Category: Medical fetish phone sex

The Fecal Matter Transplant

 taboo phone sex Geneva scat

I have been severely constipated for over a week now and my Master has come to me with an option to relieve me. I am not big on taking pills and fiber supplements are so harsh on my system. Besides much of the stuff is full of icky crap that makes me want to hurl. Master has brought a young vibrant female over to assist us. Evidently, this solution is going to be really shitty.

Taboo phone sex Geneva-scato

I want to keep an open mind but the strange array of items Master has brought over has me perplexed to say the least! He told me to clean and bleach the bathroom really good. He carries in a plastic tool like chest into the bathroom and sets up a few towels on the counter. He pulls a blender out, an enema bag, face masks (those medical kind), gloves, and some other items. Taking a package of wipes out that are witch hazel and alcohol he hands them to our assistant, Kelly. He tells her to be sure to wipe before and after, as he hands her a fairly large sanitized sealed sample cup. This has me really confused. She disappears into the bathroom for a good ten minutes.

Kelly emerges from the bathroom informing Master the specimen is on the counter. Master goes into the bathroom and calls to Kelly to bring him the distilled water. She carries a gallon of water into the bathroom and I hear the blender whirling for a good five minutes. He sends Kelly back out to grab a floor pillow of which is secured in a plastic fabric medical type encasement. I hear some shuffling in the bathroom and Kelly comes out with a mask over her nose and mouth, some sterile gloves on and only a white lab jacket and white panties on.

We’re ready for you Geneva, please disrobe as she assists me. Leading my naked self into the bathroom I am told to kneel on the cushion. “well Geneva” Master is now speaking, “we have a special treat for you and this should restore your ability to have normal bowel movements again”. “Please put your chest flat to the cushion, your rear up and spread your knees apart”. Kelly assists me as Master is wearing a white lab coat sterile gloves, a mask and  I see an enema bag hanging on the shower rod.

Kelly leans over me with her pert little titties erect against her jacket that is completely open. She puts both hands on my ass spreading my cheeks as I feel  a cold glob rubbed over my anal hole. She continues to hold my cheeks apart as I feel Masters gloved finger slide inside my ass. He then pushes a plastic applicator in me as Kelly reaches under and rubs my clit.  Master starts telling me to just relax, I may feel some mild cramping and a little pressure initially but it will pass. Kelly rubs my clit and work s a finger then two inside my pussy as I feel this warmth start to flow in me.

Geneva we are giving you a fecal matter transplant enema from Kelly’s kind donation. Her fecal and blood has been tested thoroughly and she has a very healthy colony of good bacteria of which will assist in your bowel movements. Don’t worry Geneva the shit Kelly has donated has been pureed in the blender with distilled water. The transplant is completely safe and will greatly promote your ability to poop again.

Kelly continues to rub my pussy and finger me as I take the shit enema. Kelly is a good accomplice isn’t she Geneva? She has you feeling good and relaxed doesn’t she? Master asks me as I feel him remove the applicator, and I start relaxing believing it is done. Then I feel Masters fat cock slide inside as Kelly now works her hand in my cunt. They penetrate both holes stretching them and I cringe and tighten as I feel the shit is going to burst out of my ass as I start cumming all over Kelly’s hand. Master pulls his cock out and pushes a plug in my ass. He helps me up and to the toilet as he reaches under to remove the plug…


Taboo Phone sex Geneva en

Crimson Part 4


   The screams of fear are far sweeter than any other sound; the primal noise ripping through the throat and reaching a volume one could never believe could be coming out of their own body is simple delightful. I almost felt bad to the poor girl suffering at my hands… almost. The blood slowly blossoming on her white dress looked like a beautifully twisted work of art. I took my finger and captured some of the crimson blood and painted my lips with the vibrant color. She was pleading for me to release her, telling me that she would do anything and pay anything for me to let her leave and go home to see her mother and father. Oh if this little cunt only knew… I placed the scalpel down of a surgical tray and picked up a pair of tongs. Her eyes grew so wide it looked like they would pop out of their sockets! Oh, what pretty blue eyes she has… not for long though! As I dug the tongs into her right eye socket, crimson blood seeped from around the wound and down onto the metal bottom of the gurney… tonight will defiantly be worth the months of planning…

