Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Halloween means Snuff phone sex time!!!

snuff phone sexHalloween means time for snuff phone sex marathons. What better way to celebrate the day of gore and terror than to do it for real? My fantasy would be to go out to some adult Halloween party and find some cutesy little slut who thinks a naughty maid costume is perfect for hell Night. Seriously, who the fuck would wear something so ridiculous and inappropriate except a whore who just wants an excuse to flaunt her shit? They are the type I love to torture.
I’d drug the whore and bring her to a real haunted house full of evil spirits. I’d tie her down and dump stale piss on her to wake her up. It would be really dark and I’d be wearing a hood so she could not see my face. I’d rip off her clothes and shove her panties in her mouth so I wouldn’t hear her whine. Then let the fun began.
It would be a slow torture. Her hair in a vice with a hand crank so that I could pull it tighter and tighter until her face ripped off. Alligator clips for her nipples. Hot wax on her clitty. Her pussy lips would be pulled open with vise grips, revealing her gaping hole. A curling iron shoved in her ass, set on preheat, as you smelled the meat cooking.
Quick jabs into tender flesh with my knife would make her bleed. A few strokes into her pussy and the blood flowed freely. I grew wetter watching her writhe in pain, aspirating her panties while sucking for air.
I motion to you, sitting in a corner jerking your cock slowly. Your eyes gleam with hunger as you approach her. You dive on her like a beast, impaling her bloody cunt with your rigid staff, pumping furiously in and out. Your fangs flash as you savage her neck, ripping out her throat to feed, slurping greedily, pulling out her lifeblood and filling her cunt with yours.
We both howl at the moon as orgasm overtakes us. Happy Halloween.

evil phone sex

Free Range Snuff Porn

Snuff pornDo you know what makes a captive lose their shit?  Giving them freedom.  Just throwing back the door, unshackling them, slapping them on the ass and telling them to get the fuck out.  At first they do not move, especially if you have had them awhile.  They cower, their eyes go from you, to the door, from you to the door, they take a hesitant step and then they are off.  Running bat shit crazy all over the place. 

The first place they run to is a wooded area.  I think it is just natural instinct to find some place where you are hidden from view.  They crash, tumble, and eventually they get hurt.  Of course you follow them, with all the noise they are making as long as you stay calm and out of their view they do not even know you are there.  At this point, they begin to feel more confident. They are injured and tired by now.  They slow down a bit, you stay absolutely still.  Give them a few hours to themselves.  Make them really believe that they survived.

Then get as close as you can and just stand there.  Make sure they can see your weapon, and smile.  Start to move toward them slowly, watch the fear in their eyes, watch as they start to hobble/run away shouting, “NO NO NO!!!” the whole time.  Then have the others join you. Have them naked already except for their serial killer masks.  Watch as those tears start to flow, snot running down their face, eyes red and puffy. 

Now you get to enjoy recording the whole brutal sexual assault from the comfort of a warmed by the sun tree stump.  Maybe even feed a chipmunk or something.  As soon as all the cocks are flaccid, all the cum is expelled, all the bruising that the victim has room for on their body has been completed.  Simply walk up and finish the job.  It is Free Range Snuff porn, the vegans will love it!

Taboo phone sex

Drowning The Asshole

Taboo phone sex

I am so pissed at you. I heard that you were fucking around on me. You didn’t think that I would find out did you? Well I did, one of my friends spotted you hanging all over that trailer trash bitch and now you’re going to pay for being an unfaithful bastard. Don’t think that you’re going to get off easily either. I’m not going to let on that I know exactly what you’ve been up to. I’m going to wait until you’re relaxing in a nice warm bath and then I’m going to bring you some wine with a little something extra in it. When you start to doze off, it’s going to be so very easy for me to push your head under the water and hold you there as you thrash and gasp for air as the water begins to fill your lungs. You’re choking and terrified but not strong enough to fight me off. I let your head surface just long enough to let you know that I know what a cheating bastard you are before I snuff the life right out of you and you die under that water. Your body going limp never to struggle or cheat again.

