Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Taboo Phone Sex Teddy Bear Torture

taboo phone sex

Sometimes my playthings can be bad taboo phone sex Daddys! This makes me very very mad. One of them decided that he was going to bow down to this snuff porn Goddess and then mad a big mistake. He decided he had free rein of what and when things went into his lungs and just walked outside for a cigarette. I went inside and waited for him to come back out. When he did I tore into him, slapping him across the face and knocking him to the ground. He crawled across the floor over to his stuff and pulled out a teddy bear that he had given me as a gift.A fucking teddy bear? What was that going to do to fix the situation. I throat kicked him leaving him in between the heel and sole of my shoe with the point digging into the side of his neck. I listened to him gurgle snatching the stuffed creature from his hand.

snuff porn

Cute, and fluffy, Daddy should not I do not do cute. I left over to the table leaving him gasping for breath on the floor and decided I would make my teddy into something delightfully evil that I actually wanted to have. My evil book of shadows held a curse to make him into something that pleased me. My evil Teddy bear minion started to rise from the table, he bared his teeth in a menacing grin and asking me how he could serve his Goddess. I ordered him to show the blibbering idiot whom I once called daddy why we don’t do things without asking. Teddy Deathbin jumped up swiping a knife from the table and lunged at the crying idiot on the floor. He began to slice him open. He begged me to order the bear to stop, that he would be a good boy. Teddy did not like that, he lopped his head off with a swift hack of the chainsaw. Teddy was so devious that he fed me daddy’s little pathetic penis. 

Castration phone sex

Bye Bye Daddy!

Ass Rape Porn to Snuff Porn Documentary: Cassandra Films it All

ass rape pornWe were on the couch fucking. Actually, he was fucking me like I was an ass rape porn star; nailing my ass hard with his foot long cock. I love rough anal, but 12 inches of thick meat up my ass is difficult to take. He was not happy with me. He tossed me off the couch and put on some snuff porn. He loves to watch the sick shit when fucking me. In his mind, I am nothing more than a fuck pig. The film he put in was about the kidnapping and torture of several women, a mother and her daughters it looked like. It was gruesome, but he was standing in front of the TV jacking off watching these chicks get force fucked before dying slow, painful deaths.snuff porn documentary

That’s when it dawned on him that I would be perfect for a snuff porn documentary. I didn’t like the sound of that. Within an hour, several of his friends were over. He grabbed me by the throat and fucked my ass until I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up naked, and strapped to a wood table, much like the mom in the snuff movie we watched. His cohorts began mutilating my breasts with sharp blades. I screamed, cried, prayed I was having a nightmare. Do men really get off ruining the female body? My nipples were cut then sliced off. My breasts were stabbed repeatedly until the saline bags popped. They actually cut my breasts off and removed the saline bags then started pissing into the stumps that use to be my perfect big boobs.

snuff moviesI was going into shock from the pain when they turned their focus to my worthless cunt and ass. They had this look of sick glee on their faces as they each held up some sharp instrument to impale me with. As my head turned, to avoid looking at them stabbing my fuck holes, I saw one guy filming it all with his cock hard as a rock. Pretty sure I was in shock as I was numb and cold. They were pulling my cervix out, even my uterus. Blood was pooling all around me. I felt once last jolt of excruciating pain as a knife impaled my belly, before I heard the final words,” snuff the bitch.” The knife across my throat I didn’t even feel. Thank God for small favors I guess.

taboo phone sex

I do not!

Taboo phone sex

Living in Vegas there is always the option of getting married. We do live in the city of sin. Just once around the casino floor around the high rollers and I can get myself a husband. I need a real rich one. Some drunk ass hole who needs to blow his load and spend some money on me! I love dressing up in my sexy lingerie walking down the isle in it and watching my new husbands eyes get wide.

Snuff porn

Lucky for me I pay off the chapel, I do so many weddings and tragically something awful always happens to my new husbands. Its so sad. They give me tons and tons of cash and i give them the best fuck of their lives. While we are smoking on the balcony somehow each and every husband of mine falls off the edge. Maybe its because I push them off. But hey I sick whore like me needs some money.

Violent phone sex

So far this has been the easiest and fastest way to make money ever!

Snuff Porn Torture Death the Cure All for Redneck Neighbors

snuff porn knife playSnuff porn is what gets me off. The bloodier, the better. The homemade snuff porn torture death variety is my favorite. I guess you could say that when it comes to my own snuff movies, I like to go medieval. If you are a fan of torture sex, like I am, then you know that in the Game of Thrones era death and dismemberment were extra violent, extra gruesome, extra painful, and very deadly. In other words, awesome.