Crimson Part 3

   I sat watching the whore for over three hours… now that I had her I was beginning to wonder if my original plan was good enough. The hard part was over, I already had her in my dungeon and her friend had been so drunk that she probably would think that her friend disappearing was just a dream… until it’s too late that is. The little slut is starting to wake up. Perfect. Just in time too, I don’t like to start playing until my victim has fully understood that they are not leaving alive and true fear begins to set in. She starts by looking confused, an understandable reaction in my opinion, one moment she’s on walking home from an epic night of partying and the next the she knows she can’t move her limbs and she’s in a dark room. 

   I slowly rise myself out of the chair in the corner of the room and move into the dim light emanating from the surgical light above the gurney. I smirked and she frowned, looking confused for a moment until I raised my fingers into her line of sight. It wasn’t my hand that scared her but rather when was in my hand; a nice, shiny new scalpel. I slowly drug the flat side of the blade along her cheek and down the valley between her supple breasts… As I made the very first cut just above her stomach a bit of beautiful crimson blood blossomed like an elegant rose on her white dress. I don’t know why she’s screaming… doesn’t she know no one can hear her in my soundproof stone dungeon?Taboophonesexmagenta22

Fun in the Tropics

  I love going on vacation so much… especially when that vacation takes me to places like South Africa and the Congo. I was doing some research on dengue hemorrhagic fever. It’s a deadly tropical disease caused by the Dengue virus. Because there is no commercial vaccine for the disease, and because there are so many variations of the virus I took the time to set up my own little lab in the Congo in order to play around with it. The characteristic symptoms of dengue are sudden-onset fever, headache (typically located behind the eyes), muscle and joint pains, and a rash. I was looking forward to taking some mosquitoes home with me as well. Dengue virus is primarily transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, particularly A. aegypti. These mosquitoes usually live between the latitudes of 35° North and 35° South below an elevation of 1,000 metres (3,300 ft). They typically bite during the day, particularly in the early morning and in the evening, but they are able to bite and thus spread infection at any time of day all during the year. Other Aedes species that transmit the disease include A. albopictus, A. polynesiensis and A. scutellaris. I had my work cut out for me, but it would be worth it when I get to see the looks of terror when I kidnap several pregnant women and make them kill each other in an attempt to save their unborn brats…Taboo phone sex Magenta111

Dysfunctional Slut

Taboo Phone Sex Geneva dysfunct

Sitting at the bar getting blitzed from guys buying me drinks all night. I began to feel a little weird and it wasn’t from the alcohol. I started asking the bartender to call me a cab as I couldn’t conceivably do so myself. Everything was becoming distorted and I had a sudden warmth fill my veins. I sat there and started feeling light headed with the inability to feel my legs. That was the last part of awareness I had.

I recall vaguely a couple of guys walking me out and got me in a car. I was out. Two of the guys that were feeding me drinks all night had slipped a rufi in my drink. The bartender  undoubtedly was part of this whole scheme. The three guys had me back at some warehouse loft that resembled a fetish dungeon. They had stripped me down leaving my stockings on me and had bound me to a sort of dental chair.

Taboo phone sex Geneva dyslut

My captors had my ankles cuffed in and my wrists cuffed on the armrests. They had opened my mouth and put a dental instrument  in my mouth to hold it open. My legs were parted and they had reclined the chair where my head was lower than my legs. As I was out they took turns pissing in my mouth and all over my breasts. They also took turns defiling my body as I had no ability to fend them off, resist or protest. As they took turns fucking me in my pussy and filling me up with cum they were video taping it all. 

I awoke in the same position my mouth held open and filled with urine. My pussy felt as if I was fucked by a football team and they all came inside of me. I tried moving but was still cuffed to the dental chair. There was a bright overhead dental type light glaring down at me. I felt overcome with panic and passed out from shock. In this period I was left for near dead as I was choking and drowning in their bodily fluids they defiled me with.