A Dark Night

taboo-phone-sex-karmaThe night was dark , the moon high in the sky. Her skin was glistening with sweat from fear as she laid on the alter. He skin was covered with goose bumps, her nipples rock hard in the cold night air Her sacrafice will please my dark lord. She is a prime specimin. I found out she is a virgin. That makes it even better. Her virginal blood will please him. I have the perfect impament for her first penetration. A nice stake that will pierce her farther then it should. It’s almost time, let the blood flow warm and hot, thick and sweet. I can’t wait to drink the life giving fluid, to watch the last beat of her heart while it is in my hand. Death will be slow and her gift will be appreciated….



The Queen of Death

knife play phone sexI played accomplice for Mr. D last night. Picked up some young whore at the local pizza place. She was drunk outta her mind and I promised to get her home safe. She was wearing tiny slut shorts and no bra. Ripe for the picking. Young and tender just the way he likes them.
He jumped on her like a piece of choice ribeye. Tore her clothes off and starting fucking her dry. She was all moaning and blubbering, snot running down her face. Made me wanna cave her nose in. Gross slut. She seemed to enjoy it at first and I got jealous. Mr. D is my man and only I can please him. Here’s this bratty whore trying to convince him how much she likes the abuse. I couldn’t stand it. I kicked her in the head while she sucked his cock. He knew I was jealous and egged me on, making her suck his balls. I lost it and stabbed her right in the spine. She went limp, her spinal cord severed. He picked her limp rag doll body up, threw her on the bed and stuck his cock in her. He taunted me that she was tighter than me and so much younger. Such an obedient fuck doll. He might have to keep her around. I saw red. I jumped up on the head of the bed and took her head in my hands and began to squeeze her throat. She gurgled. He got harder. I squeezed more and her lips turned blue. “Do it,” he roared, his orgasm hitting him hard. I slit the whore’s throat just as he burst cum into her pussy. Her dying gasp made me cum too. He fucked me right there in a pool of her blood. I am still the queen of death. He’ll never give me up.

Snuff Porn Fun with Crack Whores

Friday night festivities are under way. I’ll be grabbing one of the boys to be my accomplice phone sex assistance in rounding up a snuff porn victim or three. Crack whores are the easiest target and least likely to be missed or they are already writen off as dead. Who in their right mind will miss a filthy druggy crack whore? For fucking real, the bitch could care a rats ass for herself so who fucking cares!

My boys in the lab have my bait ready to grab a few for the snuff film tonight. You see we always need a couple extra victims as they are crack whores. You never can tell just how bad things will go before finishing the film so we need more than one disposable body. I love hunting for the perfectly degraded piece of trash to make some of the most gruesome little films. Some nights we get lucky and achieve full use of each victim.

This round I am going to lure in a male counterpart for fucking the crack whore to death and we’ll even fucking snuff his ass after my gang gangbangs his fuckless ass. We will get fucking filthy and feel free to call me up for a preview as I verbally exploit the hell out you. 

snuff porn

Do you want to die?

torture phone sexI bet it would make your little wanna-be dick hard to know what turns me on, I am sexy so everyone tries to have a some type of thing with me. It is nasty. What turns me on is making them think I will fuck them, then draining every single one of them of all of the blood they have out of their pathetic bodies. I do not care who it is, all blood is the same color, everyone cries out in pain the same way and that is one of the only things that turns me on. Mostly, I kill whores, sluts, nasty bitches. That does not mean that the pathetic dick wads get any special attention or slide by me. I love torturing them to the death too. I am any assholes worst nightmare. I will give you a shot that paralyzes you from the neck down so all that your pathetic ass can do is watch scream and cry, just to motivate me a little more – I will make sure that you can still feel everything I do to your body before I drag your nasty sweaty balls across a cheese grater and watch as it slowly rips of your skin and the blood begins to flow, that just gives me chills. Then I will cut the tip of your itty bitty penis off and watch the blood spray out of it, I know you will be crying and screaming and just making me that much wetter. I am going to make your pathetic ass sit there with the tip of your dick in your mouth with blood still dripping while I go back to dragging the grader over the raw skin of your balls and putting all the skin that comes off in your mouth. Or maybe you don’t want me to torture you, you had someone else in mind? I’ll do anything… as long as someone is getting hurt.