I have had my eye on new neighbors. Annoying fuckers who violate every code of decency. Their lawn looks like a Griswold Christmas year round; they blare country music at all hours of the night; their junker Ford pickup truck leaves toxic fumes for days and they are meth heads so tweakers in and out 24/7. No one wants them in our little community, but no one has the balls to do anything about it. We all know I have bigger balls than an elephant. Normally, I don’t hunt or kill in my back yard, but pretty certain if I got caught, my neighbors would high five me rather than turn me in. Sometimes bitches just have to die.

snuff porn torture deathThese ass hats were worthy of a slow tortuous death. I was inspired by watching some vintage medieval porn with religious under tones. Decided to make the crime scene look rather frantic and religious. I walked right into their home early one morning and found them making crystal meth in the kitchen. Stupid cunt was pregnant too. High as a kite, so easy to control. Tied the bitch to her dining room table spread eagle. Took an old huge ass crucifix, fucked her cunt until her insides started to spill out. Left her breathing so she could watch me sodomize her man from Deliverance baby daddy with that same crucifix. I enjoyed torturing their worthless fuck holes. Neither had the right to procreate.

After about an hour of playtime for me, I broke out my medieval sword and beheaded them. I started with him. Blood spurted out the neck stump and his head rolled off the table with his eyes wide open. Perfect. He could watch me behead his skank ass wife, who was likely his first cousin too. Their heads ended up smacking against each other. I may have played a little soccer for shits and giggles while the blood poured from their lifeless bodies. Oh, and I may have filmed it. Turns out, I enjoy killing inbred redneck tweakers. It is very satisfying to rid the world of useless fucks. I confused the crime scene with equal parts religious fanaticism and drug war gone bad. It will be unsolvable like all my kills. It will also be coming to the world of underground 8 MM films very soon. Maybe they can repay me in death for exposing me to “Drunk on a Plane” at 3 am every morning. In hindsight, I didn’t torture them enough.

torture sex

My keepsakes


Snuff porn

I know what I do is against the law. I do try to honor ever part of my victims but there are a few things that I keep. I keep them to remind me of things that I have done. All the time I spent with them. I spend hours hunting them down following them. Then when I finally get them home I spend so much time with them. I had an idea while I’d sit in my car rubbing my cunt thinking of all the things I could do to them. Like the uncut man I found. I cut his dick over and over again. I poured bleach in his wounds, salt, and I would pour vinegar on him. Then After I beat him, tortured his cock, Fucked him in the ass and made him suck his shit off my cock; I sewed his foreskin together. I tried to keep his cock, but I couldn’t keep it hard and after a while it started to stink. I did how ever keep his head… I keep all of their heads…

Taboo phone sex

Babysitter Phone Sex Snuff Porn Fun

babysitter phone sexBabysitter phone sex is better with two evil bitches in charge. I was hired to watch two brats, both girls. Ripe, tender little morsels. I met Gray awhile back. Sick evil bitch like me. Of course we became fast friends. I texted her to come over and bring some friends, because we were going to party. I was spending the night with the brats in a swank house with a pool and full bar. If parents are stupid enough to leave me in charge of their brats, well they need a wakeup call.

Gray brought a male friend with her. He heard there were young brats around and he was down to party. He offered me some money for special play time with my charges. I would have turned the place into Neverland Ranch for free. Those brats meant nothing to me. Gray spiked their punch, while I undressed them. She decided we should film it. Tyke porn brings in the big bucks. Her friend was stroking his cock as he looked at the girls’ underdeveloped flesh. Little bumps for boobies, smooth cunnies, Bambi eyes, little bubble butts…

I made them go kiss Uncle Gene’s pecker. Even drugged, they resisted me; I brought out my knife and threatened them with it. That made them more compliant. Gray was giggling as Gene skull fucked the little twats’ mouths. When will parents learn to do back ground checks on their babysitters? I was filming it all. Gray even got a dildo out from the parent’s goody drawer to prime their little pussies for Gene’s big dick. I loved hearing their screams. But the best part was all the blood flowing from little cunnies as they got penetrated by man sized cock. Gene fucked both girls, while Gray held them down and I filmed it. Teamwork.

snuff pornAt one point Gray was pouring booze down their throats to stop their whining. These really were annoying little girls. “Why don’t we kill them, I suggested? As far as I was concerned, profit off them twice. Snuff porn of little ones would make a killing. No pun intended (insert giggles). Everyone’s eyes got really big. Well not everyone’s. The little girls clenched their eyes and shook their heads like they thought it was all a bad dream. While Gray’s friend was fucking a little tight pussy, I slit the slut’s throat, making her sister watch in horror as blood poured from her sibling’s body, cascading over Gene’s cock. Blood makes great lube.

The surviving sister was hysterical. I hate crying. There’s no crying in my snuff movies. So, I slit her throat and let Gene fuck her dead little body. I glanced over at Gray; she was playing with her pussy as she watch two little brats die together. Normally, I dispose of bodies well, but their negligent parents needed to be taught not to trust strangers with their brats. At least they can take comfort in the fact that their little girls are gonna be snuff film stars. Tip of the day. Don’t leave anyone you love with me or Gray. We like to do very bad things.

taboo phone sex

Snuff Porn: Casting of a Bimbo

Snuff porn casting called for a real bimbo to use abuse and ultimately snuff the fucking life out of. Fiona, she was deliciously suburban, wide eyed and willing. I fucking swear my pussy dripped as I imagined the filth pig that was going to go at this soon to be sleazy cunt. We picked this little suburban skank up at a bar after my buddy Harry the barkeep roofied the fuck out of her. 

