lita” and “I can’t lose you to anybody else”. I could hear the pain in his voice as he grunted. Then when he was done, as cool as a cucumber, he held her by her hair and slit her throat from ear to ear. Just like that Rosalita was gone. Lupe called me over and told me to clean up the mess and get rid of her cheating ass. I remember the last time I tried to get rid of a bitch they fucked and murdered but that didn’t end too well. I had to be quick and then I got it! I wanted to give Guadalupe one last chance to be with his “Lita” so I dragged her to the back yard. It was all fenced in so nobody could see me hauling a dead puta with me.accomplice phone sex layla (6.0) I got the chain saw, prepared myself, and started cutting. I cut her arms and legs into four pieces and cut all the meat off the bone. As for her torso I didn’t want to do much with it because the bitch had a brat in there. From the looks of it she was about 4 months. I disposed of her mid-section and head and went to the kitchen to clean the meat. I removed all the fat trimmings and flesh so that I could season it up real good for dinner and serve it with my famous enchiladas. That’s right; we’re going to eat this cunt tonight! I haven’t had a real meal in ages so I will eat any meat put in front of me. When dinner was done all them rushed to the kitchen for a plate. Guadalupe came back for seconds and showed me the first sign of affection I’ve gotten in months. He kissed my forehead and said, “She was delicious.”

Crimson Part 2

I always hate actually having to go and get my victims myself… the work it takes to grab them… the planning it takes… the time it takes. With all of the contacts I have one would thing that I would have no problem finding someone… anyone, to grab me a nice little tramp from a club or from a playground, but NO! I had to keep my fantasies and urges under control for 10 months until all the proper planning and stalking had been completed. None the less, here I am with the little brunette whore I picked up walking home from a nightclub with her friend… in the trunk of a modified cab car… with a chloroform soaked towel in her mouth. It’s been too long for me, I can already feel the excitement building between my legs as I park in front of an old, abandoned apartment building. I made sure to park deep in the parking garage under the apartments, it wouldn’t be good to have anyone see me dragging a limp body into an abandoned building after all. She was surprisingly light, and honestly I appreciated anything that made my life a bit easier. As we made our way into my dungeon I removed the towel from the cunt’s mouth and secured her to the hospital gurney in the middle of the cold stone room… tonight was going to be fun…TabooPhoneSexMagenta3

Crimson Part 1

Crimson. My favorite color. It’s such a sweet and satisfying feeling; coming home from a long night of stalking and playing, covered in the sticky life liquid. The fear in their eyes is just as sweet. The fear is half the fun after all; look in that little cunts eyes as I grab her from the street into a dark alley. She was walking home with her friend, coming home from a nice night at a local club. Neither was drunk, just a bit tipsy… but oh how lovely would the brunettes white tube dress look after it was stained red with her blood and black with my sin. I didn’t even give her time to scream… As soon as I grabbed her I had shoved a towel covered in chloroform in her mouth and forced her into the back a a cab car I had modified. The only door that would open was the driver’s door, all the others had been welded shut. The windows could not be rolled down, and I had made sure that the windows were tinted dark as the night itself. I had my dungeon all set up for us, it is going to be a very fun night…


Taboo Phone Sex: Horror Movie Night Gone Wrong with Cassandra

taboo phone sex big tits torture

One night, many years ago, I was sitting on the couch with a male friend of mine watching a horror movie: “Candyman.” It was pretty scary to me at the time. I commented to my companion that I thought the idea of summoning a dead evil spirit who would control and own you was kinda hot; especially if a big black evil spirit. Well my date did not like that at all. Not sure if he got jealous because I was hinting that I wanted big black cock. Next thing I know he is yanking me by the hair and saying my name  over and over in a creepy voice like in the movie. Then he starts to drag me through the house. He throws me down into the basement and locks the door. What seems like hours later, he comes down, strips me naked and ties me up. When I start to scream he puts a ball gag in my mouth just like The Candyman did to some blonde in the movie. He then shows me a hook like the Candyman sports. My eyes get real big and I fear he is gonna ram it up my ass or something. He just kept saying my name “Cassandra, Cassandra, Cassandra, Cassandra, Cassandra.” It was like he was taunting me. I was his prey, his victim. I had no idea when I came over to watch a movie with him that he had a dungeon in his basement. I could see torture devices, bondage equipment, sex toys galore… He knew what he had planned when he invited me over.

I was tied up to a bench for hours.  His Candyman hook used to cut my back, rip my ass open and cut my breasts. Just like the Candyman, he said, “Be my victim.” I could see he was obsessed with horror movies. I saw a Freddy Krueger glove, a Jason hockey mask, a mask and knife like Michael Meyers, a Scream mask,  a chainsaw… I was in a horror obsessed serial killer’s dungeon. Is that what he does? Invite a hot woman over for a scary movie then kill her like the madman in the movie?

I could not talk because he gagged me just like the Candyman did. But my head was racing… I wanted to escape but I was tied tightly and mutilated.  I tried to escape somewhere in my head to forget the pain, but he kept cutting my back, torturing my ass, ripping my flesh; there was no mercy. As blood was gushing down my back, I felt his cock ram into my ass. He was turned on by the blood, turned on by my gaping flesh, turned on by my pain. He said in a creepy voice as I gasped for life,” They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What’s blood for, if not for shedding?”  I prayed for death to take me

taboo phone sex bondage torture

Such soft skin…


We make the perfect pair; the most dynamic duo this world has ever seen! Your charming good looks draw those poor, ignorant sluts in and by the time the sun rises we’re dancing among the crimson stained dungeon walls. I have no problem waiting for you to bring them back to me, I know how much the chase excites you. I can see the excitement in your eyes as you drag the little whore by her arms into the last space she’ll ever see. I can’t help but start to feel wet as you secure her to the metal exam table in the middle of our little sanctum. Poor thing; she has no idea that no one will ever hear her screams through the soundproof walls. Why don’t you sit back and watch; you worked so hard to acquire the little tramp and you deserve spectacular show for all your hard work and planning. The excitement in your eyes grows as I slowly take a scalpel from the instrument tray and begin to slice the girls smooth, flat stomach… Her skin is so soft that my scalpel glides through it like soft, warm butter. I would love to hear your thoughts on our latest little specimen, we have as long as we want with her after all.