Tick tock, your time is up!

snuff sexTick tock, your time is up! You’ve made way too many mistakes tonight to get to live any longer, but FIRST…some torture. I need some blood, I want to see this whore really fucking cry. Cry till she is choking on her snot and struggling to breathe…hear her beg for me to stop and when she cries I love to hear the pain in it. That’s what gets my pussy so fucking wet. This bitch deserves the pain she’s nothing but a dumb fucking slut! She won’t get a simple nipple piercing, oh no this fucking whore is going to get the most extreme of the extreme. Let’s gauge those nipples of hers, if it just so happens I cut the whole thing off – then who fucking cares? The more blood the better! I am sure she will love bathing in it, mixing it with her tears and snot and all the cum of mine making my pussy so incredibly moist. Nothing turns me on more than fucking up a good nasty slut, fuck that bitch with a knife, cut her slowly all over her body. Hang her upside down to drain the blood nice and slow…how does that hot sticky blood feel in your eyes bitch? Nice and warm like the cum you like to suck up, you nasty fucking whore you’re going to get all you deserve now! The fear in your eyes is what turns me on, keep on crying bitch I got more in store for your ass.

Castration Phone Sex Junkie

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my favorite. I am not going to lie because taking worthless balls and squashing nut sacks is what I do for money, honey. Can you believe guys pay me to take their junk? Occasionally, a woman hires me to teach a cheating man a valuable lesson about keeping it in his pants. I met Serena at a Goth club a few weeks ago. When she shared about her cheating boyfriend, I shared back. Let her know the many different ways she could ruin her man’s nuts. I love ball busting. Slam those nuts in a book and flatten them like a pancake; don some spiked heels and trample balls; tie them up and use them as punching bags; pull them wide like butterfly wings then stab them with hat pins… Really, if a girl wants to bust some nuts there are hundreds of fun ways.

snuff pornSerena said she wanted more than busted balls; she wanted a dead boyfriend, but not after some serious CBT. I quoted her my snuff porn price, tossed in the nut busting and junk removal for free. A few days later, I trapped her cheating man in the woods where he was hunting. Strung him up by a tree. Wasn’t easy because he was heavy. A sturdy fucker. Every castration gig I get is a bit different. I never bust nuts or take junk the same way twice. No pattern, means no detection. While I had this ass wipe strung up on a tree like I was going to lynch him, my pussy started to drip. Such a turn on to show a man he is no man at all. Real mean don’t put their dicks in another woman’s pussy.

taboo phone sexI started tugging the rope in such a way that it smacked that loser up against a tree. I wasn’t going to hang him. That is boring. I was going to slam him so hard against that tree repeatedly that his balls burst. Enough times of ramming that loser against the tree with his legs spread not only busted his ball sack, but knocked him unconscious. I cut him down; he laid lifeless on the ground, bleeding. I cut a sharp switch to whip his busted balls until the skin was shredded. Then I sharpened a stone on a stone, like the cavemen did, to cut his cock off too. Funny, that woke him up better than ammonia. I made him watch as I sawed his pecker off with a sharp stone. He had broken bones, a serious head wound, busted balls and now was dickless. I shoved his severed cheating pecker in his mouth and wrote “cheater” on his dick and forehead with his own blood and left him to die in the woods. How does that Carrie Underwood song go? Oh yeah, “Maybe next time he’ll think before he cheats.”

Nurse Ivy

Medical fetish phone sex

I have always wanted to be a nurse. Maybe its seeing people in pain and even causing pain that draws me to it. Sticking people with needles, shoving tubes into people’s urethra’s. Fuck yes sign me up! I also like the idea of maybe forcing a patient to fuck me. Like one who is in a full body cast. Cut a hole out for his dick and sit down on it. Ride him till I feel his bones break again. Fuck thinking about it makes my pussy drip. I could go to pass out pain pills and just keep them for myself. Watch my patient sit there in horrible pain. I would love to fucking watch people suffer and slowly slip away. Maybe clamp off some oxygen to someone. Watch them turn blue and struggle to fucking breath. All of these people are worthless and one less body on this earth is what we really need.