 Taboo Phone Sex Geneva Slut

Such soft skin…


We make the perfect pair; the most dynamic duo this world has ever seen! Your charming good looks draw those poor, ignorant sluts in and by the time the sun rises we’re dancing among the crimson stained dungeon walls. I have no problem waiting for you to bring them back to me, I know how much the chase excites you. I can see the excitement in your eyes as you drag the little whore by her arms into the last space she’ll ever see. I can’t help but start to feel wet as you secure her to the metal exam table in the middle of our little sanctum. Poor thing; she has no idea that no one will ever hear her screams through the soundproof walls. Why don’t you sit back and watch; you worked so hard to acquire the little tramp and you deserve spectacular show for all your hard work and planning. The excitement in your eyes grows as I slowly take a scalpel from the instrument tray and begin to slice the girls smooth, flat stomach… Her skin is so soft that my scalpel glides through it like soft, warm butter. I would love to hear your thoughts on our latest little specimen, we have as long as we want with her after all.

A Sadist’s Home Movie

Mutilation phone sex.jpg

We wanted to make a film, one that we could enjoy…and one that we could send to our next victims; we thought it’d be the perfect cruel joke. It was all set-up.

The little heathen was still screaming for her mommy; it would’ve been funny if I wasn’t growing tired of it. My accomplice was torturing the stupid, young pink ball of flesh while I was sharpening my saw. The girl’s mother was on my table, completely bound; and, I had made the good decision to gag her. She was crying, though, for her little spawn that was being stretched and carved like a Halloween pumpkin.

I dug the teeth of the saw into the woman’s flesh, just enough to imprint the edges; then, I pressed down, the faintest little trickle of blood falling down her forearm and wrist. She yelped with the gag in her mouth; I always enjoy those first few cuts while they are cognizant. It only slightly burned, but she knew that was only the beginning. I patiently sawed through tissue and bone above her right knee; it wouldn’t be a fatal wound and I didn’t want it to be. The sinew and corpuscles were completely visible as the dead leg hit the floor. She wasn’t thinking about her daughter anymore; isn’t it funny how our attention can change at the drop of a pin!

I was happy that the daughter had quit screaming; I looked once more and saw my accomplice shoving his cock into the hole where her small little nipple had been. Returning my attention to my victim, I sliced off her fingers, one by one, with the hedge trimmers. Then, I completed my tasks by removing her other limbs the same as I had done her right leg. She was a stub of a person, now. I untied her and threw her on the ground near the door. I taunted her, “Run, run. This is your chance.” I laughed as she continually fell and struggled.

Finally, when she had given up, I raised her by the hair and slashed her throat, making sure that the camera caught a close-up of her face. Yes, I would watch that over and over again later. The smell of death permeated the room; my accomplice and I were pleased with ourselves. We stuffed the bodies into a garbage can that we’d leave outside of the local daycare.

malum medicum

If you’ve ever seen the bone chilling German horror film Anatomie (2000), you know just how fun playing Doctor can be. I was so inspired by this cinematic masterpiece, I decided to fuck up a bitch to honor it. For the surgical suture I had planned, my thread was chosen carefully. Black, strong, medical-grade sewing thread. I was going to disinfect it but decided against it. Dipping it in alcohol would prevent infection during a real surgery…but this was just an innocent game…make-believe play.

I belted my torture pet in and strapped her to the gurney while the chloroform was still swimming in her nostrils. The girl was precious: raven black hair, long and braided evenly on both sides. Unmarred, tanned skin without markings or blemishes. I couldn’t wait to spill her blood and ruin her holes as an outlet for my never-ending rage. I wanted to split her very being open and pull out her organs, fondle her heart & twist her own digestive track around her neck like a pretty little scarf. Take her apart from the inside out and sew her back up again.