Snuff Porn

I got a call from Harry telling me he found the perfect victim to use for the snuff production we were trying to make. Excited I jumped on my Indian and roared over to the bar and he had the skank loaded in his van already. Oh she is fucking precious, blonde with a tight little body and those doe eyes! I wanted to see what I had while we started recording right there in the van. I show up in my biker gear looking ruthless as fuck. 

Swinging out my switchblade I started running the blade between her legs pressing the blade against her flesh and shedding a trickle of red. Running the pointed tip over her panties pressing the blade into her clit she let out some form of sound. She was coming around now and it was time for some real fun. I slide on my brass knuckles and start punching the crap out of her pretty face as she wailed and howled in pain blood spurt everywhere. She was now bloody and ugly and I bring in the filth pig goober from the butcher shop dressed in his work gear all covered in blood already and hungry for human girl pussy. 

He is a grunt, he’s dumb, and well perfectly cave man like. He never gets the girl so he made the perfect main actor in our snuff scores. He started fucking the cheap sluts cunt and he was not a small man, besides his ogre stature and built his cock was fat. That fat cock pushed in the tight young cunt with so much force she bled immediately and that just fueled him. He became a fucking machine of destruction. This cunt will not survive all the blood loss.

snuff sex


Snuff Porn Online Murder Fantasy Trade

Snuff Porn

Snuff porn is only something that I use to get my taboo phone sex cunt off when my supply of victims is running low.  I have been experimenting with a lot of CBT lately so I did not have anyone in my basement to have fun with when all of my slut piggies went home. I searched and googled on torrent sites to see if i could find something that was going to make my cunty wet. What would you know it came up with zero result. Zero snuff torrents, that was just not going to do. I was going to change that! I went out hunting for a little brat. I was going to make a murder fantasy porn for all of the snuff porn lovers like me. Something everyone would love. I started with a little brat with piggie tales. I set up camera to catch every angle of her death. From me ripping her little cunt open wearing a strap on, to force fucking her throat hole with a baseball bat. When i slit her throat I sat under her coating my body in her blood. Using the slick and warm liquid I played with my cunt cumming all over my fingers and then shoving the bloody cum mixture into my mouth to taste. 

taboo phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies For the Blood Thirsty

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies     Murder phone sex fantasies for a whore like me are the greatest! I love callers who have a bloody thirsty imagination …
Tender flesh under your fingertips deepens your desire to torture me!. You can feel my pulse trembling with fear of what is to come! I feel your cock harden and my face soaked with tears. I ask myself why it is such a turn on for you to cause me pain! My prolonged suffering, the screams, the taste of my blood on your lips!
     I feel your hands on my delicate flesh. A violent kick to my pussy causes me to sob. Blood trickles out of my cunt and I am sure the living organism in me is now dead! I am forced to kneel at your cock! Grinning you look down at me and heave your penis at me! Grinning you rub the purple tip back and forth across my mouth the foreskin becomes smeared with blood from my lips. “You better suck me pretty good.” you rasped. “If I feel the slightest bit of your teeth I’ll pull them out with pliers.” Tears spill down my face but I manage to grasp your cock.
     Using my tongue I lick the sensitive underside of your cock while my clasping hands move along your shaft! My body would be powerless to refuse! Your hands twitch as they imagine probing apart my ass cheeks. I try to bite you and for that a boot catches the underline of my stomach. Pinning my wrists to the floor, you push your rock hard cock into my pussy. I attempt to raise up but am violently pushed back down again. Blood seeps from my pussy. Turning me over I feel the spread of my ass cheeks. You said you were going to put out a cigarette on my tiny little hole but I guess the idea was too much for you because I felt the cum ooze into my asshole! “Oh well!, you said. Our next Killer phone sex Fantasy will be even better!

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Reality

Murder Phone Sex Fanatsies      Murder phone sex Fantasies can be so real! The calls I have like this not only send chills down my spine but take care of that sadistic need of torture that possesses me!
      It was all I could do to keep from gagging on the stuffed panties that were pushed into my mouth! The tape was mashed against my mouth making it impossible to breathe. 50,000 volts from the stun gum placed at my neck knocked me unconscious. You couldn’t control yourself as you picked me up and dragged me to a nearby table. I thought this was some cruel joke but I knew it wasn’t. I tried pulling at the ropes to release myself but it was no use. My blouse is ripped open and I see the cruel looking devices you are taking out of your bag. Ripping the tape off of my mouth you pull out the sogging panties. I told you I could use my tongue really well and now you want a sample. My moans are like rasping sounds in my throat. You said you would have great pleasure in me choking and place the plastic bag around my head..
     I feel your hardness through the plastic as you ram your cock deep down my throat. The bag puffs up and bounces around as I thrash around on the floor. My legs try to kick free from the bonds but I cant. You don’t try to thrust further inside of my mouth. You simply rely on the milking of my squeezing throat muscles and vibrations of me choking. My tongue begins to swell almost painful against your rigid cock. Suddenly the bag sucks up tight against my face my body rises and I began to violently spasm beneath you. I am still twitching as you shoot the last load of cum down my throat!
torture phone sex