She was naked, bared to my sight and exposed before me. A puff of black pubic hair between her legs. Delicate, pinkish nipples and soft skin everywhere. Stretched out, spread eagle, I fingered her limbs and cackled with glee. So happy to be ruining such a beautiful creation of God’s. While I loath them entirely, I do enjoy destroying them. My hand reached for a scalpel and pressed into her sensitive flesh as I sliced through her left tit. Such a glorious spillage of fat globules and an interesting pool of a substance I can only liken to phlegm gushed out. I leant down and lapped it up like a starved animal. Tasting my victims is my favorite part of the job. She began to stir and I knew that she was waking up. Perfect. My wolfish grin was dangerous and sharp as I stared down at her. She began to moan softly as the pain hit her–that pain she’d escaped while unconscious. “Hello,” I greeted her capriciously as she blinked awake. “The two of us are gonna have a lot of fun together.”

School Nurse

Medical fetish phone sexAll the shits are out of school.  I think summer vacation for the masses is a severe detriment to the education of the young.  There is nothing more irritating then to arrive some place only to find screaming snot machines with their Parents.  Family day they call it.  I call it a nuisance.  They should be in some sort of state run educational program instead.  Perhaps that way they will have a better grasp on what to expect from life, and actually make something of themselves besides fat. 

I would love to be the School Nurse at a state ran mandatory educational institution.  If they didn’t shut up in class, showed lack of attention or manners then they would be sent to me.  Mandatory cavity searches at the start of each day would be administered with as much care as one would give to a gutter whore.  If they refused, then an enema would be administered until they expunged what ever it is that they were trying to hide. 

If they became injured then I would mend them.  If stitches were needed, then they would feel the needle pierce their tender flesh as the cat gut was crisscrossed to close up their wounds.  No anesthetic needed, it is too expensive and they had not earned it.  If they perhaps dislocated a limb, then I would yank the appendage out and re-adjust it so that it would slip back into the socket.  Imagine what type of people they would be if they were to Graduate from this type of environment.  No more thinking the world owes them something, no more being spoiled by stupid parents.  They would be educated, strong and I am sure they would always remember their school nurse Sin.

Freak show human doll annihilation

Gothic phone sex Jezabel5

We sold tickets and rented a pavilion to showcase our creation.  Our theatrical stage was perfect and we paraded the demented young monster-girl around the room, allowing anyone to prod, kick, or fuck her before strapping her to a table.  She did not even look human with her warped figure, large breasts and ass, relocated nipples, and asymmetrical limbs.  First, we made her watch porn of young ones who were beautiful, getting fucked liked like she never would…living a happy life that she never could.  She cried as the audience laughed and gawked at her.

Now was the time for me to give my surprise to my accomplice: I picked up an electric sander and grinned.  Gently moving it toward her cunt, the audience was instantaneously excited.  I pressed the unforgiving machine against her fragile clit…and then fiercely.  The freak screamed as blood jutted forth.  I caught glimpses of my partner’s approval while I continued to mutilate our creation.

Next, my partner chose a drill to gauge out her eyes.  The blood was gorgeous, and all that was left were sockets.  He paused and pissed in those red holes as our monster continued to snarl, unable to speak because we had constructed her mouth to stay wide open at all times.

I used my favorite knife to carve messages in her skin, such as “It’s all your fault” and “Ugly whore-freak.”  My partner enjoyed this touch of sadism and laughed.  He plunged his thick, erect cock down her throat; and we could see it move beneath the skin.  I took a stick and shoved it ruthlessly up her asshole, tearing at the tender flesh.

Her sores were beginning to ooze infection as we continued.  We encouraged any of our audience members to piss, fuck, or defecate on her sores.  I took great enjoyment when one of the participants slid his dick inside of the wound on her chest, where her nipple was barely attached.

Finally, it was time: I crawled on top of the table, slit the freak’s throat.  She began to make those beautiful gargling sounds with blood…and my accomplice fucked the slice on her throat until her head, barely attached, rolled to the ground.  We cut her limbs up and served them to our audience to do as they